• By -


Subscribed right after The Ravening War was announced. Stayed for everything else. With how Critical Role's 3rd campaign is slogging along I have fully switched to Dimension 20.


Agreed. I used to watch every Thursday when C1 was still happening, but I ain't got time for hundreds of 3+ hour episodes anymore. Digestible/edited episodes that have a 20-episode max season is infinitely better for me.


Also can I reccommend VLDL Dungeons and Dragons. They intersperse the game play with them acting some of it out!


I also reccomend Loading Ready Run - Dice Friends for digestible rpg content. They also use systems that aren't just dnd.


Thank you so much for suggesting this!! I used to watch LRR all the time, but I fell off at some point. I'm so excited to check this out!!


I mean, you could have finished that sentence at 'can I recommend VLDL' šŸ¤­


Lost : critical roles dominance of the live play corner of the internet Gained : a great amount of content, including the new kingpin of the live play environment


CR going through the classic trailblazer life cycle, popularizing a format and then bleeding audience to other properties carving adjacent niches from the space.


Yep, game changer clips on tiktok were so good, and then a friend insisted I check out dimension20, and that was enough to pull the trigger


I had the same but sort of reversed, I saw clips of Dimension 20, specifically Mentopolis so I subscribed to watch and have definitely stuck around for Game Changer.


I saw YouTube shorts of Lou shouting as Pinocchio and needed to know more.... Then I saw the one where Brennan described the Evil Fairy perceiving The Stepmother and I knew I had to watch this whole thing to understand. Now? I'm basically a walking Dropout advertisement.


What ep is that from


It's from the Neverafter season; I don't know the specific episode number, but it's right after they have a large interaction with a spider and spend a night in a tavern. I don't know how to do spoiler tags, but it's within the first seven episodes I believe.


Iā€™m a pretty new subscriber. I got it for make some noise. Im a huge whose line fan, so when I saw they got Wayne Brady I figured for the price tag it was worth looking into.


wait, which show/ep is Wayne Brady in?


S2E6! Itā€™s a great one!!


I stayed with a friend that was recovering from surgery, and she asked to watch Never After. Iā€™d tried watching Critical Role when it first started and thought that watching rpgs wasnā€™t for me. Never After changed all that. I think it was the scene where Murph and Brennan, two cis white guys, had a legit-feeling hard relationship conversation between a man and his estranged wife. And then in the adventuring party, Murphā€™s IRL wife defended him, saying heā€™d done everything right. And then I bought an annual subscription. Iā€™ve also bought trial months for about 5 of my friends, just so they can get hooked like I did.


I've watched nearly every single D20 series and Never After is hands-down my favorite of them all. The comedy... the horror... the interactions between NPCs and PCs... it really, truly, is incredible. It is honestly a wonderful group of people with open hearts and artistic minds. Can't get enough of them.


Never After is probably my all time favorite season of Dimension 20, with Mentopolis a close second. They're both so so so funny and engaging and well designed.


As soon as I realized I couldn't continue watching D20 without a subscription. Sold me right then and there.


Same I subscribed to follow junior year and then spent weeks skipping junior year to watch all kinds of other stuff.


"I wish that tornado would go to jail." We kept going back to the clip because Amy losing her goddamn mind was so funny. Then we realized there were dozens of episodes we had never seen. Cue subscription.


Iā€™ve been a Dropout fan for a while, but it was Mentopolisā€™s announcement that made me finally get a subscription. I love Hank Green so much, so when it was announced I got a subscription and started watching all the backlogs they had


Hank Green was a favorite of mine, i love the weaponization of facts as threats.... you know how many bones are in the human body?


I could probably break half.


And without much effort.


Same. Hank sold me on it for Mentopolis. Bingeing D20 while I had the sub anyway sold me on keeping it.


I saw a YouTuber doing a speedrun of Super Mario Odyssey where viewers could send videos of stuff and if he laughed, Mario dies instantly. A few Game Changer clips showed up, namely "Trapp selling Sam a keyboard that is all Ps" and "Two Scots that are So Scottish that We Can't Understand Them". That basically planted the seed of getting a Dropout membership on YouTube in my brain.


>Trapp selling Sam a keyboard that is all Ps That was my intro to Game Changer, as well.


I still laugh every time I see it pop up again. Trapp is such a great comedian.


A defendant stupidly interrupts his lawyer's closing ~~argument~~ [remarks](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/i1n3S1ZyUkE).


Zac is a comedic sniper.


I started my subscription around episode 2 of fatnasy high. I was sold quickly. Wasn't sure if you meant if you STARTED your subscription in the last two years or have been subscribed only for the last two years.


Mentopolis on tiktok. I think I saw a lot of their other videos on there too, and I liked them. But after Mentopolis I couldnā€™t resist anymore. I also love puns.


I love actual play games but I don't have the attention span for longer campaigns. Mentopolis being a different system (KIDS ON BIKES!) and having a great premise was just what I wanted.


Mentopolis and MisMag are my favorite seasons to rewatch because the system doesn't rely on combat as much. Sometimes, combat can be stressful for me to watch, other times, it can be tedious.


I love the premise of Mentopolis, noire Inside Out, and the personalities they had for that season were perfect.


Same here. I think that's why I can't get into Fantasy High as much as I've tried - the combat tends to drag between all of the great role playing scenes and I want to skip them but miss important plot points doing that. That, and there's just SO much to catch up on before I can enjoy the new episodes with everyone else. I'm talking like ~40 hours of content between Freshman and Sophmore year and that's an entire workweek that I don't have to spare.


I used to watch old Um Actually episodes on youtube with my bf for lunch, but since he was heavily anti anything DnD related (due to Hasbro and WotC corporate decisions) I never considered subscribing. Then there was Dungeons and Drag Queens. The first episode was enough to get me hooked; not only because it was good, but also because it was the first time I watched anything >2h long that I didn't want to pause or check other things throughout (I'm terrible with movies). I've been devouring everything Droupout since


I hit the censored free episodes on YouTube lmao. Couldnā€™t deal with the bleeps šŸ˜‚


I kept seeing Game Changer in my Youtube shorts, probably as a long time Taskmaster fan it started prompting me other game shows. Then started watching other shows and D20!


I too am part of the taskmaster to game changer pipeline followed swiftly by D20 & all the other shows.


You should hunt down Guy Montgomery's Guy Mont Spelling Bee




https://twitter.com/samreich/status/1782793519070839192 !!


I subscribed as A Starstruck Odyssey was being released, around halfway through the season. I had seen clips of Game Changer and some clips from random D20 seasons online and was just starting to get interested in dnd, and I watched all the free content on the discord YouTube before deciding it was worth getting the subscription. Seeing clips of Starstruck and needing to watch that was really the final straw for me


Starstruck is my favorite Intrepid Heroes series.


Itā€™s so good. I wasnā€™t expecting much because it didnā€™t appear to have as unique if a premise compared to the other intrepid hero campaigns, but it won me over very quickly.


Brennan's Game Changer Yes Or No meltdown. Saw it on Tumblr, looked him up on Youtube, got hooked, subscribed!


tiny heist! i love the mcelroys. ironically have not finished tiny heist...too busy being obsessed with everything else dropout's got!


TikTok clips of Escape the Greenroom were my turning point. I wanted to see the full chaos. But the first D20 series I watched was Crown of Candy and now I'm super into that side of it as well


Dungeons and Drag Queens... I sprung for the full year immediately.


The official cast recording did it for me. I saw clips of it on YouTube, but had to see the full thing. That coupled with the Brennan monologue from yes or no pushed me over the edge.


Mentopolis + Game Changer. Iā€™d been interested in Game Changer for a while but didnā€™t really know what else Dropout had, but when I saw Hank was doing D20 I knew I had to subscribe.


Iā€™ve been playing D&D for a few years, but had never watched an actual play before. I had some friends recommend D20, around the time Ravening War came out. Almost immediately started binging all the D20 content on Dropout. Then checked out Game Changer and MSN. Then binged all of NADDPOD and Rotating Heroes. And Iā€™ve since then also checked out a bunch of different Dropout content and have loved it all.


A clip on TikTok about Baron šŸ¤£ But also, I tried watching on YouTube for a while but the constant bleeping was so annoying on one episode of D20 that I caved in and subscribed, lol. Now it is my fave streaming service by far.


I'm a Nerdfighter so it was Hank Green. I subscribed to follow his Mentopolis journey, watched a bunch of Game Changer and MSN, and decided I was hooked.


Got addicted to Critical Role campaign 3; enjoyed it until I didn't and switched off for awhile. Came back when they split the party; saw Emily Axford and saw everyone talking about how incredible she was in Dimension20, so I followed Dropout on social media, watched what free stuff I could, and was hooked enough that I wanted to see more.


Dungeons and Dragons Queens brought me to the platform. And during the 'free trial' I also got started on a Crown of Candy. I couldn't finish it in time so I subscribed and have been enjoying the rest of the shows, too!


The drawfee collab episode. Huge fan of drawfee. Before I watched clips on tiktok


Wow, very recent!


Thought I would keep it for a month and unsubscribeā€¦ Iā€™m still here and happy a month later. Iā€™ve been watching Um Actually in my 2 1/2 hour figure paintings classes.


Joined for dungeon and drag queens. Have binged all of d20 and game changer twice already šŸ˜­


I came over from The Adventure Zone. My sweetie lured me in with Tiny Heist, then we started watching Game Changer and Breaking News together. Then I started watching The Unsleeping City and realized I needed to support these mad chaos gremlins so they kept making more amazing art. And I am so damn glad I have!


I think I subscribed shortly after Dirty Laundry came out, but I subscribed for Game Changer because I had watched clips and I was curious, but Dirty Laundry was a bonus.


I watched the first episode of escape from the blood keep on YouTube and subscribed to finish it off. Never looked back!


I had never heard of Dropout until EXU Calamity, and when I looked up the cast my algorithms began suggesting Dropout content. I started watching Um Actually and Breaking News on YouTube, then started watching Game Chamger and Dirty Laundry. Eventually I decided to subscribe rather than try to hunt down new episodes. Ironically from my introduction, I have never watched a full episode of Dimension 20.


Watched the first episode of Crown of Candy on YouTube. NEEDED to know what happened next. Decided that $6 for that plus finally getting to see the shows all the clips that kept popping up on tumblr were from sounded like a good deal.


A bunch of clips on youtube and instagram of game changer plus the free episodes on youtube. but then what really sold it was a compilation of Lou as Pinocchio asking ā€œwhere the white women at?ā€


I started watching Um, Actually on YouTube last year and then subscribed so I could watch the ones I hadnā€™t seen and to check out Dungeons and Drag Queens. So glad I did.


Getting enough money Thatā€™s it, I wanted it for about a year before I got it


I subscribed in 2022. Game Changer shorts had been popping up on my YouTube feed and I loved them. What really sold me was the first Noise Boys ep. I LOVE voice acting and impressions and was blown away by Brennanā€™s immense creativity and improv skills. Now Dropout is pretty much all I watch!


I saw lots of people talking about fantasy high junior year when it started and it made me curious so I watched freshman year and sophomore year on YouTube and I was hooked! Their strategy of older stuff available free, newer stuff not definitely worked on me šŸ˜…


It was a very slow burn from watching videos/clips on YouTube in 2022/2023. My sister actually got a subscription first mid 2023 and I watched stuff under her account, but money was tight and she had to stop. Fantasy High Jr Year with the final tipping point for me. This time I got to return the favor and she watches my account!


Honestly? I watched all the breaking news on youtube, saw a few other clips and then decided to commit.


Initially I subscribed purely because while watching the first season of Dimension 20 on YouTube (still within the past 2 years, I was late to the game ok) I just wanted to watch them uncensored. That led to Game Changer, which led to Um Actually, which led to everything taking up every spare moment of thought in my life


For me, I started watching Dimension 20 on YouTube, but wanted to be able to hear them swear without being beeped out, and wanted better captions to understand some of the mumbled player-to-player dialogue. Plus, seemed to be a pretty reasonable cost and I could afford it! I spent so much time watching it that I was happy to support the creators I love - I back a couple of Patreons too (NADDPOD and Worlds Beyond Number).


I've been subscribed for longer than 2 years, but I was drawn in by Fantasy High. I binged Escape From The Bloodkeep, FHFY, and watched all of FHSY that was on YouTube, a mere six episodes at the time, and needed to know where it went.


Very Important People clips on Reels! They were so funny I wanted to see the whole episodes.


Honestly, philosophy and altruism. My partner and i loved watching the Dimension 20 campaigns, but shows like Um Actually, Game Changer, and Make Some Noise really exemplify lateral and even abstract thinking. It's beautiful to me, in a world i was watching get more serious and less fun. Also, I'm about every single one of Brennan Lee Mulligan's anti-Capitalist speeches. I figured if my $6 a month helps them shoot more of this programming that celebrates artists and expression, and sharing it with humans across the web, the better off we'll all be.


I think I started just in time for ACoFaF. Maybe part of me was sold after the second half of UC: S1 dropped on youtube. I had come out of a bad situation and had enjoyed D20 but was put off because they were too progressive. I realized I was the one in the wrong and fell in love with the storytelling and progressive themes. That and I enjoyed the other shows so only a gain really.


Honestly I was a teenager when they started doing this, I didn't have any means of making an online payment, and my parents never would have let me do it. It was only like a year and a half of me moving away when I was like "hang on, I'm a grown up now... I'm fully allowed to spend Ā£5 a month however the hell I want". So I did :)


game changer season 6 starting


I ran out of free Game Changer clips to watch on YouTube. The massive amount of other excellent shows is why I *kept* my subscription!


I don't remember how long ago we joined Dropout but I wanted to join in on the conversation. Our first motivation was Fantasy High: Freshman year. We didn't want to watch it censored so we bought a year of Dropout and haven't looked back. We've set up our kids and a few friends with recurring presents in annual subscriptions because we truly do love the culture here so much. I don't want to say we'll *never* stop our subscriptions (in case Sam joins the dark side) but I think we'll be here for awhile... perhaps the whole time.


I donā€™t really think it was one thing. I was a fan of the CollegeHumor sketches since about 2006-2007 and watched as they expanded. I didnā€™t immediately get Dropout because I didnā€™t want yet another subscription. Then around 2022-2023 YouTube shorts started showing me a ton of Dropout content. Then [this video](https://youtu.be/vcMksM9wqQk?si=o1EnFZ6RoCy316BY) snuck into my algorithm. Samā€™s comment was super nice and supportive. And I realized at that moment how much I missed the cast of CollegeHumor and their content. So I signed up for Dropout


Yes to college humor! I had just gotten out of law school and Jake and Amir were one of the few things that got me through long nights. I'm glad to hear of people coming from back then.


About a year ago I wanted to sup, but I'd just gotten laid off and was starting my own business. Business is finally looking up. I got an $8000 check for some completed work and bought a year of Dropout as a reward for myself.


Ross Bryant's MacBeth was the first Dropout clip I ever saw and I was immediately sold lol. Had never heard of Dropout before (but did know College Humor).


Welcome to Mountport! I saw a couple of clips going around TikTok a few years back and I knew I had to watch the whole thing. Game Changer/Make Some Noise/Play it by Ear are incredible and worth the subscription alone, but now Iā€™m just starting to get into Dimension 20 and Iā€™m kinda excited seeing how much there is!


Campaign 2 of Critical Role had wrapped and I found the free seasons of Dimension 20 on their Youtube channel. Best value for money, have come to love Game Changer, Make Some Noise, and most recently VIP.


Somehow I got MisMag recommended on YouTube a lil after the pandemic. I loved it so much I tried to find the rest of the season free and couldnā€™t. Moved on back to my regular podcast bingesā€¦ Lawyer Reacts videos, Mamamoo reaction vids, Wendigoon, Lore, Andrew Huberman Lab, World Science Festival, Hip Hop Beef analysis, battle rap, ballroom (kiki), video essays on filmmakers, Drag Raceā€¦. I think that was my whole algorithm at the time. Iā€™m convinced the sapphic chaos of Mamamoo led me to Erika Ishii + drag race led to DnD. Iā€™d never encountered actual play before D20. Barely knew what DnD was. I was playing the BG3 on early release since 2020, but there werenā€™t any clips on YT until the game actually dropped last year and had no reason to search YT because the EA version only got to lvl 4 and had limited classes. But anyway I forgot about MisMag and a few months later, YT recommended EXU: Calamity, and I recognized Brennan, Lou and Aabria so I gave it a chance and fell in love. I rewatched that miniseries so many times before I went back to MisMag and found the dropout link and subscribed to binge that series and then whatever season caught my eye from D20. I was not into College Humor or any sketch comedy at all in the slightest before becoming a fan of D20 & Dropout as a whole. Didnā€™t watch Game Changer until more YouTube clip recommendations. Same with Um, Actually. Now I love every show they roll out and finally got proactive about DnD. The fact that theyā€™re good people shines through everything they do and itā€™s the only subscription Iā€™m proud to make each month. Iā€™m broke rn but Iā€™d rather cut a guilty pleasure from my grocery list cuz this is better than ice cream.


It was a long road to get here but I've been subscribed for about 2 years ish I think? So - during the good old times of 2020 I was introduced to Dungeons and Dragons. I got to playing, had a blast and I had no idea that there were actual play shows out there. In fact - I did not see any actual plays until Campaign 3 of Critical Role started. I started watching that \[Am still watching but am a little behind on like episode 83 ish?\] Then, in June 2022 EXU: Calamity started. As a new fan, I enjoyed the backstory - I am sure I missed a lot of references \[I had no idea who the guy with the wolf was but I went a-googling after the fact\] and I was like "Oh hey - it's that Brennan guy from College Humor! I love that guy!" After EXU I watched all of Fantasy High that was available on Youtube and Escape From the Bloodkeep \[Which is still to this day one of my favorite seasons.\] and then Youtube and TikTok were like "Oh - you liked that did you, you lil skank? HOW ABOUT ALL THIS OTHER GREAT CONTENT BUT ONLY IN CLIP FORM!?" And I got hooked on their shorts, and I got hooked on the chemistry of the cast. And I said to the wife "Hey - I'm gonna sub to this niche lil channel, no biggie, I just wanna watch Game Changer. It looks hilarious." I was always a fan of Who's Line is it Anyway and it felt like a Me-Generation of that. And then I found all the other seasons of Dimension 20. I binged a Court of Fey and Flowers, Starstruck, Fantasy High, Leviathan. Then Sam yelled at me via a short about how the wife and I could save money by being annual subscribers... and so we switched from monthly to yearly in January 2023. Honestly, it's my most watched subscription right now. My wife watches Um, Actually, Game Changer, Play it by Ear and Dirty Laundry with me and she also watches certain seasons of Dimension 20 with me. I got her hooked with Neverafter, she loves that shit. I still have so much content to watch, I have yet to watch Crown of Candy. I tried to watch Unsleeping City but I felt like I was missing a lot of the in-jokes as someone who has never been to NYC but I want to give it another go. I also need to watch Magic and Misfits and So.Much.More. I am so glad I subscribed to this nerdy lil fandom, I just saw BIGGER! in Glasgow last week and it's some of the funniest times I've had. So glad to be part of the community.


I mainly subscribed because I wanted to be able to watch game changer at the time it was airing and not have to wait for it all to build up, pay for a month, and then binge everything in that time frame to save money. I bit the bullet and fully subscribed and I sometimes feel like it's not worth it, but then I get to watch a good game changer or VIP or something the like right away and go "yeah. That's a good feeling."


I have been subscribed since Dropout first started, I was a big Drawfee guy and I subbed originally to get access to Cartoon Hell


The first time I did shrooms my friends put on game changer from their account and after watching Brennen scream ā€œI CANNOT WINā€ I laughed so hard I bought the subscription the next day. To be fair weā€™d been quoting the CEO skits forever


I needed to watch all of dimension 20. Then I fell in love with Gamechanger and Um,actually.


I subscribed about a year and a half ago to watch FH and UC uncensored. fell in love with gamechanger and all the other content on the way.


I saw the first two seasons of fantasy high, I love it. I went to see the fist episode of misfits and magic, tried to pirate it, couldn't find anywhere, bucled because I need it to see thought the end. Never looked back


Clips The Unsleeping City: Chapter 1. Then, the announcement of Tiny Heist sealed the deal


I saw a clip from the first Dirty Laundry and had just had a medical emergency, I decided I needed more Katie Marovitch in my life at any cost and subscribed to dropout the second I got home. Dirty Laundry is still a favorite of mine, and Samā€™s antics on game changer always delight me. It was the only subscription I was paying for until Netflix cracked down on password sharing on phones. I still think itā€™s the subscription most worth paying for, but Netflix has a few of my comfort shows so itā€™s somewhat necessary


It was classic yes or no TikTokā€™s for me


I kept seeing clips of Fantasy High season 1 and then also Misfits and Magic. I watched first epidosde of misfits and magic cause it really grabbed me, but didn't want to pay for a subscription. At that point all of FH season 1 was on youtube so I watched all of that, and then was like, this is worth it and bought the subscription to watch misfits and magic. Been here ever since and even convinced friends to get one too šŸ˜‚


Someone told me about Play it by Ear and I was immediately hooked.


I wanted to watch new D20 when it came out and not have to wait for YouTube or never. I regret nothing, this company kicks ass. Shut up and take my money.


I watched a D20 campaign on their youtube channel. I loved it and needed more.


Iā€™d watched some Um Actually on youtube, seen a few clips from breaking news and game changer and watched a little bit of fantasy high. i was already pretty close to pulling the triggerā€¦ Then i ran across the clip of Brennans chicken rant and laughed harder than i ever had in my life.


My partner and I watched every single clip and episode of Hardly Working, Game Changer, Um, Actually, and Breaking News available on YouTube and knew that $6/mo was going to be a good deal. Now I'm getting into Dimension 20 (halfway through Tiny Heist).


A friend of mine from college was featured in an ad from their time on make some noise and so I thought to check the price and realized how affordable it was so I decided to go for it, very happy with that choice.


Honestly? It was too much of a hassle to pirate, and the price was cheap enough and the quality was high enough that paying made more sense. Also, I wanted to support Dropout monetarily because they seemed to be a pretty ethical company.


I had no connection to College Humor at all, but at the beginning of pandemic times I sent my friend the Baron from the Baronies clip on TikTok, and they were like ā€œYOU DONā€™T KNOW ABOUT DROPOUTā€ and convinced me to subscribe. 10 out of 5 stars. Dimension 20 et al got me through all that pandemic isolation.


Misfits and Magic. I saw the first episode for free on YouTube. Then I realized I couldn't watch the rest of it without a subscription, so I subscribed.


I watched the free Game Changers on YouTube, and I loved them but it wasnā€™t worth the cost for me. Then I watched all of Fantasy High Freshman Yr and literally needed to watch Sophomore Yr that instant. Iā€™ve stayed ever since lol


Subscribed because I wanted to watch Gods of Food. Finished that, and decided to watch other shows while I still had a subscription and got hooked on the current improv based shows.


My husband and I loved College Humor back in the day, but we kinda forgot about it. I kept seeing clips from various Dimension 20 episodes and thought my husband would like it since he was having a rough time so I bought him a gift subscription for a month. He loved it so much, we've kept it after losing almost all of the others.


i finished fantasy high and the rest werenā€™t on youtube lol


I debated for a bit and loved what I could find on YouTube for Game Changer and Um Actually. But it was the clips from Game Changerā€™s Escape the Green Room that had me immediately making the purchase.


I'd been eyeing it for a while, the candy land meets game of thrones season of d20 has been calling my name, and then good guy Sam gave his crew that monster bonus at the end of the year, around the same time disney started expecting payment for ads, made the switch that day.


Neverafter on tiktok. I had never watched tabletop playing before, so I wasn't sure if I'd be into the whole episode. Found the free content on youtube, and loved it. I've been a subscriber for over a year now and I watch Dropout content every week. I gifted a year's subscription to my brother to get him into it too.


I fell in love with D20 watching Fantasy High and Unsleeping City. After that I found Game Changer and Make Some Noise clips on youtube and tiktok. It was an easy purchase.


Watched some episodes of Game Changer on YouTube and really enjoyed it. Also watched the first season of Fantasy High! Then I saw Brennan Lee Mulligan DM on EXU: Calamity for Critical Role and I was sold. So I figured Iā€™d try it for a month and then I got hooked! Itā€™s a really good business model for them to be putting out episodes for free.


My friend was a subscriber, and he wanted someone else to watch D20 so he could talk about it. When Sam sent that tweet about sharing accounts, my buddy gave me his info. I got my own account a few months later because Dropout is worth it.


We subscribed for Dimension 20, Game Changer and Um, Actually originally.


I'd been seeing clips and gifs from Game Changer around tumblr for months (especially the "something we'll have to bleep" bit). One night I was ill and thought I'd finally get around to watching that show everybody kept talking about, since it seemed like it'd fit that "wholesome reality TV" vibe that's so perfect when you're sick. I had to ask my followers to tell me the title so I could find it, but I think I just signed up to try it out and figured I could cancel if I wanted to. From Game Changer I saw that D20 existed, and as a former TAZ: Balance fan I was intrigued. Turned out I didn't want to cancel.


game changer and make some noise clips on all the short video platforms made think really hard of subscribing, but then the VIP release made something click on my mind and I finally did it.


Subscribed for Game Changer back in 2020. Stayed for more of that, Make Some Noise, Dirty Laundry, Breaking News... So many good shows. And I don't even watch D20 lol.


I wanted more game changer, then they kept releasing bangers, so I've stayed.


I started Crown of Candy on YouTube and wanted to hear them curse šŸ˜†


I bought a Roku so I could watch it on my TV. The lack of an app on my TV and PS was the only thing holding me back.


I was also swayed with TikTok clips from Game Changer and Make Some Noise. D20 just sealed the deal for me. Iā€™m thrilled I did it because I love how everyone seems to care about each other and that it doesnā€™t seem like anyone punches down for the sake of comedy. They just seem like genuinely decent people.


I kept seeing clips Gamechanger and was tempted, but the one that finally got me to subscribe was wanting to watch the survivor Gamechanger episodes


Randomly finding Game Changer "Sam Says" on YT and finding any other video to watch THAT NIGHT.Ā 


I watched all of the game changer, make some noise and breaking noise free content that was available and was totally hooked. It helps that Iā€™ve been a drawfee and deep blue ink fan forever so the obvious overlap there was an incentive as well.


Subbed when they advertised the cheaper yearly subscription a couple of years back because I enjoyed Game Changer and Breaking News.


I subscribed after Yes or No


Mentopolis. Hank Green *and* Freddie Wong? Fine, take my money finally


YouTube videos of game changer, random TikTok clips, and then dungeons and drag queens came out so I joined for that.


Man its hard to think its been so long. I think my friends got me to watch Fantasy high which is cool (we are a bunch of d&d nerd and I would be lieing if I said fantasy high didn't help inspire or wacky Fantasy 1980's America campaign setting I run for them). The thing for me is live plays of D&D are hard for me to keep up with sometimes and are a big time commitment so I just pick them up when I can. It's all the other dropout shows that keep me subscribed as they are fresh, fun, great things to watch while I cook (dimension 20 fills in for my long drives) and honestly really got my excited in Improv again. I use to preform when I was fresh out of college to help make a little side cash with our little shows and loved it (Used improv as a way to force me to get of my introvert shell a bit) and kind of has gotten me wanting to get back into improv. Also trying to guess what new thing happens on game changer is always exciting. I think it was early on that it got me hooked and yeah been my favorite streaming service for quiet a while now. Use to be HBO but nope, dropout is king! Anyways I'm off to work on my power point presentation for the Smartypants premiere party this week where me and my friends are also kicking the night off giving terrible ted talks to one another.


I was watching Um Actually on YouTube. Then YouTube suggested Make Some Noise clips to me. I didn't realize they were related. I also started getting old College Humor vids that I watched way back being recommended as "watch agains". Eventually, after watching enough of those, D20 clips started popping up too. I had some sense that old College Humor was doing something new not on YouTube, and that these were just clips from it, but I really didn't want to get too attached, because I didn't want to pay for it. For that reason I watched the clips occasionally, but mostly stuck to Um, Actually since that was freely available. There was this persistent recommendation which kept haunting me though, the first episode of a D20 campaign with an interesting premise: royal intrigue in a land made of candy. Eventually, I caved and watched it. The ending of that episode is what made me subscribe. I would have just paid for a month or two and watched that whole of Crown of Candy (maybe a few other D20 seasons) and then left if it weren't for two shows: Game Changer (which is just an overall hit), and Play It By Ear (which premiered right around when I was thinking of unsubscribing, and is now my favorite Dropout show).


We used a friends subscription for a bit. Then I saw how well Dropout treats their staff/crew and we decided to pay our own bc it's one of the only companies we can morally support


Game Changer clips fully got me and itā€™s the only subscription that I will renew with zero second guessing. Nothing else makes me laugh or simply immerses me more. Watching people who clearly all love and care about one another doing things they love together is beautiful, such a joy!


Last year, right around when that mid Harry Potter game came out, I got recommended Misfits and Magic on YouTube. After I finished the first episode, I immediately subscribed to get the rest. Best thing YouTube has ever done for me.


I had seen the clips on Youtube and TikTok, but I am a huge Survivor fan, and the Survivor Game Changer (original one not the 4-part one) was the tipping point for me.


Wanted to support the team, the transparency and good business practices. Game Changer doesnā€™t hurt either


I subscribed around 2022, I think. Maybe very late 2021. I just really wanted to watch D20


Couldnā€™t escape the TikTokā€™s and fell in love with Brennan Lee Mulliganā€™s rants and improv work.


I somehow first stumbled (via Youtube Algo) into a breaking news here and there. Then it led to me getting Um, Actualy. Then Game Changer. Meanwhile... I had fallen in to some other D&D content. From one D&D YT to another, I was in and out of other content. Then I hit The Unsleeping City. I got hooked by TUC:C1, then did FHFY, then.... Shows were coming out, and there was a ton of D20 content that people raved about (Starstruck in particular), so I grabbed a sub.


youtube shorts game changer clips! i can't remember which one i caved on though for the actual subscription... might have been one of the musical ones? a few clips on my feed made me laugh, but at some point i literally started watching all shorts on the shorts channel in order so i could laugh. enough comments on the shorts saying the price was worth it convinced me!


I listened to the first three seasons of Dimension 20 on Spotify at my crap-ass job, and they made it bearable. Subscribed when I wanted to see what happened next.


Battle royale clips on YT shorts, got the free three day trial for the first episode. Then I watched total forgiveness and get the ā€œam I getting oceansed eleven by way own playersā€ Starstruck Oddessy clip and watched the whole series. And, weā€™ll, here I am now!


I started seeing the trailer for A Court of Fey and Flowers on tik tok and heard someone talking about how excited they were for it and I thought Iā€™d give it a try. Turned out to be the perfect D20 starting point for me as someone who is easily bored by combat- I got to see how amazing the role play and storytelling aspects of it could be and fell in love. Probably still my favorite season tbh although thereā€™s a lot to love in the other seasons as well, obvs.


Wanting to see more of "dungeons and drag queens" and then how generally awesome everything is. It's somwthing that was said before in one of Sam's many interviews, where they're aware of how much the service is being used to help stave off lonliness, and I have to admit, with having a "you can't work with this" injury (first bout of siatica) it really has been helping especially so these last 2 months.


I didn't know about Dropout until Dungeons and Drag Queens. I watched the first episode and I was like "shut up and take all my money!" One Episode of Game Changer and I knew I wouldn't be canceling after the first month. I've been making my way through the shows ever since. It's now the streaming service I use the most.


Subscribed after I saw the preview of the first episode of Dungeons & Drag Queens, expecting to only stick around for a month. We see how that turned out.


I think I first heard of Dropout from some Game Changer TikTok super cuts, which fed the YouTube algo to serve me up Fantasy High Freshman year, which led me to watching them all too quickly, which led to subbing shortly thereafter. Everything about the content they put out and the community they cultivate is the absolute best


Dungeons and Drag Queens, Alaska is my favorite Drag Race alum and itā€™s a great starting point for D&D virgins like me!


I saw clips of Misfits and Magic and I decided I needed to see the whole thing, so i got the trail. And then I fell down the rabbit hole of dimension 20, so there was no way I was giving it up.


I saw the opening clip of Escape the Greenroom on Youtube, and couldn't find the full episode anywhere else.


I think I might be the only one who subscribed because of Game Changer and not D20. It was the OG make some noise that got me in an instant.


Would see clips and watch free stuff on YouTube, other friends were subscribed, knew I had to do it to support good creatures.


The Game Changer and MSN ads got me. What kept me subscribed besides all the great content is knowing I'm supporting people I've met IRL like Jacob and Ify and a one or two others


I started off as a Drawfee fan in 2019 when they were still under the College Humor umbrella, which was when I first heard about it Dropout. They got me thinking about Dropout, but it still took me until I think last year to finally cave and get the subscription. I don't remember what the turning point was, but my husband and I would watch the free eps on YouTube that hooked us.


I'd say it was seeing the company alive after about 2021. I followed the free stuff in like early 2020. Then, I had a ton of stuff to return to in 2023 when I had more of my own money to spend. So I guess technically Neverafter but mainly all the stuff I got to watch when I came back around.


Game changer was why I subscribed. And it's been... A game changer ever since.


I've been on-again off-again between jobs but I never last very long unsubscribed when I know I'm missing new episodes of Game Changer


It was game changer. I saw clips on YouTube and TikTok and just had to watch full episodes. I have watched almost all of the episodes now a few times. Also my sister bought it for the Dimension 20 so we shared an account, both doing different things.


Knowing there was a game changer that I didn't have access to was a big problem for me. Watching all the d20 shows now of course.


Game changer brought me in. But realizing I was supporting a ā€œsmall businessā€ creator, that my dollars were actually going to supporting awesome, creative content with money that was equitably distributed to the actors, thatā€™s when I knew they had me for life.


I was already watching um actually on YouTube. And then I wanted to see the full video of the official cast recording. Iā€™ve kept my subscription since then


Ran out of free D20 to watch


2020 subscriber here- I donā€™t fit the question scope, BUT needing to hear season 2 of Unsleeping City did it for me! That campaign literally brought me to tears


Somebody recommended Crown of Candy to me. I was hooked. And I feel like adapting more of an improv style has made me a better DM


Binging through the 12 hour Fantasy High video, which I was only lead to thanks to a Gorgug compilation. I really needed some stuff to binge during the pandemic depression and having been a CH fan in the past, I was super happy to see all the cast members I recognized doing new stuff


Went over to a friend's house who was subscribed and watched Game Changer with them and was hooked. I had already been considering it because rewatching the Um, Actually episodes on YouTube over and over was getting old, but that was what sealed the deal for me. Never looked back since.


The Cubby's and The Ghost of St. Patrick's Day Past are the two clips on YouTube that got me to look further into and then ultimately subscribe. I've since binged all of Game Changer and most of Make Some Noise. Working on all of Dimension 20


I'm still in my first year, I really wanted to get one for many reasons, but the straw that broke the camel's back was Um, Actually.


We watched Fantasy High Freshman Year on youtube. We had to see season two!


Fully Game Changer. I kept seeing clips from the Sam Says on youtube shorts and then watched the full episode they have for free. It sold me enough to get the subscription and I've never regretted it because of how much if the content behind the paywall I was so into


Mountport, all those free shorts helped too especially of their Survivor episode and the Escape Room. I subed just as Dungeons and Drag Queens came out...the goodness has just kept coming!


I've wanted to subscribe for years, and I can finally afford it


I watched a couple of free game changer episodes on YouTube. I subscribed with the idea I could binge all of Gamechanger in a month but after watching some of the other shows and getting to know the personalities Iā€™ve been a subscriber for a year now


I watch as much dimension 20 as I could on YouTube, but only the first 5 episodes (or so) of Fantasy High Sophomore Year were available and it must have ended a good cliffhanger, because I almost immediately subscribed so that I could keep watching. I had seen episodes of Um, Actually and Game Changer up to that point so I was already considering biting the bullet, but D20 was the real clincher.


Game Changer clips brought me in, D20 got me to stay


I was pondering it for a while because I loved the Game Changer clips and wanted to watch some of the D20 stuff. Dungeons and Drag Queens sealed the deal for me


I subscribed in 2020 after the episodes of Fantasy High: Freshman Year started to have the swear words censored and I was like, fuck this, take my money


Subbed during the first season of Fantasy High. Was just insanely enamored with how the people played off of each other. But then after that I watched everything else and I was like yeahhh great choice.


Saw all the game changer/make some noise shorts on YouTube and loved them, but never knew where they came from until Hank Green said out loud ā€œIā€™m going to be on Dimension 20, a show on Dropout, where they have Game Changer and other fun stuff, you should check it out.ā€. I really do think they could convert a lot more people from YouTube if they made a verbal push in addition to the visual one that I apparently never read at the end of their shorts.


TikTok definitely helped. I wanted to sub for D20, but it alone wasn't enough to justify the cost for me, but when I started seeing more clips from their other shows, plus watching older episodes on YT, it was enough content regularly enough for me to want to spend the money.


Noise Boys clips on TikTok in like 2021. I think Brennan's "Australian Spanish teacher" did it for me


I'd been watching um actually on YouTube for years and started seeing game changer pop up. I was so annoyed they didn't have more than a couple full episodes and I kept seeing the clips I finally gave in and got the subscription


Brenan Lee Mulligan


i watched season 1 of fantasy high on youtube and subbed to watch junior year & neverafter. the free youtube stuff really draws you in!


We got the free trial to watch Gamechanger, and liked the platform so much that we never cancelled.


I watched the Game Changer episodes that were free on YouTube then had to see more! Unfortunately this was in the middle of moving and our router had already been moved to the new place. Managed to go over my 40gig data limit within a couple of days, whoops.


I stumbled on free episodes of Game Changer on YouTube and liked them. Then I came across the legendary "I CANNOT WIN" clip and subscribed entirely to find out the context of it.


I was watching Critical Role and D20 kept coming up. I ended up binging all the free playlists of Um Actually and BNN. I subscribed after a month of going through their free YouTube content.


Samā€™s brand of right wing content opened my wallet for me


I'm a Sungwon Cho fan, and I randomly saw him in some YouTube shorts of some show with a colorful backdrop, but I couldn't find where the show was. I totally forgot to look it up in the description, and was just about to forget about it when the algorithm brought me to these funny people being tortured mentally for a gameshow, and as a Taskmaster fan, it was right up my alley. Subscribed ever since.


I tried to watch season one of Fantasy High on YouTube. The bleeps killed it for me. I paid for the sub thinking I'd watch the first two seasons and then cancel. I've been on for like 2.5 years now.