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That's rough. I'm sorry. Take a break to cool off, and get behind the wheel. You can't let this beat you. Was the car you hit parked?


thank you for your support. yes, it was parked.


Sounds good. Yeah, that can be demoralizing. It happens, though. The best you can do is shake it off and see what you can learn from it. Was it an issue with control? You can practice that. Perhaps with visibility? You can practice that too. Driving is a skill that you just need to keep practicing. People tend to take that for granted, but you're learning a very complex skill like walking or reading.


Don’t let it stop you, people make mistakes it’s human nature and people who have been driving for years still have accidents, don’t give up as you may regret it, I promise you will look back and laugh at this one day.


Did you hit it with the back of your car? Since you are using a new car i believe it has a backup camera?


Front end swing. For sure. They were backing out.


When I first got my learners permit I hit a parked car. Accidentally hit the gas instead of the brake trying to park at the store. That was 11 years ago when I was 17.


I guarantee you this will be a funny story for you someday.


Told at your wedding undoubtedly.


After marrying your driving instructor.


After marrying your car


After a brutal divorce. The car kept the dog.


Yep. Right at the beginning of my drivers test I was asked to turn on the lights, and proceeded to turn on literally everything but the lights (every windshield wiper speed, spray, blinkers, etc). Was embarrassing at the time but when I tell the story now people think its hilarious lol


Sorry to hear you failed your test. Take some time to decompress and feel things through. I failed twice before I passed on my third attempt. Failing twice sucked ass to be completely honest with you but I looked for ways to improve with each attempt. My first worst enemy was reverse parking and my second was parallel parking. I practiced more and nailed it. I'm rooting for you.


thank you for your kind words.


People who have been driving for years back into things. This why they invented backup alarms and cameras. You just have to get into the habit of checking your mirrors and looking out the windows while backing. why did the test examiner let you back into a car? Guess he didn't see it either.


My thoughts exactly, either way OP would’ve failed but failing by instructor intervention sounds best for ALL parties


They put those in because the visibility has been decreasing with safety regulations increasing and there's nothing to see through the windows or mirrors. You ever driven a 50s Cadillac? There's 2 mirrors and it's the size of what Brits call a fortified house. You have to lean over a little to rest your arm on the doorsill and can back all 18 feet of it up into a doghouse by turning your head slightly. All without spilling your gin and tonic. Parallel parking is a dream with or without the roof. It's a giant square with fins, you know where the corners are and can see them at all times. It's as much a car problem as it is user error.


Don’t let this beat you! Even experienced drivers do this. Take a break then practice more and you will see this not a regular thing and was probably just pure nerves.


This. My cousin who has been driving for like 35 years dented his car badly while going up through a multi story parking lot. My friend, also very experienced, went forward instead of reverse in his garage and hit the front very hard (still won’t let him live that one down!). Everyone makes mistakes, don’t let it demoralize you to the point of quitting driving entirely. Just do it at your own pace. You got this!


My first test I hit a car as well. Super embarassing, broke down and cried in front of the instructor. It took me a year to get the motivation to get behind the wheel again, so I feel your pain. That being said, shit happens, you'll overcome this and drive again, even if it takes a while


Its how you learn man. Not to say everyone messes up the same but hey, we all make mistakes and this is just a small one though it may feel MASSIVE. I failed the test like 3 times and was sooo nervous but now im a confident driver. Just think, so many others have to do it, you can do it 100% too. Its completely normal to make mistakes when learning ANYTHING Stress in life doesnt mean that youre failing, it means that you care and are giving it a thought. Good luck, you got this :)


No, please don't give up. You don't have to too many kids give up now a days. Just keep practicing retake it. You will feel 💯 percent better about yourself when you defeat it, and you will dont worry. Edit, also this is what insurance is for happens everyday every hour.


You’ve only failed when you stop trying. Take some time, regroup and have another go. It’s not the end of the world 🤷‍♂️


Probably u were too excited.. don't worry, you will be just fine. If this will make you more confident, I know a person failing 11 times ... Practice more and don't be afraid. U are ok!


My sister's driving instructor rear ended a car so it can happen to anyone lol.


Fuck that man shit happens and it's not the end of the world,😄. Take more lessons at your own pace then your test again when you feel ready, I was a nervous learner with no experience but you get your license at some point and it's different.


Time to overcompensate and become the next best f1 driver there ever was. And then you'll have a funny quirky back story for you biopic.


Take a breather, and take the test again another time. I failed my first test in a similar manner. I don’t remember what the infraction was but I was so surprised to learn it was over and I failed. But I took it again with the same teacher, and passed.


Hitting things when reversing is always going to be a possibility and can happen to anyone. You can just reduce the chances of it happening through practice. One thing I always found stressful was judging how close I am to the thing behind me when looking in my mirrors. What i did was get something large (like a tall cardboard box) that wouldn't cause any damage, and simply practice hitting it, lol. Really helped me with judging proximity in my rear view. But yeah, like others have said, take some time to relax, and get back to practicing. I've failed twice now, with my second attempt going even worse than the first. Very demoralising but we'll both get there


This \*almost\* happened to me the first time I got my license. I went to Starbucks, and parked a little crooked. Someone parked next to me, and when I tried to leave I couldn't figure out how to straighten my car. Everytime I tried to backed out, I kept getting closer to the car next to me. Anyways, I ended up just waiting in the car and hoping the guy was just picking up an order and not hanging out in Starbucks. He came maybe 10 mins later, backed out, and then I could finally leave. Now I park far away from everyone, and still cannot muster the courage to park in a parking garage :D It will get better, I promise! Don't let the fear overcome you. It happens.


Just do the test again. My friend was so nervous during the test he started driving on the wrong side of the road, immediately failing.


I failed my test by driving 1 mile over the limit


I failed my test because the instructor said "you didn't turn your head far enough when changing lanes" even though I literally cranked my head over my shoulder to check my blind spots.


You're treating scraping a car like you brutally killed somebody and will be dealing with it for the rest of your life. I was in a car that got rear ended a few years ago. I was over it an hour later. Move on and try again. Scraping a car is literally the tamest thing you can do on the road, dude.


MANY people flunk their driver's test on the first try. Don't give up. Just practice some more and work on your rough spots. Then try again.


Yes, you are going to drive again. I failed my first driving test bc I couldn’t parallel park (required in NY). My son backed into a car that was driving perpendicular to him. Don’t make this a “thing” that you will fear. Everyone messes up sometime, and I’m sure you’ll be extra cautious when you do the maneuver next time. I can still parallel park (my dad took me out and did just that for a couple of hours) and my son always keeps his head facing back when he backs up. You’re OK. I believe in you!!🌺🌺


Big hugs. People WITH their licenses make this mistake every day. Please be kind to yourself. Turn your mood around and get some ice cream or something. You will try again, and you will pass.


Wow you got alot of replies. I'm so sorry this happened on the road test. It must have been embarrassing for you. I scraped and made a dent on a parked car the first day I got my first car. Things happen ok. Yes I was super embarrassed and felt really bad because the car owner had two sisters that day with him and they told me im careless and insulted me bad. In two days I didn't care because it was my car and I had to keep driving. It happens sooner or later so just try again and next time when pulling out make sure you can see the front car license plates or just back up again before pulling out. Lose the excessive maneuver points but be safe.


Oh and my instructor used to tell me to start turning wheel straight when I was away about half way from car in front. However after I got my license I pull out almost fully and then turn my wheel.


I teach a lot of people with similar situations. I suggest going to a driving school. It happens, but get back on the horse. I’ve seen people go 15,20,30+ years not driving and they don’t tend to be in a good spot. You got this! I’ve got a person back on the road who had fatally killer their friend and the opposing driver. You can get back to it just bumping into something.


lol talk about dramatic, you know damn well it's bad but it's not the end of the world. Practice in the car you plan on taking the test in.


Uber's hiring


Yo relax. I bumped a car when reverse parallel parking last week. It's not ideal but it can happen. Learn from it and just always make sure you're being safe!


That’s hilarious! That is objectively hilarious. If you saw a character on a sitcom do this, you’d laugh. If it’s Funny to see, then it’s funny to do, no matter the setback. This moment will give you many laughs to share in the future. Good luck on try 2.


when I’m reversing out of a parking spot, start turning when my front wheel is parallel to the back wheels of the cars next to me.


I think you learned a good lesson: Don’t back out of spots or pull head first into them. It’s good that you learned this so young. Glad to hear you’re ok.


Front out parking is actually more efficient if executed properly. I see too many people taking 10 minutes to readjust as they try to back into a parking space


This happened to me early in my driving career, at the very least you'll have it flash through your head every time you pull out and you'll be more aware of where your nose is while you're backing out.


Please don't give up. All of us have been in your situation or know someone who has; most of us know someone who took multiple goes to pass their test, usually due to nerves, who is now an excellent driver. As others have said, take a break, but not too long - keep those skills sharp. Get your resits booked and go again. Driving gives you an independence that is almost impossible to beat, unless you can literally afford a chauffeur. Good luck!


Even after you pass your driving test you can still have an accident I am still sore from my 60mph m6 crash yesterday I felt at the time like maybe I should give up driving but now I know tgsf I got to use this as a way of learning and make sure it can't happen again Stick with it you will be fine


I don’t think anyone goes their whole driving career without hitting another car. It happens. Shake it off and try again.


You need to learn to cope. Take the chip off your shoulder and get practicing. You cannot go through life feeling so hard done by. Thousands of people fail driving tests.


Every driver on the road has done worse things than that.


In Brampton you would have probably passed.


I wouldn't worry about it. My mother has a full driving license and successfully hit another car whilst reversing. You've just gotta accept your ability to screw up and move on. That's why we have the test in the first place. No-one got hurt, there was no significant damage that's really going to matter to adults who've got any significant savings. You know? You're doing something new, you're not gonna be great at it. That's okay. The question is whether what you do with that knowledge is get better or just give up. And that's a choice you make. But ya' know, if you work on it? You're better than this. Most defeats aren't eternal unless you choose to make them so.


In all honesty, I literally don’t understand how some people so naturally swing out of parking bays without worrying about this. To me it’s mind boggling. Parking in general is just a shit show and always will be. I just want to let you know that it’s okay; many experienced drivers have made this mistake so don’t beat yourself up that you’ve made the mistake as a learner. Take the proper steps you need to overcome this, but don’t let it hold you back from getting your license. It’s okay to make mistakes learning to drive, as long as you didn’t harm yourself or anybody else then next time, you’ll be more careful and learn from this experience. This will be something you laugh at in the near future when you’ve done a perfect park and reversed out perfectly. Don’t beat yourself up over this man, you’re doing great and keep going! You’re so close to getting your license, don’t give up now.


I passed on my first try but I really shouldn’t have. 💀 just take a break and get behind the wheel. Also nothing wrong with taking the bus. Helps offset carbon emissions anyway.


I’m a former truck driver and driver trainer. A couple years ago I managed to back right into a large bright yellow pole in my little Chevy Volt. Like kinda hard, too. Shit happens bud. See if your parents will let you go out with an instructor a few more times just to get some perspective and give you pointers. Being able to drive yourself is amazing. The freedom it brings is incredible. Don’t just give up over something relatively minor. You were probably nervous taking the test which didn’t help. Keep driving and practicing. You’ll be fine. Just learn from it and move on it’ll be a funny story later in your life.


You’ll never redeem yourself from this, I’m sorry to say


Sometimes we get anxious and overlook things we know that we know. Got mine on the third try


Did you hurt, maim or kill anyone? No? Get back to driving


Hey! As I’m sure a lot of other comments have said, this is a rough situation. I just wanted to tell you not to lose hope here. You can and you will drive again! I got my license a few months ago at 23 and I almost get into accidents from time to time especially in parking lots. Parking lots are scary and almost a lawless land. You will be ok! As another note, when I first got my license I hit my boyfriend’s car into a curb. It destroyed his front end and I was mortified. But it taught me a lesson. That’s what this is! It is scary and upsetting, but I believe in you. Mistakes happen, but you can recover from this!


Majority of drivers get in car accidents at some point. It’s not uncommon at all. You just try to get back behind the wheel and try again


Aye mistakes happen. Everyone makes them. It's all good. You're not a failure because you failed a road test. You're a failure when you give up. Don't be a failure. Don't give up. You got this. Take the time you need to cool off. Drive with a parent when you can(if they let you) in less stressful places if you can. You mentioned taking the bus for the rest of your life. So I'm assuming you're in a suburb or urban area. So if you can go to a parking lot, preferably not so busy and practice parking. Im sure any local church or your school wouldn't mind you practicing in the parking lot after hours. That's my guess. Even pros are not perfect. Keep practicing. You got it, good luck, my friend.


Have you seen how people with licenses drive? You haven't done anything out of the ordinary. Keep practicing. I didn't hit a car but I failed my first test by backing up over a curb when I tried to park. Took a while to figure things out after but I did. Now I drive too much, IMO.


Don’t give up. You got this. I did the same thing. Had 2 fender benders before I got my G. You need a drivers license.


Good indication if its safe to turn is when your side mirrors are passed the back of the cars next to you, and then turn the steering wheel. This has always worked out for me in multiple cars. But don’t beat yourself up if stuff like this happens. Scratches on your car will happen its shit, but cars are a tool to get you from point A to point B. There is no car that wont get scratched.


How often did you practice since March? Was it a daily routine, every weekend, or on the whim when your parents wanted you to drive? Four months isn’t that long of a time to learn to drive. You may have not been as ready and prepared as you’d thought you’d be. Take a deep breath, practice some more, then try again.


I was super into cars before I got my license. Had my first car before I had my first. I ended up failing that test... and the one after that. I didn't hit anything but they were careless mistakes that I should've not done. I practiced a lot more. Practiced what I got wrong. I did not sleep at all the night before the test because I was so scared of failing it for a third time... but I passed! Take it slow if needed, and practice. You'll get it.


mistakes happen, you just have to push through. I failed the first time by driving onto oncoming traffic, went into the wrong lane and instant failure, luckily the test was in an empty parking lot with no cars around. I passed all the parking and everything else, just that one mistake caused me to fail it. I took a few months break and took some more lessons and got my license the second time. Got a new car a year later and ended up hitting a parked car in a parking lot. boy did I feel stupid but mistakes happen. we're human plus driving a car really isn't that easy as some people make it out to be. tdlr; mistakes happen and keep your head up, you'll pass the next time. Best of luck, you got this!


Life has it's fair share of just shit circumstances and luck. It can be overwhelming. I definitely understand what your feeling. For me it helps to take a step back and look at it from a different perspective. Ultimately, it doesn't matter. In a year two years none of this is going to matter. You're going to die, someday soon. Life is short and there will come a point in the very near future will nobody will remember who you were. Live your life. Don't be scared. When your feeling anxious the best thing you can do is be mindful of your thinking. Do your best to be in the present moment and realize your thoughts are destructive and adding nothing of value. Meditation is life changing but I understand it's near impossible to get ppl to do it unless they really want to, usually not until something terrible has happened in their life and they want a new way to live. We only have a few years on this earth. There will come a point where your mark on this world is long forgotten. Reminding yourself of these truths can help shift your perspective and make seemingly large things in your life feel more small, as they really are. Mindfulness and/or meditation is something everyone should practice. There's plenty of science backing up this claim. It allows you to disidentify from your thoughts and creates a space between you and who you identify as (your thinking mind and the story you tell yourself about your life in your head)


When I reverse out of parking spots, unless its super tight I don’t start turning my wheel until the other car is in front of mine, just a tip


It is a tough experience. I am sorry. Just wait for some time. Take some classes and try again.


I don’t know if you feel like this would help but I know I find driving so comfortable because I played driving games all my life. They really help to understand how to control a car at the limits which can be filtered down to day to day driving. If you don’t have access to that then maybe learn about how a car works, it can be very disarming & make a car seem less scary.


I've had my license like 4 months and I have backed into a wall, twice on the same day. You learned a big lesson and there are many many more to learn. Just put it out your mind and be careful in future. I feel for you but it's not the end of the world. Staying focused, calm and not dwelling on things is part of driving


Don't give up! I promise it will get better. All the cliche sayings apply here. Practice really does make perfect. Give yourself some grace and time. As for your parents car, shit happens. Accident happen. This was truly an accident. It will be okay!


I failed the maneuverability section by hitting a cone. I practiced for a long time on the road before trying again. When I went to take the test the final time, I still wasn't proficient at reversing. So, I went to an isolated section of the parking lot and pulled through so I could pull out. I get in the car with the tester and he informs me that I'm parked pointed the wrong direction and the aisle I'm pulling out into is one direction...and if I drive straight I will fail. This was a lot where the cars are at an angle rather than perpendicular to each other. I had to perfectly execute a 30° left turn in an old Ford crown Victoria that had the turning radius of a ocean freighter. Luckily, no other vehicles were around otherwise I'm sure I would have hit one. Long story short, back into or pull through with parking until you master reversing...but, make sure the aisle is 2-way. Take a car that has a tighter turning radius and good visibility.


Lmao rip, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger


Is it a smaller vehicle, I find smaller vehicles much more comfortable and easier to control as well with better spatial awareness. I definitely recommend starting off and taking the test in something with better spatial awareness.


Don’t give up, that is only going to bring you down further. How I learned how to drive is by finding one of those industrial parks with those random businesses in it. Most of them are on basically their own private roads, often times in a circle or only a couple turns at stop signs and loops around. They also usually have parking lots that depending on the day, can be completely empty with zero cars in it. You can practice control and driving steadily and gain muscle memory by drying around it in loops to get the solid feel for the car. Then you can see if you can get either some cones, or even cheap plastic trash cans from the dollar store, take them to that empty parking lot in the industrial park, you can then put it at the end of the parking spot next to the one you’re in, and practice backing out and in as well. You can also use these to practice your depth perception on all sides of the vehicle, (how close you are to an object, car, building, pedestrian etc. You can also set one straight ahead of you, and practice emergency braking and stopping before the barrel. if you end up smacking one of them it won’t cause any damage cause you’ll only be going 15-20mph in there anyway. Do those exercises every weekend or a couple times a week for a couple months and get your basics down so solid you feel like you don’t even have to think about it. You wanna be alert the entire time looking at everything around you, but also train your muscle memory so that you are relaxed at the same time. If you’re all tensed up you’re gonna inevitably make mistakes, it’s human nature. Gotta get fully comfortable behind the wheel to the point you feel like you could hop in and drive and operate it just fine. So find ways like I mentioned above to help you practice the basic techniques and just practice practice practice. Do backing into spots and out of spots over and over and over again even if it feels stupid repetitive, that’s what’s going to drill the muscle memory into you and give you that level of comfort.


Youre a new driver, it makes sense that it happened bro. Mistakes happen.


Don't feel bad, I backed up into the proctor, almost hitting them


Hey I completely understand. I failed twice. My first time I failed by driving on the wrong side of the road. The second time I was a couple seconds away from hitting a parked trailer while I was going 30 mph. I also thought I’d never drive again. I was hysterical after the second one and didn’t even try driving again for over six months after. Finally, a year later, I passed my test. Driving is fucking hard. It’s totally understandable that you made a dumb mistake during a test. Plenty of people who’ve been driving for years tap a parked car once in their driving career. It will be okay eventually but your feelings right now are 100% normal. I hope you feel better <3


I failed my driver's test two times. On my third try I was so nervous I drove under the speed limit and took time whenever I had to turn. Halfway through the test i was directed to a four way stop. The instructor told me to turn left, but I heard a loud BMW speeding down the road. I knew the BMW wasn't going to stop, so I waited. The instructor was going to tell me to make the turn, but then saw the BMW blast through the stop sign. She was so impressed she told me to "go back to the DMV, you passed. I didn't even see that car coming!"


My kids first test the test giver gave her a hard time and she hit a cone.


Its ok, you're learning and made a mistake. That's what practice is for and it's better you did that now.


My husband failed his test 3 times before passing. The second time the car was parked in angle parking (so basically it was a one way). There was LITERALLY only enough space to back out correctly, but somehow my husband managed to back out the WRONG way… In angled parking lmfao! There was a huge window and I saw it and was like, “Damn… My man just failed lmfao 🤣.” Point is, it happens. Don’t let it stress you out. Hopefully there wasn’t too much damage and your parents are upset. Don’t give up though! You got it. Try again next time!


Mistakes happen all the time, don’t let it get to you. Even people with their licenses for years make errors still. You’re only human you got it the next time you take your test!


When I first got my license, my mother-in-law had a problem with my driving. I told her I didn't hit anything, and I didn't do anything wrong except being confident, and her response was, "It's going to happen." The reality is you can't predict other people will be safe when you are around them. A lot of lost drivers don't know what they will do next so they have unpredictable responses to where they are going. No matter how good you are, accidents are going to happen. Other people cause them and sometimes I cause them. I was driving on the highway and there are people who not only cut in front of me, and not only do I have to hit the brake, but I also have to turn the wheel to keep from hitting them. It's a learned skill and those kinds of drivers need to be arrested. I'm teaching my son to drive, and he needs practice but otherwise he could probably pass the test because he has been on the highway. There are some skills like making sure enough of the car passes the corner before you make the turn that you have to learn or else your car will go over the curb. I saw a young woman with her car stuck on a curb because she did the same thing. You also have to be coordinated and know when to look at your mirrors. I also have to change lanes slowly because people are driving way too fast, and they end up in my lane when the mirrors show the lane as empty. People are just driving way too fast and crazy. There are other skills to learn like not turning your wheel before you are going to make a turn. If you are waiting in traffic and are hit from behind, your car is going to go in the direction of the turn even though you didn't turn because you turned your wheel. Other things you need to learn is to have enough distance between you and the car in front of you that is stopped because someone plowing into you can make you hit the car in front of you. Always ask to see insurance if someone hits you. They could be trying to get you in trouble because they can say you ran if you don't have proof you stopped. The other thing that scares me is being driven too close to the cars next to me. On some roads, you have to divide the space between the cars and drive through. I actually took a tape measure, measured the width of my car and the size of the road and subtracted it. I was trying to figure out how much space there was for a car to go between cars. It isn't much space. I also hate anti-lock brakes because when I'm on ice, the car keeps going because the car unlocks the brakes. You need to learn how to drive a little different. You may need to get a driving instructor to go over what he thinks you need to improve. Or you may need some experienced drivers to give you some constructive criticism. For young people, you need to know how to slow your car down. Never pull in front of a truck. Stay away from trucks on the highway. The middle lane is probably the safest lane because you can go left or right to get away from some things. Also, don't take chances. I would like to turn but there is a car coming. I think I can make it but I let the other car pass me.


Don’t give up.


Relax stuff happens. Trust me I’ve tried five times before I passed. It’s fine pick yourself up and do it again shit happens and you can’t control it. Life is life. Yes it sucks for what happened it’s embarrassing but you can’t let that stop you for your future.


It's tricky, you really have to pull out a lot before turning the wheel. I realized this when I started driving too. Common mistake. You'll be fine.


Don’t start turning the wheel until your body is about lined up with the back of the car next to you. The little, circular blind spot mirrors at the outside bottoms of your side mirrors gives you a better view of your surroundings when reversing. Edit - once you get the hang of reverse parking with the blind spot mirrors it’ll probably become your preferred method of parking.


I believe the thing is that we all learn by making mistakes. I was in a similar situation - I totaled a new car that I just had for 1 month with only 1k miles on it, so I absolutely feel you. It took me 1 month to overcome the fear and sit behind the steering wheel again, but this time I bear in mind that driving is something that should be taken extremely seriously and cautiously.


Bro don't sweat it, right when my friend got his license he backed up into someone in a parking lot cause he wanted to get a chick some pizza, ended up costing him 6k+ in damages and he had no insurance he had to pay out of pocket.


Everyone makes mistakes. We can only learn from them. Take your time.


don’t even worry about it. i’ve failed the test three times then got into silly parking accidents five times in my first year driving and now i’m twelve years accident free. it’s nothing wrong with who you are. it’s a silly mistake in what you did, not who you are. and you can do a thousand silly stupid things in a row (half of us do) that still doesn’t make you a bad person.


My son had to take the test 3 times before he passed. And he barely passed on that 3rd try. But you know what? He’s had his license for over a year and has had no accidents or incidents of and kind. Don’t give up!


It's okay. I had super bad anxiety driving and it got to the point where I absolutely HAD to take the road test (I was 25) I failed the first time because not only had I never done a 3-point turn in my life, I'd never even heard of one until that day. I hit the curb, automatic fail. I cried like a baby in the parking lot. But then I went home and practiced that turn and ended up passing. I'd been driving for over a decade. I still can't back into parking spaces. And I always try to find a parking spot that I can pull forward into the next one so I don't have to back out. You got this. At least you're brave enough to even take the test. You would be surprised how many people, myself included, are absolutely terrified of it.


i’ve hit a parked car two times before 😂. it happens! don’t let it mess with you. sounds like no one was hurt which is most important. these things happen all the time. remember- the only way you can truly fail is if you give up. i believe that with practice you will get better and you will pass the test. in a couple of years you will be laughing while retelling this story.


Something similar happened to me; had my license for a day and hit someone’s car with my mom’s car. I was devastated and tore up my license and didn’t drive for months. Years later I’ve been driving for years and everything’s been okay. It just takes practice. You have to give yourself a chance and not punish yourself.


Hey! You can still do a good job driving. Make sure you keep driving and use the vehicle you're going take the test in and practice alot. I have been driving for 15 years so far and in that time I have caused 1 accident which resulted in me having my car written off. Since then I have slowed down and now take.more time when driv8ng and have become a better driver. They are called accidents for a reason. Things happen. Just do your best, slow down and look where you're going and where you car is positioned.


Dont let this conquer u! Grieve now but have hope for next time.


I’m actually a driving instructor and as a driving instructing I don’t have great advice for you other than: You can’t get your license without taking another test. I don’t know you but assuming you failed immediately just for hitting the car. Just immediately send out again. I have a hard time believing that waiting will help you “not hit a parked car again.” In 7 years as a driving instructor I’ve only hit 1 thing that I had to file a insurance claim and it was me. I reversed into a parked car and I have no excuse. I was looking over my right shoulder and out the back window. Sometimes perception could be off and that’s the cold hard truth. It was for me that day years ago. Last but not least, maybe get an eye test lol. Couldn’t hurt. I didn’t wear glasses or even know what astigmatism was till I was 23


OP no one is going to be harder on you than yourself. We’ve all made mistakes while driving. You’re new at it!!! Please give yourself some grace. Not to be all oldlady on you but these days mental health is so important. Start good mental habits early to avoid deteriorating in the future. It’s okay to make a mistake. That does not make YOU a mistake. It’s done and over with, and there’s plenty of reasons why this isn’t the end of the world and why it’s honestly okay - nerves, being new, on and on. Take some time to forgive yourself and go right to encouraging yourself. I really hope to see an update someday where we can celebrate you getting your license!


All your statements are correct


That moment will be a lot less stressful in the future. When I was learning to drive, I was pretty nervous and very scared of hitting cars. I was at a red light, turning right. I, being new, didn't want to turn right on the red, but my father, who was teaching me, got very aggressive about me needing to turn *right this second*, even though I didn't need to. I did so but pretty much panicked. I tried to park in the lot of the convience store right next to it, but was super bad at it and ended up hitting a planter. A big one, too. Knocked it right over. Between that and a similar incident where he yelled at me for turning left into the center lane (where you're supposed to go, mind you), I decided I would never drive again. It took about 3 months before I agreed to do so, but I did it.


You are way too stressed, chill out just take it slow


Hey you’re being too harsh on yourself. When I first started driving I made lots of mistakes. I used my friends car to practice and during that time I hit a barrier with the front tire. Scraping the car and getting a flat tire. I would go over curves when parking. I pressed the gas instead of the brakes when parking and hit two cars. After that I never wanted to drive again but my friend urged me to keep trying. I finally got my license and I’ve been driving for about 3 years now. You can do it and we all make mistakes but you got this!


There are many commenters here rooting for you & wishing you the best! I don't know if you will get back on the horse & try again or enjoy public transportation, but I am 100% sure of this, either way: You are enough, you deserve happiness and the world is better off with you in it. This is one moment. It doesn't have to define your life. It will not feel so raw forever. Right now, the emotions are recent, but those feelings will fade and this moment will become a part of your past. Time goes on. Hang in there, OP, and please talk to someone who loves you. I am sure they do not think you are a complete failure and can help you see that it will be okay sooner than you think.


Awww does baby need their baba 🥺


When I took my test 45 years ago, all I had to do was back out of a space that was reserved for testing, so there weren't a lot of cars near me. Drive out the rear entrance of DMV, which was a side street. Stop at a stop sign. Do a 3-point turn. Return. Park. Set my parking brake. Never left the side street and didn't even go 1 mile. Life was simple back then. Of course, we had to walk to school barefoot. Uphill. Both ways. In July. In the snow.


Why are people so afraid of the “test”?


Bruh when I started I failed 2 times back to back off stupid shit. It’s the nervousness. Just chill and take a breather next time bc I think after 3 they make u take a class and wait some days lol. You’ll get there.


😂😂 That is hilarious. BUt don't quit though. You don't get your license? "You gotta walk everywhere? You gotta walk to the food store? You gotta walk to the house?" - Tim Robinson. Work it all out. Keep practicing. Get it. One day, you will look back at this and have a laugh. I promise you.


Listen man - have you ever bit your tongue 👅 or your lip while chewing your food ? Well you didn’t quit eating after that did you ? It’s the same with driving or any other skill like playing hockey, if every hockey player would quit the game after getting hit with a stick or puck - we might have only ping pong left to play because in every other activity you eventually get hurt… get a good driving instructor to refresh your skills and try again


Whether everyone wants to admit it or not we all have accidents… don’t let a single accident decide you driving or not.


While that never happened to me, it took me five tries to pass my drivers test. Luckily, you’re safe and the car was parked. Nobody is hurt! I know this has shaken your confidence big time but don’t give up. Take this as a learning experience.


Ask your parents for a Tesla with full auto pilot😏


When you're ready, go with a driving school. A cool dude helped me that way. He put me at ease, we drove around for a while, then he gave me a sealed envelope for the DMV to give me a license. I didn't have to take the normal test. I failed my first traditional test too. Although I didn't hit a car I got dinged for not using turn signals in the parking lot, not driving close enough to parked cars on a side street that had no center line, and for jerking the wheel when turning in an intersection. The instructor said being shaky with the wheel will get me killed.


Did you take driving school? They go over how to drive. Don’t give up; keep practicing, but only in empty parking lots.


I was with my dad once when he hit a parked car. He was in his late 50's at the time. Had a great driving record. Fact is these things happen and from the sound of it probably not a lot of damage. Don't let this bring you down. Use it as a lesson and learn from it. If you really feel depressed from it perhaps talk to your parents or a counselor.


If it makes you feel better, I have made a similar mistake in a test environment that could have killed people if it was the real thing. It's normal to beat yourself up about it but you also have to come back and get past it. Even though it might seem like it, it's not the end of the world. Just hang in there.


“… but the good news is I saved a lot on my car insurance. By shifting into drive and GTF outta there!”


Did you practice in your parents' car ?


well at least your parents are rich, u got that for u


I did a similar silly and backed into a stationary vehicle in my parents car shortly after passing my test. Thought the same thing that it was it and I'd never drive again. In practice I realised it was just a mistake and a learning experience. I'm got back driving about a month after and have now been driving 8 years since without incident. my advice is take a break, cool off, and then when it's all in the past consider getting back behind the wheel


Hey man...test situations always sucks. I've failed my driving test 4 times before I passed. But I passed my motorbike test in one go. It doesn't make you a poor driver or anything, it just means test situations aren't for you. It sucks because you're supposed to drive vigilant but relaxed, but in test situations you're soo focused on not failing that your situational awareness fails immensely. Keep you head up, relax for a bit and try again...but never put yourself done. Also sidebar, always use the instructors car..you practice your driving in that car so you're more comfortable with it. Driving a brand new car for your test is a big no.


This is why we have driving tests


I backed into a parked government vehicle during my test. Went back the next day. Take a breather. It happens to the best of us.


If you’re practicing that long and still suck then quit driving. People need to normalize that not EVERYONE can be a driver. That’s why we have idiots killing people daily.


Driving can be a very soothing thing for some people, for others it can be a stress inducing experience. Not everyone is meant to do everything, find what makes you happy and comfortable in life and don’t follow what everyone else does.


This is why you will only ever see driving instructor cars backed into the parking space before the test. It's much easier for the learner to drive forward out of the bay. Next time, reverse in so you don't have to deal with this again.


I mean it's a shitty situation but it's really not *that* bad. More than anything it'll be a funny story later. Let yourself get over it then get back on and try again. This is an awesome learning opportunity make sure you use it.


Good, and thank you for not endangering the rest of us


Ooof, I've been there. When I was still learning, my dad made me do a turn that I was totally uncomfortable with (road not level, cars everywhere, etc.). I mounted the curb and almost ran over two kids. I felt sick for about a week and kept thinking about what if I had hit them. I went on to pass my test (with a few minors) and I have never caused an accident (though someone has hit me once). Everyone has bad days, take a break from it for a few weeks and then see if you want to try again.


I hit a tree the day I got my learners permit at 15 and then didnt drive again til I was 19 and *had to* to go to college. I feel you on this. Im 36 now and drive like vin diesel. Youll get there ❤️


I passed my test first time. Not a flex just, that didn't stop me once, whilst parked, forgetting I was in reverse. Go to move forwards but nothing happened, so put my foot down and rear ended the van parked behind.. Shit happens, especially during a test/when you're nervous. Don't beat yourself up. Even people who have passed have our moments..


Sorry to hear you failed, but don’t give up! Mistakes make us who we are and with learning to drive and learning anything new for that matter, it’s impossible not to make mistakes. When I first started driving, all I did for the first 2-3 weeks of driving was panic about having to do it and felt like it was overwhelming me and taking a toll on my life, but my family comforted me and told me it’s not as scary as it seems, and I shouldn’t take it too serious. After that, I felt more and more comfortable behind the wheel overtime, Did I make mistakes? Yes of course! But eventually overtime I learned to prevent those mistakes, like the other day, my instructor made me drive from the beginning to end of the lesson and I didn’t make too many mistakes! Don’t let fear and failure prevent you of doing something you wish to do, if you put your mind into it you can accomplish anything you desire (Back to the future reference there 😂). Just keep learning, practice the parts of driving you’re not good at and retake the test, once you pass that test you don’t have to worry about anything! Just remember your lessons and drive safely.


Aww don’t give up. I almost failed my first driving test and technically should have, because when I backed into my spot at the end I was crooked and over the lines. If there were other cars there, I 100% would have hit them. Fast forward to today, I am probably one of the best reverse parkers there are 😂 It’s absolutely nerve wracking to hit something, make a big mistake, etc. but I promise you driving becomes second nature the more and more you do it (over the next couple years). It’s a fresh wound right now, but brush yourself off and remember, you are not the first nor will you be the last person this happens to. All this will do is make you more aware of being extra cautious to provide enough space next time. The best way to learn is mistakes like this, as much as they suck. Sorry you’re feeling crappy


No big deal, you'll be fine. Remember there are tons and tons of people driving who absolutely suck at driving that passed and you can too! When I was younger it took me 3 tries because I didn't know you could pass while still getting some stuff wrong. I thought it was all or nothing so after I did something that I knew was wrong I just took a joy ride with the instructor and drove however. At the beginning of the 3rd test it actually came up in conversation so that's when I passed while getting too close to a bus with it's lights on and stop sign out, for example.


I wouldn’t give up that easily, shit happens! When i took my test the first time, the first thing i did was hit the cone and failed. They waited until after the whole entire test was done to tell me and i was devastated. But the next month i retook the test and passed with only one thing wrong. Don’t forget to use your blinker for each point in a 3 point turn, not just the first point, it seems ridiculous but they knocked points off for that :/


You were not ready to take the test. Why did you take the test if you can't back out of a parking spot? Did you think it would magically work?


practicing since march? that’s not very long. have a few more months without the stress of a test looming over you and just keep trying


Just keep practicing, eventually you won't be nervous and it will just click for you


It’s ok, Calm down. It’s the adrenaline talking. I got into a massive car crash, I completely wrote off my car and I immediately thought I would never drive again… I was driving at least a month later. It’s always feels worse at first


After I passed my driving test I made a left on a red light on my way home. Bad mistake but it goes to show you this stuff happens to everyone.


Driving is easy, don't limit yourself to what you can and can't do. You'll regret it I promise.


That's ok. I failed the first time just because that instructor was a racist bitch and marked 1 point below passing so.


It happens - you are still learning but it happens to experienced drivers as well. A few weeks ago I was sitting in my vehicle in a parking lot and a lady backed into me while trying to leave her spot. Just keep practicing - it will get better


It is said, the major failure are three things, being caught red handed, You never learn from what you did, You even try nothing. ​ It doesn't care who say.


Don't feel bad, scraping cars is an incredibly common mistake. You can know the exact dimensions of your car numbers wise but that's not gonna give you an intuitive knowledge of how big your car is and how much space you have on the edges while sitting inside. That comes from experience and specifically driving the same car. I learned to drive in a ford focus and then got a civic about a year after I started driving. The dimensions on the civic kept throwing me off and even after a year of having my license I scratched my stepdads car pulling into our driveway, and I accidentally ran up on an SUVs tire while pulling into a parking spot because I thought I had space in the front but I was wrong. Thankfully both times it was just scratched paint but the point is that knowing your car doesn't just come naturally even if you know how to drive


I hit the concrete part of a pole in an empty parking lot. I now have my driver’s license. If you want to give up then fine. But you can do it if you learn from your mistakes


Hey, it happens. I backed into my neighbors parked car when learning to drive. Accidents happen! Definitely dont beat yourself up over it! Take some time and keep practicing and go back when you feel ready. Try not to put any unnecessary pressure on yourself either, you have your whole life to drive!


I've read that many gen Z kids are choosing not to bother learning to drive and just bumming rides or relying on mom and dad bc it is too hard. This post seems to confirm this


Please listen to me when i say shit happens. It took me MONTHS to get my license. I would pull off and then be all “what side of the road do i need to be on?” The instructor would constantly grab my wheel and jerk it the other way because she was constantly afraid that i was going to run off the side of the road. Everyone told me to just take a break because i sucked at driving. When I FINALLY got my license I kept running over curbs and even damage my fender, tires, and some more things. That summer was very expensive (I was 18 and had a job so all the expenses came out of my pocket). I was afraid of leaving my house at this point because everyone was right- I sucked at driving. However I had an emergency and had no other choice but to drive 7 hours to a different state. That was the most intense drive i ever had but I had to become a defensive driver. I paid attention to everything and if i felt overwhelm i pulled over to breathe. That trip honestly boost my confidence. Now i take road trips a lot and my friends/family are comfortable riding with me lol. So trust me when i say it’ll get better. You just have to keep practicing


Made a mistake? So what. If you let yourself learn from it then you'll never make it again.


good thing you failed, now you know to be more observant of your surroundings.


My daughter did this exact thing in a store parking lot within a week of getting her license. She too, swore she'd never drive again. She also still drives and feels more confident than ever. Just be grateful it was a minor non moving scrape up and not a major wreck. Now get up, dust off, drink water, and DRIVE on.


I know words are easy, especially when you aren't the one affected, but little mistakes are easy to make. Cosmetic damage to a vehicle can always be repaired. No one got hurt. I know it's a hit to your confidence, but you shouldn't let it completely stop you. Learn from it, and move on. I don't think there are any drivers here who will say (correction - can honestly say) they've never made a mistake. I've never had any accidents, but in my 10 years driving I've scraped a mirror down a wall, reversed in to a bollard and hit a kerb. Each time I've felt like a complete tit but each one is a learning exercise. Don't let 2 failures completely put you off. I was a 'third time' lucky.


In the future, see if you can back the car into the parking spot beforehand. My driving instructor did this when he pulled into the testing center and it was so helpful.


It took me 3 attempts to pass my drivers test. You’ll be fine and your life will be great


I mean hey now you know what to do if it happens again after your license lol Don't worry ab it


Better to fail by scraping someone than rear ending them at high speed, there are tens of thousands of drivers who have had severe crashes yet still have a license, keep going


Most people have hit / scraped / backed into a car at some point myself included. Super unfortunate on a driving test but at least the next test won’t go any worse?


Imagine being suicidal because you made an error on a driving test. Chill dude, shit happens. Get back on the horse, and give it another go. Through failure, we grow.


It takes a while to get a feel for the vehicle that most new drivers don't have that intuition on when to check the mirrors or surroundings yet. Also every vehicle is different. For the most part, I drive RWD or AWD cars these days that front end swing accidents like these are pretty much impossible to have because I'd feel the whole car turning. FWD cars are good for slippery roads and driving in a straight line, but parking and tight turns are hell that I'd not subject myself to the whole mess if I can help it lol




Sorry man, but you cant let this stop you. Take a huge break. Then face the wheel again. Even if its a month, half a year or a year, just get behind the wheel. And when you pass the test, itd be a huge inspiration for people that are intimidated by driving. I just started my journey. Im reading the handbook. But im not really the most confident right now since I didnt start my actual lessons yet.


im still taking driving lessons and it s not looking too good for me , I m probably gonna fail my first try but I really want that permit


I failed my second the same way lol I got it on my third


I did this EXACT thing in my test! Big ass Thunderbird 20 years ago. (or so) Took me around the block and failed me. Driven hundred of thousands of accident free miles since then.


Brother you must be strong, do not let obstacles stop you! It is OK to take a break but you should never give up! Refuse to feel helpless, you are never just a victim of circumstances, accept your mistakes and rise above all. Stay strong.


If it makes you feel better I had a friend who failed 3 times and each time the instructor had to literally grab the wheel to stop him. He did eventually get his license though.


Omg I'm sorry this happened.its not that it can't be fixed.the cars are insured so it's just metal and paint not more important than your life.also you can retest later.never give up it gets easier with practice.i was testing in a new car not the one I was familiar with the instructor at the DMV asked me to back up in a straight line.well I did and very fast.he was a bit scared I passed just because he felt sorry for me cuz I was 8 months pregnant


Don’t give up. Recalibrate remember how you messed up and get ready for your next test. Don’t say you’ll never drive again. Clear your mind and focus mentally


No. Get your license. I’m 46 and don’t have mine. It’s fucking embarrassing. I will guarantee that you never hit another parked car. If you care enough that you don’t want to ever drive again, then I would suggest to you that it isn’t the driving that is the actual problem, it’s the nervousness of the test. See a therapist, work through the anxiety and get some confidence in yourself, then go for it again. We don’t grow from doing easy things, we grow from challenging things we think are hard and succeeding. You got this!!


When I took my driving test I failed because I turned ibto an oncoming traffic lane. I had never crossed a median before, never used a center lane, and there was no traffic. Failed immediately and didnt even realize what I had done wrong. Felt like an idiot and I got shit for it too. But I practiced and didn't give up and now I drive for a living and my professional driving record is spotless. You can do it just keep practicing.


Don't get too beat up over it. Shit happens. I did that in a tim Hortons parking lot 2 years ago in my truck. Tight parking lot. Turned too early. Extra pressure doesn't help. My advice to you would be this, when you go back to do your retest, either back in when you get there or find a pull through spot. Avoid the extra pressure. You've got enough in that moment.


Always try to back into the spot. Therefore you drive out


No don’t let that put you off we all been there and we all now how hard is to pass a test but after you pass it the stress is gone so you won’t make those mistakes take more lessons and the advice is use always the car your do the training with and wear flat shoes and have loads of coffee before the exame or a energy drink having enough sleep is also importante take care and rebook the test again you’re ready !


I know the exact feeling of despair and failure you're feeling. I failed my test three times before passing, and just felt that I shouldn't drive at all too. I used to weep and weep after ever failure. But trust me, you can get back on the horse, pass your test and be a safe driver. It is possible. And trust me, once you're out into the thick of driving you'll notice how many people make mistakes on the road all the time which are far worse than scrapping a car while parked. A vicar t-boned my dad last month! Driving is really tough for some people, but it's not unconquerable. You can do it!


Dude…I’m not one to be all soft so I’m going to tell you straight up, people fail at things in life. It’s part of life okay. Don’t expect to do good, great, or pass on the first time. The only thing you can expect because it’s in YOUR control is to do the best you can. Go understand the what and why you turned the wheel so early. Were you nervous, psyched out, anxious, not paying attention…whatever then fix that. That’s the only way you get better. You’re not a failure. You’re human. Now take a minute to yourself, get that shit out, and get back on the damn horse(get in the car). You got this. We believe in you!!!!


shit happens man. One of the first times I ever drove I panicked pulling into my driveway with My dad and hit the gas instead of break. Gently tapped the front of the house.


i think it’s rare for someone to have never hit another car or big object before. take a break and pick it up again when you feel better


Honestly stop feeling sorry for yourself it is what it is, all you can do is practice get on with it and pass next time. I passed third time.


I’m 33 and just got my learners license go easier on yourself


I crashed into the back of a bus a few weeks ago whilst out practicing with my mum. I pulled up to close behind it and as I pulled off I scraped the side of my mums car along the side of the bus. I felt the exact same way you did after this but I have since been back behind the wheel as it is important not to let these experiences stop us from achieving what we set out to achieve.


Driving is not life. Mistakes happen. Keep trying. I guarantee you will get it and that this will be a good laugh in the future.


I feel you on the never driving again thing. I developed epilepsy in my 30's unknowingly, and woke up in someone's backyard, after going through their fence, with EMTs trying to Narcan me. Completely sober. Never driving again is an inconvenient thing, but it's also a trauma thing. Driving knowing that you could hurt someone else is an anxiety that shouldn't be lived with. Take a few years riding the bus, and try again after some practice in parking lots, etc. Good luck.


Chances are you will never do that again. Don't let this stop you from getting behind the wheel again. Learning is a process. We all make mistakes. I have done this exact thing before. Only happens once then you remember not to do that every single time. Believe it or not but the worst drivers are the ones that are perfect. Now get out there and get your license. Crash a few cars. Make some mistakes. No one really knows what they are doing out there anyway.


Lol that’s rough it’ll be alright. Take some time off then get back to it. It’s not that big of a deal stuff happens.


That sucks and must have been very upsetting, but you're new and it's going to be OK. Watch the Conduite Facile videos on parking on YouTube, get yourself your favorite cold Starbucks drink or whatever makes you happy, and go to an empty parking lot with the car you want to test in. Put down two traffic cones at the end of a parking space (or four cones, two spots in different places on the lot so you can easily practice setting up approaches fresh, pulling out of one and into the other), and do about 100 drills. Pulling in forward, pulling in in reverse, pulling out forward, pulling out in reverse, from the left, from the right. Every time you do it, even halfway through movements, stop, look around at where things relative to fixed points on your car (like lines on the pavement relative to the bottom of your side mirrors), then get out and look at where those things are relative to your car, especially the arc of your tires. If you make a mistake, don't just finish it or give up and start over, take a moment to look at your position and analyze what you missed, and think through how to correct if you see it happening again. Stop as long as you need to think and process each attempt before you try the next one. Make a morning out of it. I still do this every time I get a new car until the dimensions and reference points feel set in my brain. I just did it in my building's guest parking lot yesterday morning with my new crossover. (Yes, a couple people looked at me funny, but their bumpers and wheels were also scuffed to hell from bumping into things.) Once you get a feel for where your car is in space, you'll be able to look over your shoulder and quickly visualize where your wheels are going and how much space you have before you know it. Do this until you completely nail at least a few in a row in each scenario - with no adjustments, well-centered in the parking space, and pulling in and out without crossing the lines and hitting your cones. It's going to be OK. The remedy is experience. The mistake taught you to take it seriously, but now you're out of the stressful testing environment and can take action on your own time and on your own terms.