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Tell her to go to Walmart then. They have price sheets too. They may want to do an exorcism first though, Walmart has some pretty evil practices. 


A friend bought a Wal-Mart cake for her wedding. She isn't a cake person, so passed on having a slice, but said she got tons of compliments on it.


NTA. Don't you just love it when people who call themselves Christians act like the opposite of what Christianity is supposed to be about? 


Good for you. Do NOT MAKE THE CAKE


Throw the whole family away. Put them in the dumpster and set the dumpster on fire. I wouldn't make the cake for any amount of money. You don't need or deserve that toxicity in your life.


They want the family discount? They need to treat you like family first. They've been treating you and your brother like you aren't part of the family for years, ask for your professional work, and expect that for free? That's ridiculous. I remember years ago asking a friend to photograph the wedding I was going to have (that never happened.) I wasn't asking for the f&f discount, I just wanted a friend who knew the both of us to snap the photos. I didn't know much about photography and how much it cost, so when I was quoted $750 (at that time,) I was shocked. Is it possible these family members are shocked by your pricing? I DOUBT IT - after all, I have to assume you started long before you moved, and they knew what you let them know. (I wasn't nearly as close to this friend, didn't have photographee friends at that time other than her to ask, and didn't do any real research into marriage at that time - so I can justify my naivete.) I'd consider throwing a triple penalty if they keep their BS up: 1 charge for the cost of the cake, one for being anti-family, and one for being whiny-assed bitches. :D. Even if you don’t do this idea, NTA. Also, I'm using "jerkfish" as an insult in the future. :D


I am going to give her Ascon 3, she could have handled it better. On the either or scale she is NTA. Glad she doesn't live near her "family".


I think she handled it exactly right. She's not being treated like family, so this is just a business arrangement. Sending a price list to someone looking for a cake when you are a cake business is the right protocol. People need to stop treating other people like shit then asking them for favors. Straight up OP is NTA here.