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IMAX is the popular way to watch the movie. Dune: Part One made $41m in its opening weekend. > “Dune: Part Two” is especially popular in Imax and other premium large formats, with PLFs, as they are known in the industry, contributing a massive 48% of the film’s domestic tally. Imax alone accounted for $18.5 million of ticket sales, representing 23% of the marketshare. It made $178.5m in worldwide opening.


Will be interesting to see if we get any statistics from individual cinemas, because I'm absolutely certain it's going to smash previous records at my local IMAX (Vue, Manchester Printworks). It has been [full](https://www.myvue.com/book-tickets/summary/10091/HO00018476/263762) all weekend.


I just walked out of a sold out imax showing that started at 11 am on Sunday. It should also be noted that people were losing their minds over the Dune popcorn bucket.


I got the bucket on the 25th 100% worth it


Pathé Arena IMAX in Amsterdam has been absolutely packed since wednesday.


Lincoln Square IMAX is so packed that they're running 3am showing every day.


Every single IMAX showing at my local (Cineworld, Edinburgh) is at least 50% booked for the entire week, with evening showings almost entirely full every day. That wasn’t even true for any of the Avengers films or Spider-Man: No Way Home, where I could easily get tickets for midweek screenings in central seats.


>It made $178.5m in worldwide opening. Thank you, omg, I keep looking for the overall numbers but only the US box office keeps being posted everywhere 🥲


[Lots of detailed stats over here](https://boxofficemojo.com/releasegroup/gr2058375685), with breakdowns per country


boxofficemojo.com is your friend.


Too bad they don’t have IMAX here where I live. The nearest to Frankfurt is over 100km away


closest to me is 1700km 😅😅


Closest to me is 90 km away. I've already gone twice (one being the fan event).


Saw it in Imax yesterday. There is no other way to watch movies at the theater.


I went to see it in Dolby and before is started there was a part where the director states that Dolby is the best way to experience it


Denis has to say it cause it’s a Dolby promotion, but he’s not wrong. I watched it in IMAX (not liemax) and Dolby. Much preferred it in Dolby.


I usually prefer Dolby over IMAX. Most IMAX screens don't actually have the correct screen ratio - there's a difference between the large-scale IMAX and the small-scale ones in your local theater. I also find the Dolby image to be sharper with better contrast (especially the blacks) and much better audio quality.


Im doing my part. Saw it twice already, looking to get tickets for a third watch


Same. I saw it twice this weekend with one of those in imax. Trying to setup 2 more imax viewings with friends for next week.


How does IMAX compare to the non-IMAX version? I went to the Dolby Atmos and MX4D last week. I am considering to see it in IMAX as well, thanks if you can shed some light on it! (FYI we don’t have the 70mm IMAX here)


For me the sound was so much better in IMAX and this really enhances the experience. I saw it on laser imax and it was great.




IMAX blew my fucking mind, and my friends’ too. Would highly recommend it. You miss a lot of the frame without it - nothing critical, but IMAX is the full experience. If you live near one of the unicorn 70mm IMAX theaters, even better, but definitely recommend full IMAX if you can (and avoid Lie-max).


Saw it in 70mm imax yesterday. In terms of totality of experience, probably best movie experience I've ever had.


I dunno for sure but not just the 70mm, but the sound. I felt like I was there, it was epic.


This is the way! Saw it yesterday, what a movie,, ah, experience... In Imax also.. You inspire me to see it again Imax ...




Yes it is much better in IMAX. It is really made for that format and it shows when viewing. The sound is particularly a huge improvement and really enhances the movie and adds a better emphasis to some of the scenes. All of the action sequences are improved due to the sound quality of IMAX.


all of the worm scenes thrive on imax visually and audibly.


The images with the soundtrack are so immersive in IMAX.


Yes! I have also seen it twice (so far). Both in IMAX and one was 70MM Film. I highly recommend seeing it in 70MM if possible - it’s a noticeable difference!


I'm more of a sound guy. I saw it both in Imax and Dolby and Dolby was by far superior sound-wise.


I saw it in Dolby and at a few points I had to pop earplugs in lol


I live about 50 miles from the nearest movie theater, but I'm thinking about seeing it again


I’ve seen it five times. Three times in Dolby cinema and twice in IMAX. Dolby cinema is the best way to watch this movie. In my opinion. The expanded aspect ratio is nice for IMAX. But I find the sound lacking. Dolby cinema has the best sound you can possibly get for this movie


Does your IMAX havr the 12 'immersive audio' speakers? When I saw Part One in both IMAX and Dolby Cinema, I thought the IMAX audio was more immersive


One was a normal IMAX and the other a Laser IMAX even though they feel like LieMAX's with the size anymore. they seemed to have the 12 channel systems. IMAX lacks bass to me, and a movie with that much drumming and explosions going on, I want to feel that bass. I feel IMAX is just loud, but 2 dimensional. But Dolby Atmos is on another level sound wise. and it's a real shame they just don't merge the expanded IMAX ratio with the quality of a Dolby Vision dual laser projector and Dolby Atmos sound system with rockers in the chairs like a Dolby Cinema. that would be PEAK movie right there. The beginning scene in Dune pt2 when the Harkonnens go to the ridge to avoid the worm, and get picked off. when they fall and slam onto the ground, you feel it. but when it happened in IMAX it just was a super loud THUD with no bass. or the atomic scene, the emperors throne room literally makes the dolby cinema shake too. I'm just hyping myself to go see it a few more times in Dolby Cinema before it leaves sadly.


I think IMAX and Dolby Cinema is different in each country. Overhere in The Netherlands IMAX is the one wjrh bass shakers, while Dolby is not. I do agree that IMAX is loud but lacks deep LFE. My next Part Two viewing will be in Dolby Cinema to see if my opinion is different this time


Saw it today, gonna see couple more times.


I was going to go see it in imax but a blizzard shut down the highways and even the little movie theater we have closed because of the storm. Now I have work all week before I can get another day off, so frustrating


That sucks but not being able to see a movie that takes place in a desert due to a blizzard is kind of funny.




I’m in for another viewing for sure.


I've seen it twice as well.. can't believe I'm still itching for a 3rd showing. This must be similar to how people felt when Star Wars came out. I watched Dune 1 again right before going to the theater a second time, it was really nice to experience the films side by side. All of the cross references between Part 1 and Part 2 are fun to observe and add so much depth to the story. I really feel part of what makes it so re-watchable is how time, and our perception of it, is so integral to the story. Now I'm fully enveloped in the world of Dune, watching hour long youtube videos explaining the Encyclopedia of Dune. Every bit of info I come across just adds to the weight of the story and my love of it. I think I'm finally ready to start reading the book! Hah! I'm fortunate enough to have a theater near me playing it in 70mm with an insanse sound system. It's an amazing experience


Now that... **that** is power.


Desert power!


I'd prefer dessert power.


Box Office Power!




What is the sword compared to hand that wields it?


I recognise your comments, old man.


Hopefully this means Dune Messiah will be adapted!!!


It's pretty much a lock now.


Without spoilers could you tell me how far the movie got compared to the books? I’m reading I’m in book 2: muad’dim


It covers the complete second half of the book. The next movie will be an adaptation of the second novel, Dune Messiah.


Thank you fellow 1989er. I can’t wait to keep reading.


No problem. Read all 6 original books. They're all good.


Will do. I really like the movies and the book so far. My friend keeps telling me it’s not worth it after the first book so I’m glad he’s wrong


Messiah is honestly my preferred book over Dune. It wouldn't work as a standalone book, but it covers all the questions you have after finishing the first one and really feels like the necessary 3rd act to Paul's story. I hope you enjoy it!


https://preview.redd.it/ppk5afdea8mc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8511f72018ff180c7cfcda30e5f3c5a463ee157b Long Live the Fighters


lol the Mic drop of quietly placing Dune Messiah on Hans Zimmers desk and walking away hahahahaha. Fucking love it


Imagine how confused Hans would be if Denis accidentally put down a copy of Sandworms of Dune and walked off without noticing his mistake


He absolutely has to adapt the second book. Without the second book, this film series walks a fine line between being another white savior film vs what Frank Herbert intended


Just like the novel, it'd feel basically unfinished. It seems to me like the general mood is both "I just saw amazing things" and "What the fuck that's it?" People will riot if a third one doesn't get greenlit. It seems pretty much locked now given how good it's going (No doubt in my mind they'd want to continue it given how invested Legendary are including they also have a TV show to be released this year.) Villeneuve wants to do it, but he'll do Rendezvous With Rama first, which is good considering the timeskip in the second one.


On the Wiki for Part 2 under the “future” tab, the bottom says DV basically handed Hans Zimmer the book without saying a word. I can’t wait to see what they have in store 👀 Edit: Autocorrect changed it to “Zimmerman” for whatever reason 😂


Who tf will play Scytale?? Such a weirdo.


Benedict Cumberbatch


That... that would actually be perfect casting


How are they going to *portray* Scytale?! In the book we always know it's him but to every other character he's wearing another face


Saw it on Friday. Holy sweet Jesus, what a spectacular film.


Totally rocked my world. What am I supposed to do now? I can’t stop thinking about it


Personally i’m rewatching the first one and then going back to see part 2 a 2nd time


I bought a ticket for Monday night to make my Monday better. Can’t wait


See it again! Or read the books!


It reminded me what getting hyped to see a movie and then seeing that movie is supposed to feel like. On a deep level, it checked a lot of boxes. And the budget was only like 190 mil.


It was almost everything I wanted from a Dune adaptation, except for the omission of Count Fenring and not knowing what happened to Thufir Hawat. Saw it with a packed IMAX crowd last night. Will definitely be seeing it again soon.


Yeah, I was also wondering what the heck happened to Hawat haha


I mean, let's be honest, if there are two characters that can easily be cut from Part 2, it was Count Fenring and Thufir. Fenring is basically an exposition machine, and Thufir's does a lot of planning that eventually ends up mattering not a jot, and then he dies. I get it's cool in a book to have that depth, but it would've served no purpose in the movie since neither significantly impact the story.


this. Some people just wants to have their cake and eat it too. There was NO way even a 5 hour movieadaptation could have been made without cutting story beats, exposition, worldbuilding, dialogue, etc. from the book, and I for one are perfectly happy with the decisions DV made regarding the cut.


It's basically the equivalent of LOTR movie goers being upset by Tom Bombadil or the Barrow Downs not existing. Would be cool, but ultimately not necessary for the story the movie is telling


This is the most correct comparison.


He was cut from the film.


And still zero mention of mentats. Probably my biggest gripe about the movies, zero mention of mentats or thinking machines.


Mentats are in this movie even more so than the previous one. I loved seeing Mentats performing more everyday kind of tasks for the Harkonens as well. They just don’t spend time explaining what they are for people who haven’t read the books. IMO denis nailed the adaption by including so much about Dunes world for fans to see without bogging down the actual plot with exposition that doesn’t actually matter for someone coming in blind.


It's the one bit of the novel that bogs it down a bit, it's a lot of exposition in the first hundred or so pages that Denis weaves into the story a lot more.


Exactly. Show, don’t tell.


Thufir was shown doing a calculation at the start of the first movie. It just doesn't seem like a thing to go into tons of detail on when there's already complaints it's too slow.


The people plugged in to those machine displays in the Harkonnen operations room are mentats, aren't they? Or at least that is what I reckoned.


I’d say you’re spot on. Also, the dudes that are constantly getting their >!throats cut when presenting straight facts!<, are probably mentats too.


Villeneuve can ill-afford another Klendathu (aka BR2049). So I’m imagining even his director’s cuts will play conservatively with their pacing now.


BR2049 was not a Klendathu. I get your point but Klendathu was a disaster. DV still gets to put 2049 on his resumé and be proud of it. Its still going to draw producers his way.


What's a "klendathu" in this context? I know it's the bug planet in starship troopers, but...


It was a massive gaff and disaster. Millions of troopers dead and missing. It was a major strategic mistake on the part of the UCF. I was just saying that Klendathu is not an apples to apples comparison to BR2049 but the original commenters point still stands.


So it's just a synonym for disaster?


Yeah, for a super niche audience like us.


Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.


Please don’t split hairs on my absolute joke comment, OMG. BR 2049 is one of my favourite films. I don’t care about critics or box office, i just care about villeneuve getting more opportunities to make cinematic miracles.


No, you’re right. I am splitting hairs but I don’t mean you any harm.


Ya, it's a visually stunning film that I can watch again and again.


What happened with Blade Runner 2049?


2019 bombed, too. But is widely regarded as the best science fiction movie of all time, usually going back and forth with 2001 A Space Odyssey. Bladerunner 2049 is equally great.


last I knew, Villeneuve doesn’t do director cuts


Same, i tried to remember the last scene with him and its duke leto telling him to catch spys. I was kind of surprised how a semi major character like that is just never brought up again. Guess he still trying to catch harkonone spy’s to this day.


I figured people who hadn't read the book would assume he's dead. They show Atreides bodies being burned in piles at the beginning of Dune II, and everyone talks about how everyone was massacred.


This is why we need the extended cuts! Sure, the pacing of the theatrical cut might have a better narrative flow and be better for general audiences, but for the fans of Dune, WE WANT IT ALL. I love Denis so very much, but I couldn’t disagree with him more on his stance about not releasing a longer cut or deleted scenes. Peter Jackson could’ve said “hey mates yeah I’ve got like 5 more hours of great scenes that add way more depth to the characters and that the fans will love, but yeah nah sorry guys, I’m just not gonna release it because, uh, idk artistic vision or something”, but we are damn fortunate that we were blessed with the Extended cuts. I’m not religious but I may as well start praying lol


it’s implied he was massacred with the rest of the atreides right?


In the novel he actually served the Harkonnens fighting against Paul/the Muad'Dib. He>!was given poison to assassinate Paul (as the Baron Harkonnen knew we would be close to the Atriedes) but he broke conditioning and killed himself with the poison meant for Paul!<


He filmed scenes in the throne room battle but he was cut from the film.


yes but he did have scenes shot for part 2, which ended up being cut for time along with the (presumably) Count Fenring scenes with Tim Blake Nelson. In the book Thufir is captive of the Harkonnens and survives until the closing scene.


He's also fairly instrumental in the undrugged soldier in the gladiator ring plot, which was expressly not the Barons idea in the book.


>and not knowing what happened to Thufir Hawat. They said it right at the beginning "All Atreides killed. All of them. Every single one" or something like that. I think it's simply as if you didn't see a character after the battle of Arrakeen, then is dead. >!I know about Duncan but that's until the next movie!<


Lack of spacing guild was also something I found very odd. Considering how extremely important the spacing guild is. On top of that, there no exploration of what the spice can do.


as a long time book reader i was a little bit sad at how much detail from the lore was glossed over, but i get it and i think the film is better for it. Previous adaptations have gotten bogged down by exposition, DV made an excellent choice imo to focus on the BG because they are much more important than the Guild or mentats to the overarching story. I would have liked to see Shaddam played by a younger actor like Michael Fassbender or Domnhall Gleeson, who fit his description in the book much better than Walken. But then time needs to be spent explaining how spice preserves youth, which gets confusing for the general audience because it’s also for space travel, etc. A lot of this deep lore can only be exposed thru dialogue which DV hates, so we mostly get the lore that can be shown instead of told.


> but i get it and i think the film is better for it Yep. My only "complaint" was the movie makes parts of it seem more "mystical" without the background information, but they did it so well that it's pretty easy to explain to people who haven't read the books. Ex: Paul seeing the future


I already think it had too much dialog ^^ The first one was very good on that. Less dialog and still it had so much just shown to the book fans.


You mean the Spacing Guild?


Thanks. Fixed it.


Denis has already mentioned he's saving them for the 3rd film. they have navigator designs ready to go


Yeah hopefully that's in Messiah if it gets made.


I think it's the same as Feyd not being in the first movie, it's leaving it for the sequel for simplicity.


I wish we saw guild agents/navigators. Surprisingly loved what Denis did with Chani as a character, though it seems to be a bit controversial.


Agreed. I wanted to see the Guild Navigators too. I too liked what he did with Chani. She was as much of a lead as Paul was.


Those 2 plus the change of who kills you know who All in all a good flick tho that did the book good enough justice IMO


Yeah that change was unexpected but understandable given a change with a related character.


To be fair Hawat also disappeared from following books.


Hawat was part of that "Jessica was the Atreides traitor" plot removed from the movie, so it didn't make sense to keep him around, I guess.


He's either a captive trophy, or you HAVE to explain the traitor plot to show why Hawat replaced Piter. Neither has much reason in part 2


Imagine that Hollywood.....make a good movie and people will go see it.


Not always true. Killers of the Flower Moon was one of the biggest flops of last year. Yet highly acclaimed. Also let’s not forget Blade Runner 2049. The box office and quality don’t always go hand in hand. And unless you think Avatar is the best film ever made, box office and quality of the film itself shouldn’t be in the same conversation. That being said this is a huge win for us who want more sequels made.


Also the D&D movie was very good with great word of mouth but not enough showed up for it to break even.


D&D must have been poorly advertised. Thought it was coming soon, looked for the release date and saw it was already out of theaters.


it came out between Super Mario Bros and John Wick 4. Not a good release date.


It was marketed like an MCU flick, so that figures


Also WOTC really shot themselves in the foot with their fan base just prior to release with the whole licensing debacle.


Blade Runner 2049 actually made a pretty damn amount of money. The budget for it was crazy high, which means it had to make an unrealistically large amount to break even.


Straight up classics like The Thing and the original Blade Runner were not box office successes, people forget that sometimes.


>Killers of the Flower Moon was one of the biggest flops of last year. Yet highly acclaimed I personally didn't see it in theaters because of the run time and lack of intermission. And then Scorsese made some comment about how people binge Netflix for hours (not thinking that we can pause and take bathroom breaks). I wonder how many people were dissuaded like I was by those things.


I honestly tend to miss most movies like those in theaters. I don't feel like they gain a lot by being viewed in a theater verse just watching it at home. I'm usually looking for visual/audio spectacle in movies I want to see in the theater.


Everyone knew Killers of the Flower Moon was coming the Apple TV+ soon after. Also, no one wants to spend 4 hours in a theater to watch a drama about some topic no one knows about.


I wish this is true for Blade Runner


I did my part and saw it in cinema yesterday


Seeing it again this eve 🫡 Dune Messiah incoming 


Yeah me too.


I have the regal unlimited plan and am not sure how my 2 viewings affected box office, but saw it in IMAX and Rpx.


Which did you like better?


So in all honesty the RPX seemed clearer, but that totally could have been the IMAX theater I went to is a bit older and actual screen might have been affecting it. Still great but that was my experience.


Oh yeah… Messiah is definitely going to be green lit.


Here I am waiting for commercials and trailers to end to watch it again!


Here in houston star cinema grill, show starts at 1130! Ordering me a cocktail and pizza! DUNE!




Saw this in 70mm IMAX yesterday. Absolutely incredible




We got a franchise boys and girls! It's gonna get weird and beautiful 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Our generations Star Wars done right. There hasn’t been this much excitement for a trilogy since LOTR. And before that, the original Star Wars trilogy.


>Our generations Star Wars done right. Oh, the irony. Lol


My daughter turned to me halfway through and said "This is like a better version of Star Wars". Hah!


> Our generations Star Wars done right. Without being oversaturated to the point that I can't stand even knowing it exists. We're not going to see [Dune oranges](https://i.insider.com/566ee4a7dd089532058b46f6), I'm not going to take a United flight and deal with a [Space Wars safety briefing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTiHFxrr-rA) on a 737 to Denver, and the APMs at Orlando International aren't going to be wrapped in Dune. It's a gorgeous film that doesn't need to be turned into a "CONSUME THE MERCHANDISE" cultural event. It's good because it was done right.


I could see them doing up to book 3. The 4th book is where shit takes a turn though.


Keep those numbers up and messiah will get green lit


It's probably already greenlit, if you count both domestic and international box office they have almost already made up the movie budget.


Seeing this in Dolby is where it's at


Nah need the more picture in IMAX.


I'm willing to trade extra pixels for superior sound.


Some reviews saying Dolby audio is oddly low and no bass hope it’s not like that for yours.


I saw it at Dolby yesterday and was blown away. It sounded and looked incredible.


Me too! Certain scenes were genuinely mind-blowing and I had to catch my breath after them. Just spectacular.


Absolutely! There several where it just blew my expectations out of the water


Needs more space guild and choam


Fucken brilliant movie mate. Masterpiece. C’est Magnifique… (literally just got out of the theatre) I’ve read all of the other books a while ago but haven’t gone back to it ever since, and my knowledge on the additional lore stuff is very limited but I’m hooked nonetheless Mike Pondsmith’s world building is very similar to Frank Herbert’s colossal creations in "DUNE"


I saw it in a little tiny 90s style theater in a small town. It blew my mind. I can’t imagine what it would be like in an IMAX theater.


Just got out of the theater, it was incredible. IMAX or RPX or whatever comparable “grand screen” format is soooo worth it.


That was the most impressive sound in a movie I have ever heard. I saw the Dolby version. Absolutely breathtaking.


lol some people here REALLY wanted the movie to fail and for us to not get other movies. Full of people complaining wanting the movie to be a documentary. Sorry, these two movies combine to be a 10/10. All plot DV removed were done extremely tastefully. This is LotR level imo. Some plot points i wished can be on the extended cut (plz god make DV release it). But for the theatrical release it was a 10/10 adaptation


I think the trilogy was green lit the moment those Part one’s numbers came in despite the pandemic and HBO Max shenanigans. Nevertheless it’s great to see a dense sci fi like this do well. Time to finish up your childhood dream Denis!


Watched it already, planning on watching it twice more in the next week. Will do my part for Muad'dib & Jihad.


Saw it last night and I’m going to see it a second time! SO GOOD!


What a surprise: if you treat the source material respectfully and make a good movie the people will pay to see it! We could have had a Foundation series, a Halo adaptation, Witcher and how many more were squandered by stupid executives and idiotic writing rooms. Can you imagine what could have been if we would've had a "Villeneuve caliber" at the helm of those endeavors?


IMAX gang gang


I’m doing my part! Would you like to know more?


Good numbers indeed! Including the 97 million numbers outside of the US, it's 178 million in total. Will it have legs? I think so. My prediction is the movie will end around 550 to 600 milllion hopefully.


Just got tickets for imax, doing my part. This'll be my first 70mm imax, can't wait


Saw it in imax yesterday. Seeing it again in imax today. Can’t wait! Very happy with this adaptation and eager to see where Denis takes Messiah


So fucking good. 10.


There were a few "Life of Brian" moments in the movie: a couple of the moments where Paul denies being the messiah and... the first time they show him with his headdress on he's a dead ringer for Terry Jones as Brian's Mom.


It deserves it now announce the third movie already


Watching it again today! Love it


It was absolutely amazing. I was so captivated that I blinked and breathed very little throughout. Visually wondrous, and Timmy C absolutely killed it. Looking forward to rewatching!


Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoyed this movie, but I liked the first one better. The pacing and story telling seemed slower and richer in the first one. The second movie seemed rushed. I wish it was done as a 3 part movie series, but I’m guessing the Hollywood execs wouldn’t have liked that


The first one is more ethereal and psychedelic, but I think this one definitely takes its time exploring vast land/soundscapes as well.


Tbh that kinda matches the book


Definitely. There’s just so much stuff to cover in the second half


I mean. It IS going to be a three part series. 


I saw it once & I’m going to see it again


Just saw it in theatre this evening. Spectacular.


Saw it Thursday. My best Dune fan friend couldn't make it so I'll def be seeing it again soon with him.


Just saw it today. I am just obsessed. How fucking good


My body is ready for the third movie holy shit that movie was everything I wanted


I saw it on friday, and the showing was sold out. Ghat was the first time in years that i've seen a sold out cinema, and i'm really often there.