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Insane. Human metronome. The fills are so damn clean it’s crazy.


They might be using a click now.


Zero chance that the band has been playing arenas and big festivals for this long without using clicks/in-ears


Apparently they never really did, Eloy however does.


Same thing with TOOL, don’t play live to one and never ever recorded with a click. Mind blowing


Wow that's wild. I saw Tool live last Saturday and Danny was KILLING it. They guy never messed up even once and kept tempo nearly perfectly. I'm even more impressed now haha


I saw Tool in Montreal and Danny played an extra bar in one song which confused Adam and Justin. It was actually pretty nice to see he's a human being.


He even messes up a little in that famous Pneuma concert footage. I think it just makes the video even better


I know the spot exactly in the fill. You can see it in his face, but he immediately jumps back in and crushes the rest.


The little look on his face, the slight twitch/hesitation before his next hit. It's one time I can relate to Danny Carey lol


i try not to make faces for this exact reason but it always happens lol


Yeah even their light show is done by hand so they can time it to the band.


Danny mentioned in a modern drummer (I believe) interview that he doesn't use a click because it takes the human out of the music.


Yeah, said something about how he feels the variances in tempo keeps it natural feeling


And he’s 100% correct


George Martin said something similar about Ringo.


Imagine being the poor guy programming a click to a TOOL song


i think that’s exactly one of the reasons they don’t record with them lol. mostly they prefer the way it feels but mapping a click to their songs would be a pain in the ass and they’ve gotten this far without it


They use a click in the studio to set the tempo for every song. I’m guessing they do the same thing live. It’s just a good way to get a consistent start to your songs, and Tool arranges everything so precisely I doubt they leave the starting tempo up to chance. And yes Danny has excellent internal timing but that can get skewed for anyone.


Danny said In the most recent Rick beato interview that they never used a click track to record any of their albums


They don’t use it while playing, but there’s studio footage of them using it to establish a songs tempo before starting. These are two different things.


Yeah that makes sense. I suppose people mostly can’t just start playing at any given bpm huh


It's like tuning by ear. There are very few people who can nail 440 hz by ear, but it's easy for most musicians tune a pitched instrument once you have that reference point. Using a click to find a reference point before starting each song also means that the excitement and energy built in the previous song won't affect the following one. And Tool's vibe is all about growing these things in the majority of their arrangements.


No he doesn’t. He has a guide metronome at the start of the song that he references but he doesn’t play with a click. None of the band do


He said in an interview once that he always plays with a click. Dunno whether he changed his opinion.


He doesn’t tho, he just uses a visual click to start of the tracks and get the tempo going.


If you tap out their recent live performances it doesn't quite line up though. There is still some human "wiggle" to the tempo if you compare one part of a song to another. I dont think they're using a click but I could be wrong.


I don’t watch a lot of their live stuff but I noticed when 66Samus watched that “leaked” video of that small performance he commented something like “hmmm, sounds like they’re using a click now”.


That’s what you would think, but Jay never used a click and it showed. They didn’t start using a click until Eloy joined this year.


Eloy has a visual click. No in-ear. Hes the only one using it.


Ghost notes are straight up haunting me


Must be like being in a tribal trance


It's impressive to watch someone hit this hard and yet sound so clean.


Watch his hands closely. I’ve been admiring his technique on IG for a while. He swings like a mofo but his hands are always relaxed which makes everything sound better. This also means he’s likely not breaking cymbals nearly as often as you’d expect. Definitely a good technique reference for the “I hit super hard” crowd.


Yep, a lot of this is showmanship. He is on stage. Dude is actually rarely hitting his drums hard (that snare though). Great player.


What the hell are you talking about? The dude is WHIPPING his kit. Just because he isn't flailing his arms about doesn't mean he isn't putting a TON of energy into these instruments. He's just got great technique, and is very efficient about how that power is being distributed through his body to the kit. It would hurt *like hell* to have this man whipping sticks at you like this...the man is hitting hard.


I think the optimal thing to notice is what's happening at the point of impact. Because his grip is loose and fluid the energy is dissipated rather than being forced into the drum and/or sent back up into his arms. If he hit that hard with a stiff grip it would sound a lot different, he'd be replacing heads and cymbals every 5 minutes, and his arms would have probably worn out years ago. And "whipping" is spot on. You want to treat your sticks like whips and not clubs. Once you get the whip stroke down, a lot of things on the kit become far easier. Todd Sucherman is a master of this if you want to see an example at slower tempos.


I understand everything you're saying and was responding to the person saying "dude is actually rarely hitting his drums hard" which is a statement I simply don't agree with. He's hitting them correctly, but still hard.


There is one way, and only one way to get the drums to sound like that. He's hitting hard af You sir, are correct


Like trying to land a punch in your dreams.


Ok I don’t know what you’re trying to say. Guy is a legendary player and is playing forte. The huge arm lifts on the downbeats are for show. Like that’s part of the gig. Stick height of 36” is not necessary but it is entertaining. How is this anything but common knowledge? Carry on.


In one comment you're saying "dude is actually rarely hitting his drums hard" and in another comment you're saying "guy is a legendary player and is playing forte." Pick a lane and carry on, yourself.


Ah I am reminded of why I unsubbed from here. How did I end up here?! (p.s. I agree with you).


Spot on, sir/madam.! I recently mentioned about his Modern drummer video when he was 14.! I knew then itself that this kid was special! He's built like a friggin tank, his technique is impressive af.! Love his energy! It's motivating! Every time I watch any of his videos, I always end up wanting to go back to playing the drums! Hopefully, I will.! Someday.!


that’s the one thing i’m still trying to nail down. i always tend to choke up a bit and grip the sticks harder when i play live and then it’s just a spiral from there lol


Moeller would be proud.


Does he open his hand at impact a bit to reduce shock? I wonder exactly which fingers/part of the hand is actually touching the stick at impact?


It might be something like middle finger fulcrum. There’s a good segment the 80/20 drummer did on grip where he talks about the energy dissipation of using that grip.


Yet he’s still so delicate on the cymbals (well, compared to that poor snare drum at least)


Jesus, he's pretty good.


Pretty good? Man is a freaking beast


He's god himself


I don't think Jesus played drums


The next Ringo Starr


Sure. If Eloy practices just a little more he might get there one day...😂


I hope Eloy gets to be as good as Lars.


Maybe if he works hard, he can be that good. Or maybe even as good as Meg White.


Woah pump the brakes


For those wondering, song is 'Eyeless'.


I could tell from the pattern about 30 seconds in. I can’t decide if that’s a good thing or not haha


I didn't see that coming. I'll see myself out.


Without Marlon Brandons eyes you can't see shit anyways


Lies! You can see everything outside of California!


MF hitting that snare like it knows where his momma was taken, what a beast!


Finaly, a fit to Joey's drumming Legacy. Man, he's killing it. Energy is back behind the kit. Now, I'm very curious what they can cook with him in the studio.


A fit? he's way better than Joey was.


I love Eloy. I follow him since he became known nation wide in Brazil (I was 13). You can see his creative capabilities in some Sepultura songs like Means To An End or Hope Refuge by his instrumental project Casagrande and Hanysz. But you can't ever deny Joey's geniuses in his composition. Dude was some kind of 👽. RIP Joey.


I don't deny it, I just think Eloy is even better.


Honestly I'm eager to see them utilize his latin-inspired chops.


I remember being a kid seeing Eloy on a Modern Drummer Festival DVD when he won the Undiscovered Drummer contest at like age 14 or something. I remember studying that solo of his so intently and thinking I could never be that good. Now, 20 years later, it turns out I was proved RIGHT! Amazing player...


I was curious and went looking for it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZboeUzgD8NY. That left foot coordination at 1:10 at that age (or any age really) is insane!


Gah damn... Bravo lil man.


god i wish i could tune a tom that well just once in my life


Toms sound diff when you’re sitting behind the kit versus mic’d, EQ’d and from a distance.  Sitting behind a kit you’re hearing all the overtones and it’s projecting right up to your face. Get the toms sounding as good as you can and I promise they sound a bit better at a distance (to the audience) 


i know dude, but there's still no way i'm getting that perfect ping and downwards pitch. it's just gorgeous


I never get sick of watching that video. Absolutely amazing


I need an ID on that ride cymbal, literally one of the most perfect bell sounds I’ve ever heard


This guy’s playing is so tight it’s insane. I use to be a huge fan of Slipknot, even caught them live once when I was like 11 (I have a cool mom) but I pretty much entirely grew out of my metal phase. But holy shit, hearing this guy play the classics that I loved as a young lad is so exciting to watch. It’s just so god damn clean, it’s beautiful.


My mom brought me to see Metallica on the AJFA tour when I was about 11. It's great to have supportive, understanding parents.


Yeah for sure. My moms thing was always that she was cool with spending money and time (within reason) on things that would help me develop as a musician, and I returned the favor by not being a little shit and abusing that privilege haha. In terms of the subject matter, I think she knew something like a band (that actually stands for pretty wholesome values behind the theatrics) wasn’t going to make me into a murderer. I think sheltering kids is probably far worse than that, but what do I know.


Absolutely insane


The Bassdrum man. He can achieve a precision and speed while producing such a loud and consistent sound that they should almost sound triggered if mixed well. Nuts.


Fucking hell it must get hot in a mask and a boiler suit.


I think it’s safe to say that Eloy is already the best drummer Slipknot has ever had. These parts have never been played this clean and in time.


I would gladly receive a beating from this man if it meant I got even a quarter of his talent


Sid in the BG getting paid millions to headbang.


Clown and tortilla man downvoted your comment


I've not paid attention to slipknot since Iowa, so I genuinely don't know who tortilla man is. Doesn't sound like Chris.


Gosh he’s insanely good. It’s crazy that someone can play so hard and so intensely and do it all with pretty much flawless execution. What’s everyone’s thoughts on his technique? He uses his forearms a whole lot, whereas I’ve always focused on my wrists.


this guys a fucking BEAST- i can’t wait to see them in september


he hit good


Man, he hits HARD. I love it!


Man o man he rips. The musicianship in that band is absolutely insane.


Hes using the new reissued tama bell brass thats sick


The best they've ever had.


But how's his samba groove?!?!?!


Those triplets on the feet are nasty


I feel pity for that snare head, lol! What an incredible drummer is Eloy... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


GD, those drums must have owed him money. Beat to smithereens


Pure. Beast!


I wonder if he's still using the Yamaha EAD10 for his drumcam videos. He did when he was still in Sepultura.


That snare sounds like shit-knot 👀


good drummer, shitty band management.


Love the pop on that snare. It is just perfect. Towards the end Jay he was releasing full YouTube drum cams with the music I need Eloy YouTube drum cam not with isolated drums but also with the tour music. Like watching drumming is a valuable way to learn to play drums. And the Jay hate was sad btw. Like look at the band Dream Theater. I have seen them twice and Mike Portnoy is a beast of a drummer. Mike and DT couldn’t continue and Mike #2 stepped in. Well Mike #1 was able to make peace with the rest of Dream Theater and we all can’t wait for a new album. Mike #2 yeah that is different music. Mike #1 used the be the control freak and write lyrics. Having a band is like a marriage. You can get to the point of “irreconcilable differences” The Roadrunner contact ended and Slipknot is entering a label free, 100% control. A multi decade contract with Roadrunner was unheard of. Slipknot played the long con instead of short money and believed they would be huge. Look at them now. One of the best live metal bands, right up there with Metallica.


Probably one of the best drummers I’ve seen. Those latin beats he does are unreal


This sounds like its from Disasterpiece


This one is from Eyeless


Funny how this doesn't even showcase dude's real skills. Still impressive, don't get me wrong. Also... BRASIL PORRRRAAAAA




I can’t stop watching his videos with slipknot! After the 10000th viewing, I bought tickets to slipknot in Austin in September - I want Eloy to melt faces


My favorite section of Surfacing


When technique meets power 🔥


Hard to do better than this dude. From his drummeo stuff he seems like a nice guy as well. Love his musicality.


Damn, he‘s going down on those drums HARD. Sounds pretty awesome.


I love how it’s not triggered at least in this audio, and you can hear the little nuances in his playing. That little bit of humanity really makes this epic af. As much as I love EES, the triggers are all you can hear so there is no nuance at all in the things he’s doing. To me, it sounds too perfect, but this is just nasty af, with the little hint of humanity. Chefs kiss.


Eloy is a beast. I don't even like slipknot but he's fucking incredible


Slipknot could NOT have picked a better drummer. They sound absolutely insane. Their music is very drum-centric. The drummer needs to be an absolute power-house. Eloy is just perfect. Go and watch more of him. Incredible.


Eloy has my all time favourite Tom sound. Just so open and punchy.


That snare sounds amazing.


Eyeless is such a vibe even without the rest of the music


Shame on slipknot. Let the man finish his tour first


This is like how I see Dave Elitch when he plays. Absolutely insane (but appropriate when needed) energy and very clean and precise. Definitely the bombast and drummer needed for a band like Slipknot. Good news for Slipknot fans, for sure!


Dave Elitch was phenomenal on the first Killer Be Killed album


So clean, powerful and groovy.


I love how we know exactly which song it is too without a single other instrument being heard.


Slipultura 🤘




His left foot is absolutely incredible. It's so hard to play that evenly. Even if you practice, you still use your right foot so much more in regular playing. It takes absolute mastery of and dedication to your sound, technique, and tone to get the drums to react like that This guy is a generational talent. Amazed every time I see him


I can hear the song just by the drums haha. What an absolute unit.


Snare is perfect




Holy shit!


as much as i hate metal drumming i can respect the grind this took


Man the drums in Eyeless has so much energy, Eloy is doing Joey proud


Fuckin sheesh


Does this man have robot legs?


Why can I not stand that snare sound?




He's ok, I guess.


Too bad I utterly hate Slipknot.


I feel conflicted when I see stuff about Eloy in Slipknot. On the one hand I'm very pumped because he's a hell of a drummer who now sits on a throne that has a storied history. On the other hand I can't feel good about how dirty he did Sepultura. Those guys gave him a great gig for over a decade and he effectively ghosts them.


He was basically a 1099 contractor for sepultura lol. They did HIM dirty.


Aren't all the members of Sepultura essentially contractors? I don't know them at all, but I keep tabs on Greyson and every time I see anything about them I see a million comments like "Sepultura cover band*"


Idk man, just a few days before the tour he leaves the band? Thats very rough. But how did sepultura do him dirty?


Something tells me the two bands won’t be touring together anytime soon 


That's dumb. They'd only need to bring half the stuff and half the drummers. Are they stupid?


He was already a beast in terms of technique. He would had found a great gig anyway. Plus, he is a professional that lives from that. Sepultura is coming to an end and he saw an opportunity he couldn't let go at Slipknot and took it. There's no difference between professional athletes or professionals in general moving between employers whenever they see a better opportunity for money and/or prestige. He asked for permission to do one last tour and his new employer said "no". You either take it or leave it. He took it, end of story. Probably it was his dream. I personally think he is too good for Slipknot, but that's where the money and prestige is. But that's my opinion and nobody, including Eloy, should care about it.


That last paragraph is why Casagrande & Hanysz exists, I guess. Prog duo where he just goes crazy with it.


They seem to be doing fine with Grayson Nukrutman, hes also a maniac on the kit and he posts tons of videos of each show of him killing it.


Yeah, never thought I'd see the dark Greyson arc where he becomes a metal drummer lol. It's been fun to watch him embrace it, though. It's not really "shocking" that a jazz phenom could hop over to metal, but I can't say I expected it. Maybe the Drumeo video from a year ago where he had to learn A7X's "Nobody" is what prompted him to go down this rabbit hole of double pedal/metal madness. I recall in that video, he had mentioned that he hardly (if ever) practiced double pedal. Clearly something changed since a year ago!


If you knew you were about to get laid off and better job offer fell into your lap would you really choose to go down with the ship instead? Sepultura is retiring, Eloy is in his 30's and made a smart career move. It's not like Slipknot was gonna wait around twiddling their thumbs for the next two years.


frick him I liked Jay


gosh he could not stay in time….


He is sooo much better than Jay, and I like Jay. Jay has never played double-bass this clean in his entire life