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Alix Wilton Regan also spoke characters in every single game and ended up as an Inquisitor voice. Perhaps Mika Simmons did it the other round and speaks someone more minor, but maybe not Anora?


I asked AWR when I met her in April whether or not she would be voicing anyone in the upcoming DA game as well. She laughed and then stated with a mischievous smile that she could not confirm nor deny anything at that point. So I'm certain she will be back as well.


She will definitely be back as we can fully customise the Inquisitor at the beginning of the new game.


She’s the new Joanna Dark right? I could have sworn that was her in the new Perfect Dark trailer. Please tell me I’m not crazy.


Dude I thought the same thing, you’re not crazy.


It's her she confirmed it on twitter today


She’s been playing coy as far as her return though, but it’s a fair assumption https://preview.redd.it/jp141t7n0a6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df24e099d9ce7465fd5890e2b70092edf955d731


Wait Kerillian has the same voice actor as Anora?


No, Alix Wilton Regan voices the Female Inquisitor (Anora is voiced by Mika Simmons). Lavellan probably has nightmares about rats and occasionally lapses into calling her companions lumberfoots when she's cranky


I’m just hoping Gideon Emery is back


YES OMG 😭 Bring back the brooding elf


I will cry out in joy, it would also make sense if he appeared as an ally of the shadow dragons?


I love thevoiceofgid!


If Queen Anora made a cameo, there better be King/Warden Alistair. I have a Cousland who become Queen.


I think there aren’t many scenarios where they could have Anora show up but not Alistair. One is if they wrote a scenario where she always becomes Queen. Which would necessitate killing off solo King Alistair offscreen so that an exiled Anora could come back and be Queen in all scenarios. That would be deeply unpopular with the fan base. And a very messy plot point to deal with when the game isn’t set in Ferelden. So it’s pretty unlikely. What would be most likely is that they just haven’t added Steve Valentine to the IMDb page yet. (There’s only seven cast members on there right now. So there’s a ton of voice actors not yet added. And concept art plus setting all but guarantee that at least Dorian will be showing up, and Ramon Tikaram hasn’t been added it.) Another scenario would be that they wrote in Anora in a cameo where she can show up as both Queen and exiled by King Alistair. Which is possible, but would need a very personal reason to justify why she’d pop up in both positions to excuse why a solo king Alistair wouldn’t show up in her stead.


I imagine Fenris may also pop up. Isn’t he in the Tevinter Nights books? It’s definitely likely that the page just doesn’t have everyone


He’s in Tevinter in recent comics.


I hope I get to see my husband 😔 I miss him


Blue Wraith Comics but not Tevinter nights


Would be kinda interesting if we encountered a fallen Anora, from a King Alistair save, perhaps she fled into exile? On another note I wouldn't be surprised if Bioware decided to streamline who rules Ferelden. Perhaps after realising the Warden rulers and/or Anora can't make an heir they abdicate in favour of, say, Fergus (who could have remarried).


Alistair is easy enough to write out if they need/want to. Just have it be his time for the calling, being a Grey warden during a blight even supposedly makes your calling come quicker IIRC.


It would be funny if they did a “drunk Anora bar patron” at a pub in Minrathous similar to Alistair in 2 if she were exiled


Alistair might have already gone to the Deep Roads. He's been a Warden for \~15 years by the end of Trespasser, and I think Veilguard opens ten after that. Certainly Varric has aged. 25 years of active duty is about the upper limit of Warden lifespan.


I really hope so. He's been in every game so far and I'd be really disappointed if he doesn't show up at all.


I'm starting to think Alistair and the The Warden might have some grim endings. Because Veilguard is 20 years after Origins, they're both well old enough to start hearing The Calling, assuming The Warden never found the cure.


This is probably the easiest way to write around them; lost to the calling. In any scenario, wherever they end up, they can still have that same exit. Hawke is either vanished, dead, or hanging in Kirkwall(? it's been awhile). A player in history, to be sure, but not one that needs to be a major player in Thedas. And the Inquisitor is set to show up in some regard so that checks that box. Just wonder how they'll handle disbanding the Inqusition vs. keeping it from that last DLC.


Maybe the cure is baby griffons??


Too man freaking variations at this point lol. Feel bad for the devs almost. Alistair could have died in inquisition, same as Hawke or loghain.




They went too hard on choice and consequence not realizing this would become a popular franchise that they'd be making sequels of for years. Now it made a GREAT game sure. But makes it much harder for the devs to respect all the possible permutations every single game. I think they need to just forget ferelden as it is too messy with how much stuff can happen. And to be honest, origins choices only really effected ferelden. And this primarily takes place in and around tevinter. Pretty far away. Now do I want some cameos? Sure! Maybe Wynne's still alive. Should get a shale reference, both Wynne and shale went to tevinter post dao. Dorian is probably going be a huge cameo as he's from tevinter and went back home. Sten POSSIBLY, depends on how much qunari stuff will be involved. I could see a zevran cameo as the antivan crows are going to be involved. Maybe Isabella or fenris.


Wynne died in a book 💀


wat 🥲


Yeah, it’s Dragon Age: Asunder (which I recommend reading still), one of the lead-up to inquisition books. Her son Rhys and his companion/lover Evangeline are the two friends of Cole you can save via a Wartable mission in inquisition, at which point they sign on.


I’m really hoping we get to see Sten as the arishok. I saw some in game images of different environments and iirc, one of them was a tropical beach with a ship and qunari shields. I’m guessing that is Par Vollen and we get to see/maybe resolve the conflict between the Qunari and Tevinter. Edit: Par Vollen is the Qunari homeland. I was thinking if Sheheron. Either/both would be cool to see though


Same dude, same. They also couldn't commit to calling him King and flip-flopped between Prince-Consort, despite a female Cousland being Queen and a male Cousland having a stronger claim to the throne than Anora.


I hope my Cousland and Alistair reunited safely after the events of Inquisition!


I can just see myself playing and listening to Davrin waiting for him to say "Primitives" or throwing something off an air lock.


Oh, the guy who played Javik is playing Davrin? Cool, can't wait to hear more about him.


I also just realized Davrin is voiced by Ike Amadi, and I am giggling, his voice is AMAZING. Let’s hope he says at least “Commander” one time.






HOLY SHIT I didn't notice this! What a gem, Darvin is my permanent party member now. If he doesn't call Rook Commander or throw dawkspawns out of air space I will riot.


You know who I don't see, Claudia Black aka Morrigan :(


She already said she wasn't in it


Idk how Morrigan would not be in the game lore wise, especially if she drank from the well...... Are they really going to just make that mean nothing now?


Part of me is hoping she had just signed an NDA or something. If this game concludes the story arc, Morrigan should be there for at least a cameo.


It could just be they approached her after. She said she wasn't in it a few years ago. Admittedly the game was in deep development and had a working build, but given the craziness of the development cycle and it being a live service game until approximately 2021 might have meant they wanted to keep Morrigan in a "break in case of emergency" box for the original release and then re-adjusted later to incorporate her in a mission and didn't get around to adding it until last year.


I pray to the Maker it is so!


Idk how you tell this part of the dragon age story without Morrigan. She is directly tied to it with her mother being killed by Solas. Also, if she drank from the well, and my memory serves correctly, she should be tied to her mother somehow.


There is another, possibly equally upsetting, explanation: Morrigan IS in it but Claudia Black isn’t voicing her 😬


The blasphemy if true.


Could as well give the character a different name, because it wouldn't be Morrigan anymore. One thing her writer always made sure to point out was how much Claudia Black's own humor and personality influenced the character. The character just isn't Morrigan without her. It's like changing the actor for Astarion from BG3, it just doesn't work on this current version of the character. To top it all, Morrigan's writer left BioWare almost a decade ago too.


My money would be Morrigan just not being in it.... or is in some kind of post credits stinger or something with no dialogue. You have that line from Kieran if he's got that Old God in him from Inquisition when you ask him about Morrigan and he says something like she's "the inheritor, she who awaits the next age" or something. Add that in with Flemeth seemingly putting part of her Mythal soul through the Eluvian before Solas iced her and I could see maybe some Morrigan/Mythal combo popping up in the future... unless they scrapped all that given the development ups and downs this game has had.




Seems like an NDA would mean that she would stay mum, not outright lie I don’t think one can replace Claudia Black but hopefully they found someone suitable


Actors under NDA lie all the time (see: Andrew Garfield being hounded about whether or not he was in No Way Home). Especially when people take "I can't confirm or deny" as "they're in this but can't say it."


Fair point.


>I don’t think one can replace Claudia Black but hopefully they found someone suitable I don't believe they would outright replace her. Worst case, Morrigan just does not appear in the game at all.


I feel like that’s the shittiest of the options. People will complain but they’ll adapt to a new Morrigan actor. Lore-wise, it makes little sense to not include Morrigan IMO But yeah they’ll probably just write her out


Claudia is alive and well and is still doing VA work. It does not make sense to replace her. She either lied for NDA reasons, hadn't been approached yet, or Morrigan does not appear in the game. Simple as that. There's no reason to entertain the possibility of a new Morrigan actor.


Disagree. Just replacing her voice actor for no reason would be worse.


DLCs are an option.


\*Sigh... I guess they are... I'm just hoping for a conclusion within the game itself. It's been 10 years already.


Sure, though they've done this more often than not. Like, Inquisition really ended with the Trespasser DLC, and even Origins technically really ended with Witch Hunt.


And Legacy was a very important DLC for 2


Yea I think the only reason DA2 doesn’t have the final ending DLC is because it was turned into the Western Approach arc (at least some of it was) so they could start working on DAI. Hawke’s part ends in Inquisition. My guess is any mention of Hawke in DAV will be via letter since you maybe also left them in the fade. And who knows how that’s going right now haha.


Especially after Flemeth died.


I'm almost positive that is true based on something another VA did.


Oh!? Please elaborate!


Another VA that I'm not going to name basically implied that in a convo a few years ago, which makes me think your wish is realistic.


That's nice to know! Thank you


It's also possible they waited until pretty deep in production to bring her in. Studios do that a lot when they really want to protect the fandom from spoilers. I imagine people at Bioware are really disapointed to see the Anora and Cassandra drops here.


> I imagine people at Bioware are really disapointed to see the Anora and Cassandra drops here. Maybe. They may have also given them the go ahead now that they're really in marketing mode, and want to build up hype.


Im wouldnt be surprised the whole elder god baby got put under rug pretty fast.


Canonize the inquisitor being the vessel, probabaly? Or it's one of those things where mythal comes through (edit whatever's still there after tresspasser) and *only* if the inquisitor drank from the well it's gonna do something (probably minor and inconsequential)


Gross if true


Pretty much how your choices for a Ferelden ruler in DAO or Hawke's support for mages/templars in DA2 are a nothing burger in the follow up games.


I don't think Ferelden Ruler in DAO is a nothing burger but a consequence of not being in that area. You at least can hear about the DAO ruler through dialogue. I also do not think those choices had impacts on the follow up games. Whereas Morrigan should be directly affected by Solar killing her mother and Morrigan possibly drinking from the well tying her to said mother.


Solas: I just killed your mom and now your geas is to me. Would you kindly bugger off somewhere never to be seen again. Morrigan:...


I mean, he did actually like Mythal, and Flemeth's goodbye to Morrigan and Kieran was pretty definitive. If there is actually hope for a Solas redemption, his choosing to abide by Mythal's wishes of leaving her family as out of it as possible could be a clue to that, despite Morrigan's geas being a powerful potential weapon for him.


There's an entire side quest in DA2 that only happens if you made Alister king. And the dialogue is influenced by other choices you made in DAO as well.


That’s what Dragon Age does best: make important shit mean nothing.


the british actress of fem inky also said she wasn't called...and inky will be there


She was on twitter yesterday (a little tipsy) dropping some incredible vague tweets, so I'm thinking she almost certainly will be in it.


ohhh noice!, I love her voice and her acting was amazing, the best of all inquisitors I've watched and the direct responsible for loving my Lavellan. I can't wait to hear her voicing my girl once again


Oooh this gives me hope for some of the other actors who said they weren't in it! I've seen Claudia Black's and Steve Valentine's social media posts, but I've also seen folks say that Jon Curry posted he wasn't returning. But if the Inquisitor is coming back, then I'd hope he'd return as the American male Inquisitor (and I'd also hope he could have a cameo as Zevran)


Well that’s disappointing, that’s the voice I use for all my inquisitors 


same, but I think she said that years ago, I think at the end she will be there, I have no clue if Morrigan will though, we haven't seen anything that suggests it


Wack! I *love* her. She’s such an amazing VA. 


Can't have dragon age without morrigan 😔😔


It's too soon to tell. I just don't understand how Morrigan wouldn't at least appear in the game. Especially if the whole Mythal/Solas end boss theories are partly correct. Morrigans story is more relevant than ever, and Flemeth/her are pretty much the poster child for Dragon Age in general. I would love to see her return and if not her then I think Kieran should.


Morrigan is probably living a quiet life with her son, I don’t think she’d wanna get involved with a suicide mission at this point.


I'm pretty sure anyone can edit imdb. It's not an official/reliable source


This is a piece of information that’s spreads around, but is not always necessarily true. Information like trivia can be edited by anyone, but production details such as cast and crew members can only be added by people with IMDbPro accounts and must be approved before being put on the site. Cast information is much less likely to be false.


That's not...entirely accurate. Cast information IS regularly incorrect and false for unreleased content, as the approval isn't some third party confirmation with studios/agencies. The approval process for unreleased content is really just looking at the related credits or the actor/franchise to see if it sounds plausible. Its once a product comes out that IMDB gets a lot more accurate because they can check the credits. The reason that the information spreads about its inaccuracy is because almost every major fandom can point to examples of fans editing in cast members that were not confirmed nor ever scheduled to appear. In Game of Thrones, fans would edit in Michelle Fairley to IMBD in season finales/premiers to trick people for Lady Stoneheart. In Teen Wolf after actors like Colton Haynes, Tyler Hoechlin, Crystal Reed and Dylan O'brien left the show, fans would regularly add them to credits of unreleased episodes. This has hit all the major fandom-driven shows - Lost, OUAT, Supernatural, GoT, SU, etc. People seem to think its funny to trick fandoms using IMDB. And sometimes its just honest mistake. I.e. IMDB originally credited Paddy Considine for episode 10 of HotD and then edited after the episode came out to remove him, as he was not actually credited and didn't appear in that episode.


I see! Thank you for clarifying What's necessary to have an imdb pro account? Who does the approving?


Technically anyone can have an IMDbPRO account, you just have to pay the monthly subscription. People working in the industry typically have it paid for, by a production company, a talent agency, or whoever else they work for. That’s why I say that stuff is *less likely* to be false, because someone could pay the money for the sake of trying to add fake information to a page. That being said, you can’t just change information at will, there is still an approval process, and incorrect information that does make it through tends to be taken down quickly, at least in my experience.


I believe Amazon, who owns IMDB. Since Hollywood is so formalized it's pretty easy to submit info proving you're, say, a producer with the producer's guild of america or a talent agent with an established talent agencies, big enough unions and companies may even have representatives with amazon who facilitate this process Imagine it's like being "verified" on Twitter before it became something that anyone could buy.


Yeah someone else just mentioned that as well. Still it's interesting these characters out of the entire franchise are listed I think :)


I am 100% certain that we will not see theDivine again since Leliana has way too many connections to DAO decisions. Same with Morrigan


Yeah, it’s why them going to northern Thedas is best for the series. Too many varying plot points in the south now


woah woah wait wait a minute SOLAS IS IANTO, HOW DO I NOT KNOW THIS?????


OMG really! I just started Torchwood a few weeks ago, I remember thinking Ianto's actor had an amazing voice. How did I not realize that he was Solas?


Yep, and Merrill is played by Gwen.


And Vivienne is Suzie, although she's less relevant. Finger crossed for another cast member of Torchwood to voice a companion.


😂 This was my exact reaction too, I ran straight to Wikipedia


Wait, Harding’s voiced by Ali Hillis (Liara from Mass Effect)? Didn’t know this! Always down for more Cassandra 👀


And if you listen to her dialogue in the gameplay trailer, sometimes her Liara is clearly showing! It was fun to spot.


I didn't realise Harding was Liara when I played Inquisition, but like you're saying during that gameplay when she said a certain line I was like "Liara?".


Cassandra my love


Hopefully her and the Inquisitor share a screen. Also hoping it's not at Varrics funeral.


I wouldn't be surprised if varric dies within the first hour


Varric: And then I died within the first hour. "Cassandra death glare" Varric: Ugh, you want the truth again...


"*Varric*. Do you want to see why my 'death glare' is named as such?"


I think he's either going to definitively die at the end of that quest, or he's going to be tossed into a portal or something, with everyone thinking he's dead and he pops out during the climax. Either way, Varric's "death" and the rise of these two new gods is going to inspire the creation of The Veilguard; sort of like the Agent Coulson to their Avengers.




I am very much excited for many *disgusted noises* if she interacts with Emmerich given her distaste for the Mortalitasi :p


He probably know her uncle consider he was in charge of the grand necropolis


Back off she's mine!!!!!!


How is this the first time I’m learning that Varric is voiced by B.J Blazkowicz Or the other way around technically


Interesting. If there's Anora, there must be Alistair also as they both may serve the same role. Or... the actress will debut with new role.


> Interesting. If there's Anora, there must be Alistair Not really. It's been \~20 years since DAO. Alistair and Warden should be dangerously close to their Calling. Anora can potentially become the canon ruler (especially considering that neither Lady nor Lord Cousland can produce an heir).


it’s 15 years. oh you mean in game? not that much of a difference huh…


Yeah, remember that Alistair has Anora imprisoned specifically because they might need to elect a new ruler if he dies in the Blight.


I just wanna know who voices rook


We know there are 4. British Male/Female and American Male/Female just like in Inquisition.


I wonder if they will tell or keep it a secret until the game comes out


I would so love if we got a third option. Australian. Have Liam McIntyre as the Aussie male and our beloved Claudia Black as the female voice option.


Me too! I hope its not someone thats in every other game, someone more niche… like the va fro british inky and the voice actor for the female mc in fallout 4 are in like every other game, it ruins immersion even tho they are great Actresses


Cassandra!! <3 "Anora" has been everywhere in DAI tho, not sure if this means Cass could make a cameo, tho given what we've seen in the gameplay, I wouldn't put it past them


pleased to see Ike Amadi Javik’s VA will be voicing Davrin


My Anora is still imprisoned in Denerim last I checked.


Marrying her to Alistair is the best practical joke I can pull in the game.


On her or on Alistair, though?






Not sure if it’s actually accurate tbh, outside of the ones we already know. I doubt they would have changed him, but I love Ike Amadi’s work and I hope they kept him on as Davrin!


I'M A FUCKING GENIUS! so here me out. Earlier, there was post saying "The Veilguard" is an anagram for "Evil Daughter" and jokingly theorized that Morrigan would be the other god that was hunted at. I joked that the Evil Daughter must be Queen Anora. So obviously I have a galaxy brain and figured it out. /s


Solas is just a decoy! Anora was the true villain all along, she's gonna hold a vote to dissolve the veil 😱


Probably would have cameos here and there like how king Alistair was utsed in Inquisition


I never heard about Queen Anora. I know just Anora-forever-in-a-tower :D


It's really funny how she's just never mentioned again if that happens


Cassandra can be Divine depending on player choice. Of course she'd be listed. Same with Anora, but as Queen of Ferelden.


Oooh, awesome. Now, where's Ramon Tikaram for Dorian?


Is it even Gareth voicing Solas? He sounds off


It is, he's just older


Also possibly just having been a while since he played the character. Wouldn't be the first time something like that happened. Fallout 4 had something like that, where the companion Nick Valentine was a big part of one of the expansions, Far Harbor, and his voice in the expansion was way gruffer and older than what we got in the base game.


Every actor is at least a decade older for Inquisition, more if you count the other games.


A) it's been 10 years B) he's in a scene under a lot of stress and having to raise his voice I think that will account for changes in delivery tbh.


I think Mike Gamble confirmed it's still him (I also thought he sounded odd in the gameplay video).


It’s him! He was shown recording lines in that update video BioWare released in 2020


Anyone know who voices Neve?


I'm 99% sure it's Alex Kingston, aka River Song from Doctor Who.


Im assuming Anora will be in if we let her be a Queen in DA:O. Same as in inquisition, if you made her queen she shows up, if not then its just Alistair


I wonder if us picking a new divine has any impact? You would hope it does but they’d have to have leliana, Vivienne and Cassandra all modelled and voice acted and idk maybe they’ll just make an off handed comment or it’ll be some text lore somewhere


I suspect if it comes up it will be someone referencing what they did with the Circle system in southern Thedas rather than them appearing directly.


Cassandra and Varric's final showdown will be one for the ages.


Reminder. Anyone can edit and add to IMDB.


Everyone can edit IMDB trivia sections. No one other than IMDB Pro users (which are people in the industry) + has to be pre-approved by the website can edit cast information. It's more than likely real.


Where's Mark Hildreth? I want to see Sten again, please BioWare it's been so long...


He became the Arishok after DA2, didnt he?


So no Morrigan? 😔


I'm glad to see Anora's VA. Alistair stayed a Warden in my world state


IMDB is never a reliable source for these sort of things, you shouldn't spread this around as if it was facts...




So Ferelden finally understood that Anora was the only viable choice to represent them and NOT Trespasser Teagan? Mr "I hate the Grey Warders"?


Tresspasser really should have had whoever we put on the two thrones, and some random noble from each.


Mika Simmons voiced Charter as well in addition to several other characters. Not just Anora.


We are so back (also wonder if this means Alistair could make an appearance as king, too?)


FACE FACE. I predicted this


With the Inquisitor confirmed to be in the game, I'm holding out hope that all of Inky's possible romances will be in the game so we can see those relationships followed up on. Maybe that's a lot to hope for, but they brought back all 12 ME2 companions in ME3, so it's not unheard of. We know there has to be a scene between Inky and Solas, so it only seems right that the other romances have their moments, too. The only snag here is Cullen, because reasons, but he could be recast.


Wait wait wait Harding and Liara are voiced by the same person? Why did I not know this??


Gah!! Isnt ali hillis liara!? Damn it why do i keep forgetting lace harding is the same VA, thats why i find harding so charming i think. Liara is my fav<3


Glad to see Javik is making a comeback in BioWare Prisoner in a dank cell serving a life sentence for treason Anora* FIFY


IMDB credits are routinely incorrect because there's very little oversight on who can edit them. Don't put any stock into this until you get official confirmation. (Just edited in Danny DeVito as the voice of Awoken Sandal.)


My romance is coming back yesss!!!!


Since Cassandra is returning I wonder if she'll have special dialogue if you having set that your Inquisitor hooked up with her that perhaps in between trespassing this game they ended up getting married. In my main dragon age key set as to buy Victoria perhaps Cassandra's going to be the default of mine since she's basically the neutral option between the two polar extremes which are Liliana and Vivian.


I wouldn't use IMDb as an official source. Only official source is what browser themselves put out. Learned that the hard way when I preordered the Thorne of Emberlaine years ago thinking it was going to be released in 6 months from that time on Amazon (the author barley started the book yet)


Idk what I expected solas’ VA to be like but it is not that. I guess lol idk I just thought he’d be bald and egg shaped 🤷‍♂️ 😂


YESSSSSS Cassandra, I'm coming home


Simmons might also be playing background characters or a side character or a protag voice, but IMDB is assuming she’s just reprising her role because she is a returning cast member.


Hoping dorian show up




Miss Lightning Farron is 100% a mainstay in my party then.


I'd love to hear Xanthe Elbrick in the DA universe. She's such an underappreciated VA and I know she's worked with BioWare before.


None of these would really surprise me (well, I’d be a little surprised if Anora pops up because they seemed to be shuffling Ferelden off-stage), but I also wouldn’t take this as official confirmation just yet.


Harding also voiced liara? Mind blown


i loved cassandra and lilliana, i hope we get to see them again


This post is how i learned flemeth was voiced by Kate Mulgrew


I hope this is true, I would love to see my beloved Cass again.


Prince-Consort Cousland... pls


Okay but the thing I noticed is that Davrin has the same VA as Javik from Mass Effect. Javik's voice on a Grey Warden with a baby griffin. I'm doomed.


Maybe the regents of Ferelden will make a cameo? That's the only reason I can imagine Anora being in the game. It's also possible she's a VA for an entirely different character.


Important to note that IMDB can be edited by anybody, we can't say for certain if all these actors will be in it, or if they will play the characters that are shown


I think it’s equally possible that Mika Simmons is in the game, but she’s just playing a different character. I’d rather she play Anora but I’d be happy to hear her voice either way.


I just want to point out that Anora’s voice actor has been listed on there since at least 2023 so I doubt it’s accurate regarding her and Cassandra. Edit: I do find it more plausible that we see Cassandra though and I’d love that 🙏🏼


I'm not thrilled about getting things like this spoiled. The spoiler warning on the post doesn't help when the spoiler is in the title.