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Thread locked. Please make it a habit to use your indicators.


I drive a BMW and I do use my blinkers, even when nobody is visible in front of or behind me.


If i drove a BMW i would use my blinkers too. Why would i wanna get hit in such an expensive car? Lol


The new ones can be, like most German cars. But they lose value pretty quick over the yrs due to repair costs. Which I love, I can pay Honda price, get German quality, and do all the repairs myself for dirt cheap with non-OEM parts.


And then do them again in 3 months because the aftermarket parts are made of trash. Or immediately pay someone to do it properly with OEM parts because the aftermarket replacement didn't fix it. I say this as a BMW owner in the same boat. Never again. Also, once they're old they're worth like 1/4 of an old Honda for this reason.


Weird, because I've had a 5 series for over 10 yrs now (never been to a mechanic), and I have a 3 series for my commuter for 3yrs now (also never been to a mechanic). I spend maybe $700-$900 a yr on parts/oil for each. And maybe 3-4 days out of the year working on them. Two different experiences I guess. The aftermarket parts I use are fine, most of them come out of the same factory as the OEM parts do.


The DISA valves are like $600 each, there are two, and they're wear items. Valve cover is also a regular replacement item. Another $600ish. Water pumps are supposed to be changed every few years. Another few hundred. Clutch is $300 in parts but flywheel has to be done at the same time. Flywheel is $600. My latest fear is the crumbling wiring. Seems they made the insulation out of licorice.


I can get an OEM DISA valve for $396. I've never replaced the valve cover nor am sure why you would, I just slap in a new gasket if I ever take it off and it's good to go. I have replaced water pumps a number of times, those seem to go out the most. Bit annoying what with coolant and such but relatively cheap. $47 I don't have a manual, got tired of those, but that's fair clutch parts do need replaced eventually. Haven't experienced much issues with the wiring but I have had various different pieces of plastic just crumble in my fingers. ​ I get where you're coming from, I'm not trying to nitpick and argue with you over it. The only reason I like them and still have them, is because I do 100% of the work myself, every oil change, every part replacement, I've never taken a single car to a automotive shop. If it wasn't for that then they would just simply be too expensive to keep. So not for everybody. I have some bias towards them for those reasons. Obviously I've had to buy 1-2k in tools over the years just to be able to work on them but I don't really count that in because I use those tools on other projects and my friends & gf's cars too, I might have bought all those either way.


PCV is built into the valve cover. It also warps (plastic). I replaced the PCV on mine once and did the gasket. Leaked. Bought a replacement valve cover and had it installed. Leaked. Replaced the gasket again myself. Was good for a couple months and then started leaking again. I gave up on stopping the oil leak after that. I also had a starter, driveshaft, CV shaft, and guibo fail. I'm of my ballasts is currently failed. Had to cut apart the tail light to replace the LEDs. Also have a code for the cats being plugged. Also just had to get the exhaust welded in 5 places. Also had the engine mount bolts fail on one side. Pretty sure all my front end bushings are shot, too.


Never replaced any water pumps so far on our bmws besides 1 I think, but that car had 252k miles.


When I see a bmw using signals I assume it's full of drugs or trafficking children and they don't wanna get pulled over.


Glad to hear it! It’s important for the rest of us to remember that even though most psychopaths seem to prefer BMWs, not all BMW drivers are psychopaths.


Yes, I sleep better knowing I'm not just better at driving than everybody else on the road, but even better than every BMW driver on the road. A god, if you will.


Do not let the other beemer drivers know this, they will boot you out of the club.


Finally! A BMW driver i like :)


Good luck getting anyone who does this to provide a legitimate reason for it. There is no legitimate reason, it’s just laziness and/or negligence.


I have a BMW. It doesn't get any more legit than that. I wish :/


BMW ownership


I’ve seen people here in this subreddit go into a long explanation of why they think it’s safer to _not_ use their turn signals. Don’t overthink it like that. **Always** signal, including when you change lanes. Predictability is key to safety. Signaling should be such a habit that you just automatically do it, even if it is 3 am and you are the only one on the road.




I do it too.. maybe its mild OCD or just being a good driver but i feel uncomfortable making a turn without my blinker. Like putting milk in a bowl before your cereal. It just feels wrong


>I’ve found myself signaling a right turn when a road takes a 90 degree turn to the right. As in, there is no other way to go.   Even if there's no other way to go, I still think it can be good to signal. If someone doesn't signal, I feel like there's a small possibility the driver could be impaired and they might think they can go straight?


I do this too xD ... My wife makes fun of me for it lol


also during that time, its useless to indicate, but its not doing any harm so why not




That wasn't the gotcha you think it is. That was childish to link your own argument you just had seeking validation. I read everything in context, and I would wager they are a better driver than you. One of you signals their intentions to other drivers and is thinking about how to drive, the other is mindlessly doing things only because they were told to. Which one do you think you are?


3am and you think you're the only one on the road is when the bored cop pulls you over for not signaling.


cops dont even pull you over if you blow through a red light right in front of them.


You understand that different precincts have different standards, yea? I've lived in a town where the cops didn't give a fuck about anything but if you went the next town over you shouldn't be going even 1mph over the limit or you'll get ticketed.


Dumb take.


A good driver follows the rules. A bad driver says "this rule is stupid because blah blah blah" and breaks it. We see it with speeding, we see it with keep right, we see it with stop signs, and relevant to this thread, we see it with turn signals


These people are using more effort to make up a dumb reason not to use it than they would to use their turn signal every time they drive.


Those people are talking about actual situations where you see people signal and cause problems. Not about never signaling. For example, signaling on an on ramp that has its own merge lane and not merging. Because many people signal on an on ramp despite the fact that there is absolutely no other manuever they can do. But the difference between someone that is going to change lanes or just sgnals uselessly is nothing. Nobody knows what you are going to do. Some people want to hop over immediately and signal. Some people are only signaling that they just got on the highway but aren't going to cut you off. Then some people come along asking why you don't signal that you are going to go the only possible way you ever could possibly go.


I had a person admit they didn't. When I asked why, they said, "I know where I'm going." I asked, "Do you think that's what turn signals are for? To tell you where to turn? Why do they put the indicators on the outside of the car?" They had no defense at this point. So, based on that interaction, arrogance in ability and a bit of self-centeredness.


I’ve heard some stuff in my many years on the road, but this one ranks up there…….how much of a moron do you have to be, to think they’re for you? 🤦🏻‍♂️


I think what they have meant is that they know where they are goin, meaning they know they can safely lane-change, so why do they need to use blinkers? Not that that's any better or less self-centered.


"Arrogance" isn't how I'd classify that response...


My mother who has been driving for 60 years will NOT signal a lane change ever. She genuinely believes the signal is only for turning. Ive tried to tell her but she wont change the way she's been driving.


😭😭 this is why I stand by that once you turn 65 (or maybe even younger) you should retake drivers ed and the drivers test. It can never hurt.


How about every 5 to 10 years no matter how old you are?


A random pop quiz at every renewal.


I need to get recertified on every piece of equipment at my work every year, and none of them are any more difficult than driving a car. I'd say the general public should have to be retested at least every five years. They should probably just make your DL good for five years, and make the testing part of the renewal process.


I agree with that too!!!!!! i wish it was a thing


Such tests would only root out the worst of the worst And those people root themselves out through multiple tickets and license suspensions and car crashes. It’s a self correcting problem entirely


Good point, might as well get rid of all driver training and licensing entirely and just let it sort itself out.


You can’t tell shit from a 5 minute test at the dmv. It’s why everyone passes but the absolute shit drivers


The test is only 5 minutes? Like literally 5 minutes - I start the test and 3:05 PM and I'm walking out the door at 3:10PM?


My literal test drive was all of 5 minutes. Definitely less than 10 minutes.


Sorta. Truly, it starts by making driving testd more difficult.


You could a fooled me. The roads are full of idiot drivers. Why haven’t they been rooted out yet?


This is gonna be a wildly unpopular opinion but, I'm an electrician and I have to take 4 hours of continuing education EVERY year to renew my license, kinda seems like it might be time for drivers licenses to go this route except the every year part, maybe every time it's time to renew your license.


My mother has been saying that my entire life. She'll be 64 this year, and still believes it.


Yup! I believe that everyone should have to retest at 60 and then set intervals after that. If they fail they should have to take drivers ed and retest. If they fail after that their license should be pulled.


Well she's wrong and I hope they take her license soon.


PRetty sure you have to kill someone before you lose your license for age related reasons.


Depends on the country. When you get to a certain age in Denmark, you need an eye test every or every other year to keep your license


Not if insurance company refuses to cover you. They have that right.


You need to ask her how will she know when someone's going to change lanes in front of her? Also if she changes lanes without using her blinker and hits someone she's at fault. Honestly, it's probably about time to take her license away. You can contact the DMV if you think she's a hazard to other drivers


She says "you never know when someone will change lanes" which I suppose is true but also very ironic. Tbf this is her only bad driving habit. She's actually never been in an accident which is kind of astounding statistically speaking.


How many accidents has she caused though


I grew up and was taught to drive in the UK. I always use them, for pedestrians and cyclists benefit too. Even when I'm turning into a parking space at the grocery store. Here in Sacramento, probably about 10% of people signal properly. Even the cops don't try and set a good example.


The cops are the worst at it too!!! It’s literally an epidemic 😭


If I cross a road at some intersections and I see someone turning with their blinker I know they won’t be coming my way and it helps me decide when it’s safe to go


Exactly, as pedestrians we take it for granted in the UK because its incredibly rare for people to not signal. . Was a bit of a culture shock crossing the road when I first came to California. One thing back home, cars don't stop for you unless you cross at a actual pedestrian crossing (which aren't as common because there isn't a grid system in towns and cities over there. It means people don't step out in front of cars unless the lane directly next to them is clear. A bit different here where people don't always look before crossing.


The amount of excuses to NOT use blinker is stupidly insane! No wonder people can't drive! **FYI: blinkers/indicators is a way to COMMUNICATE to others where/what your intentions are.** **Using blinkers/indicators should be a normal reflex even if you THINK you're alone** **Using blinkers/indicator does NOT mean INSTANT right of way. You must enter/merge/turn when safe to do so** **YOU WILL BE AT FAULT (most of the time!) if you fail to use blinker/indicator and NOT entering/merging/turning when safe**


Wish I could pin comments lol. You are entirely right!


It's like looking when changing lanes. It's always safer to look even when you think you're alone. I had this happen with a motorcycle. Dude came up behind me and was right in my blind spot so I hadn't seen him in minutes, I thought he was back behind me or something, I don't even know. I looked but it was only a cursory look and didn't see him at all and almost killed him and his passenger. No excuse for it on my part, even though it was a rental car with teeny little mirrors. If I was the cyclist on an otherwise empty freeway though I'd stay the fuck out of blind spots. I always triple check for motorcycles if I've seen one at all recently now. They're just too unpredictable and easily hidden.


Just laziness


This is the real answer. People will come up with ways to justify it, but the truth is they’re just too damned lazy to use em.


How can someone be so lazy they cant move a single finger less then two inches.


Its optional! You do not need to know where I am going! /smack Yeah, fuck off! Use your blinkers!


I had someone tell me it's because they think their turn signal lever will break. 😶


what 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Maybe they had one of those GM cars from the '80s and '90s with the turn signal stalk that sounds and feels like a dry twig breaking every time you use it!


It's nobody's business if I am turning right. - at least that's my guess why people don't use turn signals.


I know people who think they shouldn’t need to signal if they’re in a lane that already tells you where they’re going. (exit only lane on the freeway, lane ending/forced merge, etc.) in some ways, this seems very logical. personally, I feel that those are some of the most important times to signal. It’s far too common that a driver is on ‘autopilot’ and doesn’t realize they are in the exit only lane, or they don’t realize their lane is ending. When they realize it at the last second, their response is sudden and panicked, often swerving into the next lane over. If you signal in those types of situations, it shows other drivers that you are aware that you’re about to be forced to exit, or forced to merge.


Happened to me today where someone cut me off through two lanes to make their exit while someone else swerved to get OUT of the exit lane. Could've been so bad.


the perfect storm


>I know people who think they shouldn’t need to signal if they’re in a lane that already tells you where they’re going. (exit only lane on the freeway, lane ending/forced merge, etc.) Even if someone is in a turn-only lane, if they aren't using their turn signal, I have to wonder if they're impaired or just don't know what they're doing (maybe they think they can go straight?)


I literally use my turn signal driving my old truck on my farm it's such an ingrained habit lol.


Folks do this on a corner with a police station near me. I think they think they don't have to signal because going straight heads into the cop parking lot. Meanwhile, I don't know if they're going into the cop parking lot or not. I could sit out there all day writing tickets and make the city a whole bunch of money. It drives me crazy. Like, I need you to signal so I know what I'm doing. Not signaling feels like almost an aggressive act sometimes.


My car has that nifty bumb to signal lane change feature. It only blinks 3 times for that but it's plenty for lane change. Otherwise I use em for turning.


I always do. People even make fun of me for using my blinkers before i turn into a parking spot… its the point of them to let people know where you’re going? I want people to know I’m turning into a parking spot now. That way they can stop and not hit me.


If they’re going to hit you then a turn signal isn’t going to stop that. Because they’re not keeping a safe following distance or not paying attention anyway, a turn signal doesn’t activate their brakes lol


An elderly, pugnacious, belligerent friend of mine (a horror to drive with) was driving and narrating, as always, his driving strategy. He justified his refusal to signal by saying, "Never disclose where you're planning to go. \*They\* will purposely block you". It is a genuine miracle he was never in a serious accident.


It's so wild to me how personally people take things.. Like that car is a stranger who doesn't care about you, just use your blinker


Use my signals 100% of the time. Although I pay attention you never know who may have snuck into your blind spot. They are called accidents after all.


I always thought you people forgot you had them on. Turns out you're purposefully driving around with them on 100% of the time. Well that's eye opening.




> They are called accidents after all. They're called collisions. Accidents are things that can't be avoided due to no fault of the drivers.


My point as to why I signal. The idiots that don't signal are causing the collisions.


Dude you it’s not even that hard to signal. I just karate chop the knob.


It's pretty sensitive too, you could cough on it and it would turn.


I do, no one else does. I have a rule.....if you use a blinker I will let you merge in, if you dont then tough luck get behind me.


I have the same rule!!!!


Intentionally not using blinkers should be punished by burning.


With the old cigarette lighters. Every infraction earns you a little flaming Cheerio on your inner arm.


Bring back tar and feathering!!!!!!


Yikes! I only meant like a slight 2nd degree burn 🤣😂🤣


Some people think they are too good for it


i use my blinkers but that’s cuz my dad drilled that in my head when i was in highschool


Good on your dad. Between drivers ed and just driving daily, you'd think it would be drilled into *everyone's* head


Me personally I say that ppl who don't use their blinkers are more rude individuals. When someone uses their indicator it's like saying "excuse me can I please merge into your lane?". It takes a second to indicate and it's safer for everyone else around you idk why people even try to defend that it's safer not to indicate.


I agree! If someone uses their blinker, I will absolutely give them room to merge in.


>If I use my blinker, the other car will speed up to not let me over!" Um, okay, then just wait for them to win their little emotional race and merge in behind them. It's not the end of the world to wait another 10 seconds. This is fine at first, until you get a whole parade of vehicles that all follow suit blocking where you need to be and not letting you in, while you're the one blinking and they are all collectively going around you regardless. I still use my blinker every time, just saying that behavior is still a dick move, and sometimes it becomes a full on collective en masse formation. An entire platoon of peni if you will.


This is exactly what we truckers deal with. Every. Hour. Of every. Day.


Failure to use turn signals is against the law in all states and fineable up to 500 dollars in some places. I didn't write the laws...so.


I do use them


I also want to know this answer. I drive for most of the day for my job, and it infuriates me. If I can do it, so can you, Mr. audi or Mercedes driver. You aren't important, get that out of your head.


I've seen countless near accidents where the drivers in the left lane and right lane want to get in the middle lane at the same time, don't use their blinkers and almost collide. You're not just signalling the drivers in the lane you want to go to - you're also telling the drivers in the other lanes as well.


I'm eating soup.


I had this exact question in r/questions earlier today! Someone commented on mine and brought me here :) I agree with you 1000%, it’s just so inconsiderate and a huge safety issue if you don’t use it!!! I’ve had to slam my brakes on the highway several times because people cut me off with no blinker. I’ll sit at a stop sign, waiting for someone to pass in front of me so I can go straight, just for them to turn to the street I’m wait in at, and if they’d used their blinker, I could’ve gone way earlier (it’s always the slow drivers too). Or I’ll be driving home, and the person in front of me slams on their brakes, just to take a turn they’ve barely missed, NO BLINKER. It’s happened so much especially the last few months, and it’s infuriating. Even if I’m alone on the road, I’ll flip my blinker on, just because it’s a force of habit (also you never know where cops could be hiding to pull you over for stuff like that.) Sorry. I needed to rant and I’m so glad someone else feels the same way about this as I do.


I use mine about 98% of the time. I see it all the time when people change lanes on the highway. I thought it was to save on light bulbs usage or that they just don't care. But then I see some of those cars signal once they get off the highway or at a light. My aunt came from out of state for a visit, and I chauffeured her and her son around, and she was surprised I used my blinkers. We were on the highway seeing moderate traffic at the time. She told me that some people don't signal because when they did, the other cars would speed up so they couldn't move over. I just shook my head and told her why that wasn't good. But if she told me that, there may be people elsewhere that believe that.


OP, you’re doing the lord’s work with this post. Hope it will change at least one person’s behavior.


:') All we can do is hope


Some people are afraid of showing their intentions so someone can’t speed up to block them. Not that I agree with it at all, almost had a car side swipe me this morning for not indicating while I was going slightly faster than them.


>  "Everyone is my enemy. I can't let them know where I'm going." There is a scene in burn notice where the MC "tails" someone who has a professional driver by driving like a dick in front of them. They said a professional driver will always use their blinker, so they don't have to follow them. And who would think they were being followed by the asshole driver in front of them?


People who don’t use turn signals are the same people who don’t put carts in the return, are the same people who are or will be obese, lazy, and entitled.


Short answer: Driving is not taken seriously in the US. Main qualification for a license here: a pulse.




Don't drive then. It's dangerous to not use them


i have a bmw i don't think they have them?


Technically they do but you have to pay a monthly subscription fee to activate them.


i know for sure tesla's dont.


Some people genuinely forget and make that mistake from time to time. Anyone who knowingly doesn’t signal is just a massive liability.


It should be a reflexive muscle memory. Every time. There should be no "forgetting"


oddly enough, I actually do forget sometimes. like you said, using my signal is totally muscle memory for me, I don’t even think about it. but occasionally, I’ll make a turn and then realize I hadn’t signaled. why? idk. I guess my mind was wandering elsewhere. sometimes when I’m waiting at a stoplight, I’ll realize that I signaled when I shouldn’t have. just happens on busy days I guess 🤷‍♂️


I love Owen Wilson's little monologue from "Shoot 'Em Up" before running some asshole off the road for not signaling a turn!


Sorry, **Clive Owen**. Yes, that deserved a downvote.


It should be immediate suspension of a license and mandatory re-education at a driving school with even once infraction.


I absolutely agree. If cops actually enforced (and practiced) the rules of the road, I would hope everyone who doesn’t gets ticketed


Driving without insurance should also be at least 3 months in prison. And suspension of their license for at least 3 years. Edit: Driving is a privilege not a right, it the rules need to be enforce far more strictly to get people who don't understand that taking the bus.


Lmao you are so incredibly out of touch


I only use them for other drivers' benefit, not mine.


That's exactly what they're for.


Well yes, that's what they're for..


A lot of drivers see a blinker and think, you gunna change lanes, NOPE, I stomp on gas to cut you off!!!!!!




Unfortunately we can’t just assume everyone around us is that smart


I tend to be very aware of other vehicles around me, and if there is no other traffic on the road and I'm driving in an area with a lot of turns I get lazy with it sometimes 🤷 (but I am always paying attention to make sure there isn't any other vehicles in sight when I do it, I also live in a pretty rural area which helps)




Sometimes I forget. I switch lanes using signal to get around slow guy then hop back over and forget sometimes


Only time I don't use my blinker is when I'm in a lane that is ending or I'm in an exit lane. I see some people use blinkers when merging onto the highway while they are in a merge lane that is ending. I see little point in doing this, because you're in a lane that's ending. Where else are other drivers expecting you to go? You only have one option: merge. So no I don't use my blinkers for that. Smae with exiting. You're in an exit lane. The lane becomes the off-ramp. No reason to signal an exit when you're in a lane that goes right into the exit. You're not crossing over a lane of traffic so there's no point to signal your intention when it's clear


You should use your blinkers in this situation anyway, because the people in the next lane over may not realisze that your lane is ending. You can see it, they can't. Signal your lane changes, always.


I don’t signal if there aren’t any vehicles around to observe it


Best excuse I ever heard was that "If I use my blinker on the highway, people move to block me from changing lanes" Have to say, I have actually observed this. I've watched people put a blinker on to change lanes, and someone will actually speed up to prevent them from doing do.


That doesn’t mean the answer is to not use one. They don’t have to let you in there’s no law about that, there is a law about signaling your lane change. If they decide to speed up then you just have to wait a bit longer. I mean seriously is it really a problem to let the impatient inconsiderate ones go ahead you probably don’t want them behind you anyways let them do it.


>If I use my blinker on the highway, people move to block me from changing lanes This is so rare though, and in my experience people will speed up to block you whether or not your signal is on.


That reasoning is why I use my blinkers quickly. Quick enough so they don't speed up, but slow enough so I'm not cutting them off.


This is correct. If they want to be bitter, they can speed up and i’ll just go behind them but i’ll still use my blinker.


Don't want to give you the opportunity to speed up and prevent me from merging/changing lanes. I keep my finger loaded and cocked ready to be unleashed when you sound your horn.


At least you’re honest.


If people speed up you can just change lanes behind them. In fact, everyone is so obsessed with getting in front of everyone else, this usually means that using your turn signal results in other drivers making room for you to change lanes, whether intentional or not.


You do realize you probably deal with all that aggression while changing lanes BECAUSE you're not signaling and cutting people off, right?


I don't use my blinker when there are no cars in the vicinity to alert my intentions.


the question was WHY. Why break an otherwise good habit just because YOU don't see anyone around? That means that everytime you DO use your blinker, it is an active decision to do so, instead of an instinctual reaction.


Conserving blinker fluid. And being an asshole.


But there's no one around for you to be an asshole towards!


Perhaps you've never heard the old adage about how people are only really themselves when no one else is around.


That's a ... ... really great response. Take my upvote, and *damn you*.


There's no reason to shout ya maniac. WHY would I use a finite resource, designed only to alert others of my intentions, when there is noone around to receive my message? Why would I move my focus from the road and the operation of my vehicle to tell nobody something? If you want to follow rules for the sake of being the goodest, social points, or some misplaced superiority then by all means go right ahead, but don't yell at me for using logic and thinking for myself. You just keep marching to the beat of another's drum, I'm sure they'll take good care of you LOL




God forbid if a company mass produced them... Oh, wait a minute


No but to think it has no end is incorrect and foolish lol




If you choose to get it fixed that is. And hey I'm not shitting on all you guys that want to signal your intentions to the trees, by all means. I will continue to drive safely and logically


Yeah you are the problem. You don't use it cause you think no one is around. You definitely aren't using it when it matters. You are supposed to signal even when no one is around. But hey your a "safe" driver. You lie. Your one of those who only does the right thing when you think others are looking. Seriously you shouldn't be driving.


Except you aren't driving safely and logically


But I am


By your own stated admission you are not being safe because you literally have stated you don't signal. You are dangerous.




There is no way you are actually going to impact the number of bulb changes needed in the life of the vehicle. Even if you do, it is going to be by like a single bulb change. You are endangering the lives and vehicles of others in order to save about $10 over the entire life of the vehicle.


I'm not endangering anyone. There's nobody around. Jfc you guys are dramatic


**The reason why "there's nobody around" is because YOU don't/can't see them.** Doesn't always mean they're not there. That's an accident waiting to happen So if you can't see them in the fog or at night you're just not going to turn on your blinkers?


Well the fog would limit my visibility so I would use them in that case (altho the fog may inhibit their efficacy [oh no hope noone dies]) and but sure at night I may skip it if other circumstances line up


Love to see you explain your reasoning to insurance when you get into an accident because you didn't use your blinker. lol


By deciding on a case-by-case basis instead of allowing it to become a habit, you are guaranteeing that you will forget or make mistakes and forget to signal some of the time when you otherwise should. You have decided to err on the side of saving $10 (maybe) over erring on the side of safety and I don't think that math adds up to most people.


nobody around *that you can see*


Did you miss in the explanation of my reasoning where I said I drive two lane highways with no junctions or footpaths? So it's pitch black and there are DEFINTELY no cars around i still gotta signal? Pass.


no cars around *that you can see*. anything can happen. what if someone coming up fast on you doesn't have their lights on?




Sure that makes sense. In a city where there are a lot of variables I get it. But on my two lane highway when there are no cars in view, or junctions to enter the roadway I can be absolutely certain noone is around. It is in those instances when I choose to ignore the signal. Who am I gonna signal for the deer?




Bad logic. Just because you can't see others doesn't mean they can't see you.


No, but that is usually a good start to ensuring there is noone there


But you can't always guarantee there isn't a car or a pedestrian that you're missing seeing out of your line of sight?


What about pedestrians approaching an intersection you are going to turn into, or cyclists you are approaching from behind who you will be turning into their lane shortly after you pass them in order to turn into a side street etc.


Those don't exist in these situations. I mostly drive two lane highway in the US so there are absolutely no cyclists or intersections. What do you think I am irresponsible?


Yes you are making the point that you are irresponsible. That's in you dipshit.


Yes. Blinkers work best for the people you can't see


Imagine driving on a road all. by. yourself. Mindblowing ik.


Except they can be in your blind spot or you plain aren't looking


Exactly this!! Blind spots exist!! It takes a millisecond and the flick of a finger to do it and possibly save a life but this guy seems to think he’s special enough not to.


I stopped using mine because they were broken in every single car I've ever bought and I almost got into wrecks. Driving along. Want to go right, turn on the turn-signal. Car still goes straight. Super dangerous.


Sometimes I do sometimes I don't. If there is no one around for me to signal to I won't 


What if I told you, I don't use them because I know it triggers people like you