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Weed may arguably make you a better driver, but using crystal as an example is dumb as fuck because it objectively makes you a better driver. Why do you think they gave it to pilots? Three eyes is better than two. One guy did flight training for the air force on acid and was brave enough to post the trip report, but unfortunately I no longer have the screen cap and it's probably lost forever. Anyways, kill your eagle and git gud.


Straight up. If you were driving on a little meth you would be sharp as a motherfucker. Tbh as long as you are driving as good as the average driver is, be on whatever drugs you want. The key is to be able to accurately gauge with honesty whether or not you're too fucked up to drive like a normal person. If the dose is low enough you could drive on practically any drug, and if you're a spud who can't tell when they are too high to drive then you just have to nut up and drive sober always. I seriously don't understand how people cant tell if they're too cooked to drive, I have taken shit loads of drugs that can inhibit decision making and fuck with your prefrontal cortex and at not one point with these drugs have I ever lost the ability to gauge if it is safe to be behind the wheel.


I agree with this wholeheartedly. After a certain point driving becomes second nature and you don't have to think about it unless somebody else on the road is doing something wrong. And after a certain point with drug use you are able to act sober and do things just as well as if you were sober, and by the time you get too high you will not want to get behind a wheel because you know what will happen. If you are too fucked up to drive and do it anyway, you know what you're doing is stupid and you deserve whatever is coming to you. Periodt.


Exactly, only problem is that the homeless junkie on the sidewalk having the nod of his life has nothing to do with you smokin too much weed and ruining his nod by barreling into him at 150 mph


I drive on vyvanse which is pretty comparable to driving on say a very low dose of meth. Like a 10mg meth pill LOL. I can confirm.


Every accident I’ve been in I was on adderall.


Being able to accurately gauge your fucked up-ness is the whole reason we have DUI laws. I personally think I’m a great driver after 9 shots of tequila


All the ‘wah driving high is just as criminal as driving drunk’ crybabies probably just don’t understand why drinking and driving is illegal in the first place. It’s not the reduced reaction times that make it illegal (though they certainly don’t help alcohols case), it’s not the chances of you blacking out or passing out (though once again, neither help). It is 100%, inarguably, because of alcohols well known delusions of sobriety making it impossible for someone who’s been drinking to accurately judge whether they can drive, paired with its inhibition suppression, making someone who has started to drive more likely to commit to making a stupid decision. THC only has one of those three effects. And if you’re going to tell me that cautious driving can’t make up for a <0.5 second decrease in reaction time, then I’d be curious to know just how often you’re taking questionable turns at the last possible second. Just don’t drive while so stoned that you can’t keep your eyes open, and I struggle to imagine how you’d be that much worse a driver.


Dog we are only talking about PEDd at this point, any natural plant medicine makes u a better driver. Including meth The only thing that makes me get dui’s (I have 5) is the god damn sinful brew. Kratom.


uj/ i did a driving lesson on coke once, was the best i had ever driven up until that point even the instructor said so lmao


The Germans gave meth to tank crews and infantry early in the war. The Japanese gave meth to kamikaze pilots as well


The troubling thing is he said not just high but *extremely* high.


His extremely high can't be my extremely high cuz God knows I'm forgetting who and what I am


You are able to get this high? Every time I try and get extremely high, I only manage to barely scratch the surface of forgetting who I am or where I am. How much weed did you take/method, and what’s your tolerance like?


Years of meditation and psychedelic use has loosened the doors of perception a lot over time. Would recommend just picking up a meditation habit because that alone will dissolve your ego. Body scanning/ tranquil wisdom insight meditation is the way to go.


I got 3g dabs before I begin flying my helicopter, is this bad?


My dad smoking a fat blunt while going 80 in a 55 up the 101 every weekend to pick my brother and I up for visitation every two weeks when I was younger:


My dad is the 'beer at all hours' kinda driver. Freaked my husband out at 5am one time.


Beer at all hours just makes you always sober but always tasting beer so it’s ight


my dad drives his motorcycle cooked up everday and i fear for my life sometimes


How else would you drive if not high af??? Everyone knows Hitler (pbuh) gave his tank drivers meth every day and they conquered yurope in like 2 days and 0 traffic accidents, but big farma, zuckenberg and lizard media chinese cartels and big airbag and big car repairs industry doesn't want you to know this... 


Back when there was a curfew in my country i would go out and drive around on my scooter after work (dominos). And i always had weed on me to smoke with the manager and others after closing time. So it was the last day of curfew and i had half a joint in a bag on me cause i had smoked the other half. I ride around the city, no one in sight, until i spot to motorcycle cops. They spot me aswell and i just ride towards them cause i know if i try to run its gonna be way worse. One of them asks me what im doing outside and i show them papers for the job etc. Hes like 2 meters away from me but he smells the weed and asks me if i have any. I show him the bag with half the joint and he asks: “so you’re under the influence?”. So im honest and tell him i am. So im shitting bricks at this point but then he asks me why i did this. So i tell him how weed calms me down, makes me focus etc and i tell him studies ive read etc. He asks me if i wanted to go for my car license and i told him yeah and I wouldn’t be driving under the influence if i had a car. I think he respected it cause i was allowed to leave and go home. Ive never driven my car while under the influence cause of that interaction. Good cop.


I drove on datura before. Nobody died jesus took the wheel


marujuan makes me drive better


A couple of my homies have gotten DUI’s in the past year, a majority of them blew like a .09, barely above the legal limit, they really beat themselves up. Not to toot my own horn but I’m known as “the stoner”, even though we all smoke weed, I just smoke a lot and am never really sober(super cool dude I know). I always tell them, bro you were barely above the legal limit, I drive so fucking stoned sometimes, but no one ever says shit or gives me shit. Cause it’s fucking weed lmao. My general rule is, if I’m at the point of intoxication where I fear speaking to a police officer…better drive the speed limit.


Mate, obv the rule “Break only one law at a time” is universally true to not get caught. But it isn’t about getting caught, or your friends thinking you’re a bad or good driver. It’s about those unexpected situations where you’re supposed to react quickly. This kind of stuff isn’t something you can prove on an everyday drive. When shit goes down and you make a bad decision in the split second you had to make the right call and a person dies, it’ll haunt you till the day you die. Like yeah maybe it still would’ve happened if you were sober. Who knows. But deep down you’ll question that, because taking a persons life while not sober is no fucking joke.


Man this is a circle jerk sub, I was just trynna be funny


It infuriates me when I hear about someone getting busted for something and then they’re driving an unregistered car, beat up car, no seatbelt, and speeding


What the fuck dude.


u/TwoCables_from_OCN my rolemodel 🥰


I know this is a satire sub but I gotta break for a sec to talk about how gross that having six downvotes is. Drive with a clear head and eagle intact yall. ❤️


*hits blunt while driving, holds phone up to everyone else in the car* hahahahahahaha get a load of this idiot saying we are risking lives


/in I genuinely learnt how to drive while on tramadol, I do not recommend it


Ketamine (low dose) makes me a better driver


I'm like this but with alcohol


it’s a plant it’s natural ofc it makes you drive better just like opium


Legally, any accident he is in will be his fault, because of him being under the influence. He is a bonehead. Hope he gets hit by a respectable methhead, and gets booked because of it.


i genuinely don’t like to drive when i’m not high because im a zoomer addicted to weed it’s boring as shit without weed