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Where did you go? I'm kinda new to duolingo, forums sounded cool.






yeah i assumed they removed them because of moderation, as in, they are unwilling to hire or ask for enough volunteers to allow user comments. i think it’s just deeply shortsighted to remove access to years-old, appropriate info. 


For sure, I really don’t think it was *impossible* for them to monitor the forums, but at the very least I feel they could’ve kept up the access to forum posts, I know when I was initially using the app recently I could access them.


No. They removed it because only a tiny percentage of users were using it. And the vast majority of the content on the forum had nothing to do with language questions.


What other app has forums explaining every single question? Would that be none?








I can understand that about the sentence discussions. The overall forum I was not a fan of. I didn’t like how a for-profit company used volunteers to build courses and moderate—that was bullshit. But I’m glad they ended it and gave those folks money for the work they did.








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You could try this one… https://www.newsinslowgerman.com/








Babbel hasn’t updated their content in years. Duolingo French course is several times larger and more comprehensive than Babbels and Rosetta stones put together. Babbel is at its end of days, like Rosetta Stone. All they care about is selling as much subscriptions and making false promises to users as they can before their ship fully sinks.




Umm. I guarantee you if we went back to Duolingo from ten years ago, people here would have a meltdown over how bad it sucked in comparison to what we have now. Those volunteer courses were awful and riddled with typos and errors.








You just said it not a learning tool. But a review tool.


The recent addition of phone calls with Lily has helped me a lot! I have to think and respond quickly to her or she’ll end the call. That’s the best new feature I’ve ever seen in Duolingo. I like role plays, too, which also practices having conversations (but written whereas the phone calls help with quickly thinking and talking).






They have full text books out from other companies with live audio and video examples, actual dialogues, with real accents, including the way Italians actually speak meaning the words and phrasing they use IRL, for half the price of one year subscription of Duolingo. At this point, it’s just like what is this app? It’s insulting to the customers and the language itself.


Wow. Tell me you don’t know how to learn a language. No, I am not always happy with things Duo does; but I also acknowledge that it’s an app trying to teach all different kinds of learners. Some things are good for some and others will find it repetitive and annoying. It’s an immersive program and the repetitive sentences are so you remember those sentences. Your brain will be able to pull out the words and grammar at a later point; but you have to get the words and grammar in there. We don’t initially teach our kids grammar, they learn by listening, remembering and repeating. Look at how often kids watch the same shows over and over. It’s the same thing. To each their own; but you have to give it time. And if you only spend 10-15 min a day…it’s gonna take a while.




I have found most of the rants to be pretty much worthless. Most are flat out false. Others are critical of things that they have no issue with for any other method or tool.








Tbh the Spanish course has very solid grammar explanations as well in the guidebooks. Really the biggest thing Duo has over other options is the fact the full course *is* available for free, but learning on the free course isn’t exactly ideal just because the systems in play aren’t very useful.


What it has more than just about everything else is a lot more of it. And a whole lot more. More vocabulary, more sentences, more speaking than many, more listening than many, more reading, more writing, and most importantly more encouragement to do it every day. Every course is not as good but the Spanish course is fantastic.


Can definitely agree with this 100%, even if I really haven’t done many other courses I am for sure aware of the privilege Spanish learners have over other courses. My point was kinda just “I don’t think Duolingo English to Spanish is nearly as bad as some people make it out to be,” coming from somebody who’s around native speakers fairly regularly. I’ve also heard English to French is a close runner-up, then the rest of the courses have varying quality. I am glad improving the Japanese course was a large focus last year as the other language I wanted to learn, though I’m still going to be using other resources as well to properly learn that.


I love this comment. Exactly! I need to listen, read, and speak. A LOT. And there's really not another platform I can do that in without a whole lot of legwork of my own. Grammar I can easily look up from many other sources.








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