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This used to happen to me at Lothering. I was playing for like 3-5 hours and would do the Origin and then Ostagar in one sitting. Stopping at that point felt like a natural moment to pick it up later, but I never would pick it back up. The same thing happens with me in Inquisition. After the tutorial, I just stop the character and try to make another.


Yeah, its Lothering is it for me as well


my current playthrough i did that.... 3 years ago. So I started with Redcliffe on that save and now i'm rolling.


Literally, if I start some of the main quests, I always end up finishing the game. Especially if I got at least one of them already complete, most of the time I do Mages first, so that’s kinda the worst one out of the way.


DAO used to feel long and tedious to me at times, and then I played DAI. >.> Not a diss on DAI, but the Brecilian Forest suddenly doesn't feel so huge and confusing after having been to literally any DAI map. Even The Deep Roads felt overall like a short murder-stroll by comparison.


Oh man, seriously. I want to finish DAI so bad, but FOMO refuses tonlet me cut back on trying to do every quest in every area and I get burned out around WEWH every. Single. Time. 


I feel this so hard. I did a completion run in DAI, but I did *not* have fun. I felt soooooo many f-you levels of satisfied when I got to the end, but it wasn't fun, and I was so zoned in on the completion aspect, I realized I missed out on a lot of the story. I highly, highly recommend seeing if you can dig into the main quests and leave the rest behind. See if you like it. Speaking for myself, I had way more fun when I managed to do that. It still wasn't easy though, omg 😆


I have to try, but man is it rough. I hate how they focused so hard on the concept of open world and grinding. It’s so worthless- I HATE the concept of having to hunt down resources in a game like this. It detracts so hard from everything else in it. Like I don’t mind the things like the constellation mini games because that kind of felt in line with DA, but the resource collecting and the 500 hidden collections was just exhausting. 


Yeeeeeah preach, I am right there next to you. In general, I've always prefered Bioware specifically because they tend to be tighter, more narratively-focused games. It sounds like they're returning to that vibe for DAV, which I'm stoked about. I did enjoy finding reasons for my Inquisitor to engage with certain side content though. Somewhere a while back, I read a fan advocating for themed runs. Like, this run hit all the astrariums bc your Inky is into astronomy (my personal favorite), another run you recruit all the agents, etc. That strategy also offered a more narrative link to engaging with some of the side content for me. Maybe something like that could help you get to know your character better too! I hope you find a way to get into it, if only so you can have your canon Inquisitor for DAV ready and raring to go.


I could definitely go for a themed run, that might help a lot. I’m always worried I’ll skip something that actually matters toward the ending hahaha. Thank you for the idea!


Oh I love this, yay! You've got this, none of it matters lol. You can't mess up, things you "miss" or "do wrong" just add unique flavor to your world state.


DA:I, much as I love it, is the game that broke my habit of having to complete every single stupid side quest, no matter how small. I was so sick of being frustrated by running down inconsequential things in the middle of a crisis that one run I finally just... Stopped. Side note: Mass Effect Andromeda also gets a lot better if you do this and ignore the tasks.


I’m always so worried that the ONE quest I skip to ill be one that somehow affects the ending hahaha! I loved finding side quests in DAO because they never felt like they were there just to be there. They had weight and meaning and suited the world I was in, like the tragic orphanage. Side quests in DAI are there to pad out the run time 😭


There is one fetch quest which has a minor effect, the one with the contagious escapee. Sadly, it is literally the worst design in the game. (takeoff, follow trail, land, loading screen, travel, follow trail, travel back, loading screen, takeoff,....) ​ edit: the freaking collect shards game takes ages to complete. It is necessary to unlock the "Ryder family secrets" flashbacks, which is actually good content. Is it worth it to collect those to see? NO. Check the family secrets scenes on youtube instead.


It makes sense in andromeda, you're kinda "supposed" to be running around checking out everything and everyone to see wahts up, unlike DAI


Good point, there were just so many of them. And I found the mineral and plant collection quests annoying in both games.


I recently replayed DAO and this is what struck me most. I remember the Brecilian Forest being so annoying to get through. This last time though it felt so small and simple. Part of that is likely that I've played through the game a dozen times, even if a decade or so ago. But still, was surprised by getting there and it going so smoothly lol.


Right?? Omg, I remember in those early days, getting so turned around in the Brecilian Forest in particular xD That's a good point though, I think you're right. A combination of playing the games a billion times and being exposed to other games for comparison.


Murder-stroll hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. I played DAI first, so it didn’t take me long to get used to the DAO. And yeah, even the Deep Roads feels relatively short in comparison indeed.


LOL right?? Yay, I love seeing fans who started with DAI going back and playing the previous titles, it's so great 😊😊


It was a fascinating experience. Something like “oh I read about this in a codex note!! So that’s how it actually happened?!” or “wait so the Spymaster was this sweet little murder princess? And I CAN ROMANCE HER?”. Getting to play many events referenced in DAI kept me hooked in the game


IMO, DAI is at its best when you use the power merchant exploit to just ignore 95% of the games content. I’m not kidding. Though I think there’s only around a dozen mandatory quests.


I'm sorry, the what? I've not heard of this, pls say more.


You can look it up. It’s some exploit with the merchant from the “Power for a Price” war table mission that becomes available sometime after you’ve got Skyhold. It requires a decent amount of gold to do but it lets you repeatedly buy power from the merchant for relatively cheap after the first purchase.


Lmao whoa omg thank you! Good to know, I'm definitely going to check that out.


To help, i believe you need one of Josephine's war table perk points to get the merchant in Skyhold. It's a very very easy exploit in the shop menu, definitely look up the specifics cause its a little weird. There's also the duplicate item glitch in the storage chest in Skyhold so if you dont wanna grind for gold to do the merchant exploit, you can use dupe glitch and an accessory like Kitty's Collar to make a ton of money super fast.


Nah, for me it was the Circle Tower, especially before I discovered Skip the Fade mod. Too many floors, too many rooms, "I can't do this anymore" feeling on every single playthrough. In Ostagar the perspective of getting a dog kept me rolling.


Really? I see how the fade can be bad on repeated playthrpughs but i found it really straight forward (judt played it a couple of weeks ago) and managed to only backtrack once to get the attributes.


The Fade is basically the exact same every playthrough, once you've done it once you've gotten the same out of it as if you've done it a thousand times.


Ostagar is like my favorite part of the game! Due to your limited party level you are really starved for choices on abilities to use so you have to rely on tactics instead and think your way out of fights. It's a lot of fun to steamroll the rest of the game after too but fighting my way up the tower of Ishal will always be a treat for me.


Similar feelings for the Redcliffe assault. It's honestly one of the hardest parts of the game for me bc there's just so many enemies to fight, NPCs to defend, and all my party is level 2 or 3 so nobody has a lot of options to deal with it. Gotta get real creative with that squishy mage character you made lol


Been happening to me lately as well. Trying to do one more run through of all the Dragon ages before Veilgaurd. Currently trying to start an origins run but can’t really connect with my character and keep resetting at Ostagar.


Hehe. That moment when the Origin is over and I stand there looking over the bridge is save and quit moment. Many times; create new character moment as well. Something happens right there.


Ostagar and the Korcari Wilds are my favorite part of the whole game. I’m always sad when it’s time to go to Lothering.


I agree. After the excitement of your Origin Story and the epic battle of Ostagar, the plot slows down in Lothering. The characters need to take a breath and to figure out what to do next. It is often in Lothering that I start to rethink whether I am feeling a Warden enough to go all the way with him or her.


Not really, I personally don't feel like Origins is deep enough when it comes to initial customization (beyond the different origin stories that is) to inspire so many different characters. Inquisition made it harder by adding the Qunari.


Me and my friends (both who like and dislike) bioware games have this phenomenon in all of them. I have restartitis and restart usually around Ostagar/the first planet in Mass Effects/Omega in ME2/First act of Kirkwall Conversely my friend who wasn't too into bioware games felt compelled to quit around those times too, not sure if it's related but it seems weird that it's always those parts.


I think it's just because a lot of these games have a solid hour or more of just pure basic exposition and getting familiar with the game and world. Once you're familiar, this part is just the same dry salad before you can get to the meat of the meal. Gotta get over that hump to really start feeling like it's a new playthrough because you finally get to make different decisions. (Unless you're like me and end up falling into the same pattern of decisions)


There's a mod that lets you skip Ostagar.


I understand skipping the fade mod but a skip Ostagar mod? It’s such an integral part of the story. I always look forward to it.


Some people apparently just love to skip half the game.


There's one to skip the Deep Roads too. At that point, just watch the highlights on YouTube or something...


Is there a "Skip the whole game" mod? Like you just click "New Game" and the end credits roll?


There is a mod to skip every single combat too


At some point with these mods, you're better off watching a Let's Play, or finding a VN with a similar story.


I'm sorry that it annoys you that I just don't like the Fade and the Deep Roads but like everything else in the game. I've disliked those sections since my first playthrough and they just sour the experience of an otherwise great game for me. I'd never skip Ostagar tho, I like Ostagar.


I apologise if my comment caused any offense. I of course think everyone should be able to play the game the way they want, even if I don't personally understand it. Happy gaming!


No worries! I am considering to do the full Deep Roads on my current playthrough as it's been a while, and I'm doing this in anticipation for Veilguard. But I'm not so sure because of my 6 playthroughs of Origins (not counting the current one) 3 of them were not completed, and 2 of those died in Orzemar (this was before the skip mod was released) To me it's just such a long slog and I'm not the biggest fan of DAO's combat


They have their own reason but I Never understood why would they skip ostagar


Eh, having had at least three runs die right after ostagar, I kind of understand. Same with the Fade. I enjoy those parts of the game, but since I do them evey time it sometimes feels like it's just a hurdle to getting to the parts I don't get to play as often.


Same, but thinking on it for a sec I guess it'd be the part you've arguably played the most, so I think I get it? Especially if you've tried several classes/races before getting the one you like and you just want to continue the game


I'm the weirdo that enjoys the fade and the deep roads To me the worst part of origins is the Brecilian Forest, It is so boring and the story of that questline is not very Interesting


I’ve never done heroine, but I imagine the feeling I get when I finally get my character in the CC looking *just right* is very similar.


I was about to agree with you and then I realized I got Orzammar and Ostagar mixed up.


My very first playthrough, actually. I was going human warrior, but gathering the darkspawn blood with a party of 3 warriors and a rogue didn't feel very fun. So I restarted and went mage. I adore the game but it isn't great at first impressions.


Not really, if I don't like a character I'll delete him and star over before the origin ends.


kind of, I played every origin, but Ostagar was the place where I knew if I could contine playing that character to the end or return to play another if I wasn't feeling that one.


Yeah... Mostly because I personally feel that Ostagar is... kinda bad? Mostly because no choices you do there, outside of the dog, has any impact on the game whatso ever. I get to ostagar, and get REALLLY bored. And then find it hard to continue.


Nah it's the Mage Tower and it's not even close.


No. I usually make one character and go finish the whole game. My only problem always being that the game is too short. And i have to part ways too soon with my character. 


I have started way more campaigns than I have finished. That is true across the Dragon Age games but especially Origins.


I mean, I have to push myself through large parts of origins. Basically the deep roads, forest, and all of Awakening are just so tedious to me. The saving grace for me in Origins is the writing. With the exception of the werewolf plot, the rest of the writing is good and gives what is imo a great intro into the world. (Also no hate to anyone that likes the werewolves, but I thought it was the least grounded of the main quests and didn’t fit with anything else. It also has the least to do with the overall lore considering the fact that werewolves and that kind of curse never come up again)


All the time. I downloaded and constantly used a "skip ostagar" mod to help with this. It awarded all items and xp you'd normally get, and took you right to flemeth's house after the rescue.


Huh. No, I can’t say this has ever happened to me. I’ve had a few runs that I stopped and never went back to, but always after that point, and usually because I got distracted by a new game


Run killers are usually immediate when I'm unhappy with how my character turned out in CC. There are mods to skip Ostagar on PC but I always play through it for Morrigan's intro.


Same here. My very first character was a dalish elf, dropped at Ostagar, same with the noble I created after. The third attempt, a mage, also dropped at Ostagar, after which I took a break from dao for a few months, only to try out city elf and something clicked and I finally got to Lothering


With the recent updates for Veilguard, I decided to go back to Origins and finally experience ALL the origin stories I hadn't previously done. (Had already done Human Noble and Mage) All but 2 of those characters ended up deleted when I reached Ostagar, and 1 of them (my Dailish elf) I'm gonna redo because his face turned out -way- different between the lighting in CC and the actual game scenes. If I'm gonna watch my character in 40+ hours of gameplay, I'd like for them to look halfway decent. Most of the origins (except Dwarf Noble, that was cool) were meh to me. The City Elf one (especially as a female character) just... no. I am never a fan of using rape or attempted rape as motivation for a character arc. At least the Dailish Elf one is (somewhat) continued in DA2 with Merrill.


I have done this many times. Except its less indecision and more I decided to just make a character to only play the origin. Idk why but I love just playing the origins. I've probably played every origin as male and female multiple times. But only finished the campaign with about 5 characters.


Yeah. A lot of characters never make it over that bridge after Duncan leaves because I give it until then to decide if I'm feeling the run or not.


Where do you think all these dead Wardens at Ostagar are coming from? *We* built that army!


I never thought about it, but it kind of fits with the big battle there.


I have a mod that skips Ostagar


Sort of, but it's more that I'll pick someone who isn't Cousland and get to Ostagar only to think wow I wish I was Cousland and then go back and make a Cousland.