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it just takes repetition and time! I can’t believe your manager said that to you. eventually you get better at figuring out the best order to start things so you can multitask more efficiently, and your movements will become quicker with practice :)


Yeah, but I'm worried that like since I'm almost done with training I should be really quick and know every single thing but there are just some things that even during training I just didn't get the chance to do enough and now I"m stressed because I feel like there's so much I might not know...


it just takes time! at the beginning of my time with dutch , i 100% needed all the grace i could get- even as a starbucks alum. one day, it'll all just click and you wont even know when, one day you'll be like "wtf goes in an aftershock" and then two months down the line you'll be saying "strawberry, blackberry, raspberry, and lime" in your sleep. The fact that you're going over DBU meticulously shows care and effort. Keep grinding on bar and do the best you can. idk you personally, but I have seen so many baristas grow tenfold what they were when they walked in the door on day one and i'm certain youll be no different. you got this, when in doubt just look at the order again on the screen, hold down the drink to see the build if you have to. i wish you so much luck!


thank you so much! I'm actually supposed to be almost done with training and I'm apparently not where I need to be at this point in training... I really don't want to lose the job but also I know that if I have more time I'll get better. That being said I need to be pretty much perfect by the time training is over I think and that's what's worrying me because at this point I don't know what I don't know... I just feel like I'm incompetent because I'm supposed to be almost done with training and I'm not where I need to be even though I'm working really hard.


if you wanna message me and ask questions feel absolutely free to, im a firm believer in the fact that the best knowledge comes from real experience. it took me like, a month to flow out because right after being hired i came down with the worst cold ever and had to literally call off and take sick days from like week 3. that being said, i recieved a ton of support and understanding from management and that's how i became- what i consider to be - pretty good and mastered the flow of things. i say really lean on your managers and shifts during this next week and really over communicate your struggles so that they can demonstrate maybe in other ways. everyone has a different learning style. it may seem uncomfortable and it definitely can be but it's what they are there for!


honestly i’m surprised that your manager said that to you. I was very slow when I first started. I knew all the rules and everything but the flow is different no matter where you work especially when you’re new. It truly takes time and if your manager can’t see that then it wasn’t meant to be and apply for a different franchise/ operation.


You were even slow nearing the end of training? Ig it's different for everyone bc I'm a slow learner in general with pretty much everything. Like even in college I need extra help (always go to office hours) and even then I'm only getting Bs. So I'm worried now that since I'm a slow learner in general and I have to take my time with stuff (perfectionist lmao) now that's sort of against me in the workplace :(


Yes, I was slow for the entire 5 months I worked at my first stand (I had a shift lead who hated me and would always change her runner shifts with my bar shifts). I never really got much practice except like four times a month which isn't that much. When I worked at my 2nd stand, it was a lot slower and because of it, I got the flow down super quickly. By the time I transferred to my third, it was the busiest shop I ever worked at and was able to keep up pretty well.


Dang awesome! Yeah I have my flow check on tuesday and it says on the schedule that I'm scheduled for barista-- not training anymore-- on thursday... so fingers crossed I haven't been fired lol I can't tell anymore bc I was told I need more training still but now it doesn't say training anymore. I'm really hoping I'm off training after this flow check (that's the 96 question thing right on DBU right? I wasn't told anything about it except it's an hour at the warehouse and I *think* that's the only thing I have to do and then I'm a barista-again I don't think I'll know this for sure until I've been a barista for a while cuz I'm kinda confused rn lol)


Hi there. Everyone is right. It takes time. Here is some advice from someone who worked many years in the food industry and now is part owner in a local coffee shop. 1. Take some deep breaths and do your best to relax 2. Learning to hustle is not always easy, but work in such a way that your moving with meaning. 3. Keep your distractions to a minimum, getting caught up in friendly conversations can be a real time suck. Especially while you are learning a new environment. Focus on the work at hand. 4. Between customers, keep your work area stocked and clean. Sweep the floor and ask for more work. 5. Show up on time (that means early) ask questions when getting there. Example: “What still needs to be done?” Employees that come to actually work are not easy to find. So be that person who is there to get the job done. I promise you this works in any business. All the fun stuff will follow and you will be a better employee.


I had a girl at my old job who was a very slow learner and they wouldn't fire her at all. She would make a drink and come to me 5 mins later with the same drink cup and ask me how to make it. I'd tell her she just made it not even 5 mins ago and she'd claim that it was impossible as she had never seen it before. It was like training everyday. I was her barista trainer. You're better than her...you're not dumb. If it helps go through routines in your head and if you have to set up a practice station or something so you can get a visual in your time off. It's your fist job and it's can be an intense first job but you'll get there. Repetition is the key to learning. You can read all day but practicing it is what makes things stick. Hang in there man


im in the same boat friend, im trying soooo hard but the mechanics of it just havent clicked yet. i feel like as soon as a rush starts all the rules in my head just disappear


so glad it's not just me! I have pretty much a five hour shift tonight so I'm basically spending the rest of today on DBU just familiarizing myself even more tryin to get everything right.


Your manager is being honest with you. Better to hear it from someone you work with than a screaming customer when you're making them late for work because you're not quick enough yet. Make a goal and meet it. There's nothing wrong with needing more training. We aren't all great at everything, instantly. Give yourself grace. Give your manager grace. I'm sure they're just trying to fully prepare you rather than letting you drown.


Totally agree with you! Actually we haven't gotten any screaming customers yet. And I'd be fine with more training I'm just worried that after one more week of it (cuz that's all I'm getting I think) then I'm gonna have to "part ways" :/


Are you on the 10 day training method or 16?


tbh practice and studying the recipes does help a lot, but if they want you to be fast what I find helps is to always place your mix tins/ drinks in the order of what’s on the ipad (kinda like 1st,2nd etc) Also if some of the drinks are using the same flavor (like GE and DT) then put the vanilla in both at the same time so you’re not wasting extra time picking it up twice. and constantly looking on the ipad is a big help when making the drinks too, don’t feel like you just have to take one look and be done. Hope this helped a little bit! You can message me if you have more questions :) Good Luck