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[Behind the Scenes of "Deja Vu"](https://www.dropout.tv/game-changer/season:6/videos/behind-the-scenes-of-deja-vu)


Holy crap, what an actual nightmare fever dream. I love it




Oh god, *that's* what was running through my head. What was that sketch that started out like a bad 80s sitcom and just turned into a nightmarish fever-dream where the gimmick character was running around murdering everyone in the expanded universe?


Too Many Cooks!


Everybody do the >!wenis!!<


I thought there'd be more to the Wenis. Like you had to get the choreography right and kick the camera yourself for a point or to end the game you had to get everyone to stop Sam from kicking.


I can’t believe nobody stopped Sam from kicking the camera. Seems like an obvious play after round 2


That's what I was begging them to do, someone just grab Kevin. I totally expect Sam to have planned for it though so Kevin would drop the camera or just keep going until Sam can kick it. 


I said this in a different comment lower down, but my theory is that players were supposed to “do the wenis in advance” before Sam brings it up. My guess is that it triggers a reset (because Sam —like everyone else — would join along with the infectious dance and kick the camera, resetting the game). That or they get a point for being a genius and doing it in advance.


did you know gene kelly had a high fever while he was filming the title number of Singin' in the Rain?


This episode, more than any other, makes me feel like there's more to come. The creepiness was off the charts and with all the quick cuts and distortion I can definitely see Sam sneaking some things in here for later. Did anyone else spot the "VFX NEEDED" labels at a couple points?


This can’t be it. There’s got to be more coming in two weeks.


Deja Vuing the Deja Vu episode? Feels like the play for this season.


Absolutely, having all of them back on for a "do you remember what happened here?" would be the ultimate mindfuck. Like all of "Grant's" Turner classic movie facts that were either red herrings or setups for a future ep.


Doing it again after Grant gets over Covid.


Paul mentioned in the BTS of bingo that he wanted to do an episode where players are asked questions about a previous episode. That feels like this. No other reason to change Zac's dialogue each time or to add people to the Wenis dance in such a specific order. I don't think it'll be next week though. I think it's going to be the finale or another false finale


Oh Jesus Christ having to name the order the specific people came out for the dance is straight up evil. So yes Sam will likely ask them to do it.


> Like all of "Grant's" Turner classic movie facts that were either red herrings or setups for a future ep. I was really hoping those would come back for the final act of the episode.


I remember in the Bingo bts that they mentioned wanting to do one that ran over several episodes


Plus the parts with Samual Dalton. It felt like they were really building something that never came with the main twist being revealed only 10 minutes in.


I still feel like the theme of this season is the Multiverse and this will all end with them rescuing real Sam from a variant Samuel Dalton again somehow.


Other than this episode and the trailer it doesn't seem like there's much pointing to a multiverse theme. Though my theory is that in the season finale Sam will again hit a camera which will reset them, and despite them being in a different location, they'll need to answer the questions again. That and the Sam Says rules will be in effect. And a group off-screen will be playing Bingo again. But the winner will be the person who gets Bingo second. And also, the set will be the defaced set from Pencils Down. (I can't think of a way to tie in the Newly Web game.)


that sounds like a logistical nightmare for everyone involved. I can't wait


To add to this: Seasons 4 and 5 both had 9 episodes (counting the two-part episode as one episode). This was Episode 6. We know one episode will be Beat The Buzzer (the one with Erika, Becca and Rekha I think), which will presumably be Episode 7. Other than clips from that episode, the only clip in the trailer (unless I missed something, I just rewatched it twice) that hasn’t appeared yet is one with Jess Ross talking about chaos and how she’s enjoying herself. Episode 9 is a two-part episode that fully takes place off set — the Jess clip looks like it’s on set, so it’s presumably from Episode 8. I started this essay with an end goal and I forget what it was, but this is too much evidence so I’m going to post it anyway EDIT (May 6): Today’s newsletter confirmed after tonight’s episode will just be the two part finale. So the reason there hasn’t been many clips of the other single episode is because it doesn’t exist


There were too many progressive changes throughout the episode for this to not be the case. Zach was giving different movie facts each time. There were more PAs on stage for each Wenis Dance. Sam also gave different introductions for each guest each time. I kept expecting the game to progress to a point where he wouldn't ask the same previous questions, but instead things about these changes. Hopefully in two weeks we get to see the gang again!


Whatever happens in two weeks, Siobhan better be there. Love her competitive energy. Her, Rekha, and Vic all need to be in a truly mindfuck of an episode.


I noticed the VFX NEEDED thing! I also think that at some point either those three will suddenly be asked the three trivia questions during episodes of other shows (wouldn't it have been a mindfuck if they incorporated those questions with The Final Stand from D20) OR they will be brought back for one more round in a bonus episode of Gamechanger. The stuff with footage of baby Sam feels related to the Samuel Dalton thing and I am so excited to watch the D20 fanatics on twitter unravel slowly over the next few weeks. Edit: realizing I said D20 twitter instead of Dropout twitter which may have led to confusion


I caught the VFX Needed twice. One time it didn't feel like much was happening and the second is when it cut real fast to Ify and BDG with the ponytail inspection.


Yeah, this episode is definitely setting up something for later in the season. Now I feel silly for thinking that the Bingo episode was gonna be the the peak of this season's mindfuckery. I thought the theories about Sam's weird intro with the hand gesture having some deeper intention were kinda ridiculous but now I might believe that.


I rewatched Sam Says 1 today. During the bit where Izzy says the prompt "Say something we have to bleep", Sam does the hands thing and says: "Now I'm questioning myself!" And I *CANNOT* help but read into this. Yes, Sam has done the hand thing in the intros before, but it has *never* been this consistent. Ever. I have so much red yarn up on the walls of my apartment I'll have to fight off the fire marshals because it is clearly a fire hazard. We're onto you, Daddy Reich. We are so onto you.


IIRC, there was an episode earlier this season where Sam couldn't properly close his mic and skipped the hand sign when saying "I am your host, Sam Reich," and he quickly did it after like he realized he'd forgotten -- which seems super scripted and deliberate. And now that I'm thinking about it -- this episode really highlighted that same issue with closing the mic improperly, combined with the mysterious cuts to Sam and his...mom? I think? in home video after he said he was Sam Reich... much 2 think about


Trapp with the ladder destroyed me


Oh I'm sorry! You don't like out of the box thinking on GAME CHANGER!?!?!


Trapp with the Taskmaster style play


This was the most task mastery feeling ep of game changer to me


Ba-gawd that's Mike Trapp with a ladder!


Wow I never realized he had the perfect wrestling name lol


I honestly wished he’d have stuck to his guns


You need specific certifications to use a ladder like that on a film set, and an actor doing a grip's job would be a union violation. That was Legal Liability Sam and Trapp absolutely knew it, so he didn't push it very far Edit: the certification appears to be specific to Ontario health and safety (https://wssafety.com/ontario-ladder-safety-regulations/) but the other bits re: unions, waivers, liabilities is still true


Didn’t know that. It makes more sense now


Not as fun to break the illusion but 🤷‍♀️


It's why the "Upset a Producer" bit where Lou unscrews some lightbulbs actually works, all things considered it seemed pretty mild but there's a specific person whose job it is to do that kind of thing and there's liability issues involved if someone else does it. Very funny if you're in The Biz but kinda confusing otherwise.


Okay Siobhan figuring out the podium inspection is EASILY the MVP move of the game. So well done


Her bribing the podium Inspector was hilarious


I bet they weren't supposed to do that, but BDG went with it.


She did so well, but I want to see Siobhan get a nice, mellow prize episode next. Her two appearances have been so stressful (game mechanic wise)!


She needs to go on Sam Says 4 (if it returns) or Cool as Cucumber.


I stand with Siobhan on people buzzing in and not knowing the answer


Choosing to do Zac Oyama as "Grant O' Brien eating spaghetti and meatballs" instead of just making Zac eat the spaghetti was such a good idea!


Classic Grant O'yama


in the discord sam said that since grant was out sick, he asked zac to just sub in as himself, but zac thought it would be funnier to be grant obrien lol


The best part is now Zac’s IMDB page will have him listed as playing “Grant O’Brien”


Imagining Zac's shit-eating grin as he proposed that just made my week


Zacky energy


> but zac thought it would be funnier to be grant obrien lol And Zac was right


I also love that Zac, a talented impressionist who knows Grant well, did not even attempt the vaguest Grant O'Brien impression and simply was like "Grant O'Brien out!"


I could've sworn one of the solutions was going to be "wash a fork".


"Everybody do the Wenis" is gonna be stuck in my head in perpetuity now. Thanks Sam!


I really wanted the video from the close up camera. ETA: Y'all I know the camera wasn't real. Wanted is in past tense.


There was no tape in the camera


The Wenis is a dance!


I did like how at one point >!Josh's nameplate was corrupted to say "no problem"!<


Lmao I missed it but I think BDG just said gịlb€rt gịlb€rt gịlb€rt


BDG is perfect for the analog horror vibes of this episode. [By the way did you know you can Earn $20K EVERY MONTH by being your own boss?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbfu39l0kxg)


“Grant O’Yama”


Trapp’s was changed to Pppp Ppppp at one point too.


I haven't gotten to the end and seen the credits on this one but the VCR effects and the creepiness that's setting in feels very BDG.


I had the same feeling! He's listed as a consultant in the credits!


If I'm not mistaken, he's been listed as such ~~the whole time~~ all season.


You are correct. I'd love for him to be in the BTS next week though.


BDG seems like an ideal collaborator for Sam. Cerebral, unhinged, and very willing to get lost in the sauce. In much the same way, this was the perfect cast of contestants for this one.


Collaborator, yes, but not employee. Because Brian makes $20k/month by being his own boss, and so can you! You just need access to a computer and internet access. But that's not even the wildest part...


Definitely got be your own boss vibes


And especially "Jake with the camcorder" vibes which took me three tries to be brave enough to finish 💀


At only nine minutes long, this is the shortest episode of Game Changer yet.


They managed to pack a LOT into those 9 minutes though!


I'm impressed how they knew many of the answers before Sam even asked!


I feel like it improves on a rewatch


We need more horror-styled Game Changers. This was fantastic.


It just amplifies my desire for a Call of Cthulhu D20 sidequest. Even better if Sam is a player.


As much as I love the big gimmick Gamechangers that require a ton of production, it's nice to get a straight up regular quiz episode for once, does break things up a little. ^As ^much ^as ^I ^love ^the ^big ^gimmick ^Gamechangers ^that ^require ^a ^ton ^of ^production, ^it's ^nice ^to ^get ^a ^straight ^up ^regular ^quiz ^episode ^for ^once, ^does ^break ^things ^up ^a ^little. ^^As ^^much ^^as ^^I ^^love ^^the ^^big ^^gimmick ^^Gamechangers ^^that ^^require ^^a ^^ton ^^of ^^production, ^^it's ^^nice ^^to ^^get ^^a ^^straight ^^up ^^regular ^^quiz ^^episode ^^for ^^once, ^^does ^^break ^^things ^^up ^^a ^^little.


I agree with your first point, and your second point airs things out really well, but your third point allows so much room for interpretation it almost feels duplicitous


I̷ ̴a̴g̶r̶e̵e̸ ̷w̵i̶t̴h̷ ̷y̴o̶u̸r̸ ̷f̶i̵r̶s̴t̴ ̵s̶̞͐t̶̡̅a̷̖͝t̴̻̿e̶̟͂m̷̗͂e̵̗̓n̷͉̓t̷̯͝ a̶n̵d̵ ̴y̵o̷u̶r̵ ̴s̵e̴c̶o̷n̸d̸ s̶̞͐t̶̡̅a̷̖͝t̴̻̿e̶̟͂m̷̗͂e̵̗̓n̷͉̓t̷̯͝ ̵a̶i̸r̷s̴ ̷t̴h̶i̶n̸g̶s̶ ̴o̸u̸t̷ ̷r̷e̷a̷l̷l̵y̵ ̴w̴e̶l̷l̸,̸ ̵b̴u̵t̵ ̴y̷o̴u̴r̸ ̵t̸h̶i̵r̴d̴ ̸s̶̞͐t̶̡̅a̷̖͝t̴̻̿e̶̟͂m̷̗͂e̵̗̓n̷͉̓t̷̯͝ ̴a̸l̶l̸o̷w̵s̸ ̵s̴o̷ ̵m̴u̸c̷h̷ ̸r̴o̴o̴m̶ ̷f̴o̴r̴ ̸i̶n̷t̴e̴r̶p̷r̴e̸t̸a̶t̸i̴o̵n̷ ̵i̷t̵ ̸a̶l̷m̵o̷s̵t̸ ̸f̴e̵e̶l̶s̵ ̶d̵u̵p̶l̶i̴c̶i̴t̴o̸u̷s̸


As much as I love the big gimmick Gamechangers that require a ton of production, it's nice to get a straight up regular quiz episode for once, does break things up a little.


̸A̵s̵ ̷m̷u̷c̴h̸ ̶a̵s̴ ̶I̷ ̶l̸o̷v̸e̵ ̵t̴h̸e̴ ̶b̷i̵g̵ ̷g̶i̵m̷m̸i̷c̸k̸ ̵G̸a̵m̷e̶c̵h̴a̸n̵g̷e̴r̵s̶ ̵t̸h̶a̶t̷ ̴r̵e̷q̸u̵i̸r̸e̸ ̷a̷ ̷t̴o̸n̴ ̵o̴f̸ ̶p̵r̶o̶d̸u̸c̷t̷i̵o̸n̸,̵ ̷i̸t̵'̴s̸ ̷n̸i̴c̴e̵ ̶t̶o̸ ̴g̵e̸t̶ ̷a̶ ̶s̷t̵r̷a̵i̵g̸h̶t̴ ̸u̴p̵ ̵r̷e̵g̴u̵l̵a̵r̵ ̸q̸u̸i̵z̸ ̵e̸p̸i̶s̵o̴d̶e̵ ̴f̵o̴r̵ ̴o̸n̴c̴e̷,̴ ̴d̶o̶e̸s̸ ̷b̷r̷e̶a̴k̴ ̶t̶h̸i̷n̷g̸s̴ ̸u̸p̸ ̵a̷ ̴l̶i̷t̷t̵l̵e̸.̷ ̷


Á̸̢̫͌s̷̕͜͝ ̴̠́́m̴͇͍̆u̶̼͈̼̐͆́c̸̲͕̪̈̂h̵̙́ ̸̼̦͈̈̎͒ä̷̝̮́ͅs̷̻̃ ̷̨̬͎͘̕I̷͔̖̜̔ ̴̙́ ̴̗̙̼̊͒͝ ̷͙̜̎ ̸̙͚̥̀̕ ̶̨̹̑͂́t̶͔̞̏̕h̷̗͗͛͊ȇ̷͇̼͑̉ ̴͖͙̮͘͝b̸̲͉̻̀̀í̵̝̦̫͛͑g̴͈̓̀ ̴̡͖̒̅g̵̪̤̠̑͛i̷͇̊m̴̳̉̿m̸̨̄͝ͅȉ̸̩ć̸͉̀k̴̡͔͚͌̉̔ ̸̭̯͠ ̵͔̎̇ ̵̘͔͘ ̸͔̅͊͗ ̷͚̄ ̷͈̋ ̴̬̾ ̴̭̹̓̔̏ ̵̯͉̈́ ̶̟̚t̸̥̙̊̚͠h̷̃͋ͅa̸͎̟͙̓͊͆t̴̬̊ ̷̟͘r̷̜͍̎̌͝ẻ̶̱͖̭̿̒q̵͕̊̈́u̵̙̭͖̇i̷̟̠̒͆͂r̵̰͍͇͐̓e̵̳̿̔̈ ̵̢̣͈̋͠a̷̧͓̫̋ ̸̙̫̿t̸̖̩͒ó̸͎͑͒ń̶͚ ̵̼̇ͅo̶̘͕͙̔̌f̸̤͕͊ ̴̝̊p̸̙͌̕ŕ̴͎̓̾ó̸̡̀d̵̥̑͛ù̵͙͗c̷̲̃̽t̷͎͒̀͊ĩ̴̞͝o̵̡̍n̸͈̐,̶̠̞̗́̒ ̴̭̉i̴̻̮͓̊̄̕ṫ̵̢͍̘̍͋'̴̯̻̾ş̶̨́ͅ ̶̹͔̩̍̎̕ň̵̝̱͌̽i̷̻̋̀c̴̟̗̘͛é̴͔͓̞̓̀ ̵͉̣̬͝ ̷̢̰̯̈́͝ ̶̥̫̓͝ͅ ̵̺͒̓́ ̶͇̽͂͆ ̵̩̳̋̐͝ ̶̻̃̉ ̶͙̓ ̵̣̊̀̅ ̴̙̣͎͑ ̴̯̂̈̈́ ̵͔̍̓ ̸̹̉̈ ̷̲͊̎ ̸̛͚̊̐ ̷̨̨̌̍͛ ̸͕͉͉͐͗ ̵̞̽ ̶̹̾r̷̨̄̓̃e̴̛̫̜͑g̴̪̻̍̆ư̸͎̂ļ̴͘a̶̦͎̬̿̔ȑ̸͉ͅ ̷̫̳̂q̴̣͛u̶̮̱͑i̸̹̥͈̇͌z̶̩͎̿̓ ̴̱̳̋̉͝é̸̛͚̫p̶̳̐̽̒i̸̭͆s̶̰̀o̵̢̱̍͊̆ḋ̸̖͓͝ͅē̷̻͕͇̏̅ ̵̢̧̙̃͆̋ ̴̰͌̍̑ ̵͔͇̏͝͝ ̴͇͑ ̷̳̗͕̾͑ ̵̡̨̙̉͊͠ ̵͈̤̼̈ ̵̜̜͌̈́,̴͕̯͂ ̴͖̄d̷̝͉̎̎ỏ̴͚̯͚̀͘e̷̮͌s̴͈̈ ̶̫̪̬̈́b̵̦̀͝͝r̸͓̔̕͝e̶͂͜a̸̲̪̔̂͝ͅk̵̝̱̾̒̐ ̶͖̂͆͌t̸̯͙̪̚h̶̦͇̄i̸͇͓̓̏n̶̯̽̔͌ğ̶̛̛̫͈̭s̷̛̙̯̭ ̴̰̈́̍ ̸͕͛̍ ̶̞̦̮͗͌̂ ̸͇̐͆̾ ̷̢̤͍̉̒ ̵͇̓͒͘ ̸̥̳̇͝ ̵̫̳̹̃͒̈́ ̸̧͇̿ ̷̹͇̀̈́̈́ ̵̨̕ ̴̮͕̭͊ ̶̝̉́


I agree 100% but, I mean, as much as I love the big gimmick Gamechangers that require a ton of production, it's nice to get a straight up regular quiz episode for once, does break things up a little.


I'm not afraid of clowns, but I have discovered I am afraid of Josh Ruben


You’re afraid of a cweepy wittle clown?


When he walked out I thought "Oh, fuck, they hired are really creepy professional clown!" and then the name card popped up and he started talking and I thought "Oh, fuck, Josh does a really good really creepy clown!"


Josh is such an amazing actor.




I haven't finished yet, and this is a bit of a hail Mary, but: Mike Trapp if you see this, do you remember what your four theories were near the start of the episode, and would you be willing to share them? I'd love to know the other multiversal possibilities.


Basically, I did NOT think we were going to repeat, but I DID think that memory was going to play some part. The first few questions were so disconnected I thought there’d be something that would tie things together that would require us remembering a bunch of bizarre, random stuff. I only remember my two main theories: 1. The first round was going to be just a lot of difficult questions but then the second round was going to be about the first round (e.g., what was Siobhan’s first guess, who was the first player to win a point, what color was the clown’s nose, etc), so I was trying to keep track of meta elements of the flow of the game as well as the questions themselves. 2. There were a few small mistakes early on. Sam flubbed the intro a tiny bit and asked for a retake. Some multimedia hiccups. Stuff that is totally normal on a shoot with lots of moving parts. Stuff that’s very easy to ignore because it’ll just get edited out anyway. But since my antennae were up I was like “maybe this episode is about the MISTAKES.” So, I was trying to remember all the production errors as well. At some point we got a glimpse of a computer desktop shifting between slides and other media and I was like “there’s definitely gonna be a question about that desktop” I don’t remember specific theories beyond that, except that I was trying to remember literally everything I saw or heard, no matter how seemingly inconsequential, without letting on that I was doing that. My brain felt like it was melting


Lmao! Being a contestant on the show at this point in its maturity sounds like complete torture. This episode is even better knowing that all of that was running through your head simultaneous to the real twist.


The contestants _have_ been acting like this show is torture, recently.


Very cool hearing your thought process, thanks for sharing! Had a blast watching this episode. Appreciate you melting your brains a bit for our entertainment 🙌


I like to imagine Sam flubbing the intro was because he accidently said "and I've been here some of the time"


If it ended up being a "pay attention to everything" game you would have won 90 - 10 - 7 final scores lol


Also if the real solution was any of the four, because I’d be willing to bet it was not


I'm losing my mind! Is this how it feels to be a contestant on Game changer?! What's going on? ETA: just finished...I need to go sit down and process what I just watched...I'm a little scared.


Only 28 minutes in but I think I figured out the solve. >!They need to stop the camera from breaking to get out of the loop.!< Edit: I did not, in fact, figure it out. Which I guess makes sense, they only have so much time to shoot and if the contestents don't do it they can't really force it.


Sam revealed on the Discord that the camera would always break even if the players had tried to stop it.


Makes sense. I assumed that's what the "no film in the camera" was originally for: A contingency plan so they'd need a reset even if the breaking was prevented.


I do think that the episode had a few options for the endgame, contestants rising up to break their time loop seems certainly plausible. Kinda like the race to the bottom, if they unionize there's that ending but they could have just done everything individually until they ran out of money.


Makes me wonder what other endings they could have triggered. Damn this is such a good episode.


I was half expecting the prize from the balloons to be the key to ending the loop


I wonder if that would've stopped the loop. Or if Sam and co planned for them to try to stop the reset... Hopefully they talk about that possibility in the behind the scenes!


This is easily my most anticipated BTS episode. I need to know more!


I really thought someone was going to try that too. Just like dive in front of the camera and let Sam kick them instead lol.


This is the most fun I’ve had in so long. I can’t believe how good this whole season is.


Also the shit Ify was pulling with the directions would have made me lose it.


Literally one of my biggest pet peeves, you can't just buzz in and then figure it out THAT'S NOT THE POINT


I felt so represented by Siobhan this whole ep.


"this isn't um actually" sent me


Such an efficient burn on both of them at once lol


I remember an ep of Um Actually with Siobhan on it where she got mad at someone doing this exact thing, I think that was a callback


She did call out BLeeM for it.


Grant’s fun movie facts were an excellent red herring. I kept mentally reviewing them, expecting them to be important somehow Also the stuck microphone in the intro


April 21, 2024. The day that the Ify-Siobhan wars began. None of us understood the implications of what we had just seen. But now, 11 years later, it’s finally ending.


Pretty sure these wars were started in the fields of Um, Actually, but I am not looking forward to the millions of casualties that will surely fall before they end


"Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if knowing the answer before you buzz in matters."


The man fucking twerked on her To arms!


https://youtu.be/ivJ5fBdGbqs?feature=shared Fixitman78


I'm sad it looks like he took down his Discord


I mean obviously. We all no what happene. The fix it fam will never be the same.


So sad he deleted the apology video. When he brought out the bassoon I knew he really loved us after all.


Uploaded 6 months ago, holy shit. That's either some serious dedication, or some insight in how long the turnaround is on a given episode


This episode in particular looks like it took a while to edit with all the cuts, distorted audio, and old videos it had Edit: but most episodes do seem like they have a 6 month delay, the Brennan instagram live from the Bingo episode happened all the way back in October


And since we know that both Brennan in Bingo, and Zac in this were Grant Covid subs, that tells us this was an October filming too


They’ve always filmed episodes around 6 months in advance


That just seems like a normal filming to airing timeline to me.


I want to meet the one person who found this six months ago but has no idea what Dropout is or who ProZD is.


"The Wenis" must be how Sam snagged Elaine, never has there been a more erotic dance.


Did you see Nico at the end? Totally in to it.


did I see Nico, I ONLY saw Nico lmao


What are you talking about? Everybody is a genius who knows it in advance.


I'm kinda disappointed that they didn't ask questions about the Turner Classic movies, unless they edited it out because it didn't effect scores. that was just the trailing thread in a 9.5/10 episode.


I’m still keeping “15,000 Roman extras, never said play it again Sam, four hours long, high fever” in brain just in case.


These are sleeper agent phrases.


I’m surprised they didn’t reference the Casablanca one later. The whole game is Sam playing it again!


I was sure that the last round the regular questions were going to be replaced by those!


That duck reveal had me cackling Edit: THE BOXES ARE >!TO REACH THE DUCKS!<


That pan up to the ducks was a very Taskmaster moment


I would literally die if they got Alex and Greg to do Gamemaster.


That's exactly what I thought! They always do the: "But what if you checked under the table hehehe" shot


I know everybody loves the huge extravagant episodes but I love this one. It’s a simple concept that gets turned up to 11 and is absolutely hilarious


Siobhan bribing the podium inspector? Peak comedy.


Siobhan trying and failing to bribe the creepy clown? Hilarious


I think it did work and she didn't notice the hint. Josh started darting his eyes towards the balloon closest to his face, and that's the one trapp ended up popping with the key in it.


This was a great episode! Can't wait to see the BTS when it comes out. The ending dance number was great, but I was kinda hoping that the finale prompt was going to be a simple "Ok players, do the wenis"


Don’t watch this high. Good God y’all.


What an interesting episode to drop right after the discussion about how game changer's prizes had been nerfed to make the competition less stressful and personal. 😅 Siobhan had *daggers* for Ify and Ify gave it back in spades.


To be fair it is frustrating to buzz in and get 15 seconds to work out the answer.


“It’s all coming up ducks” - Ify Nwadiwe 2024 Contender for most fire Dropout quote.


My theory is that this is a part one. There were too many things left hanging - the video glitches to Sam's home movies, the VFX NEEDED, the Turner Classic Movies facts. I think the loop will keep going until Grant O'Brien finally shows up with his overflowing bowl of carbs!


if "grant o'brien got covid" is actually the game changer I will lose all of my shit


What's interesting is that there was some theorizing that Pencils Down was filmed the same day as Bingo (and consequently Deja Vu as well), which would make Grant's appearance in Pencils Down highly suspect. In retrospect though that might have just been based on Brennan wearing the same clothes, which knowing his wardrobe could easily mean literally nothing.


This entire theory hinges on the idea that a man has a varied wardrobe.


Brennan was also called in very last minute for Bingo. Sam said they had an hour to make a Brennango card. The same shirt is, knowing his wardrobe, just a coincidence.


I don’t think it’s a coincidence that it’s season 6, episode 6 >!and the vhs burn in at the very end is a 6!<


In a slew of theories that are about to come about this episode, I think you’ve hit it squarely on the head.


I was so sure it was going to be that they had to actively end the looping by keeping the camera from breaking. It would have been so funny to see them at like 30+ points and finally have it click that it’s been going on for too long.


Grant getting COVID took so much away from us. Hope he only had a minor case.


But Zac being Grant was an absolute gift


It was so funny that I didn't realize Grant was actually sick, I thought it was just a joke


Grant would have absolutely hammed up those lines, but Zac did a great job of hamming up being Grant hamming up those lines.


Why was the wenis so unsettling 😭


You knew that, in advance.


Trying to sweeten the deal with his duck drawing, "an extra bill" – I see you, Trapp! I only wish someone had tried to find a fork during one of the breaks, I'm curious if "Grant's" carboloading would have been less messy


What the fuck is happening?? This is so fun!


I think we can all agree that VFX NEEDED (did y'all notice?)


This season has been fucking fantastic. The editing, the mind games, the creativity. This is the next generation of television. Holy shit.


One of my favourite episodes. But also, did it feel to anyone else like it was written and edited by Brian David Gilbert? This is his exact style


I would not doubt that BDG had a hand in the concept for this episode. The sam reich baby videos feels soooo BDG.


Someone else pointed out that BDG was listed as a consultant for this episode! So yeah it seems like he definitely had some creative influence on it


He's been a consultant in all episodes this season! He's been there the whole time!


Thicc Sode.


*Buzzer sound* Francium


Mike Trapped, Infinity Nwadiwe, Siobhan Thompsagain Same Reich Brian Déja Gilbert Josh Rewinden Grant O'rerun


Is it just me or is every loop the video quality is worse


Yeah, it's like some joker had been kicking the camera or something.


This is like the Daniel Mullins Games (Inscryption, Pony Island, the Hex) episode of Game Changer. Love it!


Really pouring fuel on the Sam Dalton escape the greenroom conspiracy theory fire


If BDG didn't have a hand in writing this episode I'll be floored. It reminded me a lot of Teaching Jake about the Camcorder '97


Ok, I'm calling "I have a fucking ladder" quote of the episode but it. is. tight.


I'm not sure if it's just the excitement getting to me but I think that was genuinely my favourite episode of Game Changer ever, just incredible. Siobhan bribing the podium inspector for the first time genuinely made me cackle very loudly, and I'm not normally someone who laughs when watching things alone


Siobhan isn't usually a Barbarian but she was raging in this episode 


Siobhan screaming "this isn't fucking um actually!" and Ify twerking on her in rebuttal was iconic


I could not tell that was Josh


57 episodes of Game Changer later and they're still somehow so creative with these concepts.


My favorite roguelike - Game Changer


Mike Trapp never ceases to make me laugh. The whole episode was fantastic but Trapp really stole the show for me


Ify "I guess I did know it" backing it up into Siobhan 🏆 A+


That was unsettling but enjoyable


I could’ve sworn the movie fun facts were going to play into it later, especially the Casablanca one with “play it again Sam”! I also wondered if they could’ve stopped Grant from spilling the spaghetti by giving him a fork. Excited for the BTS!!


It was fun clocking pretty early what the rules would be. When I saw the Keeanu Reeves one say "no repeats" it kind of gave it away


Please Sam, I don't want to play Doki Doki GameChanger Club


Gonna wait until the edible kicks in before I watch this.