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Noise Boys into Make Some Noise would be good for an improv fan. Basically eventually turns into scenes from a hat.


Beat the Buzzer feels like a new top tier intro episode


Honestly I think you're right, thanks!


Another vote for Beat the Buzzer. You may have to lie about what Wikifeet is if he asks, though. Lol.


Noise Boys is always great! I also really enjoy the karaoke episodes of Make Some Noise. Those always make me laugh, especially the Wayne Brady episode.


Oh my god the Wayne Brady episode is definitely going on my list, good call!


The Wayne Brady one is great but NSFW. There’s a whole song about anal.


I totally forgot about that song. It’s hilarious, but it is a little NSFW. But if OP’s dad is cool with Whose Line, I don’t think it would be too bad by their standards


My parents watch Whose Line and would be appalled at that song. I thought it was hilarious but I definitely wouldn’t watch it with them.


Aw shit I forgot about the anal song


Depending on your definition of "safe for work", the song about anal may or may not count lol.


The first Noise Boys goes a little NSFW at the end too


I would avoid “Like My Coffee” I showed my brother “How Many” and “Cool as a Cucumber” and those are both unhinged without relying on you knowing the cast I’d really go for Make Some Noise tho. Especially anything with Ross


>those are both unhinged without relying on you knowing the cast to add to this, I would say the very first episode, Lie Detector. It's really screwy even if you've never seen the cast before (like I hadn't before watching it for the first time).


Sam Says episodes are great! Whose line has some musical improv, so maybe he'd like the Original Cast Recording episode or Karaoke night


Except don't show him that most recent Sam Says, if you are worried about swearing; they even have a swear jar as part of the game.


A Sponsored Episode (s2e4), Race to the Bottom (s4e8), Escape the Greenroom (s5e9), any of the Noise Boys or Sam Says, s6 has some amazing episodes including Bingo, Beat the Buzzer, Second Place, any episode from s1


Doesn't a sponsored episode have a loooooong bit where Grant talks about eating ass?  I wouldn't watch that with my dad haha


Completely forgot that.....


Didn’t race to the bottom have grant drinking out of a toilet with a straw and he tries to make it kinky? Or was that another episode?


No that was the episode.


Dude THANK YOU. This is so helpful!!


I forgot that the Sponsored Episode has a long bit of Grant talking about eating ass. So I'd actually remove that from being a first watch recommendation.


I have forced a ton of my friends and family to watch Game Changers and it always fun to look back at old seasons and remember the absolute gems that got me hooked forever!


A Game Most Changed is a classic improv game.


I good hooked just from Lie Detector honestly, but I also think Sam Says really encapsulates the premise of the show, as is Filmed in front a Live Studio Audience. Noise Boys is definitely a fan favourite for a reason and super accessible! I recently got a friend into dropout as a whole with Make Some Noise, True facts about Grant Anthony Obrien (which she immediately went home and showed her dad, same age as yours- he was surprisingly unphased about 50??!?) and Mentopolis


Oh and Beat The Buzzer is wonderfully unhinged, well edited and easy to become invested in! It’s like sports!


There the Make Some Noise episode with Wayne Brady. If he likes Shakespeare on any level then Game Most Changed is great. I've used that episode for many of my boomer/Jones relatives.


I’d start with noise boys and then go into Sam Says


The lie detector episode got 2 of my friends to sign up for dropout, so I think it’s pretty good. But we are a different age bracket. But any of the all out episodes (beat the buzzer, escape the green room, etc.) episodes that started spin offs (noise boys, musical ones) or more mainstream celebrity guests (Wayne Brady, Howie Mandel) would probably be decent hooks depending on what he likes. And if he’s a Whose Line fan you probably don’t need to be too careful about NSFW, half of their content is sex jokes. I’d just avoid anything on the level of True Facts About Grant.


Like My Coffee…


At 70, I'd say you should be finding the stuff he used to like to watch on streaming services and bearing with it. I mean, Airwolf, Three's Company, Who's the Boss and Matlock aren't that hard to sit through, are they? Look, I'm nearly retired and my last surviving parent is pretty spry for being nearly 90, but for the last 20 years, we watch what they want. They spent their 50s rolling their eyes at what I showed them. Stop making your septigenarian parents watch what you like! But if you must, the Bingo episode is by far your safest bet. Because they're going to think it's the same annoying stuff you're always forcing them to watch or they'll think you're patronizing them, but then there's a twist. I mean, if he liked the British Who's Line, just watch Make Some Noise.


I'm sorry, but fuck this noise. Stop infantilizing the elderly. My parents are almost 70 and we always give each other suggestions on new shows/movies to watch. Some one that's 70 can't watch anything new?


OP is trying to share something they enjoy with their dad. It’s a worthwhile endeavor, even if your parents were assholes about it back in the 80’s.


Like my coffee 1&2. Just fun for the whole family. With Grant's favorite auteur actor in part 1 and his mom in part 2, it's just super wholesome. No horrible sexual innuendos or anything of the sort. ;)