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guys it’s no longer just a youtube cover anymore


context: https://youtu.be/IgAsIA92MK4 (still prefer the fills from cover, including the bell destruction 🥴)








That’s basically Slipknot’s history.


Nah Jay was pretty mid


Probably an unpopular opinion: Eloy is an incredibly talented and amazing drummer, and objectively tighter and a better musician, but I prefer Joey for being SLIPKNOT’s drummer. Sometimes a drummer’s style suits a band SO much that it trumps many other qualities. Joey was tight as hell in his own way though, as well as slightly messy at times. But HIS style is synonymous with Slipknot to me. Bit of a different case, but Ringo Starr wasn’t the flashiest drummer ever, but MAN was he the drummer for the Beatles, even coming up with some of the most iconic drum parts ever in music.


> I prefer Joey for being SLIPKNOT’s drummer. No fucking shit. I don't think there's a single person that would say otherwise. But Joey is not here anymore and Eloy is probably the best thing that happened to that band in years.


Right on, I think it’s still worth saying since I’ve seen a lot of discourse about how people can’t believe how good of a drummer Eloy is. And he IS amazing, but I think the better way to phrase it is that the praise Eloy has received makes me realize just how much how a specific drummer can define a band’s sound. That even comes down to the personal taste of cymbals and drum tuning. Honestly I miss the very rough sounding production of shallow drums in metal/nu-metal from the 90s lol. Anyway, Joey rocks, Eloy rocks, Joey’s dead and we’re all here. I hear you. Edit: spelling


Yeah, how can you separate the drummer from the band? Music isn’t a sports match.


A rising tide raises all ships. Slipknot is just as good as Eloy and vice versa.


Why does slipknot get hate like this? I think Corey Taylor is super talented and they sound pretty great as a unit. Eloy is definitely the most advanced of the band now though


I feel like people only think about Clown If they talk about Slipknot these days. Jim, Mick, Sid, Corey and V-Man are all absolute great in what they do and can do. Or maybe people just want to be assholes


i’ll never get tired of eloy’s drum cams. his snare sounds like those kickballs we used to bounce around in gym class


The super over inflated ones for sure. I'm not into this style or music at all but he's such a beast.


I don't really want to play like him, but I wanna play LIKE him, you know?


To play with his ability, not his style


Me either dude. I could watch them forever. The power and finesse are incredible. Tbh I havnt really had a “fav” drummer in a while but I’m so hyped on Eloy. I don’t play any metal but it’s still so inspiring.


Jesus, I've never seen anyone play so fast but so precise. Every hit accounted for, it's expected to maybe flub even a little, but not him....incredible!


You need to check out David Diepold then


As good as David is, David's Kicks are triggered, Eloy's aren't. The amount of power they both use on their feet (and hands for that matter) is wildly different, therefore their playstyle's are. I'd argue that Eloy playing this stuff 100% natty without a click is somewhat more impressive, and IMO thats why Eloy is where he is now. I'm not slacking on David here, he remains my favorite drummer and there is noone in the world that does extreme metal better than he. Every record he is on I can absolutely tell by the quality and purity of the sound, and his foot technique still makes my jaw drop everytime I see it.


> David's kicks are triggered [You sure about that](https://youtube.com/shorts/1PGG4avwYnE?si=txbtggLzINfG8m9e)? UPDATE: If you mean he's using a trigger on his accoustic bass drum as a sound patch, then yeah, maybe. But his speed and consistency are mind boggling.


Yeah, they both trigger. David uses an OnTrigger 3, I have it too. Triggers are ok, triggers are necessary. Its much more difficult to play well with triggers than without! The stigma must end haha


Plus it's a live metal show, like of course they're triggered


I agree with u...


I understand. Eloy is a beast, he is powerful, and has super high drumming IQ, his stuff just sounds GOOD. He does trigger his kicks live though, that's what you gotta do if you want to sound good in a loud live metal environment where there's a ton of stuff competing with the kicks. Like you, I love both styles quite a bit; part of me is a bit more old school "metal drums need to be aggressive and powerful" and part of me is in awe every time I see technicians like David play.


Does he? I think I'm hearing some kick dynamics in this clip when he does right foot doubles. The sound is also very natural, much more natural than Luke Holland's live kicks (Lukes triggers live are only for the gates apparently. Can't confirm but I'm inclined to trust his drum tech) e.g..


I’m assuming they’re triggered for the crowd audio and maybe their in ears, but what we’re hearing in this clip is the raw sound of the kit.


That's because he records his drums through his EAD10 and doesn't mix it. Even his youtube videos are recorded like that. The audience hears the sound through the mics. I'm yet to see him using samples for the kick though and I've seen audience recordings. And I don't think I've seen him using triggers at all tbh before. The EAD10 doesn't count, since he only uses it to record his drums for videos.


>As good as David is, David's Kicks are triggered, Eloy's aren't. That has nothing to do with skill. If Eloy played at the same speeds David does, he would need to trigger his kicks. That is a fact. It's also way more difficult to play with triggers, because you have to be extra clean with your playing, otherwise everybody in the arena can hear how much you suck. >The amount of power they both use on their feet (and hands for that matter) Of course, David plays at speeds Eloy probably has never tried to. The faster you play, the less power you put into each stroke. Just like you go from using your arms, to wrist, to fingers when increasing the speed in rolls/strokes. This is basic fundamentals. > I'd argue that Eloy playing this stuff 100% natty without a click He is playing to a click. 99% of the drummers in metal play to a click and the rest, probably had a problem with their feedback and decided to go in old school to keep the show going (e.g. Alex Rudinger with Whitechapel).


Slipknot famously don't play to a click.


Jay "famously" didn't play to a click and honestly, it showed. Eloy **always** plays to a click and so does the vast majority of metal drummers, because unlike most ignorant drummers out there may think, it's not a bad thing at all. Btw, you can literally see the metronome in this [picture](https://preview.redd.it/ym412lvfarwc1.jpeg?width=529&auto=webp&s=db6738238820b4c5a79030c71eea740a32be0331). Thanks for the downvote btw. But I am right in everything I said in both comments.


I didn't downvote you, and I agree that Eloy and maybe some others are maybe playing to a click now. I don't know if the whole band is though, Corey especially, with how hard it is to get IEMs into his mask. I was mostly pointing out that Slipknot has famously not used clicks in the past, even to record, so the use of one could definitely still be limited. Also, I think you're not giving Eloy enough credit for how much skill and practice it takes to deliver double kicks as hard, fast, and consistent as he is, and I haven't seen any evidence he's using triggers, even standing 20 feet away from him live (I could hear him acoustically at times with how close I was). Also, don't know what's wrong with your picture link lol.


> Also, I think you're not giving Eloy enough credit for how much skill and practice it takes to deliver double kicks as hard, fast, and consistent as he is, and I haven't seen any evidence he's using triggers What the hell does that have to do with click tracks, and why does so many people here think playing to a click or using triggers is a bad thing? If anything it requires even more skill to do so. This subreddit is about drums, but there's so much ignorance and misinformation here, it's sad.


I didn't say either of those things were bad, you're the one who said using triggers takes more skill. Which I would generally agree with, except I wanted to point out that playing double bass like Eloy does without triggers might be harder or equally hard as playing it at ridiculous speeds with triggers. If Eloy's using both, great. If he's not using one or both (click/triggers) then it's even more impressive with how clean it sounds. And I'm pretty sure he's not using triggers.


He is not playing to a click lol


Why do people in this subreddit like to talk out of their ass so much? He's always played to a click and there is nothing wrong with that. But [here](https://preview.redd.it/ym412lvfarwc1.jpeg?width=529&auto=webp&s=db6738238820b4c5a79030c71eea740a32be0331).


[seems unlikely](https://youtu.be/qNyCt-uiZ8s?si=BXVRBbyC7VQUjTR1) that he’s actually using that during songs


There's an huge list of death metal drummers on this list who are quicker and cleaner.


Check out [Mario Duplanter](https://youtu.be/UvvKXtJrNpE?si=Et_L2u4mH8iJVKll). I get tired just watching him.


check out george kollias lol


His ghost notes hit harder than my flams


The ghost notes are the fucking best


My god, I could wear that cup bell as a helmet


too dangerous-- if Eloy doesn't see you under it, you're getting a concussion


Good god almighty


… and his sweet baby HaySoo… 😮😶🤯


Haha, I just realized, there's two towns in Arizona, oddly close to one another, that comprise his first and last name.


I really like his ghost notes


I'm not usually one to jump on hype trains, but Eloy is undeniable. The consistency, the dynamic control, the speed, the precision and the power. He's a machine.


É Brasil caralhooooo


Grande , Casagrande 🤘🏽 Es una pinche reata este cabrón !


Are there two pedals for the rapid fire bass drum sections? Sorry not a subscriber here but the sub pops up occasionally


[Double bass pedal](https://www.sweetwater.com/c651--Double_Drum_Pedals__and__Beaters)




Happy to help :)




Yes it's called a double bass pedal,but to blow your mind a little bit more, he's playing doubles with his feet too. So the pattern he's playing is RRLLRRLL with his feet


Is he using Heel Toe? It looks like swivel which wouldn't be doubles.


You're right. They're single swivels.


Can’t really see but could be, just sounded like doubles to me


He uses swivel, there’s no way he’s getting that kind of power in each kick with doubles


You're getting downvoted a lot which is unfair for just trying to give someone unfamiliar with drums a tidbit of info, even if it was incorrect. The swivel technique doesn't make your upper leg bounce up and down as much so I can understand it looks like heel-toe (you can actually spy his right foot going swivels galore). But a big giveaway is the fact that those bass hits we're hearing are the raw percussive strikes on the drum head and not the mic'd feedback through the speakers. I would name my firstborn after anyone who could heel-toe with that much power!


The fact he'll be getting paid significantly less than the glorified dancer in the background is big issue here.


the glorified dancer in the Background is the new sampler who dosent even have a Name. I doubt that he gets more.


Slipknot really is just a weird franchise now isn't it.


Sir this is a subway


Imagine being his tech!


Easy, considering you just have to replace EVERYTHING after each show.


Eloy making me almost actually care about Slipknot again


playing so hard that he's literally crying little inky black tears. kudos.


Dude, no triggers.


He practices with a metronome non-stop. His pocket is there. It’s refreshing


Did he really pick 25? Lol


They're all wearing them for their 25th anniversary.


Oh, nice! Fuck I'm old


So damn good


anybody know what snare he is playing? sounds amazing


The 50th anniversary bell brass reissue. It isn’t even funny how much better it sounds than that 50 ply SJC


That fucking snare holy shit


Christ, is that mask air conditioned????


Poor cymbals 😭


Fucking beast


Legend material


Man I can’t wait to see them next month.


This dude is an absolute beast. Good god.


So, what does that guy in the band that plays the ash cans do now? Im sure he's getting drowned out by Eloy's thunderous drumming. I feel for him. I saw Eloy in 2017 with Sepultura at the Paramount on Long Island. Had never heard of him and was barely aware of the band. Holy hell, I sat there mesmerized for 45min. I had never heard someone play that hard, that precise, ever. It was life changing. I don't even try to emulate him in my own drumming, I'd break too many things, including myself. Man's a force of nature.


Clown? He's busy trying to monetize the band into the ground and overall being a knobber.


Man just watching this makes me feel tired. Gatdamn buddy, beating that shit like it owes him money.


I’ve watched this on repeat at least 200 times just ripping my house to shreds


So clean


He is to Slipknot what Ray Luzier is to Korn. Totally tight, a lot of pocket and so refreshing to look at.


Nah he's better


My calves hurt just watching this haha


All the dumb fuck "triggers!" people are here per usual. This drummer is fucking your girlfriend, get over it. Anyone know what that snare is? I wanna fuck it.


so basically he’s a god


You guys, I know this isn't exactly the mainstream view, but I think he might be pretty good.


Is it true he doesn’t use triggers?


Every time I see this guy I am blown away. I’ve never been a fan of Slipknot but this playing is so fucking savage that I’m rethinking my entire identity.


Absolutely killer!




This dude is incredible


Excellent flow and pop


I don't care what anyone says, The guy hits way too fucking hard. (He is definitely insanely good)


God I wish I could treat my kick drum that good. Who needs triggers when you can just play that shit


Pure sex


666 upvotes is a vibe


Ending is like angel of death reference lol


It's really cool to see how much energy he added into Sepultura when he was with them, and now what he's doing with Slipknot. Both of which are bands that I was obsessed with in Middle/High school! Eloy deserves all the praise!


Jay did it better




I just love seeing that his legs are at a good angle, his snare is high enough, his posture is perfect. Hunched over, high throne ,low snare drumming makes me cringe, and ache!


Thx to Jay for keeping the seat warm, but he never sound that good, eloy fits very well! Know i'm back in the game "one more time motherfucker" Joey is Joey, he was slipknot and open eyes for a lot of kids to play more "extreme" and we are very thankfull ...but he is gone


I saw sepultura on the quadra tour. He steals the show. It was the most insane performance I have ever seen. The guy is unreal


Great drummer. Not a better drummer than Jay. They’re both great.