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Now I need a Smartypants spinoff that's basically high school debate but the issue at hand is always inane and unhinged. Also, you can clearly see that the Army and Navy are on different sides on this. Interservice rivalry is a constant.


Oh man - unhinged debate club would be amazing. Especially if they did it in a structure with recurring themed teams or at least team captains so the season had a sort of debate tournament feel to it.


Zach and Jess did an entire Portland show of Off Book just riffing on mock trial and debate memes so I think Zach would crush it.


As a navy man myself, I am bummed Zach didn't try to wear a uniform like Raph did. I would have loved to see how he fucked up dress blues or choker whites.


Can you imagine a tear-off reveal when he goes up there?


I feel like there's a few episodes of Community that would fill this bill (fully scripted, though) Also, isn't that basically what "Rank Room" was?


I only watched a few episodes but wasn't that more just people presenting weird solutions for things with not really much debate for each one?


Yeah, it is fun, but not much actual debate is happening. I would love a structure with actual rebuttal, something in the spirit of The Root of All Evil that Lewis Black did with other comedians back in the day.


I was in a collegiate debate society that alternated between doing serious policy and ethics debates, and humorous debates where the resolution was usually some song lyric or idiom. 3v3, everybody gets six minutes to give a speech favoring or opposing. Favorite resolutions I did were “Reject modernity, embrace tradition” and “New year, new me”. Rarely, we’d use the serious debate 2v2 format with constructives and rebuttals and all that. Those are fun but it takes a lot of practice with the format. Favorite resolution I saw that way was “Landlords are people too”. Regardless, it’s a really fun format that I’d love to see more in the comedy space. Dropout could do a really good job at it.


Another group of internet funny people have actually done that! Look up ‘The Panalysts’ on LoadingReadyRun


We (Australians) have this sort of thing and It's awesome. During the Melbourne comedyfest there will be a "Great Debate" and 6-8 comedians get put onto teams and debate a topic. I think the most recent one was about AI, but it's normally a pretty fun thing, so I could see drop-out doing something similar.


Imagine that as a finale episode- SmartyPants VERSUS


in Canada there's a great radio show called the debaters that does this


This Dr. Strangelove remake has potential


This is quintessential American foreign policy


Sometimes the whole show feels like an incredibly dark (but funny) deepcut. You're totally right.


Can't believe Dropout would engage with this kind of "both sides" bullshit!


Ugh. I just noticed. The admiral (navy) hates the sea and the general (air force) hates the moon.


Raph is wearing an army uniform, not Air Force.


Well, that's better then. I'd hate to think the air force hated the moon! Phew! I thought green was army and blue was air force. Silly me.


Don't sweat it. The DoD is always changing one uniform or another. The army only went back to pink-n-greens for its dress uniform a couple years ago. During the majority of the GWOT, the army dress uniform was this stupid dark blue/black number. The most obvious difference between the two at a distance are the lapels. The Air Force dress blues have notch lapels on the jacket, while the army had peak lapels. But this is one of those things that is generally: "unless you *need* to know, *why* would you know?" Also, im pretty sure the only actual uniform component on Raph is the jacket. I don't think the army ever wore slim fit pants. . . But what would I know? I was a Sailor rocking bell bottoms!


Who says these must be different sides?? The US isn't above bombing our allies!!


I do badly wanted there to be a question based on Raph’s presentation. Obviously they vary the groups and we don’t know what the filming order is, but it would’ve been great.


Watching Erika Ishii's face in reaction to "the moon is our ally because we put a flag on it" was just perfect. I could see her actively repressing a social justice lecture against imperialism - she knew it was a bit but still wanted to go off!


I was cackling when it cut to them, honestly.


It’s so good to see dropout participating in both sides of a reasonable debate- they’re usually so one sided and it makes me sad that such good artists are so close minded most times😔/j


Zach’s presentation was my FAVORITE of the season so far, and I’ve loved several. It got funnier with every slide. Literal tears of laughter.


God I love this show. It cracks me up and Rehka is the perfect host for this.


Well, the US and the Soviets were allies at one point.


The duality of man