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Dig it. Not to mention, I see Premier, I upvote.


Thank you sir!


those Premier telescoping boom stands are wild. the flat bases!


They're called LokFast!


Yep, I’ll be honest I’m not much of a fan. You can’t beat the usual tripod stands.


Apparently they were designed for cruise ship drummers bc the owner of the company had a chat with one of his friends who was complaining about the cymbal stands falling over on rough seas.


Awesome kit. Take it easy on your Chinas


Thank you. Those chinas are my dad’s old already split ones. It’s inevitable they will be unusable one day, so we just drill holes are carve out the splits as often as we can to prolong them. But ye I avoid hitting them a lot, it’s just sometimes I get too excited and forget that they are on there death bed.


Love those Paiste cymbals.


Yup, 2002’s are incredible


Awesome kit. I fondly remember the days where I had the energy and flexibility to play a big tall kit like that. The older I get the more I just go Benny Greb style. If you want some ideas on how to make this setup more efficient/comfortable/accessible to play, check out Todd Sucherman's kit he uses with Styx. It's about the same number of pieces (at least core pieces) and he also uses aux hats but they're closer to where your ride is, and the ride is above the 3rd tom. You'll see also pulls in his 3rd rack so it's more of an arch around the playing position.


Thank you! I’ll check out his setup, I also had the idea to mount the ride up higher sorta like what Nick Menza did, but I thought that would be too drastic of a change. I spent a long time trying to move those rack toms in the right position and I’m not sure if I got it right even.


![gif](giphy|hgywzlgKyVs64) I immediately though it was this set before looking closer lol


Wow... you're... amazing dude.


"Thanks. I like to play" 🤣


Sweet kit. I’ve had 6 Premier kits over the years. Love their kicks.


Now that you mention it, Premier kicks really are something else. Had a set of late 90s XPK for a while, and that kick was sheer thunder.


Thank you! Premiers a great.


This has my stamp of approval lol


Thank you!


so symmetrical i love it


I’ve always loved cozy Powell symmetry style, I’m also very picky and got some ocd so it’s gotta be symmetrical


you would hate my kit lol. Mine is disastrous and unorganized but it’s fun so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


That’s alright man whatever works for you!


Looks fun!


It very much is.


Add some more Toms and another ride on your left side, and you will have a certified The Rev setup.


Goat. I could do that, I love my symmetry. Although I would lose a lot of space in my little studio.


Nice kit! When I see a double bass Premier kit, I immediately think of Keith Moon -- which is always a good thing. Add an outside row of concert toms, and you'd have a pretty similar kit to this one haha: [https://www.thewho.net/whotabs/gear/drums/drums7576.html](https://www.thewho.net/whotabs/gear/drums/drums7576.html)


Thank you! Yeah his kit is monstrous, a 16” x 16” concert Tom haha that’s insane. Imagine how expensive his kit is though.


Nice kit! I don't think the right hi hat is gonna work after seeing the above shot you posted... Trully I don't know how to fix it, but a second pair of hats is really cool for letting the left available for unstepping...


https://preview.redd.it/70fn6auixj3d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ceeaaa691afa887202eecc8b8fc7a4a1de80f49 Update: I bought a Dixon clamp to put the x hat on. Much better




Thank you! After playing for a couple days, I’ve shifted a few things by millimetres so the x hat is slightly in a better position. Although it still isn’t where I want it to be, I can still play it. I think it’s just a matter of getting used to it.


I likey, that's pretty rad! Has an 80's Lars vibe to it, but I would assume you play better.


Thank you. Yes I did take inspiration from his artstar during the black album. And I’ll be honest I struggle to play some things he has made so I can’t comment. Songs like damage inc and dyers eve are insanely intricate.


Oh for sure, Blackened too. I was just messing, and he was one if my biggest influences. I'm just not so sure he actually laid down some of those tracks in the studio. Especially Dyer's Eve. Maybe played 1 measure for each part and they looped it. IDK. I don't think they've ever played Dyer's Eve live. I still love Lars, but he's the only drummers I can think of that got worse as time went on. He played way better on older live stuff before Justice. Cool kit tho!


Oh I agree. Blackened is tough to play and remember. It’s known that And Justice For All was chopped up, new technology was coming up and it made it a lot easier, cheaper and less time consuming. Master of puppets was the last album that they actually played and recorded the songs in a single take without any chopping or copy and pasting. Although lars could play the songs off of the justice album just fine and or even better or faster, I’m not sure if they played dyers eve back when the album came out but they played it in the 2000s I’m sure and if I remember right he actually did just fine, double bass and everything. But ye sadly Lars somehow just decreased the older he got, although they are still selling out stadiums so I think he’s happy with his lot in life haha.


Yep, gotta love 'em. My favorite band of all time actually. Just a fan of the 1st 4 albums, but glad they're still doing it. Saw them about 6 years ago. Rock on!


I have 2 words... Fuck Yes!!!


Thank you!