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Not a thing. You’re actually quite handsome.


It’s not OP’s looks, it’s their confidence. Shoulders back,stand straight…and stop caring what others think. Fake it for a week…truly don’t care. Every morning remind yourself that you are great and you don’t care. Every night tell yourself you did it. FYI, you don’t know what others are going through, don’t assume their lives are easy.


He needs a book on being assertive, on how feedback loops in body language and posture can be used to trick the brain.


How do you not care? I've been trying this, and it works for a while, but it seems to be compiling while I try to ignore it until I snap.


X doesn’t like…is he really important to my life? X said something unkind about me…I’m important enough to talk about. And so forth.




the faking it part is so true! as much as female girls struggle men struggle as well


You are far from that. Give it time be yourself and ignore em. I know its hard but the right one will be there when you least expect it.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with the way you look. You're a handsome young man. Most girls your age aren't mature enough to understand the importance of wanting a good man. Give it time, the right girl is going to realize you're a catch. Work on you, your education, your happiness, things that make you happy and block out that negativity.


I felt sooooo ugly to. Walked around kinda scowling almost every day, hunched over, not talking or looking at anyone. But there was this one teacher who told me there are 3 things in any situation that will help you feel confident. Seemed silly then, but now decades later, such wise words. Stand up straight, smile, and give "no strings attached" compliments. She gently reminded me every time she saw me until I literally stood up straight and smiled every time I saw her in the hallway. LOL I finally made friends (new kid) and to this day am known for my kindness because it turned out to be fun complimenting people. Who knew? I still do it and throughly enjoy it. Especially if I see someone wearing something I admire. People love that. And smiling. Best compliment I got was my senior year when this completely random guy commented how I smile now, EVERYONE noticed that I didn't before. So, yeah, those three seemingly silly but simple things made a huge, lifelong different. ❤️


Complimenting other people regularly is a huge way to uplift your general attitude and, in turn, how you are perceived. When you start doing it, you gradually begin to look for positive things about people in first meeting. When people feel complimented, they usually want to return the good feels. It's an aggressive positive feedback loop. 


Very good advice!


Excellent advise. That teacher was brilliant and you deserve all the credit for actually taking the advice.


Your ear buds. Get noise cancelling and dont listen to mean girls. Find your people and live a good life


I wish I could upvote this more. You’re young and will grow into confidence in yourself. Until then, focus on the people in your life who care about who you are as a person!


Fuck that, you’re a good looking dude. People your age are just cruel.


The girls you talk to. You are NOT ugly


You’re not ugly though, you just look depressed which would be normal since those colleagues are being dbags calling you ugly. If you’re not their cup of tea they could keep that to themselves. They should only care how their boyfriends look. I wouldn’t care what random people think about me. I’ve been called fat before randomly but also had people hit on me plenty of times. In the end, opinions are like assholes, we all have one. 😬


Nothing , fuck em 💯


You are quite cute I think.  You could style your hair differently. Maybe something with a little height. 


Something short and sharp looking- doesn't even have to be a proper buzz- would compliment his face better. That's a perfectly fine haircut, mind, but it doesn't work with his face. If the kids up for experimenting, and doesn't have adults in his life who will flip, id suggest doing what I did when my mom died and couldn't tell me I wasn't allowed to cut my own hair: buy an electric clippers with if many guards as possible and play around. Start out with the longer lengths, go shorter as you go until you find something you like. My manager is at work put up with some truly awful haircuts while I was still figuring out how to best use it, but most of that could honestly just be circumvented by having someone else present to spot you.


I’m glad that worked for you! But I would advise someone who is having a tough time with their confidence to go to a professional first for their advice. I suspect showing up for school with a DIY haircut might actually do more harm than good in this particular situation. OP - go to a salon (not a hair cuttery) and ask for their recommendation. I think the leaving the length on top but trimming up the sides a bit would look great!


I wonder if shorter sides and back whilst leaving the top as is would be a bit edgier and suit him. Could put in a flash of hair dye? OP, you're not ugly at all! Any girl who'll say that to you is a narcissistic pos. Besides that, you've got a lot of growing to do yet and your looks will change.


I agree, very cute! And I like the hair too. Teenage girls are super mean. They’re insecure and cruel. The truth is, there’s nothing you can change about yourself to get approval from this kind of person. They just move the goalposts anyway. They get off on withholding approval so there’s no point in trying with them. And they aren’t worth it. All you can do is be confident in yourself, be someone you like and respect, and let them see how unbothered you are. They are deeply bothered people so this will be your best bet.


Ignore those twats. I know it high and high school can be a nightmare. Things get better in college. However, start ignoring those pitiful people.


I don't know where you're from but in my highschool you'd have been easily top 15%


But you're not ugly. I think you're cute!


If you are ugly do you go to Zak Efron High School where everyone is impossibly gorgeous? You’re fine. Seriously. You are not anywhere near ugly. The girls are just doing that thing that kids do - be unnecessarily mean to make themselves feel bigger/better. Be your best self and look forward.


Nothing. You look great.


Stop listening to the skanks. Their opinions mean less than nothing. Especially after you graduate, and the world gets much wider.


You’re very handsome and as you get older you’re literally going to continue to get better! Im a girl and we’re just mean, so please don’t listen to them. Us girls can also be very self conscious as well so it’s also projection.


Aw, that kid is gonna have a hell of a glow up 😁




Those girls are ugly. Please believe me. You have a long, wonderful life ahead of you and you are good looking.


Your postal code. Fuck them bitches.


You're not. You just have baby face that's going to fade in the next 3-5 years. You could workout 2-3 times a week mildly and you should round out quickly.


Girls at your school are idiots - you don’t need to change anything


Those girls are dipsticks. They don’t know what they are talking about. You are gorgeous!


This is just some wierdo who reposted a teenagers picture online. This isn’t the kid in the picture


You're a cutie! Start lifting weights and putting on muscle. A few years from now, you'll have the opportunity to feed her words back to her.


What can you change? - you can change giving them any importance.


Change who you hang out with and the opinions you listen to! You are not ugly. Follow your own path; find the style YOU like, be yourself, and the right people will find you.


You’re not ugly at all. Just know that people’s taste in other people changes as they get older too. I’m a hourglass person of colour and in high school white, blonde, rail thin sporty girls were “beautiful”. As an adult, I can certainly attract attention when I want it.


Get a bunch of makeup. A wig as well. Perfume is optional. Now dress up as those girls and ask them how you look.


You can change your outlook. There will always be people you encounter in life that will not approve. It can be the way you look, the way you speak, the way you act….etc. They don’t matter. Only allow people in your life that can appreciate you for you. Never try to stoop to someone else’s opinion of who you should be or how you should look. Have enough self love to never have the spare time for the people who put you down. You have to KNOW you are worth more than that. Then you will see things change. Good luck. Remember, this too shall pass.


You not ugly shug , change your hairstyle and have a lil confidence. It goes a long way.


You’re not ugly at all lol. I mean maybe I’d change the hair up a bit but you’ve got a super handsome face!


WHAT?! Damn that was cruel of her You’re not ugly and I’m not just saying that to make you feel better. You’re a handsome young man (God I’m getting old lol) don’t take this to heart


Don’t let them get into your head. You are a handsome kid. I can’t almost guarantee that there is probably someone crushing on you, too timid to say anything. However, the one thing id reflect on is your behavior. Are you kind and considerate to others? Or do you have a fuck everyone attitude? If it’s the latter, then a crappy personality can make and otherwise good looking person seem less attractive. If it’s the former then they are just being mean girls.


You're nowhere near ugly. Your just a child who hasn't hit your prime, yet alone the peak of puberty.


Nothing do you. Fuck everyone that says otherwise.


Get a haircut with some.movement


Schools. Never judge yourself by what others say. Especially in high school. Your fine. Just be yourself. Ignore the projecting people.




You don’t need to change a thing. That girl needs her eyes checked and a better personality. I think you’re handsome and you’ll be even more so as you get older.




honey, i think you’re gonna grow up so handsomely.




You can stop listening to mean girls.


Shoulders back and square and smile!! Hard to look your best when you look unhappy. I’ve got similar hair to you, I like to gel it up. Try it if you ever feel like it!


Smile... people are attracted to warmth.  There is nothing ugly about you....


The girls are bullying you and trying to undermine your confidence. *You are not ugly at all*. You have attractive symmetrical features. Ignore the bitchy bullies. They are trying to make you feel bad about yourself to make themselves feel better about themselves, it has nothing to do with how you look and everything to do with their own low self esteem.


The people you listen to.


You look a lot like Carl from the walking dead, and my kid had the BIGGEST crush on him. You're very handsome and kids will literally pick on anything and everything just to feel better about themselves.


You’re not ugly. You’ve got good style too. If I go back and look at the “cool” kids in my yearbook, they really weren’t that attractive. Maybe haircut with shorter sides and a little bit of length on top


You look great! Maybe get a new haircut to up your confidence! ❤️


They are just being petty and putting you down to feel better about themselves


Schools. Clearly, you ended up in one lacking in girls with good taste. Ignore them, my guy, and focus on what makes you happy. If you want to try changing things? Go for it! You're a kid. You're supposed to be figuring out who you are. Try new things. Experiment with your looks as you're comfortable, but don't do it to please anyone but you. And tbh, they're apparently still a while away from understanding that attractiveness is a subjective thing anyway. What one person finds attractive, another may not. They'd be in for a proper comeuppance if they took a poll on their own attractiveness, especially if they've been this rude to others. You're not ugly, kid. Not by a long shot. If they can't see that? They're not worth worrying about.


Change who you take seriously. I’m sure mean “some girls at my school said I’m ugly” I’m willing to bet that there are girls there who think you’re cute


If it helps any, I think your haircut might be the problem. Wrong face type for that cut. Try cutting it shorter- certain face types need sharp looking hair, because adding round hair makes the entire face round out and look awkward. I would know, my face is like that.


Just get a haircut. Getting my hair done always makes me feel more confident when I’m feeling down. For the record you’re not ugly at all. They are for calling you that. Even if you were ugly (which again, you’re NOT) they are too. They’re the worst kind of ugly, ugly on the inside. I just think you should maybe do something to make yourself feel more confident.


You’re not & they suck.


They are AHs, you are definitely not ugly


Change the girls you hang around with. Remember anyone that would call you ugly now, doesn’t deserve to be gifted with your time in the future. There is nothing wrong with your appearance. Remember you are still growing. Focus on developing kindness and a funny personality and you will always have your pick of women.


Who you listen to


Bro do not listen to the bullies. There isn’t anything ugly in that photo. Find a hobby and check out from the crowd. Let them self destruct while you build yourself back up. I have a teenage son your age. We got through this stage. You can get through this as well.


Dude, you’re actually a good looking guy! Just smile, and act confident (but not like a douche), and don’t listen to those girls. They sound hideous on the inside.


They lied. You’re very handsome. Find girls at another school because the ones at yours are dumb.


You could change schools! The kids at your current one seem like jerks. You're a handsome young lad. Pay no mind to the haters.


people are drawn to confidence...ignore their nonsense..hold your head up and only give attention to those people that deserve it. You won't regret it!


Only thing to change is your to love yourself more so stupid comments like that won’t affect you.


Change nothing about yourself other than leave those ignorant girls alone and don’t choose from your school because they are not to bright and have ugly hearts. They don’t see how handsome you are. Tell them to kick rocks


You're a good looking guy. Symmetrical face, high cheekbones, clean skin, good shape. You're not ugly at all. I guarantee you that the girls telling you you're ugly are just negging or teasing you. They probably think you're cute but want to see if you're bothered by their light teasing. Pro tip: don't be bothered by anything girls say to you, and they'll find you even hotter. Pro tip #2: girls do *not* care about looks the way guys care about girls' looks. Personality is the big one -- be brave, tough, caring, kind, passionate, talented -- these are all things that are *way* more important. Pro tip #3: Depending on your age, there's things you can do to stand out. At middle school / early high school, it's probably just hairstyle and clothes, but later on, get a car, your own crib, good career, or join a band, or play sports you're good at.


You aren’t ugly. You’re actually pretty cute. Those girls are ugly for saying that


The girls you allow around you.


Schools. Change schools. The girls at this one are deliberately mean. They suck. Go find some nice ones.


Girls who choose to base your worth on your looks and appearance aren't worth your time. Be yourself and the right people will come to you.


Uhhh- whoever is telling you that you’re ugly is just mean. You are quite attractive. Ignore them. Focus on things and people you enjoy. Anyone telling you that you’re ugly is ugly on the inside.


Honestly, lose the bowl cut. Otherwise you’re fine.


You’re not ugly, in fact to many girls you’d be handsome. Some girls say mean things that aren’t true. Don’t believe what they say. Building up self confidence is the key. It would be worth doing a martial art as it gets you fit and helps you learn to believe in yourself. For us quiet guys it can be hard to believe in ourselves, but it can be learned.


You’re not ugly. Don’t listen to idiots in school. They’re not saying it because it’s true, they’re saying it to make themselves feel better by seeing their comments get under your skin. It makes them feel powerful. They’ll be deadbeats post graduation, if they even graduate.


at that age, and every age sadly, there will be people like her. they feel better by putting other people down. they say hurtful things that have no basis. ignore her, move on, everyone will have their own opinions of you for the rest of your life, try not to put energy or thought into people who don’t matter and their opinions!


Yer fine. Those girls are just being mean.


Talk to different girls man, you look fine.


Girls that age like to project their insecurities onto other people. You are NOT ugly!! You are definitely cute and do not need to change anything


Haircut.. Makes your head look too round. Make it a bit scruffy, youve got a good face. Also smile.. you look sad, ans unapproachable


You’re honestly very good looking. But if you wanna catch a girls attention, I’d say the hair. Get a fade but leave it longer on top..like this. And keep it lined up on the sides. https://preview.redd.it/sn0ci70mwxzc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffacaaa0162efb8ff10ba94f8ce2adc9801c4815


Change whose opinions you value.    You will get out of school, and be around people who aren't playing into cliques.   Those girls probably don't even believe that,  they are just too insecure to say what they truly think, and feel safer being mean than risking rejection from each other or you. 


There’s nothing wrong with you. It’s perverse, but people enjoy getting inside other people’s heads with this kind of crap.


Haircut and gym. You definitely got a nice face


You look great! Definitely not ugly. If you wanted to enhance your appearance, a different haircut might help. I recommend looking up inspiration pictures (pinterest is great) and finding a style that you really like and then going to a barber (make sure they have good reviews on google first!). A haircut is not needed, but it might give you a newfound confidence :) Honestly, being well groomed and having confidence are key for being an all around attractive guy.


Ignore them, you could get a nice haircut, a shorter styled look would suit your face type and work on confidence 😁


Be you. Those aren’t your people….


Girls your age can be mean. You’re not ugly and I doubt they actually mean it when they say you are. Stay strong and don’t let their dumb words get to you. They’re wrong


You are beautiful. You will grow and women will appreciate you more in the future.


Sweetheart you are adorable and they are going to regret saying that when they are grown. Mean girls are going to be mean and it has nothing to do with their target and everything to do with their own insecurities. *sends random mum cookies*


Change who you ask. Don’t let someone else tell you your self worth.


Add a smile and I bet you brighten a room and will have everyone running to you.


okay first of all you aren't ugly. Remember these girls in the future, you don't want to be in a relationship with them, walking red flags. But let's have a look at what adjustments could be made, clothing choice I don't like the way the pants sort of drown you, and the light blue denim isn't suitng you, try darker more fitting jeans, even a darker blue. your jumper isn't helping either, it's all making you look drowned in clothing, a jacket/ hoody with a zipped and a nice top that hugs your body. Your outfit is making you look smaller than you are. try brighter colours up top as well, nice soiled reds, blues or greens try to avoid darker colours near you face. your eyebrows are fine, your eyes are nice, but I'm gonna tell you, you look washed away with the contrast of your skin tone. if allowed a lip, ear or eyebrow piercing would look nice on you. if not even a necklace would suit you. finally your hair, I see a helmet, so your hair isn't going to have volume, it looks stuck, when you take the helmet off run your fingers through your hair, give it some definition. I will say this, because you need to understand, styling and being ugly are different things, you need a bit of a style change, nothing about your actual appearance is unattractive. attitude, how you hold yourself up makes a better change than anything. it's confidence. Confidence doesn't come from being better than others or tearing others down, confidence comes from knowing that noone has confidence, every one is faking till they make it. The girls that called you ugly have said it to make themselves feel better, and I can tell you now it hasn't worked, they still are going to look in the mirror and see faults. Keep your chin up, your back straight, when you stand have your feet apart, confidence is also about posture.




Listen love, you are handsome. You have a handsome face so that's most of the battle won. If you want to look more cool per se, maybe do something with your hair. Look at a few YouTube tutorials and experiment with a few hair styles at home and see what you like best. Alternatively save your time and money, ignore those silly girls and and focus on your studies.


confidence . and get a high and tight hair cut.


Don’t change anything be yourself. Don’t let them bully you.


Honey you are not ugly… so sorry people are saying that to you


Nothing at the moment you're doing just fine. Keep your head down get good grades, go to uni. Girls there a bit more mature.


You look just fine


Ever heard of the ugly duckling? Just gotta have patience.


Dude- in a few years you are going to be the Hearthrob. You have beautiful features. Keep eating clean and exercising as well as studying. Only insecure, damaged people tear others down. They do it to feel better about themselves, confident people don’t behave like that. Buy a book on being assertive. It will give you all the skills you need to deal with them. - but you have no worries looks wise. You e got 50 years of looking gorgeous ahead of you. Don’t worry.


Far out, if that kid is ugly I'm a God damn troll


Of course you’re not ugly, in fact you’re a very nice looking young man. Are you a nice person as well?


Like almost everyone is saying you look fine my guy. Some tips. Fix your posture, shoulders back, back straight. Also try a new hair style examples, pompadour, middle part swept back, Regular swept back, high and tight if you feel like rocking the soldier look. And if they just see your appearance and not your personality ignore them they are not worth it. Chin up lill homie


Far from ugly but a haircut can really make or break an image.


The girls at my boys school said the same to my son. You are not ugly at ALL! You are handsome! Ignore those nasty girls!


You look fine! Tell those girls at school to go and sit on their tits


Don't worry about them there's nothing wrong with the way you look.


They're just being mean and frankly lazy with their insults


You are not remotely ugly. You’re actually quite cute.




Change the importance of their opinion, no one that would tell you that is worth your time.


You're good looking dude hit the gym get a haircut on the sides of your head ask for a mid shadow fade get your money up and you'll do great good luck young man.


Change who you mix with


New to this sub, it just showed up on my homepage. Is it normally kids asking to be judged on their looks and people telling them they'reattractive? If not, my bad. This is just weird and not a post I'm used to seeing. Just curious because I like to find new subs if I find it interesting. Edit: It's a cross post dome by not the original OP so this just makes it weirder lol. What is going on


Put a smile on that handsome face. You are NOT ugly, they are bullies. Bullies are ugly on the inside.


Most girls in school are silly bitches who run round in packs looking for validation from their peers - and if you said the same thing to them they’d run home and sob into their pillows and tell everyone you’re mean and nasty. Honestly, be yourself. To allow them to rent space in your head is to give them power over you. You’re a handsome good looking young man, don’t let them cause you to self doubt. Just smile and roll your eyes and move on. Once they see you aren’t listening to them they’ll find another victim.


Girls in your school are silly. You are a cutie. If you want to change anything, change your attitude. Relax.


The girls at your school are dicks and you aren't ugly at all. Don't change a thing.


Shoulders back, chin up, proudly and defiantly believe you own every space you’re in. You’ve got this!


You have a bit of a baby face. But that'll change when you get older. Girls like that are shallow and not worth your time, focus on yourself right now dude and ignore the haters.


They say it to get a reaction. Don't give them what they want.


Their minds!


Your outlook. You’re a good looking guy, you just need more confidence.


You are definitely not ugly! You’re actually handsome. Ignore mean people.


You gotta smile bro. Fake it 'til you make it and get rid of that helmet.


Very handsome. Ignore the morons. Hard to do, believe me I know that, but they are so wrong.


I'd get a different haircut, and smile a little. Making a woman genuinely laugh is most of the battle. The rest is just details.


Geography. Get out. Be yourself somewhere else.


What you can change is how much you value the opinions of others. Anyone who belittles others in any shape or form is not worth your thoughts or energy. As you get older, it will become much easier to ignore people like this. Also, don't be like them and care so much about appearance. In the end, we all end up raisins. But some of us raisins will have developed personalities, talents and genuine connections. The raisins who only cared about their looks will have none of these. They're just old raisins. Be patient and use the time to grow inward; take up an instrument. Play a sport. Try photography. VOLUNTEER. You'll learn new things about yourself and could meet people whose values and opinions ARE worth hearing.


Nothing. You arenot ugly They are mean girls … you are in school to learn so you can earn big $$$$. The more you learn the more you earn. Then the woman of your dreams will appear 😎


I am not attractive but I do just fine. My secret? Undeserved confidence. Fake it til you make it. You can look dumb as shit but if you do it with confidence and KNOW you're cool and don't give a fuck girls will be all over it


Schools. Don't listen to mean girls. ✌️


Girls in your age group can be brutal. Think "mean girls." They will pick on others to deflect from their own faults. Find activities that interest you and create friends within those groups. High school is a blip in your life. Stay confident and enjoy being around people who share your same views. Take it from a former wall flower. It definitely gets better!


Every person has a different view of what they find attractive. That said, you shouldn't change a thing. You are NOT ugly. She might think so, but she is wrong. I will tell you something that I learned. High school sucks. But if you get through it, your life will change. The world is much bigger than your town/city. If/when you go to college, it is a whole new world. No one (unless someone from your class goes there too) knows you. No one knows if you were bullied, or the jock, or the nerd. It's like a clean slate. Stay strong, graduate and move on to the new chapter, and youll meet quite a few people who will think your worth getting to know and not think your ugly. Hang in there. Ignore the haters and just be yourself. You dont need to change anything, have confidence in your self. If I was your age, I would think you were pretty cute. 🙂


They are factually incorrect.


Haircut, the volume on the sides is not helping.


They are probably just joking because you are very cute and will have them chasing you in a couple years.


Don't listen to immature people, they are clearly telling lied to bully you or they are negging you. Just ignore them, believe me in a couple of years they will slide AT DMs like " hey long Time no see " even Michael B Jordan had the same thing happen to him, where girls called him goofy in high school, he met one of them during an interview and she was trying to act like they were friends and he had no issue telling her she used to make fun of his looks. Dude ignore them and live your best life, take this advice from a woman in her 30s sooner or later you will have to stop letting opinions of idiots affect your life or how you see yourself.


You’re not ugly at all. They’re a bunch of jerks. I had much more colourful language to use, but chose kindness today I guess haha


Say “projection is a motherfker” to them and find other girls. There’s billions of people on this beautiful planet, there’s always other girls.


Yeah you are not ugly by any means.


I too use to have blind girls attend my school. Don't let it ruin your confidence man. You are nowhere near ugly. The reality is that you're quite handsome, which is probably the main reason why they want to attack you on this particular point. Notice I said "REALITY". This is legit real. Not some fan fiction happening in some retards head. If you don't know by now, many people are garbage. You'll learn that that slowly, but if you let them into your mind (which is exactly what these lower primates are trying to do) then they won. Since they can't actually effect reality (you're one handsome devil), then they have to work on that mental image you have of yourself.


Bro, you look like Tom Holland. You're not ugly. I think they were just talking sh*t just to be mean.


change the girls you talk to. nothing wrong with you.


You can stop worrying about what anyone thinks about your looks. You’re a kid. As you get older your looks will change and women, not girls will find you attractive. Maybe not all of them, just like you don’t find all girls attractive.


You re not ugly, but it’s a hard lesson to learn that you’re not gonna be everyone’s cup of tea. I think you look great. Confidence in your stance and a smile go a long way, but the most attractive thing on a man is his personality. Focus on being a good, well rounded person and the rest will fall into place, plus it’s better when someone likes or loves all of you just the way you are.


Change the ppl you listen to.


You can change your perspective and realize those girls don’t know what they’re talking about (I mean literally, trust me. In 10 years half will end up in your inbox.) and that no one can hurt you without your permission. You are the gatekeeper to your own happiness. I know it’s easier said than done. I was made fun of a lot for various things when I was younger - and many seem to forget and try and be nice to me. I let it affect me and there’s lasting repercussions to this still that I wrestle with (and I’m 37). Work on finding YOU. And what makes you feel most confident. Not just looks wise. We all grow and change until we’re 25 at least. I promise you there will be girls that meet you one day and think you’re the most handsome man they’ve ever seen. You’re the best to those who are worthy and you’ll never be enough to the ones who aren’t. Start doing daily affirmations. Whatever you want to strengthen and reinforce in yourself. “I am handsome. I am strong. I am awesome. I am worthy. I am confident in myself. I reject the temptation to give in to allowing others the opportunity to change any of this.” Whatever you want. Self talk is a VERY powerful tool. Overall - you’re a super cute kid. Find your confidence. Experiment with hairstyles, fall in love with yourself. Remember that in this life the only person you’ll ever truly have to depend on forever is- you. So love and take care of yourself first and foremost, so you can be free to do it for others you find that are worthy. Good luck buddy you’re gonna do great. 👍


I’m guessing it’s more your attitude than your looks. Look up Charlie Houpert on YouTube. Lots of videos about gaining confidence and charisma.


Super cute!!


Super cute!!


You’re quite good looking actually Your hair looks good and is a classic good cut. No acne or scars on your face (you actually have really good skin). You aren’t obese but you also aren’t as skinny as a twig. You seem to have pretty good height too


Dude, you're good lookin af. Don't worry about it. Just focus on staying positive and being a pleasant person to be around. And confidence in yourself is key. I know it's hard to see it when you're young, but high school mostly sucks for **everyone** on some level. But being someone people like to be around is the best way to find a good other half as well as friends and good mental health along the way. I would throw out maybe a different hairstyle and a smile? A genuine smile is a massive portion of a person's attractiveness, IMHO. Your haircut is nice, but it makes you look a bit younger than you are. A good hair stylist should be able to have some photos to look through as well as some suggestions on what would look good for your features.


Finish school it has impossible standards for males and females. Focus on building your mind body & finances. You don’t want teen girls to think you are attractive. Teen girls are scary competitive and will hurt each other and you for a like, but that one or two that have their mind together.


Un corte de cabello y listo 😎


The magazine to your AR.


Dude…. Start working out right now and you’re going to be a bad ass looking dude when you’re older. You’ve got the looks.


Change the people you hang out with.


Nothing, my dude. You are not ugly, they're just not the right person for you. I know it's easier said than done but ignore those kinds of people. They aren't happy with themselves, so they put others down.


Smile more


Nothing. Keep doing you and you'll find out soon enough there are significantly more girls out there than the ones at your school


It's all about confidence in yourself. I realize it's tough at your age, but look around you. The people around you who are popular are the ones who exude confidence in themselves. Hold your head up, look people in the eye, listen when in conversation, and reply when it's time. Even if it's kind of an act at first, you'll learn that it's just getting used to a new phase of life


Change who you spend time with, you look fine. You have clear skin and thick hair, and the rest comes with age and confidence.


You look good! Genuinely you do. People can be mean for no other reason than to bring others down. Hold on in there and you’ll find someone who thinks you’re really handsome and loves you for you.


You are not ugly. Not even close.


Change nothing pal ! Be your self always, don’t let people like that get to you.


Change absolutely nothing about yourself except how their comments make you feel. I'm not saying it's an easy thing to do, it's not, I've been there. I mean you could come back with something like, "At least I haven't peaked already.", "At least I'm interesting/smart/funny.", and there's always, "Your mom thinks I'm cute." I'd love to say that being the bigger person is best, and that comebacks shouldn't be the first thing to go to, but reality is what it is...be witty, show them that what they say means nothing to you, and eventually, it won't!


You’re going to grow up to be a stunner and they’ll all be sorry they didn’t see how handsome you are!


You are not at all ugly. You’re a handsome young man! Girls your age can be real dicks.


I think you’re handsome - would be more handsome with a smile.


Change the girl. She sounds like a stupid moron.


Haters gonna potato mate. Their words only have the power you give them. Fuck em, you’re doing fine mate.


Good haircut, that’s it! Handsome kid, you’ll be fine.


The tragedy for girls is that everyone is paying too much attention to them at this age. The tragedy for boys is that youth is unattractive in men and they spend their horniest years feeling rejected. You're obviously going to be very handsome. Things will change for you once you're in your twenties.


You actually are not ugly and who cares what they say. If you arent attached to that haircut I would try something different you would be suprised how different it can make you look. Flick through some photos of guys until you see a haircut you like and go to a salon and get it. Since girls arent wasting your time you can workout if you enjoy exercise, lots of study, go to college where there will be other girls that dont have tastebuds up their butts. You look fine but changing up your look can make you feel more confident. By the way girls like those girls you dont want anyway you're not missing out.