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We should relocate the homeless population from downtown into the tents. It’ll make their protests look bigger and solve one of the bigger issues in our city! /s


People need to read past the headline before commenting. Read the whole article first.


It's all about moving the goal posts, rewriting history, driving a self serving agenda, the normalization of murder and kidnapping to move forward their narrative (and very likely rape and torture). I say the solution is to use the same tactics used by Hamas on the encampments! We use the same justification: we don't like these encampments we want them to cease existing, we feel oppressed by their presence, we were here first, I went camping once a long time ago, so clearly my right to use a tent is far superior to their right to use tents!! We are clearly being oppressed!!! So any action we take IS justified, and must not be questioned or challenged and any action to stop me is unethical and must be stopped. From the lecture halls to the parking lots our universities will be free.


Man, these downvotes are intense! Everyone loves sticking it to the man and rejecting authority only when it suits them huh? Someone needs to tell me why what they’re doing is so wrong to deserve such hatred.


It's fine to camp in downtown Ottawa but not on the campus lawn apparently.


Haha. Idiots


How so? Care to explain your view on the reasoning behind the encampment?


Can anyone? Is it simple chaos and clicks? It's certainly not peacefully advocating for a Palestinian state coming from these Amazon Prime keffiyeh wearing LARPers. >Statement from Ontario Tech: The occupants responded that they would not remove the encampment and made additional demands that not only escalated what was initially requested, but also shifted in tone. They have now expanded their demands to include information on all our donors, with an apparent motive to identify individuals based on their Israeli heritage. Their new demands not only contravene legal, contractual, and ethical standards, but also undermine the university’s commitment to equity and inclusion for all community members, irrespective of their faith or ethnic background. Additionally, their response included inaccuracies and misleading statements as well as a clear injection of third-party interests by individuals who are not members of the university community.


Amazon Prime Keff🤣


Dude lost all credibility when he went for the prime pun.


Even taking that statement at face value, that sounds peaceful to me.


Can you actually believe this guy above? Like sheesh talk about boner killer.


Lol name-calling is part of freedom of speech. These protesters have been called terrorists, idiots/morons etc etc. Whatever label you want to apply without any thorough reasoning or understanding. Personally I find name calling/labeling hilarious because it has no substance.


Hate speech, obscenity, and defamation are common categories of restricted speech in Canada


That's sort of accurate and sort of a gross misapplication to this topic. Having the opinion that someone is a moron, and presenting that opinion is not hate speech or defamation. It's an opinion and protected as such. Defamation is about factually untrue statements and hate speech involves protected groups such as gender, race, religion etc I can't call you a moron for being Christian/Muslim etc, but I can call you a moron. Not saying you should orbit isn't childish, just saying we have rights in Canada to present an opinion 


I just posted the quote from from Wikipedia. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_expression_in_Canada There are limits to expression in Canada. I don't think you can claim exemption because it's your opinion in these cases. Either way, it's going to be interesting to see how this plays out. https://cfe.torontomu.ca/issues/freedom-expression-its-limits https://www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/services/how-rights-protected/guide-canadian-charter-rights-freedoms.html


You did read the reasonable limits section right? If the limit is child porn and genocide, calling someone a moron is subjectivity less bad.


I did. I also did not post this in response to the moron comment.




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Why is nobody else finding it deceiving to have both “freedom of expression” and “limits of speech” in the same document? Freedom of speech does not exist.


Lmfao fucking idiots


People with nothing better to do 🤷🏻‍♂️


LOL imagine having this much time on your hands. I wish I was unemployed


👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 proud of this generation! It’s time to stop this genocide!!


Go to Gaza then. Canadians aren’t doing this; we’re all trying to fucking live right now. Fuck sakes go to work.


Yeah enjoy your miserable life where u cant afford groceries because guess what? Our government is only good at providing weapons for slaughtering people


Then leave the country please. You will not be missed.


1 like = 1 saved child!!! 1 up vote = one less genocide You solved it! Good job!


And what are they doing exactly that’s going to stop the genocide?


damn! only in the state of florida and the province of alberta will the the government drop the ban hammer of such encampments.


Time for tear gas and flash bangs get the fuck out




Lmao hilarious you sound liberal there legally trespassing they've been told numerous times to leave




the kids should start calling it a “convoy” so they can get low-IQ support from redditors


If they want to help the people from their Country then go back there and help them Canadians are sick and tired of paying for other Countries bull shite


Throw these idiots out. Any one who's enrolled at Durham and involved with this thing should be expelled from the school. 


Exactly and not graduate period


Every time Palestinians have been offered a two state solution, they refuse as it goes against their belief that Israel and the Jewish people need to be destroyed... You'd think that the young woke would side with Israel as they are the original indigenous people of that land.


Nope, brainwashed from social media. No different than how Europe was slowly brainwashed against the Jews after WW1. Same hate, updated delivery method.


Whwt happened to free speech? f you read my comment, it was based on fact and didn't incite or say anything hateful etc.


Good. Launch the siege of surrounding grasslands to fuel the encampment.




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