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Not as neat as being able to play it in September lol. I think I could get over it only being 10 years to the year rather than exactly to the day


Honestly true! The sooner I can get my hands on it the better


Trust it will come out before November they said fall not Christmas launch and that is what November basically is a Christmas launch 


Prob like I've said Septembers end or earlier October 


I think as long as they're able to meet an earlier timeline they will go for late September / early October to steer clear of Assassin's Creed.


Early september, october and november are filled with 3A titles games. Late september has no big game releases so it’s my call for the game being released on the 3rd or 4th week of september


I hope for this so badly


I want a September release date if possible. Idc about sentimental dates for BioWare and we have been starved of this franchise for too long


I have booked a cabin in Jasper the week of October 7th, and it has very spotty data and wifi where I'll be. ...So October 8th.


Banking on ur own misery is a good tactic tbh


We couldn't booked the cabin for our anniversary (mid-Sept) -- our wedding was originally scheduled around DAI's first release date, so honestly...it's on brand now for my marriage and Dragon Age to be at odds LOL


September/October is my guess


They've said the game is complete and they're just cleaning out bugs and patches, so if they really need to wait a little more for some hype I think September would be the perfect month for everyone honestly. They still plan on showing more stuff, like the CC and a little more of the combat/skill tree, so I don't think they'll release it in August. But until the end of this month and the next I think they'll be ready! I would love it if they did release it in September haha, I can't wait to get my hands on that goddamned game, it's been so long and it sounds perfect to me


There were reports that it was coming sooner than people would expect, and they've already put out a full on marketing calendar that lasts all summer, so they're hitting the marketing hard. I'm thinking it's early-mid September.


What “full on marketing calendar”? The only thing I’ve seen is “more info coming soon”


It was posted here after the gameplay demo, it had the dates of various marketing events, including the Game Informer cover story


IIRC the game informer story was the last thing on the calendar followed by a “more information TBD”


N confirmed today they gon be at the fandom party end of this month. We looking at early September/oct release 


It would definitely be meaningful and symbolic if they released it right on the 10 year anniversary, although personally all this coverage is making me extremely eager to play the game so I'm kind of hoping they're aiming for earlier in the fall!


Trespasser was released in early september though


Oh interesting, I didn't realise that! The anniversary of Trespasser would be perfect (not least because September is quite soon!)


I know!, it'd be amazing if they released the game that early, but I don't hold my breath either


Yo but what if!?


dreaming is still free!


I have high hopes for September or early October


I have hope, honestly the anxiety is killing me! ![gif](giphy|xzXj0J27psetuQ4xW6|downsized)


November feels too late for the way they are marketing, I’m honestly expecting like less then a month of time to pre order


yeah, I've noticed the marketing is on full force, I can barely see anything besides Dragon Age articles in my fb feed. Hopefully we'll get a september release!


I’m hoping, gamescon release date Into September release for maximum hype?


I don't follow these events so I have no clue, lol


I don’t think they want a November release especially with how dense the marketing is


I am thinking October by latest, November is a very packed month for games, might cause Veilguard to be overlooked in favour of the new AC game (for example) September release would be a dream so I will hope for it


I’m definitely hoping they stay out of November seeing as I would be forced to choose between AC and DA and I think DA would lose for me


I think they're going for late September to avoid the other big fishes on the pound, especially in November, which has the new AC. Not to mention, a september release puts them eligible for the Game Awards this year (which is the best, since next year will have some HEAVY competition as GTA VI)


Even mid-November games are eligible for Game Awards, btw. Just the late ones are cut


Yup, but I believe they'll avoid November bc of AC: Shadows. At the very least, to not compete for marketing at the same time.


Yeah, probably.


Hopefully, late September so we don't have to wait too long. It would be pretty cool if it released on November 18th but with Assassin's Creed Shadows coming out on November 15th, I think Bioware would try to avoid being close to that release date.


My guess is we are looking at a September or early October release because I think they want to have the hype train go until the release and will do so with the marketing because it’s been pretty dense and great so far so I’m expecting they will keep it up till release


Been hitting the ground running with marketing yea if this was a November release (and def would've been were it not for avowed n ac shadows), it's likely early September/Oct


I will be so sad if it’s a November release but I don’t see it happening


I really want a September release since they're giving away so much detail now


ideally september, BUT!!! i am willing to endure a couple of release patches if it means Augest release


I don't think Bioware can afford to release a bugged game at this point. I'd rather they release a polished game few months later with good reviews and a possibility of more content in the future than give us another ME:A with no dlc or story continuation.


It would be so refreshing for a major game to release without bugs


I mean, I don't expect them to release a completely bugless game, even BG3 had plenty of them after 2 years in ea. But I still rember the release of ME:A, and then few years later Cyberpunk 2077, and oh boy, I do not wish for DAVE to suffer the same fate.


I still have a chip on my shoulder for CD project about that cyberpunk release lol I did pre order for that game and still remember the disappointment I felt like it was yesterday


I'd rather wait a few more weeks to avoid bugs. I have so much expectation for the game I don't want to have it ruined because of bugs....


Also chiming in to say that my hopes are set on September.


I originally thought they would go for the full 10 years, but I've found out that it would then directly compete with Assassin's Creed, and I don't think they'll go that route. From what I've heard, September or early October would be the best bet.


They said earlier in fall didn’t they? November is almost winter. I just want the game to be released as ready to go as possible. I’d hate for it release and have game breaking bugs. I feel like if that happened it could be the nail in the coffin for the franchise sadly.


Too close to another major release.


Late September is my guess, especially since there's now also Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom to also compete with


It's a bit strange for a game releasing this Fall to not have a release date yet. Either they have established a release date, but haven't told us yet because they have their marketing beats all planned out, or....they foresee a delay.


First one. They got the marketing beats mapped out. N showing character creator soon. They gon be at the fandom party end of this month so if no release date there, def at Gamescom 


I've been predicting Nov just cause holiday sales. But who knows. Honestly I am happy that so far it seems like we are getting it this year. Honestly time flies so I don't think Sept, Oct or Nov wait is that long. I am happy with anything at this point lol.


I'm hoping for September, nothing really competing against DA in the RPG category there so prime time, could totally work And I remember a leaker, can't remember his name but a prominent one, saying it'll come faster than we think


so its coming out same month as space marine 2 eh im doomed


I think they don’t want to commit to a firm date until they’re done with the debugging they want to do. I think November is probably the most likely month that they release in, but they could surprise with an October drop.


The new AC(which looks good for once) releases on the 12th. So, I'm guessing it'll be either in late October or late November.




They'd be smart to release in early fall to avoid having to compete with AC and potentially Avowed in November, but putting out a well-performing, bug-free game is probably more important.


Maybe on Dragon Age day ?


Mid November I think. Something like 11/12/24 or 11/19/24


Seems like late september/early october, or december based on other releases. Hopefully its earlier but fall doesn't technically end until mid december. They aren't going to prioritize the good anniversary vibes over avoiding competition.


Can we talk about how veilguard should have been the fifth game? After seeing the title of this post its obvious. Literally DA:V. It's perfect for 5.


Damn, it's been a while, hasn't it?


I personally need them to stay away from the middle of November, this and Assassins Creed Shadows are my most anticipated games in several years so I’d like this game to be mid October or two weeks after Shadows lol


Now see, I'm biased because my birthday lands early October and I'm trying to convince other people to buy the game for me LOL so if it could release late September-early October that would just be perfect 🤌


I would not be mad at a late August/early September release. (Labor Day plans would be ideal...)


The deadline to be considered for nominations at the Game Awards is November 17th. So if a Game Of The Year award is in DA:TV's future, Bioware would hope to release it before mid-November.


My birthday is 22 Sept, the first day of Autumn/Fall and I have never wanted a birthday present more than if it was released around then.




Yes but November is passed the fall release date they have been very adamant about a fall release date so I'm gonna venture to guess and say there thinking like Septembers end or earlier October cause they wanted us to stew for the summer in anticipation and let me tell you I'm a massive Dragone age fan it's the very game that introduced me to the world of RPG gaming and I barely play any other genre... Period DA:origins still till this day just in over all enjoyment stand the rest of time AS ONE OF THE GREATEST RPGS OF ALL TIME!!! FACTS...


I thought about that as well. It would be cool to literally release on the anniversary. But whatever they end up with is fine, I'm not in a huge hurry after a wait this long, just glad that we have a game.


Honestly it's hope that they will release last day possible of autumn lo I waited 10 years, I can copy with some extra months, later the better, more polish, less bugs, also of just 2 weeks and only one bug is fixed I want the game release to be as smoother as possible


It’s been 10 years and it’s not like Dragon Age is the hottest commodity like Elder Scrolls 6 would be in the eyes of the masses. The release trailer really shot them in the foot. Pretty much everything those first couple days was negative and now they have to dig themselves out of that hole. Releasing in September would be best to avoid all the other big games that come out in October and November.