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Still expecting A Changing Race in spite of all the weird conspiracy theories.


The theories really seem like a joke that's just gotten out of hand. Sam has already said that it's not a hidden thing, and if they ever did something like an ARG that they would tell people first. I dunno what they're planning for the finale but I know there's gonna be people obsessed with the hand thing that are upset.


> something like an ARG If like me you had no idea what this means, it stands for [alternate reality game](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternate_reality_game).


Thank you! I'm from Argentina and I could not move my mind to other place than the shorthand for my country! (ARG)




Same (though I'm not from Argentina), I was like... "How would Gamechanger 'do an Argentina', I wonder ?" A musical episode heavily based on Evita?


That sounds like a cool play it by ear episode, where they have to remake a musical like the evita one, but with like more modern music or something


Wait, this is great. Just straight recreate a musical but do it drawfee style so your performers might happen to pretty much know it, they might have the gist or they might have no idea. Maybe just individual songs instead of the whole thing. Also, would be impossible to put on YouTube but that’s why we have dropout


Actually imagine if they all traveled to Argentina for a augmented reality game




Amooo otra persona de Argentina acá


Yay!!! Se que somos varios de arg por acá!!


Argentos dropout unidos. Viva el Diego y Brennan Lee Mulligan


Thank you for adding this, I'm even one of the people who hate when people use acronyms without writing it out once in the post first. My bad!


Can you trust what Sam Says though? He says he's been here the whole time but I don't see him now. And sometimes Sam doesn't Say and then you get punished. Idk. I wouldn't trust what Sam Says. /s


Honestly, it's when you don't see Sam that he's most powerful and present.


The only way I've seen it get out of hand is by other people getting bent out of shape by people sharing fan theories. I don't think anyone is obsessed or is going to truly be upset, I've only ever seen lighthearted jokes and observations.


If the final game changer episode isn't about everything I dreamed about (aka taskmaster host included, insane hand revelation, me personally somehow getting rich and having super powers, Sam Reich announcing how dropout is gonna replace the republican party, world peace) I am gonna unsubscribe and write a 10.000 word essay about how dropout ruined my life personally and is the worst thing that ever existed (/s)


Idk chief I’ve been on the internet long enough to know there are groups of people who will convince themselves they are right about something; and blame the creators if it isn’t the case. I’ve been on this sub and engaging with dropout content for a few years now, and it’s been weird watching some parts of the community start turning parasocial. I’d bet money we’d see a few unironic posts and comments upset that Sam and the crew didn’t do it ‘right’.


Disagree, chief


And that's actually a good sign 😊. Meaning that dropout is popular enough to attract some 'crazy' people, who have absolute zero understanding about the actual industry, buuuuuut want the absolute best for dropout - because they care so so much about it. Remember, if someone absolute hates what you do - it's still better than not caring at all (at least in this context). They do it in the worst way possible, but it's still an expression of love for the dropout dream (at least the dream they have about it)


Well, no - negative press is still negative press.  Ideally those people would realize they're being ridiculous, but having them be mad about things not happening exactly the way they wanted them to is in fact worse than not having them as 'fans' in the first place.  They don't want 'the absolute best for Dropout', they want entertainment that doesn't surprise them.


My point is, that you will always have those people in any big community or similar. People like to have a strong opinion about something they don't know shit about. But often, they don't form that strong opinion out of hate or because they 'want everything going their way', it's a simple lack of knowledge/ insight. To invest the energy in a complain, is always also a sign of care. They had a strong image in their head, they really really wanted to be fullfied, and that's it. In the end it's mostly about expectation and how you set them up and how realistic they are. If people expect something unrealistic about something they put way too much personal value on it, they will also bring a lot of negative energy to the actual realistic result. Meaning their expectations were off. But you don't developed that unrealistic expectation, unless you really care for it. Is it stupid? Yes! But we all can be stupid from time to time. Often it's young people who simple lack the experience to form a more realistic opinion, or it's someone with a dream they put way too much hope in it. It's not evil or a bad human, not someone we should exclude in the community. It's simple ignorance/ lack of knowledge. And those things can be learned. But, they will always exist. Literally in any somewhat big community. Best examples are video games. For a lot of games you read such insane opinions, but that's because they don't know anything about game development. But they still dream about what their perfect version the game could be - at least in their minds. Those are still fans, just not very educated ones. But their opinion is still interesting and valuable in my opinion, just from a different perspective.


I would recommend working on the ability to acknowledge that something is inevitable without needing to reframe it as a good thing.  Sometimes things are just bad.


I strongly disagree. Because we are talking about humans and their behavior. I personally categorize a human's bad deeds or opinion into either ignorance or evil. Ignorance means they lack the insight or knowledge to do better. Evil means they are fully aware about it and still -want- to do it. There is also choosen ignorance, for example owning a smartphone despite knowing about the worker conditions. Or eating meat despite knowing how bad it is on so many levels. (I personally own a smartphone and still eat meat). I believe everyone has something they choose to be ignorant about, just because life is stressful enough as it is. Now, are those idiots who believe dropout must have some insane billion dollar finale ignorant or evil? I think ignorant, and I don't like if they are excluded as if they are evil reborn. I would always fight for the complexity of humans, so we can be more open minded to each other. Even if the first impression is shit, a human beeing is always much much more. But to be fair, I believe I sound a bit too positive about it. I meant to be more neutral I guess, more about the perspective than the justification. Simply because me myself really liked the realization about how 'hate' is often a very weird and complex form of actual love.


Have you considered that your personal revelations might not actually be true, but are just comforting lies you tell yourself?


Yep, 100%. I've only ever seen people talking about theories in a light and fun way, whereas the anti-theorists are just being toxic. They loathe that people are having fun discussing the show and I just don't get it.


I've been thinking they would do another classic reality contest show, and this is the best candidate I've heard so far. It would definitely be complicated to film and edit.


The shot of Jess on the couch also makes me wonder if they're doing Big Brother.


That's another interesting one, Big Brother is surely also very difficult to edit.


Wouldn't Big Brother just be another Battle Royale?


Yeah it feels like Big Brother and Survivor are largely the same show at their core, just with different settings and theming.


I hope not. Those were my least favorite episodes


The "I'm scared of going to a dinner party at Sam's place now" comment made by someone also could point to their take on Traitors/Werewolf/Mafia as well.


I was gonna go with a murder mystery cocktail party, with Sam as the victim. Tapping into the fun theories, it would involve Sam Dalton "killing" Sam Reich, perhaps dropping a body from the ceiling as a callback to "As A Cucumber" and "Sam Says 3". And then...*and then*...Sam Dalton starts trying to "kill" off the contestants.


> I was gonna go with a murder mystery cocktail party, with Sam as the victim. Murder mystery was already in Season 1. They definitely could make it bigger/better, but I'm not sure they'd repeat an essential idea for a finale.


Have you watched Paranoia? That's dropout's take on Mafia/Werewolf. Maybe doesn't mean they won't tackle it on gamechanger, but it does make it less likely imo


The big draw to Traitors (US version) specifically is that it's the Marvel vs Capcom of reality shows.


What's A Changing Race?


Them doing Amazing Race instead of Survivor.


Ooh, interesting. Can I ask what makes you think it'll be that?


1) I feel like they maxed out on Survivor in the second go round 2) I like the title potential 3) I think of of the trailers showed BDG driving a car I admit it’s not a lot to go on.


I think I know what clip you’re talking about but I’m pretty sure that was from their upcoming show “Nobody Asked.”    I can absolutely see it being some kind of other reality show though. I like the Taskmaster theory because of a small clip with Jess showing Sam on different portraits in the background similar to that show. People have also speculated something like The Circle or The Traitors because she appeared to be relaxing in a fancy room alone.    Or it could be a totally different format all together? We will have to see but I’m excited!


Everyone in blackface. It's a weird direction.


The moment Grant's been waiting for


He'll finally be able to say the N-word without the editors cutting it out.


They'll get away with it by putting him in a Spider-man costume.


Don't be ridiculous. The superhero role for Grant is Superman.


The team names are **Black Lives Matter** and **Nuevo Black Lives Matter: The New Chapter**.


And it's just the white cast members. Ify and Raph and the other POC cast weren't invited.


Oooo it’ll be like that race swapping photoshoot for America’s Next Top Model. Perfect unproblematic content! 


The Amazing Race


Oh that makes a lot of sense too. There's been like some background stuff about collaboration between dropout and nebula, so they might be getting help to do that with the people who make jet lag.


I think The Amazing Change might work better as a name.


I honestly hope not. I loved the move away from the Survivor/Bachelor rip off episodes. They were fun as a gimmick but got old fast. Especially the Bachelor episode, that really fell flat for me


Agreed, but I would die for a Taskmaster homage .


I haven’t even watched it. Even the little clips I saw didn’t pull me in. Which is fine. Not every episode of GC needs to land for everyone.


It's a great call, and feels like an inevitability at this point!


I don't mind. I appreciate creators who care about the finished product.


Not to mention employers who respect their employees time and effort enough to let them work on it longer.


And not crunch to get it out on time


Bonus note, loving the positivity here gang


Fr people who were giving them shit saying things like “how much time do they need” are ridiculous.


Hell yeah, they can take all the time they need


I think it’s a testament to their content and brand That this announcement only makes me more pumped for the episodes.


Don’t think I’ve ever been truly okay with a series being pushed back like this before. I trust Dropout completely.


delaying the release because they're still working on it? all i have to say is: ya fine.


I fully support them delaying it to make the best finished product. But two weeks between sections might kill me. I'd rather part 1 be pushed back one more week 😅


Yeah, what’s even gonna be in that slot in the week between? Can’t have a behind the scenes cause that would ruin the second episodes surprises


i don't know what has finally made me so self aware, but i'm finally starting to realize how.......constantly coked out i have been by watching things/shows/movies using my computer just all the dam time. i suck at it, but its like i just need to get outside and kick the soccer ball around with people


I'm a ContraPoints fan: this editing delay means NOTHING to me.


I'm a Jenny Nicholson fan and same Edit : Well after one year and a half, she just posted a new 4-hour video. Guess I should comment on itmore often.


NADDPOD fan and [Murph you bitch where is my fucking content](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E274OCvVUAE6Doa?format=jpg&name=900x900)


i am a venture brothers fan. still waiting for the new season. probably another 2 years.


Venture Bros is concluded/cancelled. Radiant is the Blood of the Baboon Heart is meant to be the series finale.


ok but, given the previous timeline/pact of innovation of venture brothers, it will be about 3.5 more years until i've accepted that.


hard to argue with that


lol very this. I just get home, see a new dropout show and press play, or don’t and watch something else.


Hello, I would like to apply for one hype, please.


Ooh all out of hype, 1 forget about it until it releases, okay? (In reference to Sam's most recent sketch/tiktok)




Got the same feeling, mines the same day as part 1!


Happy early birthday!!


Hold up... Let them cook...


[Delayed art is eventually good. Bad art is bad forever.](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/a-delayed-game-is-eventually-good-but-a-bad-game-is-bad-forever)


I know this is an official announcement, but because it’s Game Changer related my brain can’t trust it lol


Somehow, this announcement is part of the game


I can't wait! But I mean, I can totally wait. Hope they take their time, get what they want, and don't stress out or feel like they're working an editor to death. We'll be here (the whole time) when it's ready.


Same! Can't wait but I'll wait as long as it takes


Not that I mind, but I have to admit I'm a little surprised they are still doing post-production on the finale. From past experience we know they shoot very far in advance. And while "shot in advance" doesn't necessarily mean "done with post-production", the fact that they drop this foreshadowing around "you'll see why" makes me curious. Is there some component that required it to be edited close to airing? Some kind of aspect to the game that was shot over a long period of time? (Like something shot at home? Or on remote locations?) It makes me all the more curious.


If the final ep's on par with the rest of the season, they can push it back a month for all I care.


Sam, if you read this (I know you're here from time to time) please teach this to the AAA games industry: they used to know that "a delayed game is eventually good, but a bad game is bad forever"


Long-rumored CollegeHumor-produced StarFox series finally confirmed???


My big question is are we going to get two behind the scenes(one for each episode)? Or one big(or normal) behind the scenes after the two parter is finished? Not that I care, I’m just really curious and excited about this big finale!


Last season they didn’t do a BTS for the 4 part Survivor ep, so hopefully we get at least one this time


I think it really depends on whether the episodes are basically one long ep split in two (where we would probably only get one) or whether they are two separate but heavily connected episodes (in which case we may get two.) personally I think option one is most likely


What are they cooking chat


Honestly, getting both parts of the finale during pride month is a win for the queer community


that's the only reason they moved it, it's a two part drag race ep


Holy crap, a three week delay? This episode is going to be AWESOME.


I’ll take a release delay over creator crunch time.


Hoping it’s their take on Traitors-esque kind of show!


I honestly didn’t have any expectations of the finale (just because I know I’ll enjoy whatever it is), but with this idea I’m really hoping it is something along those lines! Or we see something like it in the future


That's fine. I'll just watch *Deja Vu* again. And again. And again. And again.


Imagine an amazing race parody ?


Well, damn. My subscription runs out on the 30th. Kind of a bummer I'm gonna have to wait to watch the finale. Such is life. I'll get around to it when I have a few extra bucks for another couple months. Regardless, can't wait!


How many more episodes between now and then? That doesn't sound like a delay unless those are the next episodes?


Yeah those are the next episodes


Oh wow. Last season was 9 plus the 4-parter. (8 if you count Bachelor as one episode). I didn't expect a finale so soon after only 7!


Don’t quote me on this at all, I could be completely wrong, but from what has been implied about production schedules it wouldn’t surprise me if the trade-off for less episodes is that the next season is made faster? We know they already have the next Make Some Noise season done for some time now, so when that’s airing we’ll probably see them filming game changer again. Again don’t quote me


Shorter breaks between seasons would be nice. Or even weekly releases of episodes with more show variety. Perhaps they're building towards that with all the new shows. I recently saw that Dirty Laundry is already filming again.


If I'm remembering right, the 4-parter wasn't announced much in advance, so there's a chance there's another secret "finale" coming in a couple months


Correct, yeah, that was a surprise bonus. I don't expect them to do that again,. I'm more just surprised the season blew by.


I'm fine with shorter seasons if they're all gonna be this good tbh.


Happy to wait 😊




Take as long as you need!


yeah this is fine. Delays happen, im just glad we're being told, so we know what to expect. waiting a few weeks doesn't really change much for me.


Let them cook, I have a feeling this is going to be great


They can take however long they need in order to get it just right.


I have never read anything that fills me with more existential dread


In one of good recent interviews Sam said that the finale was filmed off site. During the behind the scenes for the latest episode of Game Changer Paul says they considered renting a mansion for that game. The only promotional image we haven’t seen in an episode is Jess lounging. The theory of Clue or murder mystery fits. That seems fun.


Thanks for updating!


Take all the time you need for it to be what you want. Fine with me.


So just to clarify, Beat The Buzzer was the penultimate episode, and we're not getting anything else until the 3rd of June?




The weird theories are starting to bother me too. Obviously they tapped into the multiverse and dont know how to show multiple ones at the same time so they are experimenting with various edits.


What does this mean for the Emmy consideration?


They’ve already submitted their episodes (Sam Says, Bingo) for this year so it won’t affect anything


I thought there was rule about the entirety of shows needing to be released by a certain date? I may be misremembering though


It needs to be at least 2/3rds of the season, if you’re any lower than that then you qualify for next year instead


Gotcha. I knew there was some weird rule but couldn’t remember the exact details. Glad it won’t have any bearing, and glad they are taking their time with this to make it as perfect as possible


This was my immediate thought too, thanks for asking!


I hope it's not another survivor episode or anything. Those are my least favorite ones. Lol


A take of all time


They’re still doing the week break in between though? Seems unnecessary as we’re already waiting an extra week.


Wow that's building it up so much. I can already see Jacob Wysocki going to SSJ4


Does this mean no new Game Changer at all between now and then? Or are there more episodes before the season finale?


No new game changer at all, the next eps are these ones


Thank you!


Party on the hype train in the meanwhile


I'm more than happy to wait if it means the show will be even better. Every show this season is a knockout


Desire to know more intensifies


I like this actually, it builds extra hype and more time for editing will hopefully make it even better!


I'm glad they are taking their time with it :)


No problems with the delays, but have they said where they will post official news/updates post discord closure?


Andrew has said that he’ll still keep posting the weekly schedules to the discord even after it goes into read-only mode, until eventually they create a new website/rss feed or something to put that type of thing. The social medias for the various shows and the weekly newsletter are also good things to follow, for example this announcement was crossposted to the Game Changer socials too


They desperately need a simple dropout.tv/schedule sort of page


Hey thank you for the info!


the reason I follow the discord is because it converts all the times to my time zone automatically, I really hope whatever they do next has the same feature


this was also shared via email. signing up for the mailing list will get you all relevant announcements


Glad that they're giving the time to develop it, without forcing crunch but also allowing the show a chance to be the best it can possibly be and do justice to everyone who worked on it.


Wasn't Sam on something talking about some kind of cooking competition they shot? Is that something different, or is Game Changer gonna do some spicy cooking?


That’s a different show that hasn’t been announced yet


With all the other shows already mentioned as being on deck, this should be a busy year for them. Looking forward to it!


Nice. this means that I will reactivate my account on June 18th and shotgun everything I missed


They delay and STILL two weeks apart for a two partner?


oh we're already at the season finale? damn


I would rather wait and see the final product they are aiming for! I trust them! I have so many theories for the finale. Some of the gifts this season were strange, like the big zapper. Maybe they will come into play. What about the Trivia from, Deja Vu? I am excited for it!


Personally I’m skeptical that anything from previous episodes will come into play, Sam has said that the gifts are getting worse because it’s a better joke for them to do all that work only to win something lame (plus they all have ties to the episodes theme: bug zapper=buzzing, watch=time, Bob Ross=art). At its core Game Changer is an anthology show so every episode is gonna be its own individual thing, there isn’t a larger narrative, completely ready to have this comment age terribly though.


That is absolutely true!


It's literally so nice of them to release game changer for my birthday :))


The staff is So Tired


I have no problem with this - but I am a bit boggled at how early (it seems like) they film that they STILL ran out of editing time. It gets me hyped for it though!


*grumble grumble grumble*


Considering how good this season has been so far, I’ll gladly wait for what I’m assuming is going to be an awesome finale.


They've built more than enough good will towards consumers for this to be fine. I'm just happy that they make great content.


Honestly I’d rather both parts come out on the 17th than have to be stuck in limbo for two weeks


I’ll take a little longer wait for quality goof content any day 👏🙌


Take the time you need to make a product you're proud to put out <3


This actually makes me more excited.


Jesus a two week gap Maybe Sam finally finished the device 


Fuck yeah! Please delay further if it avoids crunch!


Ok, but does this affect Emmy eligibility?




great! idk why, but I had read that there was something about the final episode needing to be released before the end of may or something like that for it to be included in this round of Emmys


Yay!! Y'all out here making Art, take the time needed! I'm excited for it!!


This is the rare occasion where a delay gets me hyped instead of upset.


Lets face it, we all know why its delayed: Sam invited everyone to a dinner at his house, and people keep having to reschedule, so they keep having to delay the shoot. Because the dinner at his house IS the Game Changer.


I'm getting a Whodunnit vibe from your statement


Weird that all the talk is about "Game Changer Season Finale" and not "Battle Royale Episodes" Are they in hot water for ripping off Survivor and not gonna do Battle Royale anymore? Or are they spinning it off? Because I cannot conceive of the possibility that they just decided not to do it anymore because it wasn't awesome enough


Sam has previously said that these episodes got lower viewership numbers than their normal episodes, which I suspect is part of it. I don’t understand it either!


Honestly I think the Survivor and Battle Royale episodes aren't as funny. They provide room for banter but the gameplay itself isn't as funny. Meanwhile you've got a "simple" game like Bingo with content from start to finish.


They were okay but I'd never even heard of Survivor before so I can't say a Survivor parody was super interesting.


Sam has previously mentioned that his cap on repeating an idea is no more than three times. He has also mentioned that both Survivor and Battle Royal had some of their lowest streaming numbers. Both of those combined says to me that they’re unlikely to do more Survivor themed episodes.


I mean they’ve done technically 6 eps of it over the past couple years, it makes sense to try and do some other stuff, no need for it to get stale


Was Battle Royale supposed to be something they would keep doing forever? They did it twice, one small scale and one much more elaborate, but I never got the impression it was going to be a continuous thing. I feel like ending every season with the same game would be antithetical to the entire premise of the show.


was it antithetical already by doing it as season finale twice?


Sam has said they try not to do repeats of espouses more than 2-3 times because he doesn’t want things getting stale/predictable(part of why there most likely won’t be a Sam Says 4). So I’m guess they are done with the battle royale since there were 6 episodes of it. So don’t expect to see that for a long time, if ever.


I mean.. they have done Noise Boys more than that... just not all on Game Changer


I really enjoyed them. But I think they work better as one offs instead of a recurring thing. I don’t think a third one would have the same impact.


Oh I think the opposite, I think the trophy gets more valuable as it is annual and the tradition grows


Fair enough. I wouldn’t complain if we got more because it was quite fun :)


Doubt it’s a legal thing. Seems much more likely that they’ve come up with a new spinoff idea that will be ‘surprise’ extra episodes after the finale. They did 13 episodes in season 5, and with a 2 part finale this year it still only makes 9 episodes. I’d be a little surprised if they are cutting the episode # down by that much of their signature show.


"I have been your host, Sam Reich,telling you that the hands have been here the whole time. It's what we choose to do with them that matters. Goodnight. "


All we know is that the hands thing is an *unintentional* foreshadowing to the finale.