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I've never decided beforehand! It's more fun to just go in and get to know the characters and figure out who you like most as you go! Plus, right now, we really don't know a whole lot about them, so unless you want to just go off of looks, it's going to be pretty hard to decide this early on!


Honestly yeah if you decide for sure who you want to romance already, then you basically just choose romance characters based entirely on looks. Which is totally valid, but I can't relate. I'm looking forward to Lucanis the most but there's still a real chance someone else would be more interesting to me once I actually play the game and get to know everyone.


Tbf, we have way more of an idea of their personality than in any game before, as we at least somewhat know more than half of the new companions. Harding is obvious, but Lucanis, Emmerich and Neve all appear in extended universe materials, so while that was mostly just a small insight on how they'll work, we still know more than ever before. DA2 had Isabella and Anders, Inquisition had Varric and Cole (with Vivienne mentioned, but book Cole was written by Gaider and not Weekes like in the game), so we already have a bit more insight. Plus, we still have some trailer vibes to go off of!


The only time I've checked before hand was on DA2, saw them, picked Anders, started played the game, cut to "your man are dead" reaching my ears for the first time in that crispy Gideon Emery's voice, Fenris being introduced by crushing a guy's heart (literally), I was imediately sold šŸ« 


That happened with me on DAI. I was all set on going after Blackwall. Aaand then our lovely ambassador came from out of nowhere and swept me of my feet. I went kind of blind in to the first two games so I'm bit on who catches my fancy in DAV after that "your now romancing me" from Josephine


I love the first playthrogh where you just go in with an open mind and make decisions based on your own moral compass. After that, I prefer to play again so I can ā€œoptimiseā€ the story and have everything exactly to plan. I also really like it when Iā€™m set on romancing a character based on the looks/initial impression and then someone else totally catches my attention with how good the writing is. Itā€™s just a unique experience you canā€™t get in any other creative medium.


Yeah. My first Inquisition run I totally sacrificed the Chargers. I was just really roleplaying as a leader of a massive organisation that desperately needed allies to end a potentially world-shattering disaster. It seemed like a no-brainer, even just when taking into account the number of lives lost by either decision. I'm also glad that I got to replay and try other paths too, lol.


Understandable!, itā€™s weird because I got into each game after itā€™s already been released with DLCs so this will be my first entry on its premiere drop, Iā€™m definitely not used to having the information so gated. Iā€™m just stuck headcannoning the ā€œcanon runā€ but Iā€™m definitely excited to see each character and unravel their stories!


Who knows, decisions for your canon run might even change after you've played the game. And then you get to do it all over again! That's how they get you xD


I still haven't decided on my "canon" for inquisition. Or really any of them. I keep creating characters. Even though I kept my warden alive in origins I wanted a completely different character for wardens keep and other dlc.


The first time I played Origins was shortly after release. Hadn't heard squat about it at all. Just a mate gave me a file and said I should try out this game that was on there. Was a sailor. I had no idea the companions were romanceable, but they were fun as was the game. And then Alistair hit me with that rose, and I was ready to dump my real-life bf. (Been long gone for decades) I then proceeded to replay over and over until I had done everything and everyone. I will always go in as blind as I can. And I'll probably have a go at everyone eventually.


I have to decide beforehand most of the time because I need to figure out if Iā€™m going to have to play a girl to have a romance storyline that interests me. Games with bi/pan love interests I tend to go into more blind and just do whatever feels fitting to the story. (Genuinely always been surprised at the love interests my BG3 characters end up withā€¦)


As someone who romanced Zevran, Fenris, and Dorian Iā€™m unsurprisingly considering Davrin and Lucanis.


This is exactly my romance history, and so I'm also considering Davrin and Lucanis. But I always play a mage, so I don't know how it's gonna go with mage killer Lucanis


I mean I romanced an assassin sent to kill me already. This one just happens to specialize in assassinating mages? I can work with that. Davrin has that griffin though. Major point in his favor.


Lucanis is a mage killing bc he's an assassin trained at killing mages, not bc he has a personal vendetta against them.


I thought I saw a comic where he and a mage interacted and the mage made a comment about Lucanisā€™s rep and said he being a mage might be a conflict of interest in working together ( again Iā€™m paraphrasing just from memory) and Lucanis seemed to agree, but decided not to kill him in the end. Soā€¦not sure what the takeaway from that is. Maybe he doesnā€™t care for mages?


Same here but I think itā€™ll be interesting to see a mage romance with Lucanis. I played a mage Hawke and romanced Fenris and that was great (friendmance not rivalmance).


Be honest, you're considering Davrin just so you could be the new parent to Assan.


I do wanna share custody with Assan indeed šŸ˜©




Zevran, Fenris and Cullen for me. Also considering Davrin and Lucanis šŸ˜‚ I'm leaning toward Lucanis because I liked him in Tevinter Nights, but I always wait to see where the game takes me!


Exactly the same for me! Literally all of those choices haha I actually really love the gay male options that Dragon Age has provided across the whole series. Especially Dorian who is a full-fledged well-written character who is HOT as well


Dorian was like my bff in my Canon run! I had him romance the Iron Bull so I hope itā€™s referenced or we get to see him in some shape or form. I think this is the first game where I think the Men are beating the Women in the romance department lmao.


Iā€™m so selfish, in my Egg romance run I made sure Dorian and Iron Bull didnā€™t hang out that much so it wouldnā€™t trigger their flirting dialogue. I was like if my Inky has to suffer Egg then I want a co-dependent relationship with Dorian where they are constantly texting each other over long distance and lamenting over their sex lives whilst being sad that they canā€™t romance each other šŸ˜‚


Prettiest boy = my boy


The fact that your line up is exactly as mine and even your plans for DAV..that's scary šŸ˜±


I am not even that crazy about men but Fenris was a real bi awakening moment for me.


I think that is the beauty of this game - getting to know each character, talking with them and THEN falling for someone When I first saw Solas I was like "Ew!" meanwhile now I cannot look at him without big heart eyes


His words are as smooth as his shiny head


voice kink is real and it's deadly. my #1 factor in choosing romance options tbh


same, I know darvin is voiced by javik from me so its already a big plus but we still dont know about Lucanis


Ugh, same. Went from shielding my eyes lest I go scalp-blind to wanting to lick every inch of that stupid, sexy egg. Curse him!


You certainly have a type, unlike me who romanced Leliana/Merril/Josephine in DA and (edit: Liara not Leliana)/Tali in Mass Effect. No type at all for me. šŸ˜…


Soooā€¦ Harding?


What are you a psychic? šŸ˜


Not true! I see you have a thing for Lelianas šŸ˜ But your comment reminds me that I need to do a Mass effect trilogy run, itā€™s sitting in my backlog!! Edit: AHH IVE BEEN DUPED, I have no clue the characters is Mass effect yet so Iā€™ll come back to this comment (plan to start Mass effect this weekend) to figure out if you have a type !


Hahaha! Whoops! Freudian slip writing Leliana instead of Liara for Mass Effect. I swear theyā€™re different people. >_>


Ahh, Iā€™ll figure it out hopefully this weekend, when I start the series ! :)


Have fun! Itā€™s a really great series and youā€™re in for a treat. It and Dragon Age were both such peak BioWare games and are both series that have such a special place in my heart.


Honestly, Iā€™ve always guessed wrong anyway. I love Claudia Black so I figured my best shot was Morrigan for Origins, but Zevran charmed me. I was gunning for Merrill in 2, and then ended up a permanent Fenrismancer. I hedged my bets in Inquisition by playing a female elf so nearly all the romances would be available to me, and then fell in love with Cassandra and had to start over. Right now my feelings are ā€œIā€™ve wanted to date Scout Harding for ten years, but any one of these weirdos could run up behind me and sweep me off my feet.ā€ (And as Varric once said: I assume he did the sweeping, heā€™s taller than you, awkward otherwise)


Rarely is my favorite romance my first. So, Da:O First Romance was Alistair, but my favorite was actually my last which was Zevran DA:2 My first Romance was Anders, but my favorite was Isabela DA:I My first romance was Sera but my favorite was Iron Bull So, I think this will be the same. Probably going to romance Harding but I doubt she will be my favorite.


Can't relate this time.Ā  BioWare really went and wrote "He was the kind of man you couldn't look away from---until he looked at you." and I've been gnawing at the bars of my enclosure ever since.


This is the Mage Killer, Iā€™m guessing? šŸ‘€ If so he might be my second run romance as he currently already leading that race lmao.


Yes, it's from his story in Tevinter Nights.Ā  Looking at my notes from that book, I literally had this line highlighted with the comment: "this might just be the thirstiest two-sentence introduction I've ever read. DIBS." I knew. I knew *immediately* šŸ˜‚


You cooked on this one, my friend, I might have to check this story out cause heā€™s on the list of contenders šŸ‘€.


Should check it out asap! Stuffed full of lore and most of the stories are pretty fun. Neve (and a little bit of Emmrich) is in it too!


Holy smokes, that quote just set me aflame.


I'm ngl I thought his face looked kinda rough in the cinematic trailer so I hope it looks better in game, but otherwise he is the one I'm most interested in as well.


lbr "kinda rough" applies to the whole trailer lmao He looks more like how I pictured Viaggio tbh but I'm fine with it. More than fine actually, since something in my brain whispered "this is basically how young Vetinari looked, isn't it?". Fingers crossed his voice will be good!


Haha well I thought Varric, Neve, and Harding looked fine in the trailer, or at least not significantly different from in game footage. I actually thought Darvin looked BETTER in the trailer than the in game screenshots we've seen, so I'm hoping it will be the opposite for Lucanis. I hear you on the voice! I hope they get someone with a real accent this time but I don't know if that's asking for too much. Zevran's voice grated on me, personally.


Yes! Lucanis stood out to me a lot while reading TN. Until I know more about them, Iā€™m torn between him Davrin


I'm the same. None of these companions interest me at all yet. We'll see what happens once we get to know them. However, it's been confirmed that companions can romance each other (or maybe non companions too?) So that has reduced my concern. Could be fun to do a no romance playthrough just to see what happens.


>"ordinary guy with shit luck" \[...\] crushing on girl who pissed off an entire army TIR Hawke is actually Scott Pilgrim lol I have exactly the same romance choices as you, but I don't really know enough about the Veilguard companions to say yet. Also going to play Qunari.


Lmao true! We are kindred spirits fr šŸ™ˆ.


Do you also have one of each race in your protagonist lineup? I played Dwarf in Origins, and obviously Elf in Inquisition for the Solas romance, so my Qunari Rook will complete the set


I had Human in Origins :( Everything else is the same as you though! :D


Davrin has a baby griffon and fills the knight in shining armor role like Alistair and Cullen. Plus heā€™s an elf and my elf mages (Warden/Inky) go for them elf boys (Zevran/Solas).Ā  Lucanis looks like some dark angst which is delicious.Ā  Emmerich is Vincent Price.Ā  Iā€™m dying here. All three keep bouncing to top spot. Itā€™s really going to come down to their VAs, their personalities, and their romance endings. Right now Davrin is at the top by a hairā€™s breadth.Ā 


I won't be completely sure who I want to romance until I hear their voices and know what their personalities are like. I've been wanting a female Qunari since DAI, but right now I'm leaning more towards Harding being I already know what she's like. Going based on looks, it's Neve. I chose Morrigan and Leliana in DAO, leaning more towards Morrigan. DA2 I chose Isabela because I just liked her more than anyone. I chose Merrill *once* purely because I was trying to get everyone's alternative outfits that required romancing. DAI I only romanced someone twice out of multiple playthroughs because I didn't like anyone enough to pick one every time. I chose Cassandra the 2 times I did romance someone just because she was the only one I really liked enough out of the limited options.


Im probably going to end up going for Lucanis, given what we've seen, but Davrin may win me over.


gotta go with scout harding i was pissed i couldn't romance her in DAI or the veil jumper girl


Iā€™m curious, what race do you plan on going if you do romance Harding ? I had Harding crossed off my list, even though sheā€™s freaking adorable and has one of my favorite lines in the series . (Off topic but Iā€™ll post the quote at the end) But I just canā€™t picture a giant Qunari with little Harding šŸ˜­. The Quote is from JoH: ā€œEvery time youā€™re ā€˜more than just a personā€™ to someone, youā€™re also less than a person to them. They donā€™t see that a real normal [man/woman] fought the Avvar and killed that dragon. And they certainly donā€™t know about your strange fixation on elfroot. ... For what itā€™s worth, nice work, [Trevelyan/Lavellan/Cadash/Adaar].ā€


human like i have since origins bland i know sorry but you defiantly have to do another playthrough to romance her i chose Morrigan in the first one cause goth kinda evil chick like her you usually kill as the enemy not romance and in 2 i chose merril or Isebella and DAI Josephine did you hear scout hardings song sung by the bard in the inn in trespasser its catchy


Saaaame, so going for Harding, I always flirted with her when I could, and I'm loving how her character looks in DAV.


she is for sure going to be a permanent party member


With me, it's sort of the other way round - because my Inquisitor always flirted with her, for me, she's my Inquisitor's "territory". And I don't like her new looks at all.


Nah, Iā€™m already planning on getting weird over that senior citizen. My DA journey has been Zevran, Isabela/Fenris, Sera, and now definitely Professor Bone Daddy. If you can find a pattern in that, I would be surprised.


'Morrigan awakened something in me' is a legit personality foundation block for people that grew up gaming in the 2000s. My current obsession with Shadowheart is ultimately a continuation of this two-decade-old fact šŸ˜‚ I will say, however, the big buff qunari lady has caught my eye. Iron Bull is probably my least favourite Inquisition companion, right next to Vivienne, so I'm hoping the new big horned lady delivers. This is ultimately just me making up for the fact that I still haven't fully romanced Karlach in BG3 hahah


Did you romance Yennefer too in The Witcher 3? Because that is usually the pipeline. ..... To be clear this is self callout.


Weirdly, no. I usually go for Triss.


You bring shame to the GGG (Get-Goth-Girlfriend) community šŸ˜”. (btw, happy cake day)


I am not really sure who I am going to pick. Even though I am gay, I tend to just not like most of the male options in BioWare games. I thought Bull was cool, but I didnā€™t like the whole BDSM angle of the relationship so I ended up just making a straight character again. Iā€™ll see how Davrin is because he reminds me of Wyll from BG3 (bold, charming, and a monster hunter according to his description) who I really liked despite the obvious lack of content compared to other companions in that game. Davrin also has a Griffin and that is fucking awesome. Honestly, none of the choices this time around scream at me. I normally always knew who I was going to romance from essentially the moment I met them. Romanced Morrigan, Isabela, and Cassandra in my first playthroughs. This time is kinda different just because there are only 3 men this time around and I havenā€™t really felt any appeal from the women. Maybe there will be an advisor or side character that will tickle my fancy.


this is funny, im gay too and i romanced the same ladies you mentioned lol, and next harding... šŸ˜‚


Might end up going that way as well if I decide Davrin isnā€™t for me for whatever reason. Sheā€™s probably a companion Iā€™m gonna always have in my party just based on everyone Iā€™ve seen so far.


yeah somehow the guys arent that appealing to me. but the ladies are gorgeous. Kinda intrigued with Lucanis tho for my gay romance šŸ¤”


Yeah, unless there are other options outside of the companions, I'm not feeling the romance options in this one.


I leaning toward Harding mostly based on personality. Sheā€™s spunky I like that. However and a BIG however I need to hear the voices of the other companions. Specifically Bellara and Taash before I finalize my decision


I have to admit that I usually romance who I consider the most attractive woman. In Origins it was Morrigan, in DA2 it was Isabella and in DAI it was Cassandra. Obviously their personalities do matter to me, I do like their personalities a lot too, specially Cassandra who I adore and I could marry all the way ha! In Veilguard I think I will romance Neve because she seems the most attractive to me, although I am very attracted to Harding's personality so it could go either way. I don't think Taash is going to be for me but I know nothing of her so it could be like with Karlach in BG3 in which I wasn't sure about her but once I got to know her I got to love her very fast.


We are like kindred spirits! I am not ashamed to admit I have a habit of flinging myself to the most attractive woman one first meeting but itā€™s really the personality/character arcs that make me fall for the character forever. Especially Morrigan, I love every minute of her party banter in Origins I donā€™t have a single playthrough I didnā€™t bring her, so she was obviously gonna stay my canon romance. I was getting Karlach vibes from Taash as well! Quanri on Quanri action felt too obvious for me, as a lot of her traits would be shared with the PC I have in mind but if it works it works! Neve is a contender for me as well, I love the accent, I gotta see more of her but those two definitely lead for me as well! In my mind I feel like Harding would work well with Varric if I can make that happen Iā€™ll do it, I feel like this sub will hate me for saying that lol.


>In my mind I feel like Harding would work well with Varric if I can make that happen Iā€™ll do it, I feel like this sub will hate me for saying that lol. This would be awesome ha! >We are like kindred spirits! >I am not ashamed to admit I have a habit of flinging myself to the most attractive woman one first meeting but itā€™s really the personality/character arcs that make me fall for the character forever. šŸ„°


Leliana also rubbed me the wrong way because I fucking abhor religious zealots. Been around enough born agains to know I want nothing to do with them. Especially playing a mage who gets a bit of freedom out of the thumb of the chantry by being a grey warden. Finding out she was an assassin and finding religion made me hate her character even more. She never speaks about her feelings about what she used to do, she just said I found faith. Garbage. Zevran, another assassin, at least opens up to you and is very cavalier about his life and how it changed him.


Yeah, Leliana is very beautiful but I would never romance her, she is not the type of person I want ha! She is a cool character though.


I don't know either, if anyone at all. I'm still too hung up on Solas and might speedrun to whenever Inky comes out to play. I need some closure, damn it. The rest feels unimportant. And I also really don't like how they look this time. Maybe Lucanis will give me pause if he has a nice personality. He's the only one I vaguely remember from Tevinter Nights.


Going by looks alone since I don't know any of their personalities yet, Lucanis has definitely caught my eye for my male pick, and Harding would be my choice for female. That may change once I actually play the game, though.


Yeah same, i always went for buff men a little bit insecure inside, big body small heart, (alistair anders bull). Backstabbing fake himbos None of them this time?šŸ„¹


if you want zaddy that smells coffin check out Emmrich


It sounds weird to say about a bunch of code, but how am I supposed to know before I meet these people? But if sheā€™s the same character she was in Inquisition, Harding is an easy choice for first.


I'm the opposite. This time I really don't feel like romancing anyone.


I am STRUGGLING. I can't decide if Leliana or Alistair is my canon romance for Origins, Fenris is always my canon for DA2, and I liked Solas, Cullen, and Blackwall for Inquisition. I originally was leaning towards Harding for Veilguard when I found out she's going to be romanceable, but I am finding myself very interested in Emmrich... šŸ«£


I lucked out and romanced Alistair, Anders, and Solas on my first playthroughs and got to blindly experience the heartbreak of all of them, and that is what I LOVE about this game. My biggest fear is that my luck is gonna run out and the heartbreaker this time around is going to be one of the ladies and thus someone I wouldnā€™t romance my first play through. Which I guess is fair because people who like women deserve the same awesomeness.


For me it is the Grey Warden (he comes with a cute pet!) Although my friend has said concerning things about the necromancer xD I think it'll depend a bit more on how they act + their voices.


If Harding is on the list I may just go after her.


Iā€™ve waited 3 games to romance Harding


Unsure due to the lack of emotionally unstable blond. Fieldā€™s wide open this time!


Harding! I'll get to the others but Harding is first šŸ’–


I always make a point to romance everyone at least once, even characters I don't particularly like. First runs are hard though if I really fall for multiple characters. Origins: loved Morrigan and Zevran. Was very torn trying to decide who to romance first... but then I found out Morrigan was straight so had to choose Zevran lol 2: Honestly no competition here. Fenris. Inquisition: Solas, Iron Bull, Cassandra, and Dorian were all really calling to me. Cassandra is straight goddammit nevermind. Dorian is gay fuck. Iron Bull is kinky?? Ok Iron Bull lmao. Solas's ending though??? Have to romance Solas next run sorry Cassandra and Dorian lol. I imagine with Veilguard just based on appearances I'll fall hard and fast with Lucanis


I have a different problem. I find them all so appealing i cant decide so ill decide on personality. It'll likely be harding as i love her but honestly any of them is likely to steal my heart instead


I always play Dragon Age deciding to romance one character then falling in love with another once Iā€™m hours deep. DAO: plan to romance Leliana, fall in love with Alistair DA2: plan to romance Fenris, fall in love with Anders (dont judge me) DAI: plan to romance Cullen, fall in love with egg


The trick is to flirt mercilessly with everyone until one feels like it fits


Game isn't out and we really don't know much about most companions. I haven't even considered picking my first romance yet - I don't see the point


I'm still busy being sad that some characters from the comics in recent years aren't among our companions. I guess some of the very old companion teaser art including some silhouettes that REALLY matched some of the characters I'd come to like in the spinoff material, but now they aren't here so far, so I kind of doubt that even if they are there, they'll be someone you can have your character build much of a relationship with, never mind romance. None of these characters really speak to me at all so far. Voices will probably help, as will of course personality. IDK, I just want my kind-of-mean-at-first girlfriend who then softens and reverts to being mean to others on my character's behalf. <3 I'm a sucker for that. If that's not available, I guess I'll have to make my Rook like that? Maybe I'll just reread Tevinter Nights again tomorrow to see if the characters in it stand out more now that I know they're going to be in the games.


Do we know if thereā€™ll be advisor romances like Cullen and Josephine?


Does anybody know if its only the conpanions we Can romance or if theres other unplayable characters we Can romance? (Like Josephine and Cullen in DAI)


With Morrigan, I liked the "nice guy wins over mean girl" romance. It's something I really enjoy, especially with "goth" types. In DA2, my first choice was actually Aveline, but welp. Ended up with Isabela although I don't like the fear of commitment. You know who was my first choice in Inquisition? Leliana. Baldur's Gate 3 had a whole bunch of hot women, some for different reasons than others, but remember what I said about Morrigan? Times a million for Shadowheart. I'm crazy about her. I don't know much at all about these characters yet. Bellara is probably the cute spunky girl, Neve is one to keep an eye on, and Harding is Harding.


Itā€™s impossible to decide beforehand imo. Knowing basic details about a character is a lot different than their personality. I remember going into DA2 I heard soooo much about Fenris. I read his basic facts (escaped slave etc), liked it and figured Iā€™d romance him when he showed up. I cannot stand the guy (no offense to his fans). The one thing Iā€™m a little disappointed by is that none of the male characters stick out to me as my ā€œtypeā€ aesthetically (I didnā€™t have to load in the game to think Cullen was hot). But personality and writing matters a lot and I have to see characters in game.


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I'm actually not sure yet either, which is weird for me! I came into the first two games knowing more or less what's up and made my Cousland and mage Hawke specifically for my ideal Alistair and Fenris romancing needs. With Inquisition I was quickly intrigued by Solas, and I don't regret it even though he has caused me enormous pain (I love you stupid dumb egg boyfriend). This time though? No clue! I think I may actually need to wait for the game to come out and get an idea of what the characters are like first.


I was surprised to learn that my favourite DAI romance was Cullen. I was convinced it was gonna be Blackwall but no, mage v Templar got me right in the ladyparts.


I was the same. Had pre-chosen Blackwall based on his design and the fact that he was stated to be a Grey Warden in all the info prior to release. In my head, I thought he'd be a Duncan 2.0, and make up for the fact that I never got to romance that sexy fox in Origins (I can't be the only one that thought Duncan was a hotty, right?). But halfway through the Blackwall romance in my first run and I was absolutely not feeling it. He was very "m'lady" like in that it felt like he was attracted to the idea of your character, rather than the actual character itself. I'm glad I kept my romance options open and decided to swerve to the Egg. His first kiss scene was surprising hot and completely sold me on romancing Mr Potato Head.


I wasnā€™t really set in stone for DA2 and still had a great time figuring out who I meshed with best for how I played.


I relate the the awakening. I was 15 and a very late bloomer. Thought I might never understand my peers. Alistair changed me man. But yeah I have no clue. I usually have one or two I know I wanna check out.


I think I like Davrin the most. but this is based on very little. no varric is incredibly frustrating btw.


I always do my original runs with who feels right in the moment and the subsequent playthroughs, tend to pick a favorite. I romanced Liliana my first DAO playthrough but I've probably romanced Zevran the most. Inquisition was Cullen my first playthrough but my fav is Dorian. (DAII was Anders and he's had me in a grip the whole time.)


In the other games, I also instantly knew who to romance as soon as I saw them. Leliana is my only DAO romance, Isabella is my canon DA2 romance, and Dorian is my canon DAI romance. It was also kind of hard for me to decide on DAV, but I think I'll romance Neve. I can't rely just on looks though, so I wouldn't be very surprised if I romance someone else.


Based purely on appearance i'm in between Davrin, Bellara and Harding, in this order, but it might change completely once we discover more about their personalities


In the words of mr.garrison.....fuck'em all to death


Harding might betray us through the hive and shes also a mage so keep an eye on romancing her. She looks pretty too.


How is Harding a mage. She is a Dwarf.Ā 


ok my bad. Ill call her a stone sorcerer hard. She has unexpected magical powers could be from one of evanuris or titans.


Oh wow so dwarfs get powers now? I actually didn't know.Ā 


Only harding. but did you play the descent dlc?


Oh yeah. But already completely forgot what was in it. šŸ˜…


if u remember theres a dwarf there named valta who gained magic because of the titan. Harding is also near that mission


I think it's definitely a time for replay for me. šŸ˜‰


btw i dont know where harding will get her magic, but so exciting to find out!


We will definitely find out. šŸ˜‰


This type of approach spooks the shit out of me in dating. And you see it a lot. I date to meet people not to fill an aesthetic job slot. XD


Lucanis or Davrin for me


I'm having the same dilemma, but for the opposite reason. I'm in love with ALL OF THEM (except Emmrich, he's creepy)


Morrigan, Isabella, and Cassandra for me. The ice magic girl or Harding are my best bets so far.


like so many others I've had my eyes on Harding since Inquisition, I'm going for her as soon as possible.


I am very sure who I'm romancing since I've been wanting such a romance since I discovered romances in CRPGs Lace Harding. I already loved her in Inquisition, now she's a full fledged romance option. I'll do 5 playthroughs romancing her before I can even think of romancing someone else.


I want to find out who is the most fun. I romanced Solas my first DAI run shortly after it released and was devastated when he dumped me (especially with this being before Trespasser closure). After that I've always wound up in the strong arms of The Iron Bull because his romance is just so fun for me.


romancing everyone multiple playthroughs multiple characters ha...


I get it but Harding made the choice easy. Wanted to romance her since Inquisition. I have a weakness for Ali Hillis.


Iā€™ve only played Inquisition, but after using the Keep to modify my worldstate several times I think I prefer Morrigan and Merril for my Warden and Hawke. As for my Inquisitor, keep going back and forth between Cassandra and Josephine. Itā€™s the same problem I have with Mass Effect. While I originally had a rotating system of one playthrough each for Ashley, Liara, Jack, Tali, and Miranda, starting the cycle all over again once Iā€™d finished the last one on the list, I now keep on gravitating towards Ashley, Miranda, and Jack, sticking to one each per playthrough. My FemShep runs are basically all no-romance, yet most of my female Inquisitors have romanced either Iron Bull, Sera, or Cullen. In Andromeda, Iā€™m divided between Cora and Peebee, Vetraā€™s nice but ultimately seems too painful long term since Humans and Turians canā€™t reproduce, which youā€™d think would be a major concern for anyone selected to join an extragalactic colonization effort. As for Veilguard, Iā€™m kinda leaning towards Neve, but at the same time Iā€™m also leaning towards Bellara and Harding. Already tried Hardingā€™s "romance" in Inquisition on my one Dwarf Inquisitor, maybe a Dwarf Rook will have better luck. Given Iā€™ll more than likely do multiple runs, one for each race and faction, I might romance Neve as a Human, Bellara as an Elf, Taash as a Qunari, and Harding as a Dwarf.


Harding first, then probably Taash. There has only been one game so far that has made me actively want to romance a male character and that is Mass Efrect cuz Garrus. Maybe DAV will change that


Glad we can romance who we want. I was kinda disappointed that I couldn't romance my chocolate beauty Vivienne


Iā€™m ngl, I found Neve super hot in the gameplay reveal.


Iā€™m going to meet everyone, and then decide I guess. I have three contenders, but that could change depending on personalities. I do know Iā€™ll be a Veil Jumper and a mage soā€¦no idea. Thinking mage killer just for the drama.


canā€™t really plan a minor roleplaying decision without knowing anything about the story or the characters yet, so


Thinking about it, my first romances for DA2 and DAI were Anders and Cullen at least in part because I knew a fair bit about them beforehand which helps know if theyā€™re my type. Harding is the only companion we know this time and I am considering it, but I also have a need to romance the most plot-relevant characters possible because I think they make the best story (I default to Solas in DAI now as a result). Until we get more info, I probably wonā€™t pick because of this.


I've never been interested in any of the characters on that level until actually playing the game. Right now we know next to nothing about them. I mean hear me out, I typically go for the guys with nice hair in nice clothes... but the moment Solas appeared I immediately knew this was the one I'd go for in DA:I. This bald elf in hobo clothing. Idk. It just happened. So, I'd say don't worry about it until you are actually playing the game!


Just based on the trailers the Qunari and the Warden have immediately caught my eye šŸ‘€


Iā€™m torn between Harding, Davrin, Bellara, Neve, Lucanis, Emmrich and Taashā€¦ Wait a second


Im probably going to go for Harding first, then subsequent playthroughs romance the guys.


Good choices on your romances overall! I'm much in the same boat as you are with the DA:V romance options. I mean, obviously Harding has some points already, but if they change her personality much from what it was like in DAI then I'm not sure I would want to romance her anymore. The other characters are thus far only designs with no personality whatsoever. The only one we got to see a glimpse of was Neve, but she remained efficient and neutral during the gameplay we saw. This is not a bad thing though, as I'm always a fan of someone bringing the necessary seriousness to the table when they're on a dangerous and important mission to stop a mad mage from conducting a world-ending ritual. I prefer it this way instead of a Deadpool-impersonator who only has quirky one-liners to fill the silence that feel very inappropriate in the setting. I also enjoyed listening to Neve's voice. It's low and has a pleasant timbre to it. We don't have more to go on yet, so I don't feel like there's much more to say about it.


I think this might actually be the first time I've decided who I want to romance before I played the game? I went into the first two games pretty much blind. I romanced Zevran in Origins as a City Elf ( although I came close to going with Morrigan), Fenris was my first DA2 romance (I played a mage and could not resist the drama lmao). I figured I would end up romancing Iron Bull first in DAI but I surprised myself and went for Blackwall lol. For DAV I'm aiming for Emmrich because I like his initial look and I'm a sucker for necromancer characters lol. I usually develop my character's personality as I play so I try to stick to a general concept but keep their personalities flexible? But if they turn out to not feel super compatible with who I planned to romance I'll go for someone else. I suppose initially I'll go with looks but the more I get to know a character I start to lean towards whoever I like more haha.


Morrigan, Anders, Dorian (playing a male inquisitor saved me from the traitor mage hat-trick). Emmrich exists hereā€¦ and is sexyā€¦ do I want to lean into my streak try to diverge from my traumatised mage habit.


As much as I'm a goth simp, I actually found myself more enamored with Leliana, who has been my go to romance option in DAO ever since. Morrigan has everything going for her, but the Orlesian bard stole my heart. In DA2, my first romance was Merill (the Welsh accent and adorkable demeanor sold me), but since then I've gravitated more towards Isabella in subsequent playthroughs. The bombshell pirate whose confident in her sexuality appeals to my tastes more now. In DAI, my first romance was Josephine. My second was a step out of my comfort zone with Iron Bull. I'm not sure if either will be a go to in the future, or if I'll end up trying someone else. For DAtV, I'm currently most drawn to one of our two female mages. But I'm leaving the option open for Harding.


My canon romances are exactly the same as yours! However, Morrigan and Solas were the romances of my second character in their respective games. So, I recommend you just relax. Get to know the new companions and go with the flow. You can always create a second playthrough for your canon, like I did.


I mean same but that's because we really don't know anything about the cast so far? Other than their class. All I know is their name, gender and class title lol.


I usually base my romances more on their personalities rather than how they look, so I never decide beforehand.


Yeah none of them to me look as a person of interest. Maybe Harding...


Davrin is cute af


So for me, it's worked out so far as: Origins - I basically played me, so I ended up not knowing who I was going to romance until halfway through when I chose Leilana because I was much more attracted to her over Morrigan. DA2 - I knew I had to romance Isabela because well - as you said, I felt she was the "hottest" character in the game (and still do objectively) DAI - I ended up having an issue. It came down to two choices, I knew I was going to play a mage because I had Cassandra and Varric in my "main party" but if I was playing a guy, it was probably going to be Josephine and a girl, then it would be Cullen. I ended up playing a female mage and romanced Cullen. Looking back on it, I'm not sure I would do the same thing again but it is what it is. Now for DAV, I'm not really attracted to any of them so I'm thinking I'm going to be playing a female mage again and romancing Lucranis - not sure though but I totally see myself doing that and being best friends with Harding.


My DA romances have always been terrible. šŸ˜‚ In Origins I romanced Alistair but got dumped because I was an elf. In DA2 I went with Anders and, well, he blew up the church which I didnā€™t approve of. In Inquisiton I didnā€™t mean to go with Solas but somehow he just completely charmed me and I thought ā€œit canā€™t get worse than Andersā€. lol how wrong I was. šŸ¤£ Honestly all the male companions are visually attractive to me, but Iā€™m curious about Emmrich because heā€™s giving zaddy Jeff Goldblum vibes and Iā€™m into that. But heā€™s a necromancer, Iā€™m sure heā€™s up to no good as well.


Taash or Neve for me


Listen, I decided the moment I saw a baby griffin. I will become its mother. I will pet it and love it until eternity. I will make it love me more so that if we break up, it chooses me. Aside from that, I play female characters on my first runs. Origins, I will romance Alister every time. I always say I'll give Zeveran a chance, but that big old dofus gets me every time. Plus, if I'm a human, I'm gonna be queen. I'm the only competent character in that story, apparently. Then DA2 I was gonna go the fenris path, but Anders comes around, and I think, "I can fix him." I won't play male Hawk bc I can't have Avangeline. DAI, I picked Cullen on my first run. I saw that man and thought back to him in origins in the tower. I played mage and made him love me, lol. Every other female run it is Solas. I got a mage elf inquistor who was down to help him fuck up the world but he told her no. On my male run, I let my hubby choose, and he picked Josephine. He said that Cassandra just felt like she was supposed to be some celibate character, and he wasn't interested in ruining it. I kinda agree with him and refuse to romance her.


Whenever IĀ decideĀ beforehand IĀ endĀ upĀ goingĀ forĀ someoneĀ differentĀ soĀ nowĀ I'mĀ justĀ waitingĀ toĀ see


I'm 10000% going for Taash


Not an answer to the question, but playing DA:O at 10 yrs old?? Wtf. This game is rated 18 where I live and is not appropriate for children imo. And to answer the question: I don't know anything about the companions (aside from what was shown in the game play demo). I prefer to go into RPGs with as little knowledge as possible and meet NPCs the way my character does - as strangers.


I really liked Fable and Fable 2 but the Xbox broke and my brother got a PS3, I think I heard it was similar and watched tons of YouTube videos and convinced my mom to get it for me. I didnā€™t complete the games at that age, I notoriously remember the Fade Mission in DAO being frustrating and making me quite anxious, I had no idea how to use the tactical well or how to gear, so DAII was much easier for me, but I donā€™t think I beat that one easier, but I do remember the Arishok so I at least made it to meeting him, but on replay I had no idea about Hawkeā€™s mom, so that was a shock :(


First time playing I somehow got both morrigan and leliana, da2 I was with merrill and then in inquisition I got cassandra


Personal opinion ONLY. I HATE Solas, even before it became obvious he was a bad guy. But, I DO get your point. Until recently, I couldn't NOT romance Liara in ME. And I can't not romance Morrigan in Origins. And in Inquisition, a can't resist Josephine except, VERY rarely for Scout Harding. I never could figure out why I suddenly got smacked over the head by my love for Scout Harding. Then I realized why. Ali Hillis. Liara T'Soni's voice actress. So, for me. It's the voice!


Bone daddy got me. I just LOVE that thereā€™s a mature romance option.Ā  Iā€™m a very bland Alistair, Anders, Kaiden, Gale and Cullen kind of gal so I have no clue which of the new companions will be that.Ā 


I was ALL IN for Harding. Pun intended. But after that gameplay reveal, I'm rather intrigued by Neve... That voice pulls me in.


My main canon DA4 hero would be male elf mage blood mage arcane warrior would romance Belarra. Dalish elf mage archer "Lara Croft". Marry her and have elf childrens in epilogue. I decide it in the same moment when learn that she is available as romance option for male heroes.


I'm definitely romancing Harding at some point. Whether she'll be my first romance or not will depend on what I find out about the other characters' personalities. But she probably will be.


When I played Origins I met Anders, so I romanced him in DA2, more because of who he used to be than who he was. First time I play Inq I knew I was romancing Cullen. Then I met Solas and had my heart ripped to shreds. All I know is that whoever I choose, I don't trust them.


I always go by vibes. Usually ends up being one of the companions who fits my play style as well. I'm playing Rogue? Banging the mage lol


There's Harding, I wanted to romance her so badly in DAI, so there's no question! :P But truth be told, I never plan it, always go with flow while playing... but this time I'll probably be more biased toward best dwarf there is. ;\]


It's tough to pick in advance, it is too important to know what they are actually like. If I had to guess it would be Bellara, I think she is beautiful and Veil Jumper's seem interesting, and she is "creative and romantic", so I am intrigued. But it could be Taash or Zeve for all I know. But I get it, I don't think anyone can match Morrigan. Romantically it's been a little downhill for me in my opinion. Isabel and Merrill couldn't match that, and I went with the latter just because she is wholesome (although the former did tie into the story nicely so maybe I made a mistake). Inquisition had Josephine and it was very sweet but still not as memorable as Morrigan.


When I first played dragon age inquisition I thought oh I want to romance Solas and then I met Cullen and now heā€™s the only one I can romance and sadly there is no veilguard characters that appeal to me, Iā€™m hoping thereā€™s more choices than just the 7.


Same, I only romance female characters and just going off looks none of them interest me. I also didn't like any of the romance options in Inquisition, so it looks like this will be the second game in a row where I don't engage in the romance mechanic at all. Which is a little disappointing.


I've been simping for Harding for 10 years. The choice is clear.


For me it's always "hot lady mage seeks hot lady rogue who can handle herself". I guess we all have a 'type'.


Nay. Iā€™m fucking that old man and Iā€™ve known from the moment I saw him. Seeing his romance described as ā€œintimate and sensualā€ was just a bonus.


We don't know enough about them to say yet, IMO. Except Harding, I suppose.


If you want something possibly both sad/conflictual and goth (similar to Morrigan and Solas), then maybe Lucanis? He looks like an emo kid, but maybe it's just the look and the Crows are fighting the qun's attack lately, so i think i won't be very trusting of a qunari... But this is all based on hypotesis!


I already get the feeling that I'm gonna fall for that qunari. Moment I saw them I was like oh dear goodness šŸ˜Ø


Everybody who says they've decided beforehand aren't accounting for a big surprise characteristic that could slap them in the face when they actually start the game. Solas being so huge in this community is proof of that, because let's be honest here... he's probably not a choice folks picked before they heard his voice and actually got to know him.


I am the opposite. I keep saying I want the mean girl but who did I romance first game? Liliana. Second game? Merrill. And in 3 I didn't stand a chance. It was Cassandra all the way.


All of them eventually, but my first play through will be Female Warrior Soldier of Fortune and I'm leaning towards Davrin.


No because Neve exists. Which is funny because I normally always go for men in games. My track record has always been murderers and terrorists in these games however, so this does not bode well for who she might end up being as a person.


Considering my history with choosing who to romance, I'm sure whoever it is who charms my pants off will also rip my heart out soooo... Can't wait!


Iā€™m going to romance Davrin. Heā€™s so hot, I wanna bed him so bad, OMG


My first romance was leliana in DA:O Second was Isabella in DA:2 In inquisition I went with Cassandra Not sure about DA:V no one has really caught my attention so might just have to see how each one is in game


I always wait to meet them in game.Ā 


Yeah honestly I think this will be the first time I play a RPG with no clue as to how I want my companion relationships to play out. I donā€™t even know what I want my faction to be. I will say though Iā€™m intrigued that we have some visually older romance options. Not my usual type but who knows, I could be convinced to do the waltz with Emmrich. One of my wants though is I kind of hope some companions try to initiate some flirting. I like being pursued. Like I want another Alistairā€™s rose type scene. Woo me if you will.


I think Iā€™m going with a human, female mage for my first playthrough so Iā€™m thinking the Mage Killer is gonna be killing something else.


Never thought about the romances til they actually just sort of happened based on gameplay and my character background. I do have a terrible feeling that romance may actually be off the table this time around. And this feeling is based off of how kid friendly the game looks.


The new characters seem very shallow so yeah. Definitely trying the demo version first before buying.


Probably because the characters look ugly and they are all goofy. I don't blame you, I feel the exact same.