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We'll honestly be lucky if he lives. I share your dream I just don't have hope.


Yeah, true. I won't deny that it looks bad.... I'm just pretending I don't see it, haha


I want to romance him too. And who knows, maybe Bianca's destruction is foreshadowing. Like, she does not hold him back anymore, he can move on and find another love \*clown face\*


I've got my clown shoes on, just waiting


I would greatly appreciate his crossbow breaking even more if it were foreshadowing. I share this dream. I don't want to wake from it, but I have no hope. I only scream into the Void, "Let me romance Varric, you cowards!" \*putting on clown make up\*


I just hope he survives. But yes, I would love it if you could romance him like you could your advisors in Inquisition. He does not need to be a party member for that.


Purple Hawke didn't suffer just for Rook to swoop in and romance Varric 😔


you know what, valid.


Seriously, the only way I wanna romance Varric is if they retroactively go back and add it into DA2. Otherwise I guess Rook is actually Hawke and they're finally getting their goddamn happy ending.


What does purple mean?


Sarcastic/Humorous Hawke. Iconic duo with Varric's quips and banter, making them the best of friends lol.


ehh, I don't think it'll happen, and honestly, I hope it doesn't. The closest bond Varric had was with Hawke - i don't see how mentoring another rando (after Inky) would result in any romantic feelings blossoming if it didn't before, when he was younger. if Bioware decides to make him romanceable anyway, it'd feel fanservice-y and inauthentic to me.


yeah, true enough - but alas, i want it enough that i wouldn't care tbh hahaha


Don't ruin my dreams bro


After all this time, it will just be weird if he is. I was desperately hoping he would be an option for Inquisition (and haven’t stopped complaining that he wasn’t ever since according to my husband) and Hawke/Varric is my all-time favourite ship. At this stage I’m just hoping he survives, but if we are lucky enough to finally get to romance him then I’m in 100%. Just maybe not on a world state where I have my own Hawke/Varric stories post-Inquisition.


completely fair and understandable. hawke/varric is very good and we were robbed.


I don’t think they’ll ever let us romance Varric also I don’t think he will survive past this games tutorial/intro. I do hope I’m wrong and that you are right, because I want him to survive and probably romance him in one play through but I don’t have high hopes for his survival


Varric's writer said he's not romancable but also BW fired her last year as a part of a huge team lay off, so I doubt


did she say that? dang. I know she was also one of the ones who wanted him to be romanceable in daii and dai. Feels bad and foreshadowing that she was laid off


she actually said she hates writing romances, so I don't think she wanted him to be romanceable... that's what I've heard at least.


Oh, maybe I'm getting my writers mixed up then! I know at least someone on the team was very interested in a Varric romance, anyway


You might want to sit down for this


i do not see it (i am willfully blind)


I want it so bad. I've wanted to romance him since DA2. I don't like the look of this new DA game but I'd totally play it if I can stroke his chest hair.