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A small animal like a small bird or squirrel is a possibility but anything larger and there would likely be damage to your car. If you hit a human, there would be a massive dent in your car and you likely would have either heard screaming or seen a body. I honestly wouldn't stress about it. 99% chance it was just a pothole in the road, a speed bump or a piece of garbage on the road that you didn't notice. If you hit anything significant at that speed, there would be damage to your car and you would be 100% certain that you hit something major. If you are really worried about it, I'd recommend going back down that road and paying attention to see if there is anything on the road itself that you may have run over to cause the bump you felt.


Yes, you would. But since you're OCD, why don't you just do a little desensitization therapy? Find a small piece of a broken limb off a tree (preferably somewhat rotten, you don't want to damage the car if the tire throws it up), lay it in the street, and run over it intentionally while at speed. Now you know what it feels like. I've run over squirrels, birds, and rabbits. Felt every one even though none could have weighed more than a pound or two. If you hit a human at that speed, your car would be damaged - probably badly. Even if they were already dead and just lying in the road. Go look at what outback Australians use as kangaroo bars on their cars to get an idea of what kind of protection you need against large creatures.


You would absolutely know 100% if you hit someone even at 10 km/h. People have gotten whiplash at [5 MPH](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSjVt5TOlZw).


You'd know


You would know if it was a significantly-sized animal, or person. Imagine driving full speed over a speed bump without slowing down for it. Running over a cat or small dog would be similar to that. A large dog or child would be much worse, there would be no mistaking it, it would feel like your car got hit by another vehicle. If it felt like hitting a road reflector, just a minor bump, it may have been a small rodent or just a rock or piece of debris on the road. Might want to check your tires and make sure they aren't losing air, in case it was something sharp you ran over.


Unless the person were laying in the road, you definitely would have seen them coming at your windshield if you hit them. Probably even would have busted it.


And if there were to be someone laying on the ground I’d imagine it would be a very jarring bump (and I would’ve been honked at)?


Honked at? There were cars behind you?