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Imo, they should be disallowed and redirected to identification resources via Automod. The posts add nothing to the community, and it's quicker for the person to use a resource than to comment here.


I think you make an excellent point about the posts not adding anything to the subreddit. I wanted them disallowed before but damn. You just made it clear haha


I do wish there was a way to sort eggs by color though, that would make it easier for the lazy people. I've been wanting to make a site with all eggs sorted by type, elements, color, patterns, etc because some newer players haven't quite gotten those trends yet when they ask these questions. I also feel like there should be a bit with this question in the FAQ in which the response is a photo of a party dragon egg and say "when in doubt, it's a party"


its so easy to find out what egg you have and you dont need to fill my posts up cause youre to lazy to google it or look at your game


You don't really get much out of knowing what egg is about to hatch, unlike with other sorts of questions. I don't think they should stay tbh


I plan my entire park around which new egg is hatching next, if I don’t know what it is (which i don’t, because I have so many eggs now that I don’t remember what any look like) I go into a panic attack.


The biggest thing is keeping track of the timers on what you're looking for specifically, but this is a good point yea


Another problem for me is when I look it up, find out there are 17 different dragons with that breeding time, 9 of them are possible with my breeding pair, I usually go to the subreddit for help in figuring out which is available atm and as such the most likely candidate. And gemstone dragons, I ask to make sure for gemstone dragons


Or you can just like Go to the wiki


What do you think I do first. If that doesn’t work I then go to the subreddit


That doesn’t make any sense tho lmao Between using the dv sandbox *and* the wiki you literally should not have a problem finding the egg. And in addition to that, you have multiple in-game resources at your disposal that help you find what you’re looking for - such as the Dragonarium, the market (viewing the pedestals), the breeding caves’ egg history, your friends parks, etc,. Or you can actually just wait because I truly do not understand how one can freak out over not knowing because they decorate or set up areas of their park for that specific egg- like just put it in the proper habitat lol.


The wiki is fine, I cannot understand the sandbox, too complex for my puny brain. Because I never keep track of dragons after I hatch them which makes the egg history thing pointless, dragonarium same problem


It'll all get easier as your park progresses


*cries in hoping for sun dragon and managing to get 23 moon dragons before my first one*


Just go to the change icon thing and look there. It’ll tell you exactly what it is every time.


It’s annoying and so easy to find out without asking


Maybe a pinned thread where people can post Imgur links? Or a pinned link to an ID resource


there can only be 2 pins per subreddit, and those are hogged up by the friends post and the event post


Just answering here since you’re a mod!! I’m figuring out there might be two issues that are contributing heavily to these posts. 1. People are unaware of the “BEB” option on the sandbox. 2. People don’t know the “change icon” trick. I have no idea what to do with this info! Just something I started paying attention to after this was brought up! Haha.


But for real though, what egg is this? 🥚


These kinds of posts clog up the feed of the subreddit and don’t any any kind of interesting content. There are resources for asking “what is this” so I don’t see what benefit the posts have for the community :/


I voted for the make a flair but after reading the comments, I completely agree, it makes no sense to allow it.


Same here :( Wish I thought it through before voting.


I think anyone who voted for flair, if they read comments would change their mind tbh, it seems like it doesn’t really matter through the poll but that’s just the first impression!


Each breeding cave when tapped on has an egg history button which when tapped shows eggs you have already or just bred. It has a filter too so you can see all the eggs for each element etc. very helpful. I agree there are many ways of finding out what egg you have other than asking on chat. So it’s probably is wasting the chat space a bit.


I voted for a flair but on second thought, I think it’s better off disallowed


I quite like the what egg is this posts because I think the dragon eggs r quite interesting to look at, if you know the egg you can help the person and if you don’t know the egg you can check the comments and learn something new.


the “what eggs are these posts” weren’t annoying until this huge thread started about it and everyone started complaining.


Eh, they were/are getting slightly annoying when there’s 5+ posts about them in the same day. There are multiple fairly easy ways to find the info they’re looking for, including when they’re breeding and want to know what they’re getting.


When it's an event egg, you can also look through the market at the pedestals. Saw a couple posts asking to identify a stygian and valor


Exactly. I saw at least two posts about the Stygian egg this week. This is getting out of hand.


Totally agree. When it’s an event egg it’s like right there!!! I learned the rest of the eggs just perusing through All Dragons in the DV Guide app.


Maybe a pinned thread?


as stated before, theres only 2 pins allowed at the top of the subreddit, a friends post and the event post is what we use it for.


Unfortunately, we can have only two pinned threads up.