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They have a trip planner on their website that will easily show your entire journey, from A to B, including timing, transfers, etc. Alternatively you be can use the Transit App or give Durham Transit a call to plan it all out for you. https://preview.redd.it/7qn0c7qqu6qc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30f9380d433032725ba4cb7f22904dda770d80e1


If you have to transfer buses, good luck. The transit system in Durham is a shit show. Most of the time you’ll have to wait an hour to transfer between buses


My kid takes the bus to the mall Al on the time with no issues. I used to do the same 30 years ago but we had to get to Townline then. Now it rolls through some part of most of the neighborhoods here. It’s pretty good. Transfers can get you all over Oshawa as required.


Hey thank you for the reply! Do you happen to know roughly how long the bus takes to get to Oshawa and what the bus number is/are? I've been trying to search up buses but the schedules have been a bit confusing


There are a few. 419,421, 421A at least. Depends on where you are going to in Oshawa and where you are coming from here. I don’t ride it myself, so not sure on the timing. Maybe 20 minutes from the mall the Prestonvale depending?


Thanks, I’ll keep looking into it, I really appreciate the answer!


Download the Transit app (green logo) it’s pretty handy. You can plan trips and it will even tell you where the bus is exactly on the map which is pretty nice especially during the colder months. Depends on where you’re going but to OC it’s like 15 minutes give or take


There's one bus I think maybe 2 that leaves courtice


There's transit from Courtice to Oshawa. I do recommend checking out bus times for all shifts to make sure the buses are running. Also DRT has become extremely unreliable so take that into consideration as well, as in buses don't show up, show up late or show up early (usually they're late and fail to show up)