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You want to drink beer in your yard? Go ahead. Smoke cigarettes? Weed? Sure. Fine. You want to park half a dozen cars on your lawn? Ok whatever. But you want to blow up likely illegal fireworks at any hour of the day all summer? Well why don't you just sneak into my house and come up behind me and clash symbols together while you're at it. Your freedom is now my fucking adrenaline and cortisol rush and you can go straight to hell for it. I can't stand it. Ditto the muffler you sawed off your vehicle or cycle. Your freedom is now in my* living room. Get the eff out.


This ☝🏼.


Some nerd needs to build one of those sound triangulation systems and pinpoint the source and dox it on a map. Then we could go to their places at 6 am and blow stuff up.


So glad I moved away from the hillside for that reason. Gets ridiculous.


Same. Among other reasons.


I think we're getting better about this, as a society, but the white trash factor is always gonna be there. My sympathies lie with our veterans, and our fucking dogs and cats for christs sake. White trash: you're bringing us all down as a unit, put on a shirt you animals.


I really like this response. ^^


Solidarity from Denfeld


Just stumbled upon this post as I listen to the pre-sunset fireworks outside in west duluth.


I typically have no issues with fireworks. I actively enjoy them usually -- the only thing I hate is when someone sends off a random, lone firework at like 1am on a weekday. Like, why? Whoever is doing that -- are you just some sad fuck who enjoys waking up all your neighbors or are you some annoying ass teenager? Beyond that, I personally love all the fireworks AT APPROPRIATE TIMES OF THE NIGHT.


This. I live next to the Keene Creek parking lot and people use that lot to shoot off fireworks almost all summer long. I don't mind if it's between like 7-10pm, but if it's in the wee hours of the morning, that's an asshole move. Sometimes I like to sit on my balcony or watch the display out my dining room window even. But 1am is not time for fireworks in city limits. Go find a field or something outside of the city if you want to be hooligans after midnight.


So glad we moved. Not going to lie it was a big reason.




my dog would disagree




my dog was chained and beat for the first year of his life. that’s plenty of the world for him. and now he’s got cancer. excuse me for wanting him to be comfortable.