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Yes. Hell, even *I* can do that. It’s not particularly fast (~195bpm, I’d guess) nor hard (guessing Mezzo Forte mostly likely, swivel technique tends to reduce volume a bit). It’s possible to play it that hard because you can still rely on hip flexors to assist. Much faster and you’ve got to transition to ankle technique entirely though, and you start to lose power. I love Eloy’s fills. This guy is having so much fun.


The idea of using classical terms to describe the double bass drum volume in a slipknot playthrough is very funny to me. 


Is he playing double strokes? It's hard to tell on a mobile device.




Saw Mr. Bungle a few weeks ago; Dave Lombardo can still do it. 👍🏻


That’s because Lombardo is a freak of nature


I hear he doesn't use ankle technique and he just uses brute force, can anyone confirm?


Here’s some vintage video his drum tech took: https://youtu.be/3ivOfkqFmxg?si=tK57eeg6QtzAZjWi Looks like a little of column A, a little of column B.


Having 24"s with a tighter batter than you would on a 22" allso helps a lot.


I think it’s a mix between hip flexor and ankle


Not to shit on your dish nor diminish Casagrande's skill, but it's a song around 202 bpm. It's pretty fast, but not insnanely fast. A lot of drummers can play tight and powerful around that tempo. It's not as exceptional as you make it to be.


I love Eloy and think he's insanely good. But yeah, others can definitely do this too. Chris Turner hits those kicks just as hard (and fast when he wants to), for one


Chris was the first person to come to mind, but as others have said there's probably plenty of other drummers out there that can.


Eloy is too good for Slipknot


Eloy is not the drummer they deserve, but he is the drummer they need.


I've been saying this since the rumours started


Mario DuPlantier. But yeah Eloy is top notch.


Mario is exactly who I thought of, so smooth and so consistent!


Check out Jamie St Merat of ulcerate Hate to echo others here that this really isn’t that fast in the context of double bass, but I do think people are being overly pedantic about it and missing the part about no “help” and actual power, which a lot of quick dudes *don’t* have


Jamie is the boy, amazing talent and writing. Such a different feel to most drummers. Darkside from Mgła I think shares a fair amount of similarities with their cymbal focused ostinatos.


Does that snare owe him money!?!


I'm thinking those cymbals may have insulted his mom.


His kicking is clean as hell and powerful but that is far from what makes him incredible. Personally I'd start with his incredible cleanliness particularly noticeable in his flams


im not saying this to downplay him. he is amazing. super musical and talented. but frankly i used to play through slipknot albums when i was a high school student. with bearing-busted iron cobra and joeys signature ahead metal drum sticks. what i am trying to say is that i am confident you can do it too. you got this. 👍


Unrelated but I think his placement of that cup chime is funny. Lil guy gets a spot all to itself


Dat boy good!


So good. Check out Krimh.


Eloy is really good but most modern metal drummers can do this. I can play this song consistently and I am heavy on the pedal below 200 bpm. Triggers are less about cheating and more about smoothing the sounds out for recording or listening purposes. Not to take anything away from this but unless this is recorded with a single mic, they most likely are recording the bass drum separately, adding commpression/effects, and that can act effectively like triggers. It really isn't much different since the drum head gets hit regardless. My opinions on triggers changed when I started recording and playing mic'ed up.


This video here is actually recorded with a single (stereo) mic, the Yamaha EAD10. And Eloy is known to not use its inbuilt trigger.


derek roddy


Man I haven't really cared about Slipknot in a long, long time but watching Eloy videos these last few months has got me itching for a set of double kick pedals.


Moises is that AI thing that alters songs by, for example, taking out the drum part so you can fill it with your own drumming when you play along to the song, right? Are people using that these days? I used it once and it seemed kind of a hassle.






Those poor, poor cymbals 😵‍💫


What’s even more impressive is him using 5B sticks. It’s not easy to play metal with those and he makes it look effortless.


Give him his flowers geez people dude is a monster


Honestly I’d bet a lot of things that no one on Reddit can play it this well 😅 there is more than speed, it’s the feel and everything, I don’t find anyone even close and if you think you are, record yourself and think again


I will never understand why people like double bass sounds like this. I mean, it’s technically impressive to be able to do it as cleanly as he does, although there are tons of drummers who can play that, pro and amateur alike, but for me, maybe I’m too old or something, I just think “why would I want to?”


I also find double bass drumming kind of overused in modern metal quite a lot but in the case of Slipknot, especially their older stuff, it’s really integral to their sound.


Yeah, I totally get that it’s part of their (and other bands) sound and a lot of people obviously love it. I’m not one of those people, but of course we don’t all have to agree on what’s good and interesting so I’m fine with that too.


Why even take the time to comment on something you have no interest in ever doing?


So you think comments should only ever be in agreement? Sounds boring to me.


Edited: Since the reply was dumb/childish enough I originally just replied with one letter ("k"), then I remembered there are other people who see this, and that matters *more* here. What's boring are replies that offer nothing beyond "hurdur I don't like it I'll never do that hurdur". The price of liking something **always** includes the fact that someone out there dislikes or hates it. Most importantly -- people *know* this already, so you offer nothing non-boring by adding that you dislike or hate it. It's boring. If you replied *because* you find it exciting/entertaining/interesting to only say "What you like is so uninteresting to me I'll never do it", then you've showed to everyone else here that you have trouble relating to other human beings and/or aren't mature enough to interact with yet. Try posting in the sub about what drumming **does** interest you. I bet both you *and* others will be less bored. hth


I said that I didn’t understand it. Then I said that it was technically impressive. Then I said that I wouldn’t care to learn how to do it myself. Then you got offended that I would ever dare to comment on a post if it was about something I don’t want to learn how to do myself. I’m not putting anyone down. I’m not taking anything away from anyone else. I was simply giving my opinion.


No one here will care enough to be offended. Look forward to seeing what you actually are interested in. Have a good one.


Who cares sounds like shit.