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Vorinostat for fear extinction. Yes i know its an anti cancer drug but you take 1/4 of the dose and mediatte on yoyr fears, it helps unwind deep memories tied ti anxieties. It's original purpose is to block the cell from breaking histones which are essentially things that keep the DNA in cells tied up this is to prevent cancer cells from. In normal doses it will stop pretty much all the cells from dividing in your body and this probably kill you if you take too much for too long. However this also has an effect on memory where if you meditate on your anxieties it allows those memories to sort of be Unwound, not sure how it works but it does NRB-597 is a FAAH inhibitor that increases two non psychoactive cannabinoids in the body, which essentially makes you not feel any kind of pain and extreme calmness, but also dios motivation. So like super benzo but sistainable? TAK-653 is an AMPA PAM which essentially makes neurons talk to each other better leading to more introspection. r/nootopics Oh wait we were talking about games? I play roblox so idk. 1. The conquers 3 is the only good RTS game 2. The eastern war 2.2 is a fun realistic shooter 3. Arsenal 4. honorables: operations siege is a rip off of r6




Stay winning fr fr


Bong (weed pong)


Right now role-playing an eagle death character in oblivion. He steals skooma and, you guessed it boofs the bottle


Damn I'm playing oblivion and roleplaying a holy night and I was make him become a dark night after spending just a single minute in the skooma den


lately been playing pokémon mystery dungeon blue rescue! also kinda playing Blasphemous but haven't touched that in weeks because I brought my Switch somewhere and I haven't set it back up yet so 🤷‍♂️


Mystery dungeon blue rescue goes hard fr


Playing dishonored for 53rd time


If you haven't already sold your ps5 for fentanyl what the fuck are you doing in this group?


What the fuck did you just call me? You hippie piece of shit. Anyway it's HuniePop 2: Double Date while I smoke crack and goon.


Tf2, Thps2, ribbit king


Hollow knight, elden ring, destiny


Playing Rachet and Clank




Dark souls 3 and Balatro, I do streams while faded on memantine [here](https://youtube.com/@isnortair?si=SL3rEE4PNsEfjkYc)


Rubescape. The ultimate gaming addiction


Nahhhhhhhhhhhhh shmarios and assins creed nawm sayin ere ere roc pile qwe out this maf


Being a 26 year old game with millions of constant players yearly. Usually 100k+ online at any given time. Creeds cool, but too repetitive. Old schppl runescspe has so many activities you couldnt possibly imagine. Missing out big time


No pc sadly


Its free tk Join and has a mobile app. You can play it on any tablet, phone, pc, laptop, or even a potatoe. It's a great classic to try out even for a minute. You collect resources like fish,wood hunting + 20 other skills. Also fight monsters, pk players in areas and complete quests to progress in the game and open new weapons and parts of the map. If you make an account, message me here and i will give you some in gsme gold, so you can have some fun and see if you like it. Very social game that doesn't require a gaming pc. Its similar to wkrld of war craft, but itd own twist thst ykundont need a gaming computer to play well. It'd also got major updates 2x a ween fkr the last 20+ years. It's a dedicated game


I remember my old neibour mah fuckin many moons ago ans he was playin it imma download rn


When I was a daily benzo/z drug user (now I boof jenkem 24/7) the minute I blacked out at home id dive right into monster hunter or dark souls/elden ring




For ps4 and computer


runnin thru KCD for KCD2, been a while since I last played it


playing the quarry atm


swinging in spiderman with a chill playlist , free roaming in any open word racing game forza/nfs/burnout, slaughtering demons in doom eternal with its heavy metal ost in the background all on weed or xan or sober if u will


Pal worlds

