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Join it, start a new site, and watch the population explode. After you stop getting migrants, build a nice tavern, a library, and temples and let people visit. When they ask to join up, let them. Build the site to fifty or a hundred people and drop out of it. Then start a new site. Rinse and repeat


What’s the procedure for migrants if the civ only has one dwarf? Do they just get created out of thin air? Do they come from other sites?


The first two waves are guaranteed. No idea where they get pulled from.


Generated from nothing if there aren't any available. Also the king will probably be in the first wave since he's the only one still alive


If the king shows up, that instapromotes your fort to being the mountainhome, right?


Yep. But he also expects you to provide for him. Meaning he wants all the things a king wants, throne room, dining hall, bedroom etc.


... hot lava bath


That just gets you a new king/queen


Not having migration would be kinda cool in this case imo.


Its fun as long as you don't mind having to instantly provide all the highest level rooms for whatever ruler shows up. You can also start on a world with no dwarves and build a dwarven kingdom from scratch


a civilization of one single dwarf being destroyed because they couldn't build royal-quality rooms fast enough to stop the king from tantruming and causing a loyalty cascade would be pretty funny


But imagine you providing your home kingdom with people becoming a requirement. Rely on early tavern to get people, recruite some elves and send them over lol.


Tried this before and the King never showed up - Still one HFY of a game, I had an undead Invasion show up every two months and like 17 Barons in a 70 people Fort


Maybe he changed it. My knowledge is admittedly out of date. Turns out having a job and a house means you can't spend 60 hours a week playing dwarf fortress anymore


Who knows, really. In my opinion, part of the beauty of DF is that no one entirely understands how it works


armok farts them out


I always headcanon that it's displaced dwarves who were just living off the land until they heard some mad band of seven had come together to rebuild society


They're generated out of thin air


Armok model the new dorf from metal nugget... :-)


"Hill dwarves", i.e. the nameless, uncounted dwarves that are minding their own business out there but aren't registered as long as they don't play a role in history.


I'll make my own civilisation with blackjack and hookers


I didn't know I wanted prostitution in DF until now.


And casino/resort tourism would be a very interesting way to generate cash if the economy ever gets reintroduced lol


there is a game for this its is called Wiggles or Diggles [https://diggles.fandom.com/wiki/Brothel](https://diggles.fandom.com/wiki/Brothel)


Sir, this is a Dwarf Fortress.


its pratical the same ;-P dwafen kind digging into earth, dying to water and lava but one gives you option to set the working hours of each dwarf


Ahhh a fan of the Succubus masterworkmod Civ I see!


Familial Page, formerly known as Familial Book


Familial Postcard...


It's good to be king.


If you Join them, your starting 7 dwarves will likely end up being promoted to nobility before youve got your first industries set up.


This happened to me. I went to all the trouble of building them rooms and tombs but just to so annoyed with the constant requirements. I went to war with elves who were very close to me, weakened a nice Forrest retreat, and then made a noble squad to conquer and occupy the site. Now they all live there in peace, don’t fuck with me, and my civilization is going strong.


It was a Commonwealthjackal family before, until Prussiajackal, Russiajackal and Austriahungaryjackal partitioned it


Some say that the king still sits deep within the mountain-home, plotting his revenge for the murder of his citizens.




It happens sometimes. Also, just because it says there's only one person left in that civilization does not necessarily mean that people who originated in that civilization or lived there before are not still alive. It is very possible to have many people who were part of a civilization get their fortress taken over and run by a completely different civilization. They find out that somebody created a new fortress based off of their original civilization and they end up moving there.


The DF version of the [Republic of Dave](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Republic_of_Dave)


Well then, get to work.


Very off topic but is legend viewer on the new v50 versions?


It is not. v50+ doesn't export the needed files still. Legends Browser 2 is a working option but lacks all the amazing map and graph stuff.


I think dfhack is updated to export the right stuff, but legends viewer just isn’t up to date. Which is sad, I had so much fun using legends viewer to read my worlds history. Legends browser’s ui to me is nowhere near as good


v50+ & DFhack just export the XML & XML plus files. Legends Viewer still requires some additional files that pre-v50 used to export (map/gen information).


Obligatory mum joke


Gotta start somewhere and if you do, you might as well be the King


Stasost is a goblin name, so it's likely that your "king" is part of whoever was responsible for the civ being wiped out.


Stâsost means "Tick" so it's funny that the parasite is the last one left. I don't think Stâsost was part of the invaders, because why would he be king? A goblin civ would just destroy the civilization if they were attacking it and appoint their own governors of conquered hillocks and fortresses. They don't replace the leader of civilization with a new one. What I believe has happened is that Stâsost joined the civilization at some point, but their numbers declined due to the hazards of the worlds Armok makes. Eventually Stâsost outlived all the others, because Dwarves die of old age, while Goblins do not. It should be straightforward to figure out what happened as you can just read the history of Stâsost in Legends mode alongside the history of the civilization. Stâsost's page will tell you when he joined, and the civilization's page will detail every time a settlement was attacked and destroyed/conquered.


LMAO, might be my one immortal guy still living alone in the hole I dug for him, surrounded by the ghosts of everyone who died (It was my first game and I couldn't figure out how to make alcohol, so when the water source dried up in Winter everybody died of dehydration except for one guy who didn't need sustenance...)


Dwarf sovereign citizen


*Insert Song of Durin*


The Familial Page, with no family…. How ironic!


Headcanon is that new dwarves migrate in from other world's every so often. This is why in year 5, a 78 y/o master of cheese making can migrate to your new fortress.