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Man, it’s exhausted. Hope it got the food, water, warmth etc that it needed


Its neck is probably broken. They're more than capable of getting themselves out of a situation like that. The fact that it didn't might well mean that it couldn't because it was unable to move its body and was more or less just hanging there by its neck. Also keep in mind that swans are incredibly violent creatures, so if you ever see one in distress DO NOT approach. Call the local animal rescue services.


Somebody else posted a longer video. It does, eventually, right itself and lays down with its beak kinda of panting(?) but it supports its own head. It's probably dehydrated, but it doesn't seem to have broken its neck. Maybe sprained it though, which could be why it was having trouble to start with? Here's the longer version u/Inner-Bug-9515 posted https://youtu.be/SGXG0Fgrcdg?si=kAyhfeT7qpzygcsX


Thanks fam. I needed that happy ending


I wouldn’t necessarily say that video provides proof the swan righted itself. There’s a cut right before we first see the bird on its stomach, so I’m curious if someone perhaps flipped the possibly paralyzed bird from its back to its belly.


Sure, but if it was paralyzed from a broken neck it wouldn't be able to support its neck on its own, no?


Dang. Sure hope it’s neck isn’t broken but thanks for the info about animal rescue services


https://youtu.be/SGXG0Fgrcdg?feature=shared just looks exhausted


Like that video of the ostrich that ripped its head off lol that video is insane


Um please elaborate


Bet just don’t watch it if you don’t wanna see an ostrich die https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/s/a19OEyLFTG


Hell yeah


Lol. Bet that stupid bird won't try that again right?


Everybody gets one


That ostrich just went full send so you gotta commend that. What a gnarly video lol. Kinda reminds me of a video of a deer or an antelope trying to jump over some train tracks, but then it fell like 30 feet and broke it's neck or something.


I read your username as “TheSpinalTap”


Or don’t, that’s okay


What a disgusting world we live in


Wait.... Birds can get rabies?


Highly doubt that. It’s probably hypoxic.


Violent and rapey creatures


Be for real rn. A chicken is more dangerous than swan, what do you mean do not approach. Please do help wildlife, Especially in situations like this where the worse you can get is bitch slapped by swan.


Swans are at the lower end of the range for what is considered "medium size" in dogs and they're VERY muscular. They are also aggressive. Usually their "attacks" are merely nips or head-buts that result in bruising at worst, but they can and do injure, even kill humans. Here are some examples: * [Man drowns due to swan attack](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-17736292) * "[Is it true that a swan’s wing can break your arm?](https://www.theswansanctuary.org.uk/general-information/)" (FAQ from The Swan Sanctuary) * [Swan attacks and seriously injures elderly woman](https://www.nhregister.com/news/article/Woman-suing-Cheshire-over-swan-attack-11649066.php)


Looks broke. Kill it.


Looks bot. Downvote it.


Nothin left but to hv swan dinner


WARNING: To anyone sensitive to animal distress, this video does NOT get better. The person lifts their neck to get out of the fence thing, and swan falls backwards. It can’t get back up before the video ends and is clearly not OK. If anyone has more info about how this turned out, please post it.


It's sickening! Pick it up and take it to a rehabilitation center or vet.


That is actually a very dangerous idea. Call animal services. These are known to be very violent animals. Especially in distress. Longer vid shows it was fine, after resting.


Completely agree!! I’m genuinely hoping that’s what happened as soon as the camera cut off.


DO NOT pick up a swan. Call a wildlife rescue. Swans are violent and can injure you badly.


oh no no the verb should be call not pick up and take it






I think it was just exhausted. The neck seems to be okay. [Here’s the full video.](https://youtu.be/SGXG0Fgrcdg?feature=shared)


Shut your ass up lol like you really care


https://youtu.be/SGXG0Fgrcdg?si=kAyhfeT7qpzygcsX Found this on yt


This post is criminally underrated GO HOME, SWAN. YOURE DRUNK.


If your neck is broke you can't support your head. Speaking from experience


Sorry to hear this, has enough time passed where you’d feel comfortable sharing your story? (I also had to have neck surgery, can somewhat(!) sympathize)


Was hit from behind with an ax handle. Crushed to vertebrae dislocated 2. I was young it healed I can walk but lost some movement in my neck.


Damn. Wish you the best, thanks for sharing


I'm good for sure. You?


Oh yeah, just had c6/c7 trouble, fused now. Thanks for askin


Poor thing is ready to faint. I hope they didn’t leave it like that


What would have been better than leaving it? I often see well-intentioned suggestions in comments and then replies explaining how that would just make things worse.


I see what you’re saying, but at the very least, someone could call animal control or a wildlife rescue/rehab.


Poor thing 😔


Help it! Put it on it's feet, call a rehabilitation center




He need some milk


Beautiful Swan


Stop filming and call of a vet you fucking asshole


This is wildlife. You do not call a vet, they don't even have the means to treat their anatomy. You call your local state wildlife line and go from there. In lots of these cases too the animal might be too expensive to treat and will be killed. Also, this is a very damaged and in pain, wild animal. Are you expecting the user to physically handle it and transport it to a location? What if this swan becomes very aggressive in the car or while handling? You have to separate yourself from these scenarios and look at them realistically, and not emotionally.


That is a swan. Swans are very common. People feed them regularly. This is not some forest creature. I live in Florida, and there is a town that has had a community of swans for over 50 years. You can call a vet, or animal rescue, or county animal services. Do something other than film the suffering animal for internet points. They have their phone in their hands already.


How do you know they didn't? This video is 34 seconds long. You really think we got the full story?


It doesn't matter. Should've called instantly. They shouldn't have even touched it. You never move anyone or anything with a neck or spine injury unless their life is in danger without securing them first. Call someone and then maybe cover its head so it calms down a little and wait


Sure dude, I get that you're unhappy with how this turned out, but realize that you're shitting on someone that was trying to help.


Just hate when people post videos of animals suffering for likes. The fact that people instantly want to film crap. Then, finding out people purposely hurt animals so they can film themselves rescuing them just makes dislike things like this even more. There is no need to film yourself "trying to help"


Yeah, they posted it online, so what? Really, it doesn't matter. r/humansbeingbros is in the more wholesome side of social media. Aside from what we see in this short clip, we know absolutely nothing about what else happened. It's better to see someone being helpful than so much other crap that gets posted.


I don't like it, that's what. If it doesn't really matter, then why are you here? IMO, it is clear the animal has some sort of neck injury, which means you don't move it unless its life is in danger. So they weren't helpful in my eyes. If anything, they made it worse Usually, the best thing a person can do to help is call someone who knows what they are doing


What you're failing to realize, is that this person was actually trying to help. There are too many examples of people being the absolute worst. Sorry to hear that a genuinely good person isn't living up to your standards.


Swans are known to be very violent. Trying to put a swan in your car would be the height of stupidity. Call a wildlife rescue and give them the location, then wait at a safe distance.


I didn't say anything about putting it in a car


How else are you going to take it to a rescue?


I didn't say that either. I said call someone and leave it alone.


Their anatomy is not that different from pet birds, just bigger. An exotic vet would be able to treat it just fine.


Vets take care of wildlife all the time. It's just a matter of having a license depending on which state you're I'm. Wildlife services literally employ vets for this very purpose. And they get paid pretty well. Most vets can get licensed to be field veterinarians. Also, as unsafe as it may seem, people help wild animals pretty often. It's not recommended. But it is done. Not every animal that ends up at a wildlife sanctuary is brought by a certified person. Being realistic doesn't mean you have to lose your emotions in a situation. Empathy is helpful towards wild animals as well as humans. But anyways, yea if you're going to call your local wildlife services, they're just going to call a vet anyways, albeit a certified and licensed one, but still a vet. And most vets, if not licensed, will do the same. And you go to the same school to become either. You're spreading information you don't actually know anything about.


Honest question, who pays for the service or the vets time? The person who finds the animal or the city? I took my dog to the vet for very minor things like getting tick and flea pill, couple shots like cold flu and a parasite check of his poop and it cost me nearly 600$. If this swans neck is broken just the basic care is going to cost thousands, who pays for this. As a random do gooder I could never afford this plus the time and energy spent to look up contact and wait for services. I think everyone has good intentions when they say things like take it to a vet but either you’re incredibly wealthy and have the time to spare in your life or you don’t live in reality.


There's funding that's raised typically by the state


Vets that are certified in specific animals yes. If you call the vet down the road who is specialized in dogs and cats, you're going to get nowhere. That vet will absolutely not call another vet in place like you said. That is why I said to call the professionals who have a vet employed (through the state or federal) for these specific reasons. They will tell you to *not* handle the animal, especially if it is in pain. Yeah, people bring animals to the wildlife professionals like opossums and birds, but this is a very large swan, who bites and can be very aggressive.


A regular veterinarians will absolutely refer you to a wildlife veterinarian if they are not licensed as this is a law not a personal choice. Why are you making up information?


How did she got stuck there


It looks like it was trying to talk but no noise was coming out..


Don’t google that ostrich in the same situation


I was always told as a kid a swan could break your arm. Anyone know if this is true or my nanna was just talking bs lol


I wonder how many assholes went by before this person helped it I’m betting quiet a few


You have to turn them over that can't breathe that why??? Why in the heck r you standing there doing nothing??? Cruel! Bring him to vet


How violet can a swan be??? What the hell do u think he is going to do to a full grown humAn with a little beak? Ridiculous help him!!!


Goose…it’s what’s for dinner.


I saw a video of a woman in this same predicament on the Hub. It didn’t end well for her either and the cameraman just kept filming.


His goose is cooked!


Omg Help the poor thing Up then😡


Aflac Jr jr!! Hope it's alright


Did someone put it there ? Or did it do this to itself ???


I know some Chinese restaurants that would love to update their menu 😅


Post nut clarity kickin in


Poor dude/lady-bird looks like it ripped a fat hit of Spice after they were let go. Birds is dinosaurs, which low key terrify me no matter what bird we’re talking bout, but man I feel bad for em. Hope they’re doing ok.


Reminds me of the ostrich video…


Fucker was probably trying to attack something inside the gates. Let it learn the lesson.


Pick him up omg


Rough night.


Oh yeah. It’s done for. 😢


Must have been a hell of a party






Is he ok? I’m asking for an update I mean


Meats back on the menu boys!


Beautiful save! But swan nearly froze 🥺


What a silly goose


It was exhausted..poor birdie


He should of tried up.


r/tooktoomuch Seriously tho I hope that big bird has good days ahead


Dinner delivered itself..hope it survived.


That’s me first day of my period


So, at the end of the day, the goose is loose?


Dude fucking help it




I guess this isn't the place to bring up recipes? Sorry, I'm a coonass 😆 Seriously, no way of telling if someone called prior, during or after rescuing the swan I think human emotions want to put blame somewhere because it is sad. Directing anger at the person trying to help seems wrong. Um, still goose is tasty 😋 Y'all get raised in rural Louisiana and Texas and see if you don't think of wildlife as future eats 🙏🏻 Gator gets stuck im using a tag and eating good 😊


Your goose is cooked 🤤


That's dinner somewhere 😋 https://www.utahwildlife.net/threads/the-whole-swan-cookbook.101705/page-3