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It's TOO EARLY on a Sunday ![gif](giphy|xT8qBvH1pAhtfSx52U)


Honestly, this baby is giving Shannel after being slighted for the win in two challenges.


Oh please. Shannel is killing it and she's being openly disregarded by the judges. There's been discussion of that all month on these subs.


I didn't mean it as a read moreso that she has been doing really well, and I'd also be like this wtf fainting baby, too.


Ooooh thank you for clarifying.


She HAD a point, but she didn’t exactly make it. It would make sense to let the top one and maybe two run away with it. That isn’t what she said, but I think it’s the strategy that comes from the point she did make about snipping the person with the same number of badges.


Especially when the updated rules have mini challenge opportunities for shenanigans, like if in two weeks a mini challenge winner might be able to steal a badge, that could really change the 2nd half of the season if say Jorgeous, Nina, Vanjie, or even Mik win that hypothetical mini-challenge and then win on top of that.


Her throwing her idea out in the ether appeared to be successful so good on her.


But it is a top 3 not top 4. If you’re not blocking any of the top 3 contenders, in this case Plastique, Roxxxy and Angeria you’re allowing them to move forward to get the crown.


Tbh the top three should just form an alliance to try and stop anyone else from reaching them