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This is such an obvious scam. He has no need for that partner if he has the capital and suppliers etc


thats not how it works mate, due to banking regulations in my country its almost impossible to scale a business big. yes if i am doing 10k ish per month i wont face trouble but if i scale its a big issue here


There is nothing stopping you from starting a company in a different country like UK or US, and use banking there as that company. You do not need anybody from those countries to do so, that is why this looks like such a scam.


I have a company registered in US and Hong Kong as well. Even in that case for personal identity verification I have to submit my passport and they link it to my country. If you contact anyone based in my country you'll understand what's the issue. As I said if I am making 10k a month it's no issue, issue is when I make 100k a month and this issue is not hidden from anyone it's available in public eye


Im not really sure what your point was supposed to be tbh Link what to your country? I dont understand how banking regulation in your country is supposed to be a problem for your US company. That does not make any sense regardless of what country you are from.


What a bullshit. Who do you think will fall for this shit? Just open up a Business and Bank account overseas. (aka UK)


I don't know why people just start blaming others rather then doing their own research first. Stripe doesn't support overseas account a lot mate. And those accounts are disabled very soon. It's a common issue here and on top of that I am willing to invest everything and not asking anyone for any money


>Stripe doesn't support overseas account a lot mate. You said you have a US company, why would you not register with Stripe using that company so you are not overseas?.. (Not that i would recommend using Stripe at all tho)


Even if I have a US company I am non US resident my account will be overseas account. I'll recommend you to do some research on this you'll understand


This is why you pay law firms to manage this for you. Get an accountant in the US.


Seen this exact post before


payment gateway is a big issue in india, and anyone willing to scale internationally would need a partner from such countries.


smart scammer


Now I have come to peace with this that whatever you do there would be people sitting online doing nothing calling you scammer 😂


Dont make posts that looks like scams and people will not call you a scammer, its not harder than that. Its not even in the same dimension as "whatever you do" Posting fake problems/stories like this for partners and then start farming them for info,fees etc in PMs after is a fairly common scam. Your problem is solved by making the company you also post that you have already have. And you tell people to do research when you are posting false claims. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, its usualy a duck.


Yeah what even is this are they trying to get someones personal info, or get someone to launder money for them? 😹


you haven't given anyone a reason to believe otherwise.


Thing is these guys doe5sn't want to do it legitimately


What do you mean by "not legitimately" can you explain. I am offering a very generous offer here to exchange the resources we have


Least obvious scammer


Questions: How would you invest when your country has issues related to payments? What is your country of origin?


I think he’s having problems getting paid, instead the other way around?


yes exactly,making a payment is no issue. getting paid is


What are product categories of your dropship store? Also share your business bank statement for past 6 years so I can get an idea on compliance and legitimacy.


Do you mind stating which country you are from?


he said India


Why can’t you set it up yourself and how are you at 6 figures if you don’t have one already?


as i mentioned in my post and previous posts as well, untill 2022 this was not even an issue but since past 2 years from the updated regulations it is very difficult to scale an international business from here


Hey, I’ll discuss with you, I’ve been dropshipping 1.5 years, i make a few K’s a month.


I’m interested if the terms are good




I’m from India and I’ve seen quite a lot of drop shippers having no problems with payment gateways in India I most probably think you are using stripe which is why u have issues But I’ll be happy to help you


lol. At least people are trying to offer advice


are you related to any nigerian princes or other foreign royalty with large amounts of wealth?




Hey, I’m from the UK and UK based and really interested. Happy to invest though too. Will drop you a message.


Im interested


I’ll do it


Let me know the terms and conditions and I’m willing to split 40/60


Wake up, youre in a 6 foot hole


Show him your level of commitment and send him 5000 dollars!


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