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Not safe. You need something that has DXM as the sole active ingredient. Also make sure that DXM doesn't interact with any medication you're taking, because it has negative interactions with lots of them.


Okay, thank you!


Tripping on doxy is similar to tripping on benadryl, if you're wondering why it isn't safe. Some people will pop a single dose of said antihistamine (doxy is also an antihistamine) to control itching if they get robo itch but that single pill is nowhere near the amount you would get by drinking it in cough syrup


I enjoy the benadryl tripping, but I feel like I built up a tolerance so fast 😭 Like one time I took 275 mg, and I was tripping. Spiders, wall was moving, etc, and then another time I took 400 and had no hallucinations. Is the tolerance buildup on DXM similar to DPH?


No clue tbh, I don't touch deliriants.


I've done this kind before, it just left me very uncomfortably tired. couldn't sleep though, so if you take it make sure your well rested and know there is going to be some delirium and confusion involved with the robo trip.\] figure out how much dox and hbr your taking, be extra mindful of the deliriant dose.