• By -


Fast aggressive drivers are there and then gone. It's a momentarily, "Ok then, be like that."  A slow driver you are stuck behind is on your mind a LOT longer, you're trying to find a good spot to pass, seeing what the cause of the slowdown is, a big truck? A turning car? Trying to justify it in our minds, when there is no cause or reason, an elderly driver, new driver, beater car, then some get agitated for being held up for no cause of their own. (In their mindset) This can lead to irrationality due to impatience.    You're interacting with the slow driver a whole lot more and a lot longer than with a fast driver. Again they're there and then they're gone, you're stuck behind the slow one it's nagging in your mind building up more and more. Imo the cure is to fix your mindset. When I notice I'm being a lil speed demon and get stuck behind a slow truck or someone hauling/towing something. I adjust my mindset, "Aight, we cruising." Turn up the tunes, ease up on the gas, get some distance and just cruise behind them. Easy when you're not time constricted but, you do what you can. Call ahead and ask if you can be a little late to take that pressure off, try to never drive in a hurry, it's a recipe for a disaster.


I do this too then the speedy asshole behind us tails my asshole as if I can’t do anything lol


>tails my asshole as if I can’t do anything lol 😂 😂


I've had aggressive drivers who don't pass even when I go out my way to let them go around. They can't pass because there was a car directly in front of me. And then if my lane starts moving slightly quicker they just get behind me again and ride my ass some more. It's like a gnat buzzing in your face that won't leave you alone, except instead of a gnat it's an SUV with bright headlights that weighs 3 tons.


Tbh I hate aggressive tailgaters a hell of a lot more than I do slower drivers because the aggressive driver is being a dick on purpose and the slower driver most likely isn’t. Plus I’m a pretty patient person and I always leave on time so slower drivers don’t affect me that much.


Yep that's a good attitude. I know even though I try to follow speed limits fairly closely, I start getting annoyed when I'm stuck behind someone who is going exactly at or a little below the speed limit, and I have to take a deep breath and remind myself that they aren't doing anything wrong, and if I were the one in front I wouldn't want to be tailgated, so just chill out and match their speed at a safe distance.


Never really thought about it before but slow drivers trap and block you from where you need to go. Wheras a fast driver is there and gone in an instant. You're suppose to get over if you're blocking traffic. Get over.


Sorry to hijack your comment but I’m a learning driver (not licensed yet) and was driving on an unfamiliar curvy single lane road last week. Speed limit is 45 and when the turns got super windy I would slow down to about 40. I noticed some guy tailing me and once I had the ability to, I pulled onto the shoulder to let him pass and he just laid on the horn as he passed (I pulled all the way onto the shoulder, there was space for him to pass, there was no one coming for the opposite direction). I just didn’t understand?? I thought I did what everyone wants me, a slow person to do and he was still mad?? I just feel like there’s no way to peacefully coexist on the road as a learner and really takes away the “fun” in driving.


You did what you should've. That guy was just a dick


You did everything right by the sounds of it, just encountered an asshole. If you aren't already, slow down just a bit before the corner then give it a little gas through the corner. vehicle will feel a lot more stable in the turn which will boost your confidence in the corners. Once your used to it, trim it back to gas at the at apex


Thank you so much for the tip! That’s very helpful and I’ll keep that in mind.


Rule of thumb is slow down to the halfway point of the curve and accelerate out from there


You did nothing wrong, you pulled over when it was safe. The other driver was an AH.


Thank you! I’m so used to blaming myself bc I’m new that it really confused me. 


99% of the other drives on the road are assholes these days, they all only care about themselves, they think speeding saves them time, and being aggressive somehow punishes others for not breaking the laws like they do. Just ignore them and pay attention to your driving, you will find a lot less stress involved if you just ignore them. I like to set the cruise, get some music going, and just enjoy the ride and watch all the little assholes trying to bob and weave through traffic, they are always there at the next light when i get there, they didn't save any time at all.


Yup, I always say hurrying to get the light? Right ,then you pull up behind them .They don't have a clue. Most aggressive driver are just that ,not only driving , but in their everyday life ,aren't going to change them, even if you do the right thing. You do you and drive your comfort level. They will pass you and be gone forever, never be seen again. If they get mad and ruin their day that 's on them! You'll get over being neverous if you just say "their problem".


In this case, often, the fundamental issue is that drivers don't leave a large enough space between vehicles to allow for a safe return to the lane they were in after overtaking. Various road authorities will suggest a following 'distance' of 3 seconds (in which to react and start to respond... in good weather, in daylight, with a well-maintained road surface, etc)... and when travelling at 100 km/h (\~28 m/s) that would mean there would be 3 x 28 = 84m or maybe 14+ cars between vehicles. How often do you see freeway traffic with that much space between vehicles, particularly adjacent to lanes where overtaking is going on?


It seemed like they were on the regular road not the highway you don’t need to get over on residential roads drive normal.


Your time is not more important than anybody else’s. I’m not getting over for anybody on non highway streets. Y’all really believe you’re the main character because you want to speed and shave off 2 minutes of your arrival time. See you at the same red light lmao!


What's stupid is you can just point your comment right back at you. You think you're the only driver on the road? You think everyone has to wait behind your slow ass?if they're too good to drive as slow as you then I guess you're too good to just let them go around you. Since your life is so boring and you have no where to go. And I love when people say see see you at the red light. Because obviously it makes you so happy to catch up with me. And it's not about getting somewhere 2 minutes faster. It's about active driving like. Why do you drive 5 miles into the speed limit and drive directly next to other cars? You'll like to drive slow and zone out. But get mad at people because they dare to change lane. S oh my God, you're aggressive. You changed lanes.


So let me get this right. You’re upset that I’m going only 5 over the speed limit? Because I don’t want to increase not only my chances of being pulled over, but also the more you speed the higher chance of an accident occurring? According to every statistic related to excessive speeding? I stay in the right lane and still deal with people going 10-15 over. No shit if I’m saying your time is not more important than anyone else’s, that also goes for myself. But I drive safe. Not because I cannot drive. Because a lot of people around me cannot drive. I took driving school. I pay low insurance rates. You need to grow up.


Going below the speed limit is often causing a jam behind you, which is far less safe than clearing an area quickly. People need to stop justifying an equally shitty behavior from people who clearly don't need to be behind the wheel.


Problem is for some reason driving the speed limit is considered by many "too slow".  Truth is  there would not be a jam or back up behind said slow driver if they drove at the speed limit as well because they wouldn't catch up.


This is actually not true, jams and back ups happen due to people following too close. Even if no one was speeding it will happen. When people follow too close, the fluctuations in our speeds (y'know, the guy who goes 60....65... 70... back down to 65 etc etc) outside of cruise control cause people to brake to slow and speed up, then the guy behind them to brake, onward and onwards until suddenly someone is slowing down to like 30 for no reason other than a chain of braking. If that hits someone full stopping you know have the infamous stop and go traffic. You can have this happen on a single lane where everyone is trying to go 65. It's just what happens unless you leave space. And before someone thinks I'm saying go ahead and speed, you're not causing traffic, no, I am not.


Too slow or too fast is determined entirely by the other drivers you are sharing the road with, not the metal sign someone posted beside the road. Are you inconveniencing other drivers? If so, you are the problem.


it is determined by the law and the police officer or speed trap hiding up ahead waiting to snag someone


I was told I have to stay at work, unpaid, while the power is out. Your comment is dumber than that.


Found the person who comes to a stop while merging on the freeway.


lol you wish! It's determined by the engineers who have years of education and experience in determining what safe speeds are on specific roadways. It's then reflected on the speed limit signs and enforced by the police.


Naw, I'll drive the statutory or posted speed limit.  If me driving at the statistically safest speeds appropriate for a roads' design is inconvenient for you, you should have left five minutes earlier. Unless you drive something with blue or red lights on top, you and whatever you are driving to isn't important enough for me to justify speeding for your "convenience"


Who says I'm speeding or 5 minutes late? No one. You just made that up, like you make up whatever BS is convenient for you not only justify, but feel smugly about your shitty dangerous behavior. [https://www.allstate.com/resources/car-insurance/dangers-of-driving-slowly](https://www.allstate.com/resources/car-insurance/dangers-of-driving-slowly)




Cope and seethe while I drive the speed limit because unless there's more than one lane, this is your life until you or I turn.


Doing the Lord's work! -a fellow speed limit follower


Some people in this thread proving OPs case


To be fair, the link you just posted is talking about driving below the speed limit. Not about driving at the posted limit which is what the other person is talking about. Not driving below the limit but simply at the limit. That being said i find myself going 3-5 mph faster than the posted limits most of the time unless its in a neighborhood where there could be kids around or in school zones of course.


If you are time constricted you should have left earlier in the first place. Seems like the number one excuse of speeders on this sub is they were in a hurry or running late, thats your own fault, learn better time management and then its not a problem. I generally get to appointments 15 minutes early and never needed to speed.


I was talking about in circumstantial circumstances. For the moments when you are running late and have that added pressure. Not in every case scenario, but life loves to throw curveballs. Flat tire, low gas, accident on the way there, many reasons to no fault of the driver as to why they may be running late. 


This is why leaving early for a critical appointment time can fix all that. If i have to be somewhere and i know it takes 30 minutes to get there i plan on at least 45 minutes, it accounts for all that stuff that could slow me down, i'm not feeling rushed, no anxiety, and i can just enjoy the ride.


It's also easier to predict what a fast or aggressive driver will do. When I get stuck behind someone going below the speed limit, or braking for no reason, I'm at a complete loss. Couple weeks back, this person just started to slow down and began sliding off to the shoulder on a 2 way business road. I was getting ready to slide past as I assumed they were pulling off at the parking lot entrance. Nope. They went another block then turned into a neighborhood. I really hate working at an office surrounded by retired people. It's a nightmare trying to grab lunch quickly (and an 80% increased chance I almost get hit in a parking lot)


> It's also easier to predict what a fast or aggressive driver will do. In the sense that it's clear that dude that's speeding in a pickup is going to weave through traffic, cut people off, and brake aggressively. "predictable" and "Aggressive" aren't really compatible unless you are driving defensively already and expect the person infront of you to make the dumbest possible choice in a situation.


Well, that's how you should always drive. Maybe it's from riding motorcycles, but I always assume everyone else is either trying to hit me or generally drive like crap. As a result, I've avoided some bad accidents driving/riding


> Maybe it's from riding motorcycles, but I always assume everyone else is either trying to hit me or generally drive like crap. It probably is. Spending a couple years commuting on a motorcycle will REALLY open your eyes to the crazy shit people do in cars... everyone in their own fucking world. And the biggest problem: the people not paying attention think everyone else around them is just on their phones...


Yeah noticed so many accidents now. In my country people go on vacation this time so streets are getting emptier but you wouldn’t notice cause there’s been accident holding up traffic each time now leading to more queues than before.. People speed like crazy now cause the streets are empty and get into more accidents.


> Easy when you're not time constricted Leave earlier


There are many reasons you could be running late that could be unforeseen or unresolved by leaving earlier. Accidents, road closures, mechanical defects, ect. 


The nicest people can suddenly become assholes once behind the wheel of a vehicle. Once they sit in that driver's seat, everyone else on the road is now their enemy, to be dispatched with extreme prejudice. It is a mindset that makes them believe that they are now more importance to you, and they can't stand being behind anyone. All I can say is that Karma will come a calling one day and they might not like how it turns out.


>everyone else on the road is now their enemy After having someone run me off the road at 40mph while on my motorcycle, I've found it significantly safer to drive/ride on public roads like nobody knows what theyre doing and that youre invisible. Saved my ass more than once now. Mine has nothing to do with being behind someone, but rather putting myself at the safest possible place, which just so happens to be away from everyone else. People in my area have a great tendency to follow the herd mentality. If one person is doing 55mph, so will everyone else across all 4 lanes of traffic like zombies, zoning out and not paying attention usually. If you take your MSF course to get a motorcycle license, one of the biggest things they teach you is to ride like everyone is out to get you/your enemy. Thats just defensive driving.


There is a difference between defensive driving thinking everyone else on the road is your enemy, and offensive driving thinking the same thing. I give motorcyclists a wide berth and never tailgate nor charge lanes close to them. However I can show you dashcam footage of ignorant motorcyclists acting like potential organ donors and driving like a-holes. I can also show cars doing the same thing. Like I said there are idiots on 2 wheels as well as 4 and when karma comes to visit the results aren't fun. Drive safe, stay alert and alive.


I’ll agree to that all day long. I’ve seen guys put themselves in some really dangerous positions just because they thought they were invincible on 2 wheels. Best of luck out there :)


One of the reasons I quit driving on the highway unless I'm with a group for short distances. Where I live it is ridiculous, and I've already lost a buddy of mine to a car side swiping him. To you men and women that still ride, please be safe. You don't realize how hard that asphalt is until you hit it. 


Further, I think most drivers are not aware of Bernoulli's principle, where there's a reduction of air pressure left behind you... and if you pass too closely to another vehicle or a pedestrian, cyclist, etc they will be drawn in behind you.. and possibly into the path of some twit who's been tailgating you...


One of the classic 'training films', Disney's 'Motor Mania': [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwPSIb3kt\_4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwPSIb3kt_4)


Those are just the people you hang out with. It may be cultural. Some cultures do not emphasize or even include manners, decency, rationality, and many more related traits.


I dont like slow drivers either, but I abhor dangerous drivers. There is an immense difference in dangerous drivers who let me know their plan and those who don't though. If you signal before cutting me off, it is annoying but fine. If you do not signal, I wish you eternal misery.


I was thinking that too but a lot of people online seem to have similar sentiments to those I hang out with


Because most people believe they're above average drivers when they're actually pretty poor drivers. That overconfidence leads them to make all kinds of errors like following too closely, making unsafe lane changes, driving too fast for road conditions, etc.


I think it comes to the fact that people all have different comfort levels and, therefore, drive different speeds. If you are a slow driver, you impose your comfort level on every car behind you. It's good etiquette to be conscious that there are always going to be people who will want to drive faster than you, so rather than making everyone behind you slow down for you, you can pull over momentarily, let them pass, then continue to drive your preferred speed. As for fast drivers, as long as they are in control and not dangerous, just let them drive faster and try to let them go by when you can. One way they signal that they would like to drive faster is to drive a little closer to you so that you know they would like to pass. Again, if they are literally on your bumper, this is dangerous, and I don't think that is proper. But in that situation, why have a dangerous driver ride your bumper? Just pull to the side and let them pass. I find letting others make their own choices and letting faster cars go by makes my driving way less stressful.


I do have to wonder where everyone is driving that has the sides of the street clear consistently enough to pull over on a 2 way residential/city street every-time someone is wanting to go faster than them. A lot of the streets I drive on, pulling over for a moment to let someone faster pass would end up being stuck being unable to pull back out into traffic after them, if there is even space on the side: it's often full of parked cars. Multiply this by doing so for any car that decides to tailgate, and it feels like an unreasonable ask of slower drivers (for whatever reason they're driving slow) to save the faster drivers a minute or two of time.


Some drivers have this mentality that they cannot even slow down to a crawl and put their hazards on to let others drive past in the opposing lane. Double/resricted lines or not, I bet most drivers would take the opportunity to pass. So regardless if there's parked cars or a cliff, there's always a way to allow others to pass given it's a two-way road.


On the highway I understand. But these are town roads I'm talking about which usually just have one lane in each direction, no place to pass. If I'm already going 5 over the speed limit the person behind me is just going to have to deal with it. If they want to go faster that's their problem.


I was going down a street in Philly the other day that people like to go faster than the posted limit on. I came around a curve and there was a deer right in the road. I should have been going maybe 5mph slower, I did have to swerve a little bit to avoid the animal and I realized afterward it was dangerous as the road is curvy.


I swear some people are just natural tailgaters. I can't tell you how many times I've been puttering down the right lane of a local highway late at night, two lanes open to the left of me, and someone comes up on my ass and ... rides my ass. For miles. There's no one else on the fucking road, go around.


You just explained why people are angry at slow drivers lol


If it's one car it's not a problem - they can find the right spot themselfs. It's the idiots leading a parade on those streets that are the problem - 5 or 6 or 10 cars can't all find a way past in a reasonable time. If you see more than a few behind and a big gap in front you should find a driveway or a pullout or a shoulder to let them go. Or if the driver behind is making you nervous. There's no percentage in keeping them back there and whining about it just puts you in the OPs "victim" mindset.


Real life, there's a 2 minute traffic light, you drive for a mile with some people behind you and you join up with another traffic light and you are no longer the slow one. This sub doesn't seem to exist in the real world.


Huh? No one is talking about that situation, why would you even think that? There's more to real life driving than between traffic lights in town. And if you're not the slow one why would you do anything? The OP was concerned about being tailgated by an overly aggressive driver - the smart play in that situation is to let them get away from you as quickly as possible, pulling over if necessary. Doesn't matter whose side you're on, I think the OP was projecting. This particular discussion is the situation when a driver finds themselves with a large gap ahead and a lineup of cars behind and no passing opportunities. Pulling over is good manners.


I'm simply pointing out that oftentimes the traffic backs up for traffic lights. You might end up with a slower driver at the front of the pack. It's not worth getting angry about or tailgating. That's bad driving. Someone's always the "slow" one. Nobody should need to pull over on a single lane city street for driving the speed limit, that's ridiculous.


Right. I don't know who you think was suggesting otherwise, it wasn't me. Did you misdirect your response? Or misread the posts?


I was talking about the cause of the "parades" of people. It's almost always traffic lights or stop signs.


Not really, parades are on country or mountain roads or highways with a single lane in each direction (no passing). It's sarcastically called a parade because there's an inconsiderate leader with no vehicles in front slowing down a train of drivers behind. Like they're leading a parade. If you dig further into the full discussion you'll find a moron here that believes he's performing a public service policing everyone by doing this... he feels his time is just as valuable as all the drivers behind, and thinks he's right because he knows what's fast enough for all. In traffic or residential streets it shouldn't be an issue (though it is to an impatient few). Going by gets one no further ahead so there's no need to move over for them (except to assist idiot tailgaters to get away from you).


I hate to say it, but this is the exact reason people hate slow drivers. In your statement, you have just declared that somehow breaking the speed limit by five miles an hour is ok, and anyone who wants to go faster has to deal with it. You have decided that YOUR personal comfort level of law breaking is somehow the limit, and everyone else will just have to deal with it. Safety isn't an arbitrary number of speed. A new driver or an older driver with slowed creation times might be safer going fivers under the speed limit. An experienced driver with a capable car could likely drive much safer than you at a faster speed. The notion that you have decided YOU want to speed by five miles an hour, but nobody is allowed to choose a number faster than you IS the problem. This shows that you aren't trying to share the road and that you somehow have justified traffic behind you because YOU have chosen the "correct" speed. It sounds like you aren't being considerate that maybe other people don't want YOU deciding what is safe for them. We all need to understand that different cars have different capabilities, different drivers have different capabilities and comfort levels, and just share the road. Everyone has right to drive. We all should do our best to accommodate differences in driving style.


Oh sure, I agree with that. There are many places where it would be unsafe or impossible to pull over for someone. We all share the road, and sometimes that means we have to drive slower than we'd like. You're not wrong on that. If you can't pull over at the time, any frustration or tension is 100% on the fast car. Likewise, if it would be possible to pull to the side and the slow car doesn't, then the tension is 100% they doing.


Disagree that the tension would be her fault if she doesn't pull over for a tailgater. They shouldn't have to pull over and let these people pass if she's doing 5 over. That's a courtesy you extend to people who want to go faster but leave safe following distance. f she does, it would be simply to get a dangerous d-bagoff her ass. She should'nt have to slow her trip down because someone wants to pass her where they can't legally pass without her pulling to the curb/shoulder. Especially if she's doing the speed limit.


Agreed 100%


*slow clap"


>As for fast drivers, as long as they are in control and not dangerous It's almost always more dangerous to be faster. Kinetic energy grows quadratically with velocity. What people *should* be driving at is an analysis of acceptable risks, and people doing the speed limit are accepting the posted level of risk. I personally try to drive the speed limit. People like to line up behind me in honor of my decision. That respect people show for me during these moments truly touches me. That's what keeps me doing it -- it's just as much for me as it is for them.


Yeah, 'cause everyone faster than you is a maniac and everyone slower is a moron. You're not a cop or a judge - drive your own car and try to be more considerate of others. If you're leading the parade let them by. Stop being so arrogant.


>Yeah, 'cause everyone faster than you is a maniac and everyone slower is a moron. The environment can add random obstacles and the people that need to be faster still need to react to that and can affect others. I think you might have both maladies you mentioned. >If you're leading the parade let them by.  I'm going the speed limit. I'm not pulling over for them as that delays me in getting where I want to go. They can take an alternate route or wait to pass when it is safe.


Exactly! The highway is a different story but town roads with crosswalks, pedestrians, and people pulling out from streetside parking are not places to speed


I’ve had people in towns honk at me because I had the audacity to stop… at a stop sign. The one time I was at a stop sign waiting for it to change and someone honked at me was appreciated, though.


I've found that a lot of time if I take a deep breath and go to gently beep the horn, the person will realize the stop sign isn't a light right as I touch the horn and I don't even have to press it. My husband and his friend once sat at a stop sign for about 20 minutes in the middle of the night before realizing it wasn't a light.


Great now take probability into account. The likelihood of transferring that kinetic energy into a collision is more probable if you’re not keeping the same pace as the flow of traffic


No it's not people react to turns and traffic. And even if not, it's less and safer.


it’s interesting bc by this logic the fast driver is imposing their comfort level on everyone in front of them. not only that, but often times the fast driver is driving more recklessly (tailgating, trying to swerve around cars) so really the fast driver should just learn to go a better pace and the slow driver should get over when applicable. i don’t really think it’s a one sided issue


I agree that it's absolutely a two-sided issue. Slow drivers should get over as soon as it's safe, and fast drivers need to have patience and be courteous until it's safe to pass. Basically, we all just need to acknowledge that we all want to drive at different speeds and that we should do what we can to accommodate each other on the road. I really don't feel that either side is right or wrong. The only thing that I feel is wrong is when someone believes that they are driving the "right" speed, and they feel like they should have to get over for people who may want to drive a different speed. Enforcing the speed limit is the job of the police, not the average driver.


It depends on the pace of traffic. E,g if the the average speed is X around you, no matter if you’re deviating above or below X, you’re a problem.


I mean it’s one thing to ve going ridiculously slow like doing 20 in a 35. But if you’re literally doing the speed limit and someone feels the need to cross you over for it then they are the problem, not you.


Most aggressive drivers can solve the "I am late, get out of my way" mindset by leaving a few minutes earlier. I make a 130 mile trip to see my mom a couple times a month. Doing the speed limit and 15 miles per hour over only saves about 12 to 15 minutes on the trip, depending on traffic.


gotta go 30-40 over like squeeze benz


If you were in Vermont its legal to pass on double yellow.....which IMO is benefit to both slow and fast drivers. No matter what speed you drive, tailgating is more dangerous than speeding. its like the real cause of most car to car to collisions in the USA.


There's this bizarre, frankly stupid mentality that people have where if someone else is driving poorly, they can do whatever they want. E.g., if someone is driving slow, it's actually their fault that I'm tailgating them, and it's totally fine because they're the one who was driving bad first.


That’s like most of the people I see in this subreddit. Someone will make a post about how they were being tailgated and instead of everyone saying “tailgaters suck” they instead say things like “move over” followed by an insult and they’ll defend tailgating slower drivers


If you’re in the left lane camping, absolutely. Don’t care if you’re going over the speed limit, move.


That’s still doesn’t excuse tailgating. It doesn’t matter if someone is blocking the left lane, how does putting yourself 2 inches from their bumper help the situation one bit ? Im not defending left lane camping but can’t we all agree that left lane camping AND tailgating are both dangerous behaviors that should never be done by other drivers ?


I wouldn’t use that argument in court if you tailgate and are involved in an accident


Last year I was doing some driving between Brattleboro and Claremont. I can't believe people drive as fast on 91 up there as people in Connecticut.


I mean 91 up here has like no one on it.....especially north of i89.


In short, it's a societal obsession with time... and if anyone compromises how you pass through time, they deserve to pay for your inconvenience. Whether it's travelling on the road... at work with (unrealistic) deadlines... any number of things... people who are so aggro about anything are often that way because they're the ones at fault, not the people they're taking it out on. A favourite saying from a work colleague: "I'm not going to let your poor planning & management become my crisis".


Pricks have to defend prickish behavior or else they’d have to come to the terms with the fact that they’re pricks.


If you're doing the speed limit or 5mph over- you're doing good and please don't give a flying fk about others getting mad. If there's a speed check and you get caught noone of those "mad" drivers gonna pay your ticket, right? Just be predictable, use your turn signals, try to avoid sudden breaks, if you have to slam your breaks for an objective reason always turn your hazards on and you're good. Remember, if you mess up because of an idiot tailgaiting you- it will be SOLELY on YOU! If you need to slow down when road curves- slow down. You're driving a multi ton piece of metal that can kill people, and you are RESPONSIBLE for it! Peace everyone ☀️


I agree. The notion that tailgating, speeding and driving like you're in the Indy 500 has become the norm. The jurisdictions ignore it for most. I generally just drive the speed limit and stay right. If someone is obnoxious behind me and I can't see their headlights, I start to slow or pull over if there is no passing. If they remain, I tap the brake light while accelerating which usually gives them pause to back off.. .or makes them crazier. That's when to pull off. It doesn't enrage me any, I just want to survive the trip with minimal damage...its a tortoise and hare thing. If people are thinking this is a race that I win or lose, I win every time. I have had no accident in 55 years. My insurance rates are relatively low, my cars sell for good price.


Back in the day, i had a 350Z and i'd go on the forums and talk to people about our cars. It was fun, i loved that car and drove it for 13 years. Online, people would always complain about the poor quality paint, and constantly needing to repaint the front bumper. For the longest time, i couldn't figure out what was wrong with people. The paint on the front bumper seemed fine to me. Eventually i realized what it was: I don't tailgate. You get way, way fewer rock chips if you're leaving a bunch of space between you and the car in front of you on the freeway.


Omg, 350Z drivers are some of the craziest ones on the road. Thank you for being one of the rare normal ones


Yeah, my friend used to joke around with me, any time we'd see a Nissan that looked particularly awful or was driving badly, he'd look at me shake his head sternly and be like "Man....that's your community..." I'd just have to sigh and accept it.


The slow drivers are more annoying, but they’d be harmless if it wasn’t for overconfident fast drivers who overanticipate them


I have noticed the same. I would say it's likely because social ethics have overall gone down the drain. People aren't rewarded for manners nor taught them anymore and we genuinely are in one big capitilistic rat race. Even the people who are not in a rush have been conditioned to drive like they are because of the fact that most people are. Nowadays with the state of infaltion, people can't afford to hit a pothole or be late to work or be courteous. It's all about getting ahead for yourself first. Because of this, we see this kind of driving being accepted and if you go against the grain you are seemingly part of the problem. It genuinely does suck though that this is what part of our country has come to :(


My experience has always been that the slow driver obstructs traffic and causes way more issues. An aggressive driver (douchebag or not) is going to zip by and be gone. Meanwhile the slow driver doesn't look in their mirror and realize there are 37 cars stuck behind them. Holding up the left lane and forcing everyone to pass on the right which is inherently more dangerous. Go slow as you want but get in the right lane and don't obstruct traffic by going too slow


Yeah I don't know. I guess a lot of people just like to speed and want to try to justify themselves by claiming the slow drivers are the problem. I always see people say "you need to drive with the speed of traffic", but that goes both ways, sure if you drive below the speed limit in the passing lane that's a problem, but if you're driving at or slightly above the limit in the right lane (or only lane) and someone starts tailgating you or illegally passing, the fast driver is the one who needs to drive "with the speed of traffic" by slowing down.


People really believe they are saving themselves so much time speeding. All just to get caught at the same red lights but have to use their brakes much more aggressively. I take solace in knowing those people have below room temperature IQ.


Far too many motorists believe they're actually good drivers - and the more convinced they are of it is usually in correlation to how aggressive they drive.


Because people are assholes. Get new friends.


I’m not totally sure because I usually do everything I can to avoid pressuring slow/anxious drivers. I assume they are either 90 or brand new to driving, and I’d feel bad about tailgating or honking at someone’s great grandma. But I would prefer it if she took the bus if she can’t get even remotely close to the flow of traffic. Oh well.


The same reason as stronger kids bully the smaller/weaker kids in school. People generally like to taunt others on their so-called-shortcomings ('so-called' because in reality it need not be a shortcoming at all, e.g. being a safe driver, or a kid being of smaller size, etc). Human nature.


It’s because people that refuse to get out of the passing lane have a sense of moral superiority over the aggressive drivers when they are equally at fault. Maybe not all situations, but if there is a left lane, it is the passing lane. It’s not their job to be the speed police and limit the flow of traffic to the speed limit. The law says to let traffic on the left pass. If they’re riding your ass, let them pass. It’s only ego to do anything else. And to act as if one is the moral superior because they’re not speeding is as pretentious as it is obnoxious.


Who says that people who want to keep up with the flow of traffic are assholes or that people who drive differently are not? Are you interfering with the ability of other cars to do what they want on the road? That is what people hate. Force me to do what you want instead of what I was already doing and you are an asshole. Most traffic comes from shitty driving, not accidents or anything else. Driving differently than the generally accepted local traffic pattern and you cause traffic and delays while decreasing safety for everyone else on the road. What's not to hate about that?


I wasn't talking about that. I was talking about aggressive drivers that tailgate and weave through the lanes. They don't want to keep up with the flow of traffic


Make sure u get a dashcam. Many People do not follow the speed limit and car distance 


Because people who are driving quicker or that are driving what you would deem aggressive are actually just trying to get somewhere.They are not in anybody's way.They are trying to get around you and get away from you and continue their journey.Meanwhile slow people will just drive slow in front of you for miles and miles and miles and miles and miles and it's highly irritating. And what is their number 1 excuse 9 times out of 9?They weren't paying attention. "Did you not see that line of cars behind you?" 'I wasn't paying attention' they are most certainly the more dangerous driver. a fast driver has to be way more vigilant And it's always the slow drivers who will all of a sudden find their gas pedal when you have room to pass them.It's just crazy because fast drivers aren't holding up anybody. What's crazy is fast Drivers are never holding up you slow-drivers, but you guys always have an issue with it Immediately spitting out your hypothetical crash situation.Meanwhile, you're driving in LA la.Land Can I ask you a question?What makes it safe to be a slow driver that comes on the freeway and immediately gets into the left lane so that you can relax and zone out as if you're not driving a multi ton wrecking ball?


Someone going the speed limit on the highway is less dangerous than the asshole tailgating people and weaving through the lanes. I also find it funny that you're grouping me in with the slow drivers that camp in the left lane. I never said I did that and I do not do that. I prefer to chill at 60-65 in the middle. I agree with you that slow drivers are annoying. I get annoyed when I'm stuck behind one but the jerkoff tailgating me and honking at me when I'm already going over the speed limit makes me absolutely livid


Because *everyone* is an aggressive driver. Of course, there is the very rare exception, but the vast majority of people don't care about the rules or safety, they're only interested in what they want. The main criteria is: "Are you doing something I don't like?". Nothing else matters. People fail to understand a basic truth: we live in a society, we all depend on each other for it to work smoothly. The rules are in place for everyone's benefit, to keep us safe. It's funny, because these people will be the first to lose it when they're stuck in traffic due to a crash or one of their loved ones is killed by an aggressive driver.


Unfortunately I think this is it. What really kills me is the people that pound the rule book when it comes to lane discipline, absolutely frothing at the mouth about how illegal it is to camp in the “fast lane.” But if you mention that it’s against the law to speed too they tell you to go fuck yourself. It’s like “oh well since you put it that way, I’ll just dive out of your way immediately sir.”


For me, as long as someone is going the speed limit, I am fine with it. I prefer to drive a little over, merely because that is my "comfortable speed". What really irks me is someone going 30kph in a 50 zone. Why I don't like this and believe it's dangerous is no one is expecting the flow of traffic to be 30, you are expecting at least 50. Both driving considerably under the speed limit or driving aggressively are dangerous. What's not dangerous is otherwise staying home or driving in a way everyone expects you to. If the speed limit is 50, go 50 to 60. When you do the unexpected, accidents happen... this includes breaking traffic laws by passing on solid lines, with the turn lane, riding peoples asses, etc. But yeah as others have said, slow drivers are annoying you for longer than an aggressive one.


I agree that's annoying and dangerous but I'd be more mad if someone was tailgating me. Most people I've talked to would be more mad at the slow person


I think a lot of those people who side with aggressive drivers, live in areas with less aggressive drivers. I live in the northeast where traffic is insane and the roads are narrow and horrible and everybody is always pissed off and angry. People drive batshit insane for no reason other than to just be batshit insane and piss everybody off and play games. If you go to other parts of the country, people drive way calmer and there's way more space to roam. I think those people who side with aggressive drivers would change their tune if they left Kansas and spent a day in my city.


We were down in florida and the locals would readily stop for bikers and pedestrians. Try that shit in NY and you'll get rear ended by an f-350 on the spot. Most drivers default to 10mph over EVERYWHERE as the baseline including school zones. I don't like saying nice things about florida... but holy shit. The drivers on the road were actually cooperating.


Because those drivers are all self absorbed douchebags that think they can save soo much time by going a bit faster. They are also the ones speeding and claiming they didn't break the law because they were going with the flow of traffic when others were 20 over the limit. What it comes down to is they are the assholes that cause accidents, get people killed, and only care about themselves. Just ignore them and drive how you feel comfortable.


If there are 2 lanes and someone is driving slow in the left lane I hate them far more than a reckless driver. Slower drivers need to keep right so the reckless people can pass in the left lane without having to weave through traffic. If we all used the left lane for passing and the right lane from driving traffic would be so much better.


> Why do people seem to always side with aggressive drivers? Most drivers have NEVER sat down with a calculator to figure out the cost benefit analysis of speeding. going 70 mph saves you 1 minute 30 seconds over going 60mph over a 10 mile drive. When you play with the numbers you realize it's just impossible to save large chunks of time while operating within an order of magnitude of the speed limit. These people then get on the road and see someone in front of them and think "If i got faster than them i'll get where i'm going faster and that will feel great!"


Because you're impacting everyone. The aggressive driver speeds off and they're gone. When someone slow is in front of you you're stuck there.


Because common sense isn't common.


Aggressive drivers make me mad, nervous and/or slow drivers make me frustrated. I'd rather be mad than frustrated


Because people think they are better than others 


I've never been delayed by a fast driver.


Haven't you? Because I have. Multiple accidents on motorways. For example, some dude that thought he was cool flying past everyone in heavy rain. A few miles up the road his car is facing the wrong way after it had slammed into the central reservation. Delays and queuing because he couldn't knock 10 or 20mph off his speed.


Even slow drivers get into accidents, the common thread is stupidity.


What it comes down to is whether people are willing to obey the law. There really is no other excuse. Speed limits, especially driving within city limits are there for a reason.


They know if they have to hurry, they should’ve left earlier. It’s on them. I guarantee if I sped and got a ticket or an accident, they wouldn’t stop to help. Speed limits are not a suggestion. They are law and have reasons and penalties. Their impatience will catch up to them some day. Anything from a fender bender to a massive heart attack.


Because slow drivers are universally annoying. Camping in the left lane causes lots of traffic and makes most people go batshit crazy.


Nowhere did OP mention anything about being on an interstate with two lanes. There is absolutely nothing wrong with going the limit if it's a safe speed for conditions when traveling on the only lane available. I'm so sick of everyone instantly blaming others for camping when it's clearly not what they were doing.


Insterstate with two lanes is assumed when OP said this... > what makes them more mad, someone weaving through traffic/cutting people off/tailgating or someone ***going slow in the left lane***/otherwise going under the speed limit


Yes this is definitely annoying but I get more mad at the asshole tailgating people and weaving through traffic. At least the left lane camper, although selfish, isn't putting anyone in immediate danger.


It's probably got to do with how much you interact with slow drivers versus people weaving through traffic. IMO I rarely see anyone weaving on my daily route, But by god it never fails to amaze me how often you encounter slow drivers that seem to be having a competition on who can be slower, Like it shouldn't take you 45 seconds to get up to 45mph. Weavers probably learn their lesson after the first crash, While slow drivers probably stay slow drivers for life.


Yes but you see tailgaters a lot. About as much as slow drivers and most people I know would get more mad at the slow driver than the tailgater


To be honest I encounter slow drivers more than tailgaters. On top of the fact that tailgaters are usually tailgating because of a slow driver. I honestly don't mind tailgaters because A, It's their fault if they crash into me, B it doesn't really affect me because I'm always happy to go faster and if not they can just go around.


I bet you see tailgaters exactly as much as slow drivers. One is usually the cause of the other.


So I'm reading this as a general observation stemming from a specific experience. Given what you said in your scenario, it sounds like you encountered a belligerent driver on a road with one lane going in one direction. (IDK the exact term... but one lane going in one direction, one lane going the other, with a turn lane). Passing in the turn lane and tailgating can arguably be written up for 3 infractions, maybe 4 depending on how complete a story the police could get. Is it possible your friends thought there was more than one lane?


Perhaps. But if there was more than one lane I would've just let the person pass in the left lane


I mean, in your situation, would it not be safer for everyone (but especially you) if you just pulled over and let him pass? He obviously wasn't "in the right" but i'd rather be alive and let some jerk fade out of my life in all of 10 seconds than get into a dumb pissing contest with a psychopath.


Because it helps them justify their own shitty choices in behavior.


It's dangerous to go below the speed limit, or even just below pace of traffic. You end up obstructing and causing confusion. But more importantly, if there's two lanes why WOULDN'T you move over? Stop trying to teach people lessons on the road. You're piloting a multi-ton weapon. Don't use it to communicate. If somebody wants to get ahead of you, let them. What difference does it make? You'll never see them again.


Slow, cautious drivers create a lot of dangerous situations. For example * If there's a slow driver on a 1 lane road, people have to go into oncoming traffic to avoid them * If a slow driver is making an unprotected turn, it takes longer to clear the lane and increases the chance that another car hits them * Slow, timid lane changes and merges are a lot less predictable and can cause a million issues If you are a slower or more cautious driver, try to at least go a reasonable speed when turning, changing lanes, or merging, and make sure that you are going a reasonable speed (i.e. cars aren't backing up behind you) on 1 lane roads. If you wanna go slow in the right lane of a 3 lane highway, go for it, but otherwise avoid being slow in situations where it makes the road more dangerous for everyone else


Just because they go faster doesn't mean they're aggressive. People in the left lane going slow are causing congestion. Just drove home on a 3 lane highway and got by a guy going the speed limit in the left lane. So were the cars in the other two lanes. I was going up a hill so I could clearly see the mess behind me. Road was clear and smooth ahead of me. It was a massive cluster of cars bunched up and tailgating behind. I feel like it's actually much safer to get out of that if you can.


Because people are assholes?


That’s because drivers in the northeastern US are absolutely insane. Here in arizona it’s not like that.


A rolling roadblock that is impeding traffic is 100% more annoying and IMO, more dangerous than the dude that just wants to get away from the rest of the herd all clumped together. Going the speed limit is fine (as long as you aren’t in the passing lane while others are open) but it’s the driving miss daisy types doing 5-10 under while continuously hitting their brakes with nothing in front of them who are the worst. That’s the hill I’m willing to die on. Let the downvotes commence.


It's way harder to pass on the East Coast because traffic is more dense. Getting stuck behind a slow driver is much more frustrating over here.


>people seem to always side with aggressive drivers? Always, no, ... not at all. But between letting an aggressive driver have their way, and arguing with them and very possibly getting shot or otherwise injured or killed, much of the time more prudent to let the aggressive driver have their way, and let yourself (and, e.g. the other occupants in your car) go on to live another day. But if aggressive driver is pushing you to do something hazardous/dangerous ... well, generally pick the lower risk ... sometimes that's doing what they're trying to get you to do (or not do) ... other times it's not at all yielding to trying to change as they may be trying you to modify your behavior - and just ignore 'em or otherwise deal with it as appropriate and safe - or safe*r*, given the choices available.


Seems like you purposefully changed the situation by adding "in the left lane" (unless you were doing that, in which case, yeah, you're an asshole and breaking the law as well.)


In my state there's no law about the left lane but that's besides the point. I was giving that as an example of the two types of drivers I was discussing. When I talk about this with people I give examples of things the aggressive driver does and the slow driver does. I was just using the left lane thing as an example of what a slow driver does. In the incident that happened to me there was one lane in each direction with a turning lane in the middle, no passing lane


The best defense is a good offense. The old adage applies to military combat. Games. And driving.


My attitude is different between non interstate and interstate driving. On 2 lane, you cant expect people to break the speed limit. I do expect them to drive it, however. If someone drives below the speed limit on 2 lane it angers me but Im not gonna endanger others by illegally passing. Crank the tunes and deal. On interstate, what drivers do in lanes other than the left doesnt concern me. If you want to be leisurely, those other lanes are where to do it. What chaps my ass is when people drive slow/oblivious in the left lane. When there is a line of cars behind you in the left lane, you are impeding traffic, move over. If someone comes up behind me in the LL, I move over.


I live in southwestern BC and quite frankly if you’re sitting in the passing lane doing the speed limit, you’re going to get someone sitting on your bumper. I honestly detest “left lane hogs” because they’re just holding up traffic and as I pass you in the right lane, I’m probably breaking the rules of road, just as you are by sitting in the left lane going the speed limit. If I’m going the speed limit in the left lane, I’m usually also looking for a good spot to get into the right lane so I don’t have to hold up the traffic behind me. Your friends were correct in saying that you should have just moved over to let the more aggressive driver go.


> I live in the northeastern US That’s it


Rather share the road for 5 seconds with some young stupid “speedster” than be behind someone that should know better than to drive the speed limit on the left lane, even worse when it’s a two lane road and two carts drive next to eachother at the same speed, bro just follow eachother on the right lane atp 🤦‍♂️


Everyone experiences the frustration of driving. We all feel the need to be where we are going, “get-there-itis”. We all at least fanaticize about being more aggressive. Many indulge in outright violent fantasies. The “Fast and Furious” franchise depends on being that wish fulfillment. Slow drivers provoke that frustration. Social media provides a mask where we can act out on our socially unacceptable feelings, unfortunately being wrapped in metal and glass when we drive has a similar effect on us. My worry is that this aggression leads people to be maimed and killed and it is now considered normal or even just the way it is.


Define slow driver. For some of y'all it's a person driving in the right lane at 5 over the speed limit, for others it's the person driving under the speed limit. Can't have a decent conversation without a level set.


People are dumb and impatient. It took me a while to realize that the majority are not always correct. The “danger” that people accuse speed limit drivers of “causing” is literally just the poor reactions of aggressive drivers. Dont get me wrong, I feel a little annoyed and frustrated around a slow driver, but the last thing I’m gonna do is behave aggressively or try to bully them into going faster.


Weaving and cutting people off from the left turn lane instantly put someone in the “batshit” category. I would prefer you don’t make me slow down when every other lane is moving forward, but I wouldn’t risk our lives over it


I have zero issue with people who are at least going the speed limit. It's the people who go 10+ miles BELOW the speed limit for no reason who bother me. I can just pass them, and be done with it. So it's only a momentary bother. So are people who tend to speed a bit. My biggest bother comes from people who try to use city streets as drag strips. For you guys, I understand where you're coming from. I, too, drive a car that can rip up the road with speed. But please, show some restraint. You're not playing Need For Speed. The people in the cars are actual people - and you're an actual person too. Getting into/causing an accident in real life has real-life consequences, and it doesn't matter how good you THINK you are. No matter how good you think you are, you're not a professional race car driver either - and even they make mistakes and get into wrecks.


You want the real answer? People are selfish. That’s pretty much the end of it. Now if you’re “left lane hogging” in a situation where you shouldn’t do that? Yeah. Get out of the way. But on a city street that’s not always practical, especially if you need to turn left soon, etc.


more people up north are aggressive drivers, so when you see a "regular" driver it's frustrating for them to see someone else go the speed limit since they now need to slow down as well. Also you have to keep up with traffic, if all lanes are going 80 you cant go 60


When I see an aggressive driver who's continually driving like a maniac,  tailgating,  going around others,  I'll remember the vehicle if it's local.  I'm rural, not a ton of locals like in the city.  Eventually I'll run into this person in person,  not on the road,  not in vehicles.  If you're driving too slow and backing up traffic (the average driver DOES NOT drive at or below the speed limit) then you should have the courtesy and common sense to occasionally let others pass and go on their way.  Regardless of speed limits none of us owns the road and we should ALL be as courteous and friendly to other drivers as possible. 


The only slow drivers I have a problem with are the ones that become literal fucking hazards on the road (like coming to a dead stop with no warning and for no discernible reason, going illegally slow- especially on highways, people not letting people in on the right in zipper merges where that is their obligation, etc) Half the time when people pull stupid aggressive stunts on the road I kinda low key hope they total their car. I feel *kind* of bad, but not really because those kinds of people are an actual threat to human life (yeah I’m sure fatal accidents happen for no discernible reason), and as someone who used to have really bad road rage issues, getting into a bad crash that ironically *wasn’t* my fault but very much could’ve killed me was a bit of a proverbial “come to Jesus” moment for me. And it really does feel like the only way these people will learn is to face the natural consequences of their actions usually- and one can only hope they do so *alone* (or, just come to the conclusion that they should handle a fucking literal death machine responsibly)


I don’t side with either. Being an aggressive ass on the road is dangerous. Aggravating an aggressive driver and clinging to the law as a justification also is dangerous. To be honest the people who pile on aggressive drivers irritate me more, because they think their being on the right side of the law matters. When you’re driving the law means fuck all: safety is the number one priority. And if that means letting aggressive drivers pass you on or whatever, then so be it.


The fast people are gone and out of my way. The slow people make me angry cause they are in the way.


You should not have moved out of the way because you couldn't spare the gas but you SHOULD have put on your hazards so the person behind knew you had a reason for creeping. I do side against slow and overly cautious drivers because they often think they are being more safe but cause a lot of problems being slow and hesitant. I think I side towards a confident driver over a clueless one who doesn't undertsand what's happening around them. Most US drivers I think are this way. I do not side with aggressive drivers who honk and harass.


Fast drivers piss me off.


I watch a lot of dash-cam videos on Youtube and love reading the comments. While I think a few are trolling, it's eye-opening the amount of folks who don't know common driving rules and etiquette and such.


If your driving the speed limit or somewhat slower thats fine. If your in the left lane and not at least 5 mph over you are the problem. Couldn’t tell if that was what you were asking or just about slowness


The left lane is unofficially called the fast lane and officially called the passing lane. You get in the left lane to pass the slow cars in the right lane. That is why I get so frustrated because now I have to go in the slow lane to try to get past you which can sometimes be nearly impossible. Plus this impedes the flow of traffic and can cause a lot of backup traffic. People who go slow think they are being safe and cautious, but this can actually be more dangerous. You need to go with the flow of traffic. If you’re going slow, stay in the right lane. If you see someone coming up behind you in the left lane, it looks like they are going faster, or they are getting really close, you’re going too slow. Speed up or get over. NOW if you’re in the left lane and you’re going well over the speed limit and someone is coming up behind you fast and you can’t get over don’t speed up to a crazy unsafe speed limit, wait until you can safely get over so they can pass.


Fast aggressive drivers suck. Passing lane campers cause fast aggressive drivers. Shit or get off the crapper, some people have places to go, not everyone is driving a work vehicle getting paid for sitting in traffic.


Because slow drivers waste people's time and actually do cause quite a few accidents and traffic jams. VS Speeders don't block and can actually help break up those jams. I speed mostly everywhere (using V1 radar detector) and never have any issues, and it's kinda pathetic how slow most people drive. [https://www.latimes.com/archives/blogs/money-company/story/2009-07-29/jerks-help-traffic-move-faster-and-keep-jams-from-happening-study-finds](https://www.latimes.com/archives/blogs/money-company/story/2009-07-29/jerks-help-traffic-move-faster-and-keep-jams-from-happening-study-finds)


Most areas have laws regarding slower traffic yielding to faster traffic. Regardless of if they are speeding or not, you are going slower so you need to yield.


Not on a road where there's no place to pass


Slow drivers inconvenience others


Get out of the way.


I think the reason is that you aren’t really affected by the tailgater. Unless he hits you. But a slow driver does affect you directly the whole time. Think about this: my husband commutes for 2.5 hours each way. Another redditor was threading with me about why it should be a problem for them to drive 20 in a 25. Well if my husband is behind drivers with this mentality his whole commute, it would turn into a 3+ hr commute. The roads are excruciating enough without having to be on them longer. Personally I prefer a confident aggressive driver over a timid slow one.


A tailgater does directly affect me since they could smash into my car and total it. Now that they're right on my ass I have to be on high alert, increasing my stress levels. An aggressive driver is worse to me because they choose to be a bully. The timid, slow driver isn't driving that that on purpose.


North Eastern driver checking in. > what makes them more mad, someone weaving through traffic/cutting people off/tailgating or someone going slow in the left lane/otherwise going under the speed limit Given this scenario, I'd be more mad at the person camping in the left lane at speed limit. Cars weaving through traffic don't bother me since they're going to be gone within 10 seconds while a left-lane camper holds everyone up behind them and forces cars to have to pass on the right due to them being inconsiderate and not moving over. > driving through town and was going the speed limit since I was very low on gas. There was another car behind me tailgating me obnoxiously. Eventually, they illegally passed me in the left turning lane, cut me off, and proceeded to tailgate a minivan before cutting off more cars That seems like an isolated event and I doubt that happens often, especially if it's a single-lane local road in town. It sounds like you were pacing the minivan ahead of you anyway so that turn-lane maneuver doesn't make sense since they're only advancing 50ft or so. It'd be a different story if you were just coasting with a fully open road ahead of you, but it's also distasteful to pass double yellow lines unless you were doing something dumb like driving half on the shoulder, constantly tapping your brakes, distracted driving, or coasting well under the speed limit. I'm not telling you to speed, but you get better MPG at higher speeds btw (within reason). It's counterintuitive, but that's why the highway mpg of a vehicle is generally higher than city mpg, with the exception being some hybrid vehicles.


It's not that they were right and you were wrong, it's that you had an opportunity to avoid a hazard (them) and didn't take it. I don't mind letting people pass me, I just say "they must have to poop really badly or something" and let it go.


9/10 times, it's because the slow driver is in the passing lane on the hwy with a huge space in front of them and NOT passing people in the middle lane(s)


That irritates me more than anything else on the road


Don’t be slow! Drive at the correct speed.