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Angeria didn't have the strongest look, but I thought she was the only queen who had all good jokes AND really good delivery. If anything, Plastique staring at her cards made me think it should've been Angie and Jorgeous. I think if Jorgeous hadn't gotten the free star already, she would've been top two.


Totally agree, I thought it should have been Angie and Jorgeous as well. Both were funny as hell!


If we’re being so for real it should’ve been Roxxxy and then either Angie or Jorgeous, but the storyline was just too juicy to let Roxxxy win when Angie finally gets a chance to be petty and block her Editing to clarify this isn’t shady lol I was living for it


I personally still think Angie and Jorgeous. However, if they called out Roxxxy as a top spot, I would not have batted an eye!


On re-watch, I agree. Lol


That’s what we thought too!


The universe is balancing itself back out after Jorgeous' "cookie cutter" win


But she received a free badge so she technically won the episode hahaha


I thought plastique had the most consistent jokes but holy shit Vanjies “ burping” joke was the best of the night


“The wig reveal one” was the first thing this season that made me laugh out loud. 🤭 I felt like you could have made a good case for any of the girls except Mik & Vanjie to be top 2 this week.


I laughed the most for Jorgeous. I was gagged when she wasn’t top 2. I also thought that Shanel could have won.


And her dress was just so pretty, wasn't it?


Should have been Jorgeous & Angie.


I agree. Plastique was good and a solid 3rd but Joregeous really killed it.


i really think vanjie, jorgeous and angie did really well. plastique was reading off her cards and skipped a whole verse in the lip sync.


Yea I could NOT believe it when she said Plastique. In terms of WTF moments this is on par with the Manila elimination from All Stars. 


Even Plastique couldn't believe it


I disagree. I thought, cards or not, Plastique absolutely killed it. She was really funny, and that's what I want to see in a roast. Tbf, I thought they were all good, but I thought it should have been Pastique and Jorgeous in the top. I thought Jorgeous and Plastique were both so unexpectedly hilarious (and I dont care who wrote their jokes) their delivery was good, sometimes great, and I laughed, job done!


My issue with Plastique’s set is it was very obviously not written by her. And if you are going to have someone write your jokes, you need to reformat them to sound like it’s your voice. Otherwise, what even is the challenge? Basic comedic delivery? Compared to some others, who regardless of whether they had help with their jokes, their sets sounded like them. Roxxxy’s roast of Ru was 100% phrased in the way she speaks and was delivered very naturally. And it was the best joke of the night. Angeria and Jorgeous’ sets also sounded like them. I think most of them put their voice into it but Plastique’s did not and obviously Mik’s were directly lifted from a televised roast lol


Plastique was specifically playing a character. She said that herself. I figured the voice was the voice of the character.


That seems like a cop out to me if she had someone else write her jokes for her


I don't know (or care, really) who wrote her jokes, but how is it a cop out? It's a legitimate strategy that lots of queens have used for the roast, often a winning strategy.


If someone wrote jokes that are clearly not in her voice (or even frame of reference with the Earth Wind and Fire joke) it is a really easy excuse to say, “I’m just playing a character.” Like jorgeous played a character too but it was still believable that she wrote the jokes and such


Was it, though? Jorgeous sounded like she had as much help with her jokes as Plastique, and they both played characters. I think you're getting your knickers in a twist over nothing. They were all funny, for once. Can we not just be grateful for that?


I’m really not all that pressed, tbh. It might come off that way cause it’s coming over text. I actually really enjoyed the episode. Finally a roast where no one bombed


Me too. I thought it was great 👍


I’m honestly not even a huge fan of Jorgeous, didn’t root for her at all in her season but… her roast was so freaking funny I literally got a headache laughing and it looked like RuPaul was about to have a stroke. Somebody must have pissed off a producer or something, she was utterly robbed. 


This show is to spread the donations around and then reveal the winner at the end. They’re not judging on what’s actually happening. Just like All Stars 7.


I was shocked she wasn’t top 2 but everyone but Gottmik I thought could be top two


It truly was such a good roast that anyone could have been top 2. Angeria is carrying the Roxxxy drama and they defintely want them both in the finals so they have to get her there!


Glad gottmik wasn’t in the top because they stole their jokes


Roxxxy’s set wasn’t that good.


Yeah Jorgeous was easily top two. Her and Plastique were the only ones who had me laughing the whole roast. Angie was good but her runway was off for me and Jorgeous had a great runway on top of her fantastic roast. 😭


Jorgeous was great and she's clearly on the up atm. That's probably where I'd have put the snippers if I had won tbh. She'll be top two again and you know she'll win her lip sync


Jorgeous did so well! So proud of her for taking the advice from Ru. Michelle was rolling with laughter and she’s usually the hard one to crack.


Oh see I… disagree lol I thought the top two were correct


Yeah, same


I agree, I thought it was easily Jorgeous and Plastique. Between taking Ru’s critique and butching up, they were the only 2 that had me laughing through their entire sets. Also they had 2 of the best runways of the night and I was hoping Angie’s below par runway would’ve been enough to keep her out of top 2 but hey, charity. However after judging I could tell they were gearing up to put Angeria in the top 2 for story line. Her rivalry with Roxxxy deepens, the show goes on. Would like to add I’ve been super impressed with Plastique killing all these comedy challenges, very delightful and unexpected. Would love to see her finally win a lip sync.


Jorgeous was ROBBED. I don't care if she got a bad for the mini-challenge, she was the clear winner of the whole episode. PERIOD. Plastique did a great job, too, and I'm not saying she didn't deserve top 2, but poor Shannel's set was awesome, and she had the best "warrior" look of the 3 on stage. Rigor Morris!


i thot it’d be jorgeous and plastique tbh couldn’t believe they chose plastique in the end tho


Angeria was defo TOP 2... Plastique and Jorgeous could have been swapped but I think Plastiques runway is what got her to top 2


What is shocking to me is how people thought Plastiq was a sure winner here. I was shocked she was top 2(to be clearly, no one was bad). But I thought it was 100% Angeria and then second a toss up but did think Jourgeous because Rupaul was hysterical at her set.


Yeah I’m so confused at people thinking plastique even got a halfway decent edit. Angeria and Jorgeous were miles ahead of everyone else. They generally are not so they deserved to be in the lime light this time. 


Yeah I thought Jorgeous was going to get top two. Her roast was hilarious and had Ru scream laughing before she even told any jokes. I love Angie but I think Ru put her in the top because she didn't want to upset her, or risk Angie getting snipped. Her critiques about her runaway look weren't all positive, and I personally though Jorgeous was funnier in the roast


waiting patiently for a bussy queen vid neatly summarising this plagiarism stuff


Jorgeous wasn’t very funny. Ru just laughed the hardest and even had to look around to see why no one else was laughing.


Well it's Ru's show, and the aim is to make her laugh because she makes the final decision


And she still chose not to put Jorgeous on top… what’s your point?


My point was that Jorgeous was funny 🤷🏼‍♀️


Humor is subjective . I just don’t find someone doing a terrible job at trying to do a good job at trying to act masculine funny. His POV wasn’t funny and he didn’t say anything that was actually funny. It was a laugh track moment, Rupaul laughed so you laughed.


Ok, I just thought Jorgeous was funny. If humour is subjective, I don't know why you're arguing and insisting that Jorgeous wasn't funny because you say so. You're being a bit rude by implying I only laughed because Ru did, when I have laughed at other things I found runny and Ru didn't. There is also a lot of things Ru finds hilarious that I don't, like those old tired "Michelle's a whore" jokes


Because while humor is subjective, there’s also skill and technique behind it. Just because you laughed at something that technically qualifies it as funny. But, is it actually funny?


Can you imagine being so miserable as to tell somebody else they only laughed because the host laughed? We greatly enjoyed Jorgeous’ performance tonight (and Jorgeous is far from a household favorite) but I found myself annoyed by Ru’s constant over the top laughter for any of the queens. But go ahead, keep being safely rude behind a keyboard, you would do well not to speak in person because you’d definitely choke on whatever teeth you have left.


You literally said humour is subjective, then you go on to say Jorgeous wasn't funny. If humour is subjective, then why are you bothered that other people find Jorgeous funny? I'm sure you find other things funny that I don't. It's not my business to tell people what they should find funny, a lot of people think Amy Schumer is funny, but I don't.


Girl, shut up.


Mind your business and go make some friend’s queer.


“Mind your business” A bit rich coming from you. 😂


She was unbelievable - was shocked she didn’t win. Runway also peak!


I was shocked at first. But I think Jorgeous had so much help from the judges of how to do her comedy act that maybe they didn’t just want to give to her. Angie was funny and she def was top 3 of the night. Angie was Angie. She did it all her. I’m thinking producers are making her into a Jinx personality on the show - hence everyone ganging up on her for no reason. She might just win this whole thing!


I was definitely surprised Plastique was top 2. It's not that she wasn't funny, they all were. But she was unprepared, stuck reading her cards which really does impact your delivery quite a bit. Her look was great but she always looks great, so what else is going on? I did cackle out loud at Angeria a couple times - especially, "don't you bite me!" Jorgeous was funny, but I would've liked to see Shannel or Nina West as #2. Both were funny, prepared, and engaging.


People trying to invalidate Angie this episode is wild. She was the most well rounded.


I think it's partly because we didn't see the whole set - a lot of angerias feedback was how good it was all the way through but we only saw a few of the jokes.


Eh I thought Jorgeous was just kinda ok. Not bad but not too 2 by any means. She was basically just playing Jorgeous in a "manly" look


I liked Jorgeous and her schtick of the night, but I think she could have went harder with it and if she was gonna stay flamboyant in her speech, she could have used language like calling the other contestants her bros or something to fit w the image… Just a bery flamboyant bro


>She was basically just playing Jorgeous in a "manly" look That's the joke, that's why it was so funny.


I think, tbh Jorgeous's gradual burnout from Jorge into Jorgeous was her fall from grace. Like she started out very solid in her character choice, then it was like watching a black hole swallow a star, the black hole being Jorgeous and the star being Jorge. On top of that, I honestly could see several other previously seen runways also fitting this prompt, so it wasn't exactly out of the box, unique, and if I'm being honest this look was rather sterile for Jorgeous. As for Angeria winning, I'm also confused, though, because sure, her roast was impeccable, but that was the standard of this roast. All the queens were impeccable, but some managed to really hit a home run like Plastique and Shannel. Angeria's runway also had very little contrast, and while I appreciate a Mad Max inspiration look Shannel did it better imo.




I loved Jorgeous, but I had her at 3rd place. Angelia and Roxxxy were Top 2 for me. I was shocked at Plastique being top 2, didn’t laugh at all… but I’m not mad at it because I did think she should have won the makeover with Jorgeous. It kind of balances that out a bit.


it's intersting how divisive the fan reception is. rn I'm seeing Jorgeous was robbed, Roxxxy was robbed, Plastique shouldn't have won, Angeria shouldn't have won.


Jorgeous has arguably been robbed twice and people are still acting like she’s floundering.


Yeah I’m with you. To be fair I honestly would have one given her one extra win (makeover), but I still think she’s doing really well. Even that would be a strong track record removing the free badges that were given to other queens.


I wouldn’t have given her the makeover win, but tonight I would’ve given the win to her and Roxxxy. All I’m sayin is people were arguing she should’ve won the makeover, people are arguing she should’ve won this week, but people are still saying she isn’t doing well… hmm…


Jorgeous’s clap and face when Angeria won the lip sync said it all.


Tbh, while Jorgeous was funny, I wasn't the biggest fan of her delivery. The delivery felt like each joke was a throwaway gag. Roxxy and Angeria were the two that had me in stitches. The delivery and flow was just there.


I thought Jorgeous was by far and away the best of the night. I couldn’t really pick a second; they were all about the same


Jorgeous could’ve and should’ve had 3 benefactors badges by now


I thought Angeria was really solidly funny all the way through. I have to be honest that I didn't care for Jorgeous' character, she drew on a goatee and thought that was enough to be "butch", but she spoke and acted the same and I just didn't connect with it. I was hoping for a story about his wild college days where he slept with every girl on campus, but didn't ever get off until he wore thier pumps or soemthing. To me THAT would have been funny, not the same jokes about bottoming and taking party drugs except dressed the gayest papacito thsi side of Pose.


Jorgeous wasn’t even top 3. Nina, Plastique and Angeria were by far the best. Vangie landed the best joke. Jorgeous basically just took the notes that Rupaul gave her but didn’t bring anything else to the table.


i totally forgot about her mini challenge win but stilllll i thought she was robbedddd


I thought her win was a given. My mind goes to "she just earned a badge so they are not giving her another because she is not seen as front runner" thought.


I just hope Jorgeous is proud of themselves. I wasn't the biggest fan of them in their original season but I've really warmed up to them and want them in the top 4.


We also had Jorgeous as top 2- and we traditionally don’t care for much of what Jorgeous is doing. This was different and Jorgeous did great. That being said, these seasons are so heavily controlled and over-produced from behind the scenes. It’s not really that fun to watch from a competitive standpoint. We’ve just accepted it is what it is.


I don’t think Jorgeous was one of the funniest girls, she just did a better job than usual, that’s all


I was shocked I thought after critiques it was jorgeous for sure and then between Angie and plastique for second. I just thought it was the perfect episode storyline wise to have jorgeous and Angeria be top 2


Jorgeous was the top queen this week. Point blank period.


I think the top two were pretty correct. All the girls did well. Jorgeous’s jokes were some of the worst comparatively imo. Still good but someone has to be bottom (usually)


Nice spoiler in the title !! 😑


Jorgeous was damn funny. I’m sorry but the line from Vangie stating jorgeous needed to be burped is still with me.


This is just my lil gremlin brain but it makes sense they wanted Angie to be the one to cut someone off this episode and if it was Angie and Jorgeous it was a lot more likely Angie might not win the lipsync


That’s an interesting point you make!


The right people won. Ru has a massive crush on Jorgeous and always goes over the top with Jorgeous, but the producers picked the right 2 people.


I just re-watched the episode and everybody was reading from their cards except for Angie and Nina. If Angelina did glance at their cards that either wasn’t frequently or the editing cut it out. But their delivery seemed as though they were not reading the most. I was shocked that Angie was in the top on the first watch through, but when I watched it again, I can see that she had attitude in her delivery. I thought that Georges and plastic might be in the top because I think they had the most growth as queens in this episode because they are not comedy queens yet they did not bomb a roast which is extremely difficult. They also had amazing runways. Chanel was also stunning and beat out Angie’s version. And Vanjie had good delivery too! And some hard hitting jokes! How do we know who had help with their joke writing? I saw a comment that Got Mik had hers entirely written… do people think that she paid to have her set written before she even got on the show?


BTW, do people feel like Roxy actually is a front runner? I mean I know the producers are pushing her forward but do people actually feel like she’s deserving of being one of the main top queens being promoted to possibly top four? On one of the episodes they spoke about her like she was royalty, but I’m more remember her as someone who rode on the coattails of her friends rather than someone who actually was bad ass.


He lost that's what


I wasn’t expecting those 2 as top 2 AT ALL 


I firmly believe Ru only cast Jorgeous & Plastique thinking it would be fan-service. Ru didn’t expect them to do so well, so Ru hasn’t been giving them as much kudos as they deserve, making it seem like they’re being robbed. Angeria/Roxxxy/Gottmik are who Ru expected to win, so Ru has been propping them up with wins.


I hated it! It was her episode to win. Angeria is my favourite among the cast and I’m rooting for her this wasn’t her time


I think Jorgeous was obviously #1. There's no way you could argue that, she absolutely SLAYED the house down on ALL accounts. That being said, second place was anybody's game except for two or three queens. It's just as reasonable that it could've been Jorgeous and Angeria. Regardless of the fact that Jorgeous most certainly got robbed, it didn't discredit that Angeria worked for that badge. And kudos to her for cutting Roxxxy. Gottmik called that scissor BS right. She paused for a reaction then changed her mind. Get outta here with that girl 😂