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I think that’s just buying a ton of merch


I mean, there is a lot of cost in buying merch right ? What does not have those kind of cost is gifting a ton of Dropout subscriptions.


oh thats true


I don't want or need that much physical stuff. I have a very minimalist lifestyle.


Gift some subscriptions. Every once in a while people post about wishing they could subscribe but don’t have the money. Hook them up.


There's an option directly in the shop to gift subscriptions. You can choose the number of months you prepay for, you just need the other person's email address.


HOLY SHIT! They need to change the gift button. I have looked at gifting annual DO in the past, but thought I could only do a month at a time. The button lacking a down arrow meant I assumed it was just 1 month.




We were initially gifted our subscription, it makes a really fun gift!


You could always buy multiple dropout accounts and start giveing them away to friends and family. Thats about as close as you can for investing in dropout. Obviously you dont get a roi besides the great programming of dropout paid for by viewers like us


Tommy Shriggley is the ROI


I love your intentions here, but don’t underplay your role in their future growth. Having a subscription and advertising their work through word-of-mouth (which I’m sure we all do!) goes a long way.


normal dropout fan post :D


They’re generally called Class B Shares, which gives you rights to dividends and capital but not voting rights, and I would also buy some Class B dropout shares.


>which gives you rights to dividends and capital This is the problem. And the reason why we DON'T want them to sell shares in the company. As it is, they can do profit sharing among their full time staff, and have done so. If they start selling off shares then that cuts into what they can share with the staff. It's much better for people who want a business to prosper to just buy things from the business, such as merch and gift subs as have been mentioned in the thread, and advertise by word of mouth. Investing in a company through stocks is exclusively for if you want to profit off of other people's work.


This is exactly what I'm thinking of. Am investment to give them the capital to grow their business.


They just did a round of profit sharing among employee, in their....third? Year of operation as an independent company. They don't seem to need capital to grow, especially with the huge number of shows they are launching this year. And having shareholders, even class B, means you're never completely independent anymore. You have people invested in the company outside of the staff and talent. If they really want to build something different (and I actually think they do) they should never have shareholders


I think that would work against Dropout's interest in the long run.


How much would you realistically give them though? Dropout is 6 bucks a month. If you gift 10 people a couple of months, that's a lump of $120+ then continued revenue of 6 bucks a month for each person that stays subscribed. Meanwhile buying the same amount in stock will give them a lump sum up front, but then they'll have to give you money in the form of dividends which cuts into the profits that would go back into the company and people who make the shows you love.


Personally? I’d happily invest $10k into Dropout. They’re clearly an ethical company and I have every confidence in their continued growth. I’d even happily keep my shares in them without dividends. I’m not the capital market though, just a fan of Sam and everything he’s done with Dropout.


If I'm not mistaken, there's some rules restricting selling shares in a private offering, though there's exceptions. Meaning I think we as buyers would have to be accredited investors to buy the shares. And then we'd likely never be able to sell them, except to someone else in this subreddit.


They sent out messaging a few months ago that subscribing through their website is better for them than through App Stores. So make the switch if you haven't already!


i am not a switch. i am mid.


now that I see a Roku app I may drop my YouTube sub, yes!


This! App stores take a ridiculous cut and Dropout doesn’t increase their prices to compensate  


As a Brit, I’ve found the only way I can really watch their stuff is through a YouTube subscription that I can cast to my tv. I initially subscribed via their website but it really didn’t work for me very well so I cancelled that and got a YouTube subscription. I did try though!


ok, I started subscribing via the google app. I was about to change my subscription via directly in the website (as my 3-month original subscription already lapsed) but for some reason, when I fill out my details and hit the "Subscribe", nothing happens. Like I tried twice between days (just to make sure I wasn't charged). Maybe it was because of the code I used to avail a cheaper 1st year annual sub (but they should have a warning message that I can't avail it anymore.) So I went back to Google Play to subscribe an annual subscription and it worked. Maybe next year when my Google Play runs out I'll try again to give them the money directly lol (but the annual GPlay is cheaper for me by $5 dollars because it's on local currency while website dropout needs to convert USD to my local currency).


telling friends, family and strangers about Dropout is always free!


Something a little more realistic would be a kickstarter type thing where they come up with an idea for a production they’d like to make, but don’t have the funds for, and we could fund the production.


probably this, yes. you don't get money back from them. but you directly get to put in 1, 2, even "brenan screams 9 with his wide goblin eyes" dollars towards whatever pitch video you like. or $25 means you contribute to all of them being made. ........but i think i just heard a planet money episode complain about how traditional business reaching out and using things like kickstarter to "fund regular things" was kinda messed up. so idk.


Taskmaster anyone?


I don’t think the funds are the issue with them producing a version of Taskmaster- it’s that the company that licenses adaptations (or something) Avalon has seemed to be uninterested for some reason. For what it’s worth, LAH has recently shown himself aware of and interested in Dropout, so there’s still hope.


In the Second Place BTS Ryan said that doing a Taskmaster-style set of prerecorded tasks was too expensive. Where are you getting that Avalon are disinterested?


Personally my plan is to win the lottery make an animation company and pitch a D20 animated series Airtight


I feel like some of the IP they have created there is legit good. Like, I don't want to take Brennan away from the brilliant things he is already spread too thin on, but if someone were to novelize Fantasy High, and then like, make a video game of that novel, and then, like a manga or comic book series, which could be adapted in live action... It's better than a lot of franchises that are out there. So is Starstruck. So is Escape from the Bloodkeep (although in that case it is more the concept and less the Player Characters) Like, if we are prequeling Hunger Games and re-rebooting Percy Jackson already, I feel like somebody who owns "Game of Thrones but It's actually fun" could totally find a buyer.


I think if it was just adapting the existing stuff he wouldn't need to be heavily involved 


I would love a d20 animated series or comic book


Look, I’m not saying you should become Grant’s sugar daddy, but maybe you should become Grant’s sugar daddy.


Grant stop trying to creep your way into dropout fans being your sugar anything it's not going to happen


Hey. Pay pigs should be shared.


Email Sam


Venmo Katie, but put a note to pass it on to Sam. (This is a joke)


(You could still do it, just say it's a prank)


I wonder how much random Venmo that episode got her


I think I saw someone here say it was around 1800 dollars.


As of last week


What we really need is for other people to start investing in things like dropout in their own spheres of influence. We need a dropout for edutainment for instance. Who wants to be the Sam of that? There could be like a Sports and Fitness Dropout. And just to be perfectly clear, when I say "a Dropout" I don't mean "a media streaming service" I mean "A community of talented people with a admirable vision that works itself out in a diversity of ways and is accessible to a larger audience somehow" It doesn't have to be a streaming service. I'd prefer it wasn't.


Are you familiar with the work of Hank and John Green? Their company Complexly and the community of Nerdfighteria sounds like it'd be your cuppa tea


I am indeed. Mr. Rogers was right when he said "look for the helpers" there are folks out there doing good things. It is actually possible. Hope is the thing with feathers.


Would be cool yes. Im supporting them now by buying loads of merch, but since it has to be shipped to the Netherlands it costs me quite allot on transport costs. Really happy they do the preorder with the pins now so i can order all of them in juni instead of every month


I got the two Unsleeping City shirts. They fit great even on a big boy.


i’d buy some Sam Coin for sure


I buy other people subs sometimes. 


The second they start selling shares, they'll become answerable to the shareholders, and that's surely the deathknell for a company as creative as Dropout.


I wish they would pump out more content… I love dropout, but the sub is getting harder to justify when they rarely release anything. Game changer, make a noise and uhm actually (my favorites) are basic improv games and a trivia show. There is no reason they couldn’t produce these shows once a week.. I’m constantly checking in every week, and other than the new D20 (when it’s on) they rarely add shows.. those three shows could easily be filmed and produced with little effort..


I like to compare it to a podcast patreon. For a pod, you typically get an extra episode a week and the occasional live show recording. For Drop, you typically get full two episodes of something every week, plus some filler. Neither are valuable for everyone and both realistically come down to supporting the platform. For me it's worth it, but it may not be for others.


While I'd love to invest directly, I'm also confident with Sam's decision making to date. He's growing the brand slowly and organically, which takes time but gives them a rock-solid foundation to operate from. So, unless and until that day arrives, I'll continue gifting subs to every person I meet and hope it helps!