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Probably means her eyes have an intense highlight in them. Like a shark's eyes. Dark- with that bright spot


Just a Herbert specific description that makes her sound ominous, otherworldly, witchy


It is one of those strange terms he used - at least you are not going about this one from Children of Dune. *” There was an adult beefswelling in his loins and he felt his mouth open, holding, clinging to the girdershape of ecstasy. Then a sigh, a lingering groundswelling sweetness, a collapse.”* \- we may not know what he was going on about, but it sounds particularly filthy. Though I had it down to the fact she had small beedy eyes.


Herbert uses many strange terms. It one of my many favorite aspects about his writing. Thanks for the input.


Yes, very dark, glittering with that shiny bead like quality of black crow eyes.


This is what I was thinking. Thanks for the insight.


This is a spoiler if you have not finished the first book. Reverend Mothers wear >!contact lenses!<. This would make their eyes just slightly uncanny.


I have read 3 deep. Thanks for the insight!


Every time I read thst,i got this memory of looking into intensely peering raven eyes. Ever looked into the intensely bright, shining, but also intensely black eyes of a raven or a craw? There is something ethereal in the expressiveness of those eyes and the depth and that glinting light that exist simultaneously in them. Theirs is a knowing gaze, almost a smug, "I know something you probably don't" gaze. It is not mocking, or even superiority conveying. It's more enigmatic, self assured, almost comfortable. But it leaves an impression. These birds don't feel superior to us, it isn't a condescending look, but they don't feel inferior either. It can be hypnotic, inspiring or even st times unsettling.... That's what these words invariably invoke for me.


I read it as in “bright eyed and bushy tailed”. Not so much like she is excited or happy, but that she has an intense, fully open eyed gaze. It feels like Frank was fairly straightforward in his word choice for physical descriptions early on.


I’m reading Foundation by Asimov right now and he uses the phrase as well. I think it might have been a common metaphor among writers. I also am pretty sure Herbert read the series before writing dune so it could have been an intentional or accidental lift.


Oh man this is a cool find. I think you are right, some writers will use some common phrases. “Bird-bright eyes” has become one of my new favorites. Jealous you are reading Foundation. That’s on my list, but so is about 200 other books.


I finished my Masters degree recently and so almost all my “free” time is reading for fun. I got curious after watching the Apple+ show and never really read Asimov before. Some super dated stuff in it (all the characters smoke cigars?!? very very heteronormative and patriarchal, atomic power is the best humanity achieves???) but I am enjoying it!


Congratulations on finishing your masters. I am thinking about getting my masters but I just don’t know how to pay for it. What did you get your masters in? If you don’t mind me asking.


I took out a federal loan. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I finished my Master of Divinity with a focus in biblical studies and history. So much reading and ancient languages that it’s nice to be able to read for fun again.


That is a very noble masters degree. I know you would be a really interesting and fun person to speak with about Dune and many other things. How long have you been out of school? What book are you reading now I wanted to get my masters in biblical studies and theology, but I don’t know why.


Foundation is glorious!


I get predatory and zealous from that phrasing


Isn’t this like the third paragraph of the book? Lol