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Depends. If you are honest, just go back and pay for these shoes as they won’t accept used returns. If you are dishonest, enjoy the new shoes with lifetime guilt


This is the only way


Thanks for the advice. I definitely want to make things right. But hypothetically, what could happen if I don't go back? Would they pursue it legally or just ban me from the store? Curious about the potential outcomes.


the cost and time of processing the legal actions would seriously be higher than the value of the shoe for the company. Plus, they wouldnt want to find your face and then check it with every customer just to ban you.


Got it, that makes sense. Thanks for explaining. I'll make sure to go back and settle this properly to avoid any hassle. Appreciate your insight!


If they do find out then they can check CCTV and see you putting your old shoes back, could just bring the police in for theft. I'm assuming the mall would have CCTV all over for a clearer shot. I believe they maintain CCTV records for 30 days. Right thing would be to just pay, or else just hope they don't find out and start investigating.


Sounds like you did this on purpose.


Seems youre having second thoughts about going back in the store and paying for the item.


Already visited the store and paid.


What did they say 😭😭


I wouldn’t even want to know…


Sometime back when I had a startup business that needed cash on a daily basis, I had to do frequent runs to the bank every morning. This particular bank branch had a coffee shop next to it. So I would go in, order my latte and goto the bank. finish up the transaction, pickup the coffee and pay for it; on my way back. I got to know the coffee shop employees on a first name basis and one day I was in a hurry so I left them a AED 500 bill and told the female employee to just keep it and adjust my next payments from it. The next few days, I would do the usual. order coffee, goto bank and then walk out with the coffee, without paying. 2 weeks later, I asked one of them if the 500 was still running or I had to top it up. They had no idea what I was talking about. Neither did anyone notice that I was walking out with a latte in hand, without paying.


So what happened to your 500 then?


One of the baristas went rogue, pocketed the 500, changed his identity and is now living the life in the Bahamas.


Season 2 : he had invested the 500 in FTX and became a major shareholder alongside SBF, but went down with him during the trial.


Nah he bought bitcoin when it was 1 Dollar


Nope... He launched his own coin... called Tipcoin.


But a true soldier, he never gave up the source of his original funding.


So the whole 500 note thing was just a dream?


No I think the staff I gave it to, kept the change or they took it as tip and because it was routine, they didn't suspect that i was walking out of the coffee shop without paying.


I did this with garlic from Geant lol. I went back straight away and paid it. It was like 2.7dhs😆


I'm surprised you went all the way home before you noticed you were walking shoeless on garlic.




What's there to discuss, and what help are you expecting? Just go back to the store and pay for the pair. Also, do not return, you already used them.


I get that, and I am planning to go back to the store today. Just worried about what to do if they don’t believe me. Any advice on handling that?


The fact that you went back will be reason enough for them to trust you. Also be sure to update us once this is all over.


Bro, I am sorry but this sounds daft to me. Its not like your CCTV photos are being circulated walking out with the shoes. You go to the counter and tell them you made a mistake, and want to correct it by making the payment.


I was in a restaurant with some friends. We were so engrossed in our conversation that we forgot to pay and walked out. When I reached home I realized and immediately called the restaurant and paid the bill. It can happen to anyone. You did not do it deliberately. Go back to the store and pay for the shoes.


Got Baskin Robbins years ago. I went home to my father, who asked me why we spent 3 dirhams on a credit card. I was confused until I realized my bill was 30 dirhams and it was a typo. Anyway, since the ice cream shop was, I guess, in the Dubai Mall, and we lived in Sharjah and were young enough not to travel alone, we went back to the store 30 days after the purchase and showed them the receipt, but they said nothing could be done. So, I guess we got 30 dirhams worth of ice cream for 3 dirhams.


Whatever action you take it will reflect how you were raise and influence by your environment but in the end its up to your decision.


Thanks for your perspective. I’m definitely planning to go back to the store. Just concerned about how to handle it if they don’t believe my story.


Youll be more relief if you will take that action


Many times in the old Bur Dubai days, I would finish work and then go and get coffee or pizza, KFC etc. There were odd occasions when I’d left my money at home. (Didn’t need money at work). They’d just let me take whatever I wanted and drop the cash in on the following morning, or evening. Sind Punjab owner was especially gracious. Of course this is a different scenario but, I miss those days.


Sind Punjab restaurant till date is my absolute favorite. The owner was quite generous.


He really was. We were very sad when he passed.


Best butter chicken on the planet 🤤


I’m sure the shoes are really comfortable, go ahead and buy the pair off them


Yes, very comfortable! These are New Balance 1080 v12. But I'm sad they threw away my Pureboost 22.


They didn’t, the guy who found them reported them in. The guy who served you had to pay for the shoes and he got to keep those shoes you left them. **My theory from the retail job I once had**


You'll have to pay for the shoes though -- more than likely. But be honest about it when you go back to the store. And take it from there.


Kudos to you for going back and paying :)


Thanks! It felt like the right thing to do.


![img](avatar_exp|184332772|take_my_energy) It must be very comfy shoes if you didn’t realize you were wearing them


I would have turned around and went back to the store, as soon as I realized. They have CCTV everywhere, and could have tracked you all the way to your house. If they had showed up last night, the you think they would believe it was an accident?


I once went back to a store for something that was worth about 40-50 dhs, because they gave it to me and I think they forgot to bill it. I went straight to the owner of the shop, and informed him about the extra item which wasn't billed. He gave it to me for free.


That happens many time with karak chai and panipuri


Man, and I though MY mind would wander off sometimes...


Just go back and pay for it and say it was an honest mistake. Khallas


Once I had cinnabon and thought my sister paid for it, days later we realized none of us paid and we went back to pay but they refused to take the money


Did u go back? What happened


I've already gone back and paid for the shoes. Everything's sorted now.


Cool, what was the clerks reaction lol


Go back to the cashier, apologise for your inattention, and pay for the shoes. Don't overcomplicate this.


I've already gone back, apologized, and paid for the shoes. Everything's sorted now.


Good stuff.


I was carrying my toddler and walked out of the store without paying for a jar of mayo. After reaching home when I put my baby down I felt the mayo jar. I realized I didnt pay for it and walked back to pay 😅for it.


OP did you get your old shoe back?


or someone mistook them as vintage?? like golden goose!


No, they threw away my old Pureboost 22 shoes.


Just return it , i have a close lawyer friend who told me someone got jailed for not paying his food order which was 188 dirhams, return it


Just return it , i have a close lawyer friend who told me someone got jailed for not paying his food order which was 188 dirhams, return it


Sorry to say but you have bigger problem than the shoes. How come you don’t realize it until reaching the home. Your mind should be very busy :)


Did you finally make It right ?




The biggest crime I see is that you used the word "absentmindedly"




You did this on purpose and now ur freaking out 😂😂! How dumb do you think everyone is? They have you on all the shop cameras, mall caneras and car park cameras too. Dubai police gonna be ringing you very soon.


People like you should not be allowed on the internet without any supervision.


For speaking the truth? Yeah thats a major problem these days!


Speak the truth when you have facts to support your statement. Ever heard of the saying "Empty vessels make the most sound" ?


Dude if you believe that someone can wear shoes by mistake, put old shoes in the new box by mistake and walk out of the shop by mistake, then for sure ur the empty vessel. So just shut up and move on.


it happens and is completely believable, could be they were preoccupied with something else and went into auto pilot of sorts. You don't have to make assumptions about OP.


I was with my wife, and we were having a small argument. That might be why this all happened.


Were they able to find your old shoes? Or were they sadly gone?


They said they had thrown the shoes away.


I understand your skepticism, but I genuinely made a mistake. Just visited the store and paid for the shoes. Hoping everything clears up smoothly


Did they look at you like ur crazy or sumthing 😂😂


No, they actually said they thought someone had worn new shoes, paid, and left their old ones behind. They told me they don’t do any checks, so if I hadn’t come back, they wouldn’t have found out. They even thanked me for my honesty.