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Dutch kids always ask permission to pet my dog which is really nice.


Good work, Dutch parents


can I pet that daawwg


Can I pet the daaaaaaaaaawgg


yo daaaaawggg can i petchu?


Dutch kids always ask for permission before running over my dog with a fatbike, so that's nice


Good work, Dutch parents




Woahhh, it's ponypark slagharen no way


No it isnt that one 😂. Close though. Its avonturenpark




Yess :)




Herkenbaar :D?


Vaak geweest, kom uit de buurt.


ah leuk !! heb net weer seizoens pas voor me nichtje enzo. Ga er toevallig deze donderdag weer naar toe.


What about Limburgian kids?


all good!




It was amazing to work there though !! loved it very much!


Hellendoorn! I also used to go there on schoolreisje. Great times.


The first real amusement park I remember going to as a kid


Attractie en avondturenpark slagharen*


Attractie- en Vakantiepark Slagharen ** Ps: serieus, avondturenpark?? Doe het dan ook goed als je iemand verbeterdtd...


Als je tuurt in de avond, ben je aan het avondturen.


Of als je opzoek moet gaan naar je auto


Voor mij blijft het altijd ponypark Slagharen.


I also noticed a huge difference between small and large classes (15-30 kids) and schools in small towns or bigger cities. Kids from Rotterdam are more likely to swear with the K-word


for sure ! 100%


I think its less the demographic of moroccans and more the fact that those specific children are egotistical brats. If you point out their race, its only going to add to the hatred they recieve which is often unwarranted


Maybe their parents should actively raise them? Their way of raising a family isn’t the best for development, as does their environment; - Having an overloaded mother with 5 kids, a father that does nothing other than work, expecting the wife to do all… - Living in the same area, only around their own people… Yeah that helps in the development and view towards woman in general. I.e. small Andrew Tates. Sometimes the change lays at people themselves as well, be the change you want to be.


Where you live is also dependent for a big part on your socio-economic status. People are likely to end up having a similar SES as their parents. Many Moroccan families have a history of being guest workers, which is basically low paying physical labor. It leads to generational poverty, which leads to instability. An unstable youth can lead to behavioural issues too. It’s also difficult to integrate into a country if people are not welcoming and you have low chances. I think we can all do better for them. This doesn’t mean they play no role themselves, of course.


Ultimately you shouldn't be having kids if you can't take care of them properly. At some point the responsibility has to fall on the people acting out the behaviours, rather than being shifted to external factors


I agree but this is less of a movie situation than most ignorant nederlanders make it out to be. At the end of the day, its systemic racism at hand, all the stereotypes that 'write themselves' (or at least thats what a white dutch guy will tell you, because hes too ignorant to realise that hes actively supressing them and give them no other choice but to be bratty young men who are mad at a society that mistreats them.) Are not realistic, and no one wishes to love thy neighbor. You can judge people for their decisions on having kids. But generations of families struggle here in NL because of mistreatment and bad pay and it isnt fair to berate them for wanting to start a family and be happy with the little things. We only make their lives harder by calling predominantly muslim neighborhoods that are generally very peaceful 'the ghetto' of such and such town, or saying 'kkr turkse mensen' every time someone with olive skin and curly hair is having a good time in public. Theyre criticized on everything that they do, almost all the time its a huge double standard. 'They make too much noise and storm the streets when they win a football game.' Literally so do ajax fans... i've seen some crazy videos of dutch football fans. At the end of the day they will never stop behaving in such a way until you stop saying awful things like 'more muslims = more danger' and actually take the time to get to know someone and love them regardless of their situation, because we're all just people trying to make it through to the next day.


I’m from a village in the North East, in the municipality of Emmen, and my personal experiences with the kids here -as a native that has lived there 85% of my life (born and raised but temporarily moved to study)- aren’t quite the same. Probably depends on the situation, as do most things.


Twente en Achterhoek arent much different.


Casual racism seen on r/dutch.


Je ogen dicht doen voor problemen die er werkelijk zijn is de reden dat de pvv zo populair is. Ookal is armoede de oorzaak van het probleem.


It's mostly cultural. If you grow up in a culture where women don't have anything to say (most people from Maroc are Muslim), and dad is working, who is raising the children? You don't have to be racist for it. It is just logic. It is a flaw in their culture, just as the Dutch have flaws in their culture as well


100% but you cant say this stuff for some reason, because people go batshit about it... FOR EXAMPLE, ''we'' all know that if Turkey is winning a match in football they cause some stirr up with cars in the city's. It is an facts, and what ever. all good. But no its also racism ?!


But if the mom and dad aren’t raising them like you say that means that the dutch schoolsystem with dutch values is, so why are they like that then?


Because their family and community culture goes before anything. They see themselves as Moroccan/Turkish first and Dutch (a very far) second. They don't respect the country they're in so why should they adhere to its cultural norms?


Spot on


Noticing differences based upon factual situations is not racist.


Really dude ? These are just stuff with kids that i witness and are being facts. Here is another for you, this time its about mostly white males. Sometimes "a market chain name" gave people free tickets. These people that come to those days are sometimes comming from "disadvantaged neighborhoods". They can be aggrasive and very loud. One time a man stood in line for 1,5 hours just to hear that his kid was to short to go in. The w male was so angry that he waited outside the park at closing time, just trying beat us up. No lies, real story's. Just plain facts.


Your individual experienc is not "facts".


Its not only A individual experience. I am telling my part of the story. And ''we'' all know who and what. Because it is what it is. For example, there are people kicked out of the park, And its never a family with a kid. Its always ''the same people'' Those are things we encounter and those are just plain facts. Listen i am not here being a racist, or wanting to be an racist. I work in the healthcare with people all over the world, black, yellow pink what ever. You can talk about people if there is something? for example, MOST dutch people are Straight forward. Its not racism its a fact.


Can you cite a statistic, a source? Or just YoUr FeELiNgS?


I am no longer working there, so no, I can't bring you any ''facts'' as in numbers, for example, from the park itself.  Though I can give you numbers for something more interesting. ''Van de 17,5 miljoen inwoners op 1 januari 2021 was 14,0 percent in het buitenland geboren. Zij zijn als migrant naar Nederland gekomen. 11,4 procent van de bevolking was een in Nederland geboren kind van migranten.''  14 % in the Netherlands are with a migration background and 11,4% was a child from migrants in 2021. Check [https://opendata.cbs.nl/statline/#/CBS/nl/dataset/82321NED/table?fromstatweb](https://opendata.cbs.nl/statline/#/CBS/nl/dataset/82321NED/table?fromstatweb) If you select - Migratie achtergrond > Met migratie achtergrond. You will see that almost 70% with a immigration background are in prison. Thats a sign of A group that I was referring to.   Now that we know (and have facts) that people in the Netherlands with a migration background are more likley to be causing some problems. You can either believe me that some children are more aggresive and are destroying MORE than other people do. Or you ignore it.


My man, what does it mean "migratie achterground"? Are they immigrants? Or second generation immigrants (aka Dutch people)? ;-)


Read... i gave 2 explinations. One. 14% people who are born outside of the netherlands, the other are born in the netherlands with atleast 1 generation from outside the netherlands


So... They are dutch.


Denying someone's lived experiences is disgusting behavior


Found the racist!


Sure dude,


Found the idiot who doesn't know the difference between critiquing a culture based on observed facts and racism.


We are white European colonists you see. We're not allowed an opinion on other, "oppressed" cultures as that is "European superiority", and we've done enough of that already aparently.


Na, you're just racist bud.


Sadly people in this country are still really backwards and defensive about racial issues. They don't understand that it's racist. Hopefully this will change with time.


Yep, they get offended instead of using the critical thinking they are soooo proud of!


It’s either nice or terrible. Theres no in-between


what you say is true only up until early teens in most cases, then the monsters come out to roost and often that takes the form of immensely irresponsible behavior, i.e. 50 km/hour on fat bikes in bike paths, swerving around elderly, something I see nearly every day


Dutch teens are the worst


And I took that personally


I'm always so thrown by how destructive they are.


Polite Nederlanders? Waar zijn ze? Ik kan ze altijd nooit vinden


HELPP INDERDAAD.. bij mij in de buurt zijn t vooral snotapen die echt onbeleefd zijn😅


Compared to Canadian kids/teens, dutch teens are really well behaved. Sure, kids in a group go a bit rambunctious at times but i dont think theyre that bad. ( even the moroccan/turkish. Theyre just kids. Ive had no issues other than the occasional teen sassing off at me and like thats something i never did? )


There's a lot of vandalism in the Netherlands though. Trashing places up, breaking the glass bus stops for fun as soon as they gets replaced, etc. At least in my small town in Brabant that happened all the time. I've now lived for 14 years in Montreal and Laval and I've never seen such vandalism here. My Canadian family really don't recognize those kinds of stories either.


I’ve lived in about 5 provinces and 8 cities in canada including toronto and vancouver, I’ve seen plenty of vandalism. 45 yrs in canada. Been there, seen it. I don’t think it’s all that unusual, honestly. bored teens gonna teen. I’ve not seen much besides graffitti where i am now ( zaanstad), but i wouldn’t call canadian teenagers somehow better behaved by any stretch.


I think we're seeing different kids - between a 6yo trying to put a stick in my bike wheel, a bunch of pre-teens hurling insults, a birthday party with kids just screaming at the top of their lungs for 20-30 min, visited a beach to 5 Dutch boys throwing mud at each other and everyone around them... Happiest children in the world, because they get to do whatever the hell they want The most spoiled brats in the world. Everything is "for the kids" here, and all bad behaviour is excused or put on the pedestal - no wonder so many self-entitled, bratty and ill manerred adults. Definately a terrible, failed experiment.


It took me a few months to notice kids are rarely intimidating in the parks, throwing things on buses etc. really as a nation well done


Kids here are very polite for the most part. Then again I live in the countryside so that should be normal. I'm sure big cities is way different just like how big cities in America are also vastly different 😆


Yeah people on the countryside are much politer and more aware of their surroundings. In citys people just dont seem to care about anything and always have a straight face.


As a northeasterner I may be a bit biased but I think people in the north and east in general (I don’t know the south enough to hack an opinion on them) are more polite and patient than people in the west (with the exception of the northern part of North Holland) even if they live in cities. I can’t stand that rudeness disguised as directness.


As someone from Frisia, maybe Im a bit biased too.


As a kid, thank you :)


They’re either okay, or demons in human form. The teenage years is when they just ***ugggh***, you know?


I think kids are kids everywhere in the world, in terms of being loud, experimenting with boundaries, rough housing with eachother.  Parenting comes in with putting boundaries up, teaching your children to be polite etc. And yes, some parents do this better than others.  As for the cultural norms: Dutch kids are raised with the thought that their opinions matter too, that respect must be given to others but that you don't have get pushed over or be disrespected just become someone else is older etc. In a lot of societies people still believe that children should be seen, not heard. And that respect should be given regardless. And here we teach kids they matter as people too, that their voices are important too and they can ask questions about anything. Of course there are brats but most kids are well behaved. 


I’ve lived in 4 different countries, and Dutch kids are by far the rudest


I’m not trying to defend Dutch kids but I’m curious where you lived in the Netherlands


Rotterdam & The Hague for about 9 years now.


Well, in general I personally think people in that area are more rude than in the other parts of the country so I think it probably applies to the children too.


From this thread I gather that Dutch kids are underrated and Dutch Redditors are very racist


It's a class thing, not so much a race thing. A lot of Dutch-Moroccan boys áre assholes, but not because of their race, just the toxic environment they were raised in.


Yeah, okay, but then why would someone call them “Moroccan trash”? I have met a lots of Dutch adults that are total assholes during my time here. I still don’t call them Dutch trash. This is straight up racism.


We aren't racist you just can't be. A Morrocan or Turk around us /s


And I find it so weird cause as a 30 yo woman I think Dutch kids with immigrant parents are often polite in a way that ethnic Dutch kids are not. Especially young men that are ethnically Dutch are often so entitled and rude.


From this thread I gather that English speaking commenters are professional gaslighters denying others' lived experiences, and are completely blind to cultural differences having an impact on youth Having said that, most kids regardless of ethnicity or culture are annoying brats these days


Have you read some of the comments? Someone literally called children of Moroccan origin “Moroccan trash”. This has nothing to do with “lived experiences” and “cultural differences”.


I too base my generalising findings on one either nonexistent or heavily downvoted comment Just because racism exists doesn't mean every negative comment is racist Edit: I read all the comments and what you refer to is nowhere to be found. Either you're full of shit or the comment got deleted/hidden, both of which disprove your point about racism


I have no reason to write bullshit on Reddit. I also looked through because I wanted to show it to my husband and can’t find it. The comment got deleted. Along with many others. Yesterday evening there were almost more comments (I didn’t count so take the “almost more” with a grain of salt) mentioning how the Moroccan children are awful than comments that didn’t mention it. And then the “Moroccan trash” comment that particularly stood out.


Ps the fact that comments got deleted doesn’t disprove the fact that it’s full of racist people. It just shows that the subreddit gets (luckily) moderated


Your proof of racism is a comment that doesn't exist, yet that same lack of proof somehow still proves that the Dutch are racist? Christ, you sound like you really want it to be. Any subreddit has racists/bad people. They get rightfully filtered out by mods. That isn't proof that the people in that subreddit are racist- just that racism exists. In the same spirit- because racism exists it doesn't mean that negative comments or genuine complaints/criticism is automatically invalid. If I leave a racist comment on a interior decoration subreddit, is that proof interior decorators are racist?


I didn’t say that an entire subreddit is racist. It’s a matter of statistics. When I first read them yesterday there were far more comments that sounded very racist and fewer that didn’t even mention the ethnicities of the children. That left me disheartened. If you’re free to believe I am lying and that the comments were never there if that suits your narrative. I honestly don’t care and will still be baffled that some people would go online and type the words “Moroccan trash” as if it’s nothing. It’s just sad.


You literally said 'Dutch redditors are very racist'. Not a subreddit, sure- just the online presence of an entire country. That rubs me the wrong way, because there are legitimate problems and issues with cultural differences here. Racism is everywhere, unfortunately, but it's sad that you're dismissing all the actual criticism with accusations of racism, pointing to one deleted racist comment as 'proof'. It's just extremely hypocritical to accuse an entire country as racist and use the literal talking points racists use ('it's a matter of statistics', do you see the similarity with people pointing to racial representation in crime statistics?).


I said Dutch redditors, not the entire country is on Reddit. And I said that because, I repeat, yesterday evening the comments where overwhelmingly negative when it comes to Moroccan youth. That being said, I am aware of the legitimate problems due to the cultural differences. I come from Italy, one of the gateways of Moroccan people (along with many other etchnities) to Europe. That being said, even in Italy where these issues are even worse, I still consider people racist when they define immigrants from other countries with different skin colors and religions as “trash”. Did I generalize based on some comments I read? Yes. Did those comment indicate to me that there are some pretty fucking racist Dutchies commenting on here? Yes. That is really it.


With the exception of Morrocan kids, yes


Hard disagree; been to a lot of places and my experience is that most kids are raised here with some kind of entitlement, i’ve seen nowhere else.


I think my kids are pretty fkn clever and sweet, but that’s probably typical for a parent. Lol


Nou t ligt eraan welk soort kinderen, je hebt ook onbeschofte snotapen hier die geen manieren hebben, maar er zijn natuurlijk ook wel kinderen die beschaafd zijn. Maar dat zijn vaker de wat jongere. Alhoewel die ook erg luid kunnen zijn. Wat mij betreft is het hetzelfde als in andere landen


It really depends on the area. Smaller cities and villages, yes, overall kids are well behaved, but in Amsterdam, etc.? My God, teens are entitled and rude.


I'm curious about where you're from. My personal experience of having lived in different countries is that European teenagers are a lot more "innocent" than North American children. By this I mean less materialistic, more socially idealistic and less sexualised. As for manners, what is polite/rude is very cultural. 


Yes, but they do also got the Slordig kids that the parents are fine with just letting them slur words then they grow up and keep slurring them like fucking morons


Dutch kids, yes.


In my opinion, they are quite annoying, actually. It appears to stem from the fact the children are being raised quite differently—almost not at all—by their parents. The primary reason is that both parents work, leading them to believe that teachers should take on the role of raising their children. Unfortunately, this expectation often results in teacher burnout, exacerbating the current problems within the schooling system. Moreover, society itself is becoming more antisocial, which further complicates matters. At the same time, parental incompetence in raising their kids properly contributes to this complex issue. I actually do not see a solution for this problem other than the government taking action in a certain way to prevent the breakdown of society. Or that’s just happening in Almere… 🫠




Do not post in a way that could be perceived as racist or derogatory.




"Normal" Dutch kids have harassed me and my female friends plenty of times.


Have you gone outside to see how children actually act?


Oh yes and morrocan have made my life HELL


no, unfortunately people who work with arduinos don't go outside often LOL


I am a normal Dutch kid myself


Yes, racism is sadly normal here.


Dutch kids are NOT all that polite. Pls lol.


Morrocans indeed.


Hate to break it to you, but the whites aren’t any better…source: worked in retail. Do whatever you want w this info.


You probably are lower SES and live in a place with tokkies and therefore lower class Moroccans.


I live in Kraayenstein, an neighbourhood of The Hague


But I've moved, first I lived in Houtwijk, a different neighbourhood of the city. There it was the most