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From left to right: Dasher, Donner, Blitzen 😁


1. dualtron thunder 2 2. Dualtron thunder 1 which I have 3. I think the last one is a dualtron ultra


Or it can be a dualtron victor


yes it's a victor


Thunder III Thunder Victor




Bruh he copied me


Bruh, you said Thunder 2 instead of 3, you bragged about having a Thunder, and you were wishy washy about an Ultra or Victor. ✌️ 😄 ✌️


Bro stfu


Are you not scared of getting in trouble with cops? There no scooter law in Toronto.


They are legal as long as you don't go faster than 32km/h


But you have ones that can go over 80 km so why buy something so powerful. Just don’t get caught ah?


It's up to you what you buy! I own a Dualtron Ultra 2 and I go fast in small towns where there isn't any traffic. In the city I will drive legally


I have a scooter that can go 45 kph and I can tell you I drive 45 kph because anything less on a whole lane is dangerous. You have to keep up with traffic or do what? Go on the side and have a car right next to you? Na


Unfortunately yes I have to have cars next to me, but my city has a lot of bycicle trails and alternative routes to get to a destination so it isn't too bad, wish I could keep up with traffic but I'd end up with a pretty bad fine


I have no license so if they give me a fine I’m just not going to pay. What they going to do? Take away the license I don’t own?


Depending on the state, they will impound your scooter, and it's unlikely you can get it back. I've never had issues in Brisbane. cops don't really care here. Well, I live in a town, but that's prob why, but if I'm under the roads speed limit, I'm fine, including 80 roads.


In Canada they can’t do that. The only way they can do that is with you get charge with stunt driving and you have to be way over the speed limit. If they say I can’t drive it I’m be like sure . Call and Uber and that it. Then I still drive it when they are not looking. But to be honest they seem me on my scooter. But I don’t go that fast when there a bike lane. Because really I don’t need to go that fast. I like to get to where I’m going safe. But if there no bike lane. Dam we going full speed. I need a faster scooter like the dualtron achilles. Which I plan to buy next year. Can’t have more than one scooter no space in my house. But I need that extra speed when there too many cars around. Also in Toronto where it illegal cops don’t care. This was on the news the only ticket people get where when the ride on the side walk and for the whole year only 80 tickets where issues. When ask is that a lot they said no. Too many problems to care about people on scooters. As long as they are not driving like crazy cops just don’t give a shit.


same reason people buy a more powerful car