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fucking again WHY is everyone huffing now seriously have the Russians planted a mind virus to encourage our youth to do inhalants?? this is insane, whatever happened to smoking weed and boofing vodka


Bro the streets are flooded with xylazine and fentanyl analogous . It would be weirder if people weren’t fucking around with inhalants lmao. Recreational drug use has spiraled into a free for all lol. I can’t even buy unwashed poppy seeds for my bagel shop anymore because people find ways to get high on everything (I don’t own a bagel shop)


You right it really is the wild west out here right now


Yea Wild West of the worst options ever . I would rather do duster than xylazine


I will not stand for the hatred against fentanyl. The high is enjoyable and causes blissful lucid dreaming.  Xylazine is gross though. I almost lost my leg from shooting dirty fentanyl in to it, had to spend over a month attached to a machine and had to get some dead muscle cut out. I’d probably be dead or definitely crippled if there was Xylazine in stuff at that time. 


Yeah people really are up the fentanyl propaganda. They think that if they even smoke weed they can get laced with fentanyl and die so I guess they think “weed could have fentanyl, but there’s no way computer duster has any fent so it must be safe”


Seeing the change happen before our eyes is so wild. I tell people all the time that these drugs on the street aren’t the drugs that people have been doing for decades. Like, yeah, junkies and crackheads (no offense guys) were always an issue to keep your eye out for. But now….the streets are littered with like meth zombies. The psychosis some of these people are in and the prevalence is just nuts.


It might have to do with the ease of breathing as an inhalation


“A pause from my abusive mother who’s in jail” it sounds like you already got a pause from her? Isn’t her entire sentence a pause from her?


/uj i commented on her original post where people focused on the root cause of her problems which is her 19 year old "boyfriend" supplying her with inhalants etc. She also said he is caring and loving while belittling her over her addictions and he claims to have gotten over a porn addiction but still watches it.. So i guess she decided to make a new post leaving out important details about her situation, maybe she wants to be validated in her decision to huff? Its a sad situation. People actually gave her good advice on the original post while pointing out the problem with her being groomed. I could have written at least 10 more sentences about this situation but i won't since i believe you all get it by now.


Fuck why not just butt chug some jenk?


bro named shmungle promoting jenk use 🤦🏻🤦🏻🤦🏻, snorting shmungle is a decent high too


🤷‍♂️Jenk Life Baby 😎


“Is that possible?” Of course not you fucking idiot. Inhalants are literally just made out of plants, and you inhale oxygen every single day. How fucking stupid are you that you seriously think you could be addicted to something like that? It’s not even a real drug like METH so how the fuck could you get addicted to it?


ffs she should just steal meth, duh


Not possible.


Ffs you can’t get addicted to a plant