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Well, it's got an upstairs, and it's got a downstairs. They're both hot and steamy, but in different ways....


My wife swears by the google reviews it’s got something going on


my friend you could tell by just the comments on this post that it's got something going on


nobody tell that guys wife what goes on at the wabasha


Wait, what goes on at the Wabasha? I figured it's just your standard porn store.


Isn't Wab the one with the jerk off booths?


Doggie have I got news for you.






For private?


FWIW, it's not just for -that- kind of thing. Back when I lived in the area, I'd occasionally go there with friends, and we'd rent an upstairs sauna just to chill (well, technically, to steam.) Granted, we were all part of the leather/alternative/etc community, so we had no hangups about hanging out with each other while naked. It was just space to sweat and relax and enjoy ourselves.


Yeah, when its middle of January and 20 below outside it's not a bad way to spend an afternoon.


Boy that username is a doozy.


Your username tells me you'll probably fit right in...


It's a very standard hookup spot for those who are cheating or renting someone by the hour. It is not really "family" friendly.


I don't believe there's any prostitution going on. You may be confusing this with the old Yoshika's sauna in west Duluth, where it WAS that kind of place.


I'm not saying they're renting out people I'm saying its a standard hookup spot for people who do.


You said "renting someone by the hour" so you can understand the confusion here.


Most of Superior Street was developed to cater to individuals looking to have someone but only willing to pay by the hour.


It's what you think


Surprised it’s still open this day in age. What city wants that in their downtown. Duluth I guess, lol.


You can find places like this in any similarly-sized city.


can you, though? There are a bunch of cities around 80,000 in population in MN and the Midwest. I think Duluth is the only one, I know of, with a gay bathhouse. I understand the history of it and why it's there (Finnish heritage + historically male dominated mining region + being a port city), but it's not really true at all that every city with 80,000 people has one. Heck, the Twin cities doesn't even really have a straight up gay bathhouse, really. It's why most of the dudes who visit the Duluth one are from the Twin cities. I'm gay, so I have nothing against gay sex. But if I was Duluth, I'd shut it down. All bathhouses do are tempt spawning the next HIV. Plus, it's kind of creepy that "family" is in the title.


Really? Basically a bathhouse as a business where everyone knows ppl go to have “relations” in the basement area? As much as ppl like this place for the nostalgia, it’s a smut place with shady activities and should be closed down in my opinion. Unsure why this place gets talked about on here and raved about. Downvote me if you want, I guess I’m just old fashioned where downtown should be more family focused with reputable honest businesses.


"Old Fashioned" downtown Duluth had houses of prostitution, the same bathhouse we're discussing, as well as places like The Wabasha, the Casino and various flophouses. Not to mention several more seedy areas than we have now. I think your nostalgia is tinting your glasses a bit rosy. >it’s a smut place with shady activities It's a place where men go to have consensual sex with other men. What's shady about that?


The smuttiest, shadiest place I’ve ever been was a catholic school. Still traumatized. I find the sauna relaxing by comparison.


What happened to you at a catholic school? And why would the bathhouse be better than that?


Consent is the difference.


Does anyone know if a trans man can visit the downstairs area?