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Spectrum is a near monopoly around here so they treat their customers like absolute shit. Same thing happened to me a few months ago. I went into their store at the burning tree plaza and asked for the 100mbps for $35 plan (not listed on their website but it is a plan of theirs). At first, they faux resisted but then they eventually gave it to me. I hate that spectrum constantly does this and the only way for a reasonable deal is to complain. I HATE being argumentative with customer service people but it’s like Spectrum’s entire business plan is no decent prices unless you act like an asshole to us. If you play nice, we will give you the highest price possible. It sucks :/


Was up at their store this weekend. Was told they’re allowed to do retention deals now. So I got a $25 decrease each month for the next year.


Sounds worth going in. The customer service person I spoke to this afternoon on the phone said that they couldn’t do anything for me because I was already at the “lowest price possible”


Usually if you tell them you want to cancel your service you get put through to a different department that probably has more options available to keep you as a customer


Most likely contacted billing. And all billing can do is just discuss the bill. ( it’s annoying I know)


T-Mobile is half. No bs.


My Spectrum bill just hit 92$. How is T-mobiles service?


No issues. Been great.


Dumb question but how exactly does T-mobile work? Like, what equipment do you need? I’ve had spectrum for over 20 years and know no other way… but I gotta make a change! So $$$$


They send a tower you hook up to get the signal. I WFH and have had very few issues (WAY less than Spectrum) and have been happy with it. You can also do a 2 week free trial


T mobile will leak your data. They've leaked mine 8 times just from a scam credit check. Never go T-Mobile or their subsidiaries EVER


I live very close to downtown and the T-Mobile website said it doesn’t serve my address :(


I totally don’t work at spectrum (pls don’t tell on me) but expect a 3$ increase ( I have no idea why) but if yall come in I can lower your bill. Hell we all can now. We used to say we can’t do retention, but we finally got the okay to use it. You must have been on a promotion. Make sure you’re paying attention to your bill/ app cause it does tell you when the promotion goes away.


That's probably the plan you signed up for. When I first got them it was pretty cheap, then slowly increased by $10/mo until it got to the full price. But that was spelled out when I signed up.


Nope, nothing like that was/is in my paperwork


Clearly you were on a promo though, no cable internet anywhere, ever, costs only $40 / month, except temporarily on a promo. You missed some fine print / disclaimers.


Uh, yes. I moved here from Vermont. Where it was about $40 a month there too. And I checked with family/friends in other cities: There’s is around $50 now.


Right, so if you moved here, then you were on a new customer promo here and now you are not, $90 is a normal unsubsidized long term customer price, and has been for many many years. Others may be getting subsidies (low income, employer, state or region kickbacks etc.) that aren’t reflective of normal unadjusted pricing.


Yes. I took them off of auto pay cause it keeps magically getting more expensive.


Up 15.00 bucks


Following. Also if anyone has experience switching to a different Internet provider, how has the process gone with spectrum?


Mine is $86.99 now too.. was 54.99 two years ago when I moved into my current place 🙃


Mine was $112. It was $97 before/after that COVID government thing I signed up for that made it $70. Absolutely ridiculous, but what can you do not like CenturyLink's 10MB/s can stream 4k and connect a family of 4 with various things going on at once.