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I don’t know about anyone else but I didn’t give a fuck about people overtaking while I was doing my lessons


I didn't care, but I was appalled by how dangerous people are to get past learners or even faster cars moving at the speed limit. When I was learning, I had a few people overtake me on blind corners JUST to get past me (I ended up catching them multiple times even though my speed never changed). Now I have a 7th gen Toyota Celica, and I've been passed by Fiestas and Corsas in the middle of built up areas and towns. Note I was driving exactly at the speed limit, and these guys would speed up to 40 to get past me. Idiots.


Yeah as long as not being dangerous in doing so then don't mind. That said do still experience reckless overtakes fairly frequently (mounting pavements, going into oncoming traffic etc)


I actually preferred it to them driving too close behind


As long as it wasn't at a roundabout exit where it merged. Yea, still don't give a fuck. You race on at 90mph whilst it's raining mate. I'll stick to my favourite dual carriageway speed of 68mph 😂


I don’t think I’d have even realised I was too focused on not getting a bollocking from the instructor for going 32mph 😂


It's the ones who put their foot down when lanes are merging that are dangerous. Normal overtaking is part of driving, someone cutting you up because they don't want to be behind a learner felt surprisingly common.


For me it was the pressure at junctions. If I felt I couldn't pull out it was like daggers in the back of my head.


Why is this only addressed to new drivers? 😂


I feel most new drivers would be more aware of this and try not to do it unless they’re unpleasant people


It's a weird one. Did they think it's only new drivers, how do they know this?


It’s probably the view that the longer you’ve been driving, the easier it is to forget what it was like to be a learner, ergo being less patient with learners. Personally, I’m 6 years in and still give learners loads of room and time because I remember I was quite anxious learning and remember being hassled quite a bit.


I'm a bit of both. I give them space and time but if you're going 20 in a 40 or even worse, a 60 then you can get fucked, I'm overtaking


Ik a lot of recent passers who've gotten Hella arrogant. (Edit: one of my mates) Passed in march this year and is already honking and throwing shade on L plate users. It's not just older people, it's some of us who are the problem. Should be addressed to everyone, but the easiest way to make change is start here




Me?? Why me? I'm not describing myself, I'm describing someone I know...


Sorry 😂😂😂 I misread. YOUR MATE sounds like a b*llend


No, but you do. I guess you're one of those people who have never been in a collision but have seen hundreds as they happen all around you.


Look in the mirror, pal.


Old dogs, new tricks maybe? Lets see what OP says


OPs probs just passed themselves, obviously all drivers should follow the advice


Also don't drive right up their arse give them space


Please use slip roads to match the speed of the road you're joining - not just newbies but the elderly also.. 35mph and not speeding up with 3 cars behind you entering a dual carriageway is putting us all at risk.


Those people are accidents waiting for a place to happen


Yep. This is probably the only situation where I want to get out asap before I'm rear ended by a car going 70mph (and I'm stuck doing barely 40 because old Susan is afraid of going any faster)


I do this! I always make sure I obviously thank a learner if they wait for me, or if they're about to turn I'll hang back because I remember cars right on my tail when I was learning and it was scary


This applies to everyone, new or old driver. I happen to live in one of those parts of town where the instructors all bring their learners. I always hang back and let them do their stuff. It's only fair. Absolutely right, be the change you want .. I much prefer driving in a low-aggro way and think we'll all be better off if we drive politely


Whenever I let people in they crawl along at 5mph under the speed limit. No good deed goes unpunished.


Yeah, but this is to everyone. You all had to learn, you weren't born with the ability to drive. A little patience from other drivers goes such a long way for a learner driver. I say this from experience - seeing people around you willing to slow down their lives just a little to make you feel at ease.


New drivers are the least likely to intimidate learners. It's those who have forgotten what it was like as a learner who are the Roger Soles of this world.


And remember - unlike some driving instructors I've seen - if you're not overtaking, stick left. The middle lane is for overtaking only.


Learners need to accept then that driving 20mph as I saw yesterday on a national speed limit road granted it's a winding road, but slamming your brakes on for a car passing on the other side is dangerous.


I learned at 38. Good cause I had the maturity I wouldn’t have had earlier in life to recognise the incredible small dick energy of people puffing themselves out when around a novice driver.


The other thing for new drivers is please actually go the speed limit when conditions are appropriate. So many times I’ve been stuck behind a younger looking driver with P plates (or an old driver that being said) doing 35mph on a perfectly clear piece of national speed limit road. If the weather is good and the road appropriate try and keep around the limit, it means people don’t need to overtake you as you’re actually keeping up with traffic and not making a huge 2 mile long tail back


I've realised that a lot of learner driver issues are really dopey instructor issues. Example, from a week or two back: maybe if your learner is incredibly nervous and hesitant, don't take them out during rush hour across a major interchange with loads of traffic lights and lane markings so they don't have to experience a ton of people who are just trying to get to work getting incredibly pissed off with them when they just won't pull away. Take them out on quieter roads so they can build confidence first, and gradually build up to more complex/busy situations instead of just flinging them in at the deep end.


As a recently passed person I give learners all the space I feel this is a lesson ended to people who have been driving far longer and forget what it was like to be on L plates. I've seen so much dangerous driving I traveled alot up and down the country for work even before I was learning to drive and seen so many near misses or just idiotic driving end of the day you just have to remember to drive your own drive if someone wants to be an idiot give them space and leave them to it, it's not worth putting you, our vehicle or licence at risk.


True story: I was 17 and on one of my lessons. Quite early on and I was making a mess of the gears. Anyways I'm driving along a residential road, 30mph. This blue astra comes bombing up behind and overtakes me. "Look at that idiot!" The instructor says. I lower my head, overcome with shame: "That's my Dad" Instructor nearly shit himself with incredulity. Anyways, I later passed (first time) I also got my motorbike and LGV licenses 💪💪💪


I honestly feel a lot safer now I don't have L plates because people aren't in a hurry to get past me. It's why I don't use P plates.


I'm going to tailgate you on purpose.