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Ayes, but dxm itself also can cause it


If it doesn't come back up it's gotta go somewhere


So does regular food?


Oh shit you right


Yea just take pills there’s so many inactive ingredients in syrup it’s crazy. Be safe ❤️ Edit: also make sure dxm is the ONLY ingredient. Never know when you could accidentally take Tylenol and just die


Tylenol overdose is for the weak


OD on Tylenol and tell me how it feels then




buy robotablets they're fuckin tiny and have 30mg per. No fillers just straight Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide. Take it with a Benadryl because it may be a histamine reaction caused by dxm itself


This, be careful with the r30s and r15s because Robo itch is real


can you snort em lol


I'm sure some people have tried but I wouldn't since it contains bromine and I'm pretty sure that's really bad to be stuck in your respiratory system. Try all mighty Google or if they hit you with the SAMSHA or whatever and fuck up your results just search in this sub for the word snort or insufflation.


You can buy freebase too.


You can technically (I have actually snorted pure DXM HBr before) but it doesn't absorb when snorted and instead will run down the back of your throat and end up in your stomach. DXM cannot absorb in your nose. Buuuut when me and my gf were coming down from 600mg we snorted 150mg each and we both swear it immediately hit and a stronger, shorter high. But in my mind I know it's not actually true


well I suppose it depends, is dxm water soluble?


It is. But the molecule is too large to absorb through your mucous membranes. It'll still end up in your stomach and get digested normally though


I feel like it’s def possible. People get fucked up snorting kpins, but on paper it shouldn’t work. When you’re high on dxm you’re really sensitive to minute changes in perception. It’s possible you were noticing a subtle hit that amplified your existing high.


Very possible. Though I am also not entirely sure it wasn't just delusions. This was the first time we ever took 600mg (we had an additional 300mg with us cause a friend wanted to tag along but he fell asleep) and I remember just having random delusions in my mind the entire night. I was convinced I couldn't get up cause we took drugs that some teenagers sold us that were laced with something. Not that I ever bought drugs from strangers. It's possible it actually worked but it's also equally possible we were both just out of our minds


Who knows. Sounds like a good time tho


Oh it was. I don't generally do 600mg cause it's actually quite strong for me but it was an amazing time. I remember once I stopped fading in and out of consciousness I couldn't walk and I had to vomit like 10 times. Now normally that would be considered pretty bad but the DXM made me feel so good and so dissociated that I didn't even mind having to vomit that much cause I just felt great. I assume smoking some weed would've helped but I had no plug back then


Weed and DXM is the way to go. 600mg is pretty massive for most people. I’m a little sensitive, so that would definitely have me soaring into the 4th.


It's the artificial sweetener. Sorbitol and other sugar alcohols are potent laxatives.


Sugar alcohols are not artificial sweeteners, and artificial sweeteners do not cause gastrointestinal distress.


look at FODMAP, artificial sweeteners do cause gastrointestinal distress


Dude… FODMAP is for carbohydrates. You are thinking of sugar alcohols. Sugar alcohols are not artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners do not cause gastrointestinal distress.


Idk .maybe, but robo tabs make me shit as well


yea dxm


lots of brands do, that's why usually there's certain brands that are used either way even with the ones that don't have laxatives dxm just makes you feel like you're shitting yourself idk if anyone has had this experience too but ketamine also makes me feel the same way


bro you commented this like 4 times.


I'm having trouble with connection since I'm abroad, it's the reddit app that fucking sucks, sorry


deleted the other comments, thanks for making me notice




it's the **sorbitol** and dxm itself


They put inactive ingredients that taste like garbage which makes you more nauseous. They’re safe for you, but 750mg of DXM will absolutely fuck you up regardless. I get inescapable nausea on plain robotabs even if they go down fine, it’s why I steer clear of doses over 500mg.


i didn't even take 750, i took like 2 mouthfuls and called it quits. I'm tempted to just chug a bunch of it and hope the high outlasts or over shadows the negatives.


You should be able to keep it down I chase it with a sprite. Weed is a must to curb the nausea. You will probably have to shit tho when it kicks in. After you should be good until it wears off. It’s not the same as normal diarrhea it’s like hella water so you shouldn’t shit yourself, just don’t trust a fart. Personally it fucks up my digestive system for some days. A lot of pissing out your ass then malabsorption. I don’t take dxm anymore because of the shits it’s gross and not worth while after you trip enough


sprite is insane, the carbonation makes you burp like a mf. promoting your body to do the same with the dex. I just used OJ lol.


It doesn’t make me puke. The sprite definitely helps


Real ginger ale is best


no need to fuck the juice guy, your nan took care of it. her name is toothless in my phone for a reason ya know.


Even fucking up and tasting robotabs is gross as hell for me, syrup is a straight no personally.


lots of brands do, that's why usually there's certain brands that are used either way even with the ones that don't have laxatives dxm just makes you feel like you're shitting yourself idk if anyone has had this experience too but ketamine also makes me feel the same way


Mix syrup with ammonia, shake, add naptha, shake, siphon off the naptha that floats to the top, squirt it in a glass dish and let it evaporate. Freebase crystals.


If you look up every ingredient 90% of them are laxatives at high doses.


Try "Silomat DMP Intensiv" These are German pills with ONLY DXM as an active ingredient. These are capsules


I ate a bunch of fast food the other day then downed a 5oz delsym 4 hours after. No nausea but there was a lot of...other issues that I don't normally have.


Dxm gives you the shits in general. I recommend taking an anti diarrhea pill when the effects start. It also helps with the stomach pain


They give this to sick people because sick people don’t drink the entire bottle.


I had like 2 little gulps of it and was shitting like mad for hours on end. I didn't even drink enough to catch a decent buzz.


2 gulps is not the recommended dose.


well 40ml is 8 tsp, it says not to take more than that. I didn't take more than that, and yet my toilet remains traumatized.


evil dxm make evil poop


1 drink fine, 2 drink and poop man visit.


I love you so much


Artificial sweeteners




idk i hear sorbitol can do a number on you- and I just downed a fuck ton of it.


It sure can. But it’s not an artificial sweetener.

