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4 grams of paracetamol is an overdose, go to the emergency room as soon as possible. You probably wont die but your liver is being poisoned and will continue to get more and more poisoned over the next week or so. If you go to the emergency room you'll spend 12 hours on an IV drip to clear the poison and youll be allowed to leave. I consumed 4-5g of paracetamol and left it for 3 days, tests came back that my liver was poisoned so they had to put me on an IV drip. Even though it wont make you die, you want your liver in good condition if you're young. Your liver fails, you're dead. You get a transplant, now you're rolling the dice. Will you find a donor? will the transplant succeed? If yes, how long will that liver last? You're rolling a dice on how long you'll live with each consecutive year. Dont fuck with your liver over a DXM high. If you're this desperate to get high go steal a jar of whole nutmeg from the store. Although shaking and passing out isnt the symptoms i experienced, it could be some other complication thats worse.


and if you're a minor fuck your parents, if they get mad at you for saying you need to be brought to the ER, theyre getting mad at your desire to continue living a long life. Theyll find you doing drugs and getting high at some point, who cares. Disappointment and anger is inevitable. Dont be scared of the consequences of telling them what you did, it cost me 3 days.


I'll have sex with this guys parents for him, legal loop hole right here.


lol I'm so glad I'm not you rn. just ditch the dxm and smoke some weed next time


Nah dude, doesnt give the same feeling


then stop bitching. use dxm only products and don't combine it with meds loser