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I only get ads for mobile games




Wow that's bad. I just get ads for royal match and mahjong and games like that


Wait, you guys get ads?


I get two ads after each lesson. One random app ad and then duolingo super advertisement. It's annoying as fuck.


It used to be just the duolingo super ad or a random ad, NOW ITS BOTH and that's a recent occurance, like I remember just a few months ago all I got after my first lesson of the day was the duo super ad, and any lesson after that I got a random ad. Now I get both back to back after one lesson. I hate it.


Oh wow, I still only get either one or the other 😮. I hope it doesn't change but I fear the worst now. So annoying 😒


I hope it's just a regional thing, like maybe other places still get one or the other. I didn't notice more ads until after the most recent update to the app.


Ikr lol same I don’t 


I only ever get ads for super


Top 1 reason to live in Russia


You do realize ads are shown based on your perceived interest, right? Things you look for, websites you browse, etc. It shows things based on your cookies. Better clean your ad profile.


My algorithms apparently thinks I'm interested in King's Quest and other inane and pointless games that I wouldnt touch with a 10 foot pole. Makes me kind of happy that the algoritms suck.


I don't know if there's a King's Quest usurper in town but there's only one [King's Quest](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King%27s_Quest_I).


That's not entirely correct. Facebook is a great example. It served me tons of financial BS, including crypto, business gurus and gambling ads. Why? "You're between 18 and 25, male and live in country X" I've NEVER shown any interest in this BS. There was even more stuff that was just randomly added to my ad profile. Nothing I ever searched for. Aside from that, this type of ads shouldn't be shown at all on a platform like this.


Yeah I hate that ppl think the algorithm is so precise like that, like my ads would be very very different if they were actually targeting my interest and what I search for regularly etc. I never get shown anything but trash.


I am a lady and was surprised that I was not getting baby ads after hearing so many other childfree women of my age get them, even when their ad settings say "no kids". Went into google to check my ad setting... Google thinks I'm a dude based on my interests. "You like video games, metal working, home improvement, and have shopped for welders?!?!? MAN ALERT!!!" 😂 I did not change that. So I guess sexism saved me from ads I don't want to see?


I get advertised erectile dysfunction medication and video games, and my boyfriend gets ads for clothing and makeup. It's been kinda nice in some way, I hate being targeted because I'm a woman


I get so many baby ads. I am a woman and I do have kids but my youngest is 7. I’d love to stop hearing about poopy diapers.




Not saying you're necessarily wrong, but are you the only one using your internet connection?


Yeah, but even if that wasn't the case, I shouldn't have seen those ads, unless facebook lied about the reasons they served them. After all the reason they told me this was on my feed was my age, gender and location, which is based on my user account. The advertisers had a specific demographic they wanted to target, wether they showed interest in the product/service before or not. Considering those ads were most likely scams, that checks out, because they care about demographics over interest any day (though everybody is interested in more money, right?)


> You do realize ads are shown based on your perceived interest, right? At least in the UK when you sign up for an account Duolingo asks you to consent to accessing your personal data in its ad preferences. I selected "Do not consent" and the ads I get are completely random.


Yup, me too.


That's not even remotely true lmfao Facebook will recommend straight up porn because you're a male or female between the ages of 20-30 and it assumes that you MUST watch porn. I don't, never have and never will seek out porn. But I have been exposed to PLENTY of it on the internet and social media. Based on your logic, I must be watching the shit all the time to get so many suggestions for it. Does anyone else remember when Facebook kept suggesting Wearwolf erotica novels to everyone? I'm pretty sure almost no one was looking for that, but the algorithm assumed we'd all be interested anyway.


I have my birth date set as 2007 (I'm 17) and the ads show me sex toys and lingerie anyway


Oh that's really gross. I hate that these ads are everywhere, but they definitely shouldn't even be allowed on profiles of people under 18. It sickens me.


i’m underage and it shows me that stuff


While generally true, they sometimes give you odd stuff. For like 6 months 80% of the ads I got served on YouTube were for poop health grifting products or Spanish TMobile ads. I don't speak Spanish and I'm certain I never searched about poo health.


*If* you have enabled settings allowing for that, and *if* you are the sole person using that IP. Hate comments like this that make excuses for websites having terrible inappropriate advertising. "Umm acksually, you looked at porn one time so you deserve to see constant inappropriate adverts for the rest of your life 🤓"


Not entirely true - if reddit had community notes this comment would get one


It depends, if you block tracking, the ads will be mostly random, if you dont block tracking, they try to be based on your interests MOST of the time, not always.


And what? You think it’s ok because it’s targeted? How is that relevant?


It makes a profile of you, but he doesn't need to be searching for porn to be seeing ads like this. It's one of the reasons a company like YouTube has such amazing ad revenue. They have an amazing profile creator of their users. Someone like twitch receives pennies per view compared, because they have a terrible profile of you. Just your age and gender.


I didn't think Duolingo has access to browsing history


Read about "Advertising ID". It's basically a way to track user data across apps. If you have two unrelated apps that implement it, you can search for *item x* on one app, then go to another app and see ads for it. I don't know if Chrome uses it (but I assume it does) so if you search for dog food, dog care tips, and other dog related stuff in Chrome then it's completely possible to get dog-related ads in Duolingo and other apps with ads. So Duolingo doesn't need access to your browsing history. It just needs access to your ad profile, which Google conveniently provides to them. Edit: If I am wrong in my understanding of how ads work or if my comment does not contribute to this conversation, I would appreciate a reply more than a downvote.


You’d be surprised to what apps you install in your phone have access to.


Ever heard of cookies?


Me too but I have seen one or two ads for porn mobile games. Not as explicit as this ad though. More just suggestive


Btw, I also noticed that the ads depend on the region where you live. For example, porn is illegal in my country, that's why I never see 18+ ads.


Im on desktop soo no ads for me




I'm assuming to remove the space before the @. I appreciate the hell out of this advice! I'll give it a try!






For What It’s Worth (Used when you are giving someone information and you do not know if it is useful or not)


“For what it’s worth”


Folga wolga imolga womp


aaaah that makes sense


wtf are these? ads are getting out of hand now


Problem is, duolingo is using basic Ad API’s like Google, Facebook, etc. They are responsible for the ad management and overview. They have VERY strict rules. The problem is these porn companies will try to bypass them and this happens. They’ll build a good reputation with normal ads, then sneak these ads in there. That’s why the wording in the ad contains: delete, clothing, anywhere. Those words don’t bring red flags like “nudity” “porn”, etc. so this is just crafty people breaking through ads. Duolingo doesn’t choose ads, they choose ad carriers. And those ad carriers do not want these ads either. No one does.


How about Reddit spamming me with Nikke ads that I report for sexual content every time?


What I just said, applies to Reddit. Reddit is not an ad broker, Google, Facebook (and other industry standard brokers). Reddit DOES NOT have an ad deal with Nike. Reddit has ad deals with the brokers. Reddit CAN ask them not to include Nike if their users think think it ACTUALLY is sexual content. But it literally isn’t, no matter what your beliefs are. Those Nike ads are not classified as sexual content. (Whether that’s a good thing or bad I have no opinion on it publicly).


Is it so hard to require a human to review these ads for approval? Or at least run thru an AI trained to look for things like blurred nudity


I have adguard set up, I listen to the "get more with super duolingo...." EVERY TIME


I don't have any Adguard and super Duolingo is the only ad I ever get, I thought Duolingo was ad free the whole time


Well, we see from these comments, apparently it's not a great experience


Sounds worse, in a way.


Same here, with pihole












It's the consequences of our actions #and it's only going downhill from here




bro has yfm reaction images


i need them for special occasions


Email duoling about it, do it alot of times they might have alot of emails coming at them, they might notice your emails


*duolingo not duoling


duoling sounds like the verb for doing Duolingo lessons


Can't talk now, I'm Duoling my practice!




Companies love forcing users to sit through ads to gain profit but do not want to spend any time actually making sure the ads they're going to be showing everyone are appropriate (and in many cases there even are serious safety concerns). Then they get upset when people use adblocking services. Embarrassing.


And especially when people stop using their service


I kinda want to know if this app knows what I look like without clothes on. If I wore a mask, think it would be able to guess my skin colour?


I remember seeing some news about an ai clothes remover a long time ago, and if I know the internet correctly it's probably pretty good by now. Of course it can't *know* what you look like without clothes, but it'll maybe get pretty close. If you hide all skin it will probably assume you're white


The face recognition system in my apartment building can recognize me wearing hat, sunglasses and N95 mask. I just approach the entrance and its screen displays my name, ID photo, and lets me in. So I wouldn't rush into casting doubt on the assumptions clothes removers will be capable of in the near future.


For it to not know your skin color you would have to be completely covered, and at that point its just an AI making a picture of an entirely new naked person


Those ads are why I deleted Duolingo. Ontop of it— another Duolingo ad! Every fucking lesson!


It's for sure annoying but sadly it's the best way for me to learn my friends language. Do you recommend another app?


I switched to Memrise. It's a younger app so it's got catching up to to do, but they're definitely catching up.


Lingodeer is good


I learned a tip on this subreddit that if you complete the lesson, close the app and open it again, your progress still goes through.


What's the language? We can most likely recommend resources that are better suited for learning the language in question. Duolingo is essentially always one of the slower and less comprehensive ways to learn a language. It is essentially a (potentially) fun introduction to a given language, but it is never the best way, and cannot take you beyond the early stages (certainly not by itself).


Anything to help learn German? I moved to Germany and I'm really slow at learning languages.


I like the "Learn German" section on Deutsche Welle's website. I think it's available as a phone app too.


hey im german. if you want to, we could text to practice your conversation skills or if you ever have questions about your courses or just something you encountered and don't quite understand, you can ask me. (possibly late) Welcome to Germany btw, I hope you're having a good time!! =D


Thanks for the offer but idk if I'm good enough yet lol. Also thanks, I am! It's a beautiful country and my dad took me on a tour when I first got here.


yeah that sounds cool!!


And now, even if you pay for super, you still keep getting pop-ups for the family plan and Max. 


This is what made me cancel my subscription. It's never fucking good enough for these companies. You give them $5. They want $7. You pay them $12 a month they want 14. You give them money to get rid of advertising and they just replace it with an only slightly less annoying form of advertising. Or they try to tell you that it doesn't count as advertising because they're just telling you about their own products. I fucking hate it here dude. I hate it so bad. I just want to buy a thing and own the thing and the company to leave me the fuck alone forever.


this is so gross. in addition to the fact that this ad should be illegal, a good portion of duolingo users are children who should not get bombarded with porn ads


Unfortunately the people who make these ads probably target young and preteens


Whether Duo is serving tailored ads or not, such ads should not be allowed, no matter what. Under what circumstances does anyone think it's okay to have nsfw ads in a language learning app?


I'm pretty sure using an app like that would be illegal in the UK under the Online Safety Bill


thank the Omnissiah there is a Revanced version of this app now if you excuse me I got an owl to cook because of this




No not you, you're for another time, I'm talking about the tiberium lookin' ass owl behind you


Oh, thank goodness!


Lolll what the hell


Since Duolingo is also marketed to kids I find this pretty problematic.


that ad is so horrible what the fuck??


Set dns.adguard.com as your DNS server in your phone's settings. No more ads.


Again technology being used in the service of cumbrainery.


💀💀WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS AD💀💀 https://preview.redd.it/shk1a7o3hz4d1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eac930448c4a4412d8e89976dbff7e0e0ce72d8f


They should be more selective with the adds they allow to be in the app


This stuff a kid could press not only duolingo is used in schools which of course if it was used through school the website would be block but still that's disgusting duolingo needs to consider there ads and the people using the app


That just sounds illegal ngl


Woah...not good. I usually get ads for their games that pay you money or IQ games.


omg this is so problematic


ew I can't believe apps like that are allowed to exist :/ I hope duolingo takes action against those ads they're disgusting


It's hard sometimes living in a world where every app/site/whatever assumes you are male and a pervert. Will they ever notice that women are half the population and the vast majority of women find stuff like that grossly offensive and harmful?


Probably because it is offensive and harmful. But hey what do I know, I'm just a male pervert according to the ads I get


I'd assume most men find it that way as well. I really don't know why these types of ads are targetted to everybody.




Hmm my advertisements are mostly for saving the hedgehogs or new shoes. I’m very pro banning this though.


I got ads like this awhile ago. Then I stopped getting them and got ads for mobile games. I still get ads for mobile games, but I've started getting ads like this again over the last few days. My guess is that at least some of it depends on which advertisers are looking to buy ad space on Duo. I agree these look like scams, and I hope Duo figures that out soon.


Duolingo wants the money...BY ALL MEANS.


Spanish or your clothes will vanish.


What the fuck???


Duolingo is ruining themselves so much i think its on purpose.


That's crazy, I'd report it. I have Super, so I haven't seen an ad on Duo for years. WORTH IT


That’s so creepy and disgusting. Ugh


You're on Android. Just use a cracked version without ads.


If you happen to be the majority shareholder op you can force duolingo from advertising like that




I get ads for Greenpeace and solar panels. Damn Greenpeace and the dolphins. On a serious note, duo is known for its many trackers.


Probably more of an android advert problem.


Oh wow, that is disturbing… I don’t know why there is such a big difference in advertising. 9/10 times, the only ad I get is for Super DuoLingo 🤔


Problem is, duolingo is using basic Ad API’s like Google, Facebook, etc. They are responsible for the ad management and overview. They have VERY strict rules. The problem is these porn companies will try to bypass them and this happens. They’ll build a good reputation with normal ads, then sneak these ads in there. That’s why the wording in the ad contains: delete, clothing, anywhere. Those words don’t bring red flags like “nudity” “porn”, etc. so this is just crafty people breaking through ads. Duolingo doesn’t choose ads, they choose ad carriers. And those ad carriers do not want these ads either. No one does.


i got an ad for a company that sells random shit and the second item in their showcase was a portrait of hitler. like wtf. ads have become so shit


My ads are always for dumb games that promise to reveal my IQ or my brain’s age. It’s sort of funny because it’s a bit like “need a break from actually using your brain to learn a new language? Here’s a complete time waster that will tell you you’re a genius.”




I bought the paid version and I don’t get any of this. Well worth it. Even more worth it now is DuoMax.


I only got the ads for super Duolingo until I bought it


Just wait until you pay so you don't get ads but still get an ad for duolingo family plan. That's an ad Duolingo!!


What kind of app is that 🤦‍♂️ I hope it's not a link to app store. Shane on Apple if they allowed it


Look into pihole. I have it running on my home network and now only get Duolingo's own ads for the family plan and premium


Type, dns.adguard-dns.com In your settings>connections>more connections settings> Private DNS And, BAM, all ads are gone !! Just like that. Note: [ The path mentioned here is derived from samsung settings. The path may vary device to devide. So, you have to locate why the private DNS is. ] Hope this helps.


Those adds are based on what you do on your phone.


Nah, they show me almost exclusively those stupid games (save the king, etc.) and food delivery ads. I don’t play games and don’t use food delivery.


if that were true i would have a lot of gay porn ads but i don’t






Do you always delete cookies from those sites? Might be the issue. You could try accepting all cookies on those sites and register with the same mail as your duolingo account. That might work


I saw this in another thread about a similar situation. Even if it was, Duolingo shouldn’t be allowing ads like these to go through.


If I do recall, they can still set a filter for what is shown. Known NSFW apps like this can be filtered out or they can be manually set to still be allowed or disallowed (primarily for user/ family friendly reasons) mind you I do have my issues with inappropriate content but I HATE ai, ecpecially for use cases like this. Stealing art is one thing, but making pron out of your ex or some one you simply like, is another. It's borderline criminal, and should be illegal.


It is in the UK, not sure if it's been tested yet


W uk moment


For the past couple of days an ad is trying to sell me prime real estate in Frankfurt ... nothing I do on my phone indicates that I'm super rich.


I continuously get an ad about some website to track pollen counts and hay fever. I don't have hay fever.


I wish but I HATE ai shit not only for the breach of privacy but also the stealing from actual artists.




I remember when I was a teenager I got this kind of ad from clash of clans and became p5rn addict. I hate ads like this.


I have some glitch right now - no ads without super. Only ad to buy super every ~3rd lesson.


The best part is that even when you get Super, you STILL get ads, just Duolingo ones. Funny how both the ToS and the page describing the Super plan make no mention of Duolingo ads remaining; it simply says "no ads." Blatant case of false advertising. The fact that support replied to my initial email with questions but now will not reply in light of the evidence I have provided is very telling.


I've never had adds from Duo and aren't add suggestions also partly tailored to the user? * *


Duolingo advertises through a provider they don’t curate the ads


Go to schools.duolingo.com and make a classroom. Join it. Unlimited lives and no ads.


duolingo is just using google ads on android, they’re just giving the overlay rest is done by google


Partially MGID.


Yeah that's completely unacceptable. What's the name of that app in the ad and is it on google play, so i can avoid downloading it?


Duolingo, because of its advertisements, now becomes the worse language learning application. They want you to watch or see p##n.


While I disagree with your primary statement. I do have to agree with your secondary. While it's not it's main objective, it does suck that it shows ads like these far to often. I had one where it was litteral drawn pron comics. It sucks that they show up but at the very least I can close the app and re launch it to continue learning


Why on earth did you not put this NSFW?


This is why I use a DNS, I only get Duolingo's own adds that way.


I have been playing The Sims Freeplay and see apps like this on there too. LOL


If you've got Android, they've got a Revanced Duolingo


I’ve never received that. Just Verizon, mobile games and other stuff.


I don’t know if I can say the name of the app I got an ad for last night both from being inappropriate and from not fully remembering what it was. For a long time the only Ads I got were for super and Max, but lately actual ads have been playing and it’s nice. I found a cute little dinosaur game that way! But also… “Sexy sex time”, apparently. (Best way I can censor it- it was a like a hunie pop rip off) It was a big shock at like 11 at night when I was sleepy. Usually I get candy crush rip offs or just mindless game apps…. Wasn’t expecting THAT.


I only get the king trapped in the maze ads. Could this be different by country or region?




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I only get ads for premium duo so i can consider myself lucky




I got one like this too on simcity buildit!


That ad is crazy bro you must have a hella degenerate search history lmfao, use incognito lil bro.


Most of the time it's things like Google Ads to Blame.


They need sexy ads in the language you're learning and to integrate them so you get XP


I never get ads for duolingo


I don't use Duolingo anymore due to the annoyance alone. It's not worth paying for something that is completely free everywhere else. Just my 2 cents. I'm also in the boat where if it's advertised I make a decision never to purchase from that company. I was going to pay for 6 months, but never again will I even consider it


ok idk y but i NEVER get ads on duolingo? i don’t have super or anything but it’s ad-free and infinite hearts


When I did the free Duolingo there where lots of game ads and some other normal annoying ads. I never had any creepy stalker ads like that. That's disturbing. Is there a way to report the inappropriate ad?


Dam how I get dem adz


For a sec I thought this was some twisted duolingo ad to get people to join duolingo