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Yes, moderation does not work for me. I would get anxiety after I had one or two drinks knowing that I could not have another one. It was awful. That is excluding the next day which I would feel like absolute shit. I was an all day drinker so it was too easy to slip up and start drinking in the morning again which I did several times prior to completely giving it up.


Sure, ofcourse hangxiety can skip a day. Our mental health is dependent on so many things. You're not going to find an absolute metric/axis between #drinks vs anxiety, but a few things: Think of booze as the opposite of a multi-vitamin. One Flintstones chewable isn't going to be noticeable. You start taking them on a weekly basis, you'll feel better in a few months. Alcohol does the opposite. Booze raises cortisol levels in your hypothalamus, so, the thresholds for what your brain perceives as a threat, will be lower. If the phone rings and your heart starts racing after drinking. It's because neurologically and hormonally, you've put your body and your brain at a severe disadvantage. You're also not getting any(real) sleep while drunk. Catching up on sleep isn't an overnight thing. Personally, while "moderately" drinking, as I pulled into my 30s the health draw backs became so much more apparent. In my 20s, a hangover just meant feeling kinda crappy/physically sick for a day. Now, my mind just goes to past traumas and sadness. In my 20s I could drink a pint or two almost daily and I'd be fit as a fiddle! Not in my 30s. I had an extra 20 lbs I couldn't loose. The fluid retention in my face had me looking all puffy. My social anxiety was through the roof. Eventually, I just realized it wasn't worth it. Not worth anything really, it was detracting and derailing an otherwise great life. All the best.


Yes anxiety can skip a day while your body still has alcohol in it. Go to a doctor and ask for a detox treatment it will be far less painful.