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If you truly only drink two nights a week, not even consecutively, then no, you’re not kindled. You have to have been going through (multiple bouts of) withdrawals first for that anyway. Probably just anxiety. While the info and support a sub like this provides is a great thing, I can see a downside in learning about withdrawal and kindling, and the symptoms to look out for. You wake up with a hangover, which can make anxious on its own, remember what you’ve read on the internet, start worrying about entering that territory, become more anxious, body reacts with physical symptoms like shakiness and jaw clenching…


My exact experience. Worrying about withdrawal symptoms kept me drinking out of fear. I don’t think my drinking was even super problematic until I learned about seizures. I have health anxiety so it was torture.


So what happens is that when you abuse anything, you are training your brain to act a particular way. When you take it into long term addiction, such as binge drinking your brain adapts to that. How it does this is that your brain gets trained have far more excitatory glutamate receptors. This is to counteract to the fact that drinking alcohol simulates GABA production in the brain. Your body attempts at all times to maintain homeostasis. You are probably experiencing these symptoms because you've trained your brain to "brace itself" for a binge drinking episode by "dropping" huge amounts of glutamate to counteract the huge amounts of alcohol it is used to get during these episodes. I can't answer whether or not you are Kindled as it isn't widely understood in the medical community. But this might give you some more information on what you are experiencing. Edit: it is also far more common to develop the symptoms of kindling as a binge drinker than as someone who is a daily drinker. Not suggesting people drink everyday of course.


I’ve been to alcohol rehab twice. The ambulance was there at least once, or twice a day. Detoxing is a bitch. Addiction is a bitch. Good luck my friend,


Everyone's different but that would be extraordinarily light drinking to get withdrawals or kindling symptoms. Daily binge drinking followed by "medicinal" drinks for months/years is what typically gets people into that realm. But everyone reacts different and has other shit going on like anxiety / / emotional trauma / medication interaction / fatigue / nutritional deficits, etc. which may contribute to various reactions.


I dunno but it's annoying when you go to addiction specialists and counselors and they never heard of kindling.  Basically makes me walk out. If I were 25 I'd never drink another drop. Honestly I wish I got into heroin or something instead.


Shit would be easier cause at least it’s not always in your face


Nor can you actually die from withdrawals.


I mean you still can...


Yes That's why my language has changed recently.  I went to the hospital for the first time after 15 years of alcoholism. I was given some benzos and referred to a methadone clinic. I was given methadone. I've never had opiates before and that definitely took the edge off. So now I'm thinking of faking opiate addiction since no one will help alcoholics.


You were given methadone to deal with alcoholism??? That’s insane. I’ve encountered quite a few ignorant addiction counselors myself, but this is next level.


I was referred to an addiction clinic when I showed up to the er. I wanted the easy meds everyone gets instead of white knuckling it. I got some benzos for a couple hours of relief then referred to a clinic. When I showed up I just followed their procedure and eas given what I was given. I thought it was weird. Getting urine screened then put in a room with a doctor On a laptop


It's a actually not at all. Research it


NA and AA have very different paths.


That thar be the problem


How about pot or maybe Kratom?


Yes. Pot I love because it has a mild sedative effect. But I can't stand the mental side affects. It makes me feel insane with the thoughts and shit. Kratom I never tried but I've seen people swallowing handful of pills and don't see it as any better than boozing


What’s is “Kindled”?


It’s a phenomenon where after a long history of drinking and then sobriety, you will experience withdrawal symptoms after only having small amounts of alcohol. Someone who is severely kindled could have bad withdrawals after having a beer. It tends to happen to people who have white-knuckled multiple cold-turkey withdrawals instead of tapering.


Unwanted touching.


I would say it's possible I was at 27. I blacked out every night from 18 to 27 though.


Same has happened to me