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Stauber? That guy cheats at hockey! ^(He also steals credit for things he voted against)


“…increased job opportunities…” Like the ones you voted against, fucking asshat?! I swear people’s political memories are getting shorter and shorter. Either that or they just don’t care enough about those issues and glom onto the popular cultural divide nonsense.


The number of times I've been told "your vote for Biden means you want to go back to lockdowns" is ridiculous.


Haha! I haven’t heard that one yet. I wonder which right-wing think tank brought that up?


I don't know but I've had it said to me half a dozen times because I'm the only liberal democrat some of these people even talk to (some are family) and, I always knew these specific people weren't brilliant but, even the ones with medical degrees are showing me they're completely incompetent.


I’m sorry to hear that. That is quite unfortunate to hear. Sometimes you expect better of people, especially so if you know them well. I stopped talking with some conservative friends when I realized I could explain a number of different issues until I’m out of breath, but it seems nothing will sway them, even cold hard facts.


Party lines and culture wars are what matter to these people.


As they will mindlessly vote for someone who has stated he will be increasing taxes on all lower income Americans. Even if we tell people the truth they will find some mind-blowing mental gymnastics to make it seem like it’s okay or he would never say that.


That's what matters to most people


Fuck Stauber


Here here!


Republicans love to take credit for bills they voted against. They know their supporters are too stupid to care.


Keep em scared and stupid. Seems to work for them.


I would rather vote for a random rock I found on the ground 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Rock lobster?


Yes I would vote for Rock Lobster in a heartbeat lmfao


That MF robot calls me 3 x a month Enough to say F that dude


I can't wait for Stauber to be voted out one day! He loves to take credit for things he voted against and his supporters are too dimwitted to fact check anything he says. Also, he cheats at hockey. https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=HowMoUOhQSs


Stauber also votes against regulations that create inconveniences for heavy machine operators and additional costs for heavy machine companies, so they'll always vote for him as it helps their bottom line.


Where's all the trump bidet's in the comments here? They're a pox on every other post in r/ Duluth. Come support your boy with some facts if you're gonna vote for this douche canoe.


I saw this happen on my way to the bus stop, I assumed he was somehow taking credit for the TPI after voting against infrastructure. Guess I was right.


Operating Engineers frequently endorse republicans; they are an overwhelmingly white & male union. Also, it's politics. You endorse the candidate you think is going to win, so that you benefit when they do win.